Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 98 Garp Supports Sanji, East Blue, Covered By Laozi! [Kneeling For Full Order And Customizat

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh?!!! Sanji really left us and is going to get married?!!!】

【Nami: How did this happen? Why did he agree to that guy's conditions, obviously we can escape together!】

【Brook: What did the man with the gun in the video say to Mr. Sanji?】

【Usopp: Obviously Sanji didn't intend to go with the other party at the beginning, and only changed his mind after hearing what the guy with the weird gun said~!】

[ Nico Robin: If nothing else, it should be some - threatening words. 】

【Franky: But, everyone has already experienced the Enies Lobby incident together. Is there anything else that can threaten Sanji?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hey! Sanji! You must not go with them! Even if you go, I will definitely go and bring you back!】

【Roronoa Zoro: This idiot cook, don't you understand that you can't disembark without the captain's order?】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: I told you guys, don’t be so excited, didn’t I already leave a note in the video? I promised to come back, and I didn’t leave without saying goodbye!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, you guys are really naive. If you want to marry my daughter, then you will be a member of my aunt pirates. Do you think you can go back? ?】

【Charlotte Perospero: That's right, our Big Mom Pirates is not a place where you can come and go if you want!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hmph! If that's the case, then I'll beat you all up first, and then get Sanji back!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, you really are a brazen brat. Before that, you said you wanted to beat Kaido, but now you say you want to beat my old lady, you brat, do you know what is the gold content of Four Emperors?!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Four Emperors? So what! Just knock all of you away, so I can become One Piece!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ What an ambitious little guy~】

【Shanks: Haha, Luffy, I'm waiting for the day when you surpass me

【Kaido: Heck! I don’t think you can wait until that day. This kid must have died in my hands, or in Linlin’s hands!】

Video continues—

After Sanji was taken away by Bege, he boarded the pirate ship of the Big Mom Pirates - Queen Mother Singing.


Start heading to the base camp of the Big Mom Pirates——Wan Guo!

On the deck of the Queen Mother Singing, Sanji leaned against the side of the ship, looking at the sea in the distance, silently smoking a cigarette.

This is, the negotiator "Strange Gun" Werther of the Flame Tank Pirates suddenly came from behind, holding a photo in his hand.

"Cake Island sent a photo of Mr. Pudding, it's to make you mentally prepare in advance."

"I know it's a bit too much to let you get married after meeting for the first time, and it's a good intention."

Werther approached Sanji while talking.

Sanji didn't look back, still looking at the sea in the distance, and replied with a displeased face:

"It's the same no matter how many days in advance, idiot!"

"Who wants to marry this!"

Hearing this, Werther was not annoyed, and continued walking towards Sanji.

"Hehe, it's okay to just look at it."

Sanji yelled angrily again: "Troubleshooting! Don't come here, I'll kick you to death!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and glared fiercely at Werther.

However, when he looked at the photo that Werther was holding in his hand, he was suddenly stunned.

Above that photo is a girl with good figure and lovely long brown hair.

With just one glance, Sanji was deeply attracted by the other's beauty.

Heart beating wildly, blood spurting.

The eyes of the whole person seemed to be sucked in by that photo.

His eyes immediately turned into peach hearts again, showing the appearance of Brother Pig, an idiot.

【Usopp: Hey! Sanji, you've changed your face too quickly, haven't you?!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: In the last second, he was talking viciously about who wants to see that kind of photo, but in the next second, he can't wait to close his eyes and put it on that photo】

【Brook: Yohohohoho~ She is indeed a very cute girl, no wonder Mr. Sanji can't hold it~】

【Roronoa Zoro: Hehe, as expected, this lecherous kappa can't last more than three seconds in front of women~】

【Franky: Huh? Zoro, why do I feel that your sentence is a pun?】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: You green algae head, let Laozi kick your mouth out again!】

【Charlotte Perospero: Judging from Sanji's reaction, his marriage with Miss Pudding should be stable~~

【Charlotte Cracker: Hehe, no matter what his reaction is, his marriage with Miss Pudding is stable. Don’t tell me, big brother, do you think he can still resist our Big Mom Pirates?】

【Charlotte Perospero: Haha, indeed~】

The video continues——

Soon, Sanji arrived in Wan Guo.

He was first taken to meet his fiancée Pudding.

When we met, Pudding was very gentle and understanding.

Sanji is also very satisfied with Pudding, full of good feelings.

The two got along very happily, and Sanji also gave Pudding a lot of cooking methods.

However, he finally made up his mind and said to Pudding:

"Although I really want to marry you, I can't.

"I want to... go back to my partner!"

Pudding also expressed his understanding and support for this.

Subsequently, Sanji was under the leadership of the Big Mom Pirates.

Came to the Germa 66 Castle moored in the Sea of ​​All Nations.

Here, he learned the truth about the political marriage between the Charlotte family and the Vince Mo Ke family from Chanzhi.

And said that he would never agree to get married.

Yongzhi was very displeased with his attitude, so he wanted to teach Sanji a hard lesson as before.

The result was easily defeated by Sanji.

【Vince Mo Ke · Yuji: What's the situation?! I was actually defeated by that trash?! It's impossible!】

[Vince Mo Ke Niji: Hehe, Yuji, it seems that your strength is still too weak, and you will lose to that kind of failure. 】

【Vince Mo Ke·Judge: Yuuji, you represent the face of our Germa Corps. It’s a shame that you lost to Sanji!】

[Vince Mo Ke·Yongzhi: Hmph! I must have lost to him because I was too careless! How could I not beat such a trash?! Absolutely impossible!]

[Vince Mo Ke Judge: It seems that some strengthening of your exoskeleton is necessary. 】

The video continues——

After defeating Yuuji.

Their father, Vince Mo Ke Judge, approached Sanji again.

And proposed to have a duel with the other party, wanting to teach the returned rebellious son a good lesson.

During the battle, Sanji couldn't bear to attack the soldiers that Judge used as a human shield.

Thus defeated in the opponent's hands.

After the defeat, Sanji's hands were also put on special bracelets.

As long as he tries to escape in vain, this pair of bracelets will explode directly, completely destroying his hands.

This is undoubtedly a great confinement and bondage for Sanji, who is a chef and regards his hands as his life.

Immediately afterwards.

Not long after, the eldest son, Iji, and the second son, Niji, of the Vince Mo Ke family, who had been fighting abroad, also returned.

So, the Sanji family all sat at the dining table to eat at the same time after a long absence.

During the meal, Niji and others did not forget to taunt Sanji from time to time.

But Sanji didn't care about that.

However, when Niji put down the cutlery, there was still a lot of food left on the plate in front of him.

Sanji spoke.

"Niji, you have leftovers, eat them all."

Hearing this, Niji was obviously taken aback.

"You said this......

"I don't want to eat, don't eat."

"And I just ate a load of chocolate, and these sauces look awful, gooey and disgusting.

"Stuff like this should go in the trash!"

Hearing this, Sanji's tone became a little colder, and his expression became gloomy.

"Eat it!"

"You idiot prince who doesn't understand the preciousness of ingredients and the hard work of cooking!"

Sanji's words also made Niji fly into a rage instantly.

"Asshole! How dare Sanji order me to insult me?!"

"Call me the chef, Cosette!"

Following Niji's order, the head chef Cosette ran over tremblingly.

Niji looked at the female chef in front of him, and angrily said:

"It's because you made such an unpalatable dish that my brother made me feel bad!"

Hearing this, Let Te Lima apologize nervously.

However, Niji didn't care about it, and directly picked up the leftover food on the plate and raised his hand.

"Well, just stand still, Cosette!"

As he said that, he directly smashed the plate in his hand with the food at Cosette.

With the strength of Niji's Germa-reformed human, if this hit hits, Cosette, who is an ordinary human, will definitely be seriously injured.

But even so, Cosette just closed her eyes tightly and remained motionless, not daring to disobey Jiji's order at all.

Fortunately, at the critical moment when the plate was about to hit her.

A hand reached out and took the plate firmly.

Sanji looked at Niji angrily, and roared:

"You bastard, are you going to leave a scar on the lady's face?!"

After finishing speaking, he squatted down to pick up the food that fell on the ground, tasted it, and praised Ahante.

Seeing this, Niji also felt more and more upset, and wanted to attack Sanji.

But it was stopped by Judge.

Niji looked at Sanji fiercely and said:

"You are such a disgrace to the Vince Mo Ke family."

Sanji replied mercilessly:

"Belonging to this family is a real shame for me!"

"Idiots who have no respect for food, men who beat women, and those who don't treat their subordinates as human beings are the dignity of the royal family!"

"Everything about you is against my principles!"

Hearing Sanji's words, Judge, who had been sitting upright on the main seat, suddenly said:

……ask for flowers……

"It's really nonsense. It was wrong in the first place, and it's even more wrong now."

"Could it be that all of this was influenced by this man?"

Speaking, Judge slowly took out a photo and showed it to Sanji.

And when he saw that photo, Sanji froze in place like a chicken.

On top of that photo is the boss Zhepu who is like a benefactor and father to Sanji!

"Auntie's intelligence ability is even stronger than the rumors


"It is said that you have been staying in this guy's shop until two years ago, right?"

"The specific location of the sea area has also been checked. This photo was taken recently."

"Sea Restaurant, Bharati!"

As Judge spoke slowly, the expression on Sanji's face became worse and worse.

"If you really refuse to be honest and obedient, I can threaten you with something, right?"

"For example, words like 'I don't want this guy's head anymore'..."

"Just do it for yourself, don't do stupid things."

"You should be very aware of our mobility."

"Stop making unnecessary resistance, give up your partner, and accept this wedding with Pudding."

"In that way, the day and night will be complete."

After saying this, Judge and the others left directly.

Only Sanji was left in a daze, with an extremely complicated and gloomy expression on his face.

【Monkey D. Luffy: I finally know why Sanji left with those guys. It turned out that those guys were threatening the life of the owner of the sea restaurant!】

【Usopp: Damn it! How shameless!】

【Roronoa Zoro: With the strength of Bharati and the chefs, it is impossible to stop the attack of Germa's army. If the opponent really wants to attack them, they can



【Nami: For Sanji, threatening Bharati's safety is much more difficult than threatening us!】

【Franky: What a group of sinister and vicious guys!】

【Brook: So, Mr. Sanji was willing to be taken away by the Big Mom Pirates in order to protect those people?】

【Nico Robin: This should be a very difficult choice for Sanji. 】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Damn! Boss Zhepu and Bharatti are used as threats......】

【Vince Mo Ke·Judge: Hehe, this is what I told you before, the disadvantages of those useless feelings!】

[Vince Mo Ke Yizhi: It is precisely because you have these boring and cowardly feelings that we will catch your weaknesses and handles. 】

【Vince Mo Ke Niji: And our Germa Legion has completely abandoned these feelings, and it has become stronger because of it!】

【Vince Mo Ke·Yongzhi: Hehe, you failure, you should understand our strength by now, right?!】

【Zhepu: Sanji, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that I would become your burden in the end...】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Boss Zhepu......Don't say that, those guys are too despicable!】

【Monkey D Garp: Zhuo! These bastards from Vince Mo Ke's family are really shameless. They actually threatened the family of Luffy's partner! Laozi really can't stand it anymore!】

【Monkey D Garp: Hey! That little guy named Sanji, don’t worry, East Blue is a territory guarded by me.

It is absolutely impossible for the old man to sit idly by when people do it!]

【Sengoku: Garp! Why are you meddling with pirates?!】

【Monkey D Garp: Hmph! I hate bastards who threaten their families the most. I'll take care of this! As long as the guys from Germa Legion dare to come to East Blue, I don't mind

Let them often Laozi's Iron Fist!]

【Monkey D. Luffy: Grandpa, are you going to protect Boss Zeff and the others? That's great!】

【Vince Mo Ke· Sanji: Is Luffy’s grandfather, Vice Admiral Garp? I’m really grateful!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Luffy's grandpa is so handsome!】

【Nami: That's great, Sanji shouldn't have to worry about Bharati's safety this way, and this kind of thing won't happen again in the future!】

【Usopp: Phew~ It was really a false alarm~】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Mr. Garp is Haki~】

【 Kuzan: It's really admirable, Vice Admiral Garp. 】

【Sakazuki: Hmph! Just a nosy old guy!】

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hahahaha! I didn't expect you, Garp, you old guy, to come forward to support these little devils~】

【 Shiki: Jiehahahaha! East Blue will be called the weakest sea, but thanks to the old guy Garp, a small Germa family dares to fight East Blue

The idea? It’s awesome!]

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la ~ After Garp’s words, those guys from Germa’s Legion may not dare to deal with those sea creatures even if they borrowed a hundred of their guts.

The restaurant has started~]

【Shanks: This can be regarded as solving one of the worries of Luffy and his group~】

【Vince Mo Ke·Judge:......had】.

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