After the crisis of Yujue Immortal Boat was resolved, the legendary story of Yunshang Wuxi did not fade away with time.

Instead, it became more and more popular.

One day, in Luofu Immortal Boat, in Linyuan Realm, in front of the stone tablet engraved with the history of the Immortal Boat, the five people gathered together.

Because they monitored the appearance of the Fengcao Alliance, the originally long vacation was interrupted.

Before leaving, the five people decided to come to this stone tablet forest full of the history of the Immortal Boat to take pictures and commemorate the old friends.

“The damned coalition”

“If it weren’t for them, we could have had another month of rest.”

“Tomorrow, we will utterly annihilate the Rich Alliance forces!”

“Then come back for a good meal!”


Under the stone tablet, the lively and lovely fox girl Bai Heng said with full energy


“Okay, Bai Heng, just do whatever you want to do.”

“We are about to go to Xingcha.”

Jing Yuan also smiled and whispered.

The Five Heroes of Yunshang.

It has been decades since they fought side by side.

The short-lived Ying Xing is already gray-haired.

The five people stood in front of the camera.

Bai Heng posed with a girlish vitality.

Jing Liu was on the side, with a relaxed face and a smile on his lips, pouring the wine glass down to commemorate his deceased compatriots.

Jing Yuan did not drink, but just smiled at the camera.

Dan Feng stood behind with his arms folded across his chest, but his face was blocked by Ying Xing’s arms.

The white-haired Ying Xing, holding a wine glass, had a dazed look in his eyes, but he didn’t know what he was thinking.

With a click.

A photo full of warmth and sunshine was taken.

It was presented in front of the camera.

The audience who had already followed the Five Heroes of Yunshang and experienced many battles.

Seeing this beautiful picture at this moment.

They couldn’t help but be moved.

: Jing Yuan and Dan Feng are so handsome, and the two of them standing in the back without drinking are also very cute!

: Teacher Jing Liu is so beautiful, it’s the first time I’ve seen such a gentle expression, it’s really charming!

: Miss Bai Heng is so full of energy! She is lively and cute, and she binds everyone together tightly. The Yunwu family will fall apart without Bai Heng.

: Ying Xing has grown old… with white hair.

Just when the audience was immersed in this warmth.

A flame suddenly ignited the entire photo.

The sudden change startled the audience.

As the flames devoured the photo.

Behind the photo, the originally sunny Luofu suddenly turned blood red.

The sounds of crying, weapons, and the roars of the rich evil creatures.

The fairy boat Luofu has become a cruel hell.

“The Cloud Cavalry must not retreat!”

“”Hold on!

Hold on!

” Tens of thousands of evil creatures attacked from all directions in Taibusi.

There were only a few thousand Cloud Cavalry troops guarding this place.

But facing the sea of monsters, the soldiers fought hard and guarded the key roads of Taibusi.

Every step forward of the monsters was accompanied by heavy casualties.

However, the Cloud Cavalry was even more heroic.

The long bridge from Liuyundu to Taibusi was covered with the corpses of Cloud Cavalry.

Gongzaosi, as the place where the Cloud Cavalry was equipped, suffered the focus of the evil creatures.

At this moment, it was almost lost.

A part of the Cloud Cavalry blocked the gate and stopped the monsters with their lives.

The rest of the small group took the craftsmen and retreated to Dandingsi and Linyuanjing.

Groups of craftsmen looked at the sky that had been burned red by the flames, and their tears kept flowing.

They were escorted away and wailed.

Their families and loved ones, at this moment, did not know where they were and what their fate would be.


“We can’t hold on any longer!”

A Cloud Rider sergeant said with a choked voice, pulling his companions who kept looking back.

At the end of the sight, the Cloud Riders who were defending the Industrial and Manufacturing Division to buy them time had been overwhelmed by the monsters.

When the last person was surrounded by the monsters, a roar rang out.

“We, the Cloud Riders, swear to be like clouds blocking the sky and protecting the Immortal Boat!”

Amidst the rumble, a violent explosion occurred.

The Industrial and Manufacturing Division was set on fire, and the explosion caused by a large number of weapons turned thousands of monsters into ashes.

This section of the road was also blown off, which could at least buy everyone a few more hours.

The area bordering the Danding Division and Changletian was full of burning houses.

Dozens of Cloud Riders and more than a dozen Dragon Lord guards were desperately facing an enemy that was ten times their number.

Behind them were hundreds of Immortal Boat people and Chiming people who had just been rescued.

But they themselves were no longer able to escape.

But no one wanted to retreat anymore.

Because around them, there were Immortal Boat people whose vitality had been devoured by the abundant evil creatures.

Holding The child’s mother.

The doctor carrying the patient on his back.

The Chiming doctor who tried to protect the child behind him before dying.

It was Shuhu!

The life force absorbed by these evil creatures will eventually return to Shuhu’s body.

The Dragon Lord guards fought desperately and burned everything. The Yunqi warriors rushed into the ground formation without hesitation.

The camera pulled away.

This small group of warriors was like a spark, being drowned by the vast ocean of abundant evil creatures.

But even if they would turn into ashes, they would sweep the ashes into the eyes of these evil creatures before they died.

These tragic war scenes, through the screen and special effects.

All the audience were breathless.

: No! Where are the five heroes on the cloud? Damn, I really want to cry when I see Yunqi cut off his own retreat!

: Damn! Mihuyou! Where is the space comedy you promised! Where is the comedy here?

: Woohoo, it’s no good, the armor is broken directly.

: Someone come to save me!

: I’ll just join the hunting patrol! Let me in! I’m going to kill these evil creatures too!

The audience’s comments were all over the place.

Heartache, anger, despair.

They seemed to experience this cruel war through their perspective.

The scene changed.

They arrived at the main battlefield.

The center of the Xingcha Sea, which had been rooted by a terrifying giant tree.

The Envoy of the Order of Abundance suddenly spread his terrifying branches, absorbing the vitality of the people of the Immortal Boat from everywhere.

Thousands of different faces appeared on the tree.

Some were twisted, some were in pain, and some were expressionless.

They watched all this silently.

Just as At this moment, below Him, the Cloud Riders were surrounded by the abundant evil creatures that covered the ground.

In the sky, a large number of shuttles flew through, colliding with the warships of the Wing Makers and self-destructing.

Among the thousands of faces, there was a face that was drinking and closing its eyes.

It was Xue Yi.

She could not resist the magnificent existence, but she was also powerless to watch her compatriots die.

Until this moment, a burning giant sword fell from the sky.

The man in heavy armor roared and rushed towards Shuhu.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) And Shuhu also spread out its branches and tightly wrapped this old enemy in mid-air.

“Every time I overcome death, I feel great joy.”

Zhi Ganjian smiled and said,”Teng Xiao, what are you going to use to kill me this time? I am looking forward to it.”

“Use myself.”

Teng Xiao said calmly[]

At this moment, in the picture, thousands of thunders suddenly appeared from the sky.

The God appeared, holding a huge blade, and pierced through the earth from top to bottom!

This blow.

The immortal boat was shaken, and the earth was torn apart.

The superb special effects showed the power of the God to the fullest.

: Damn! God! What’s going on, could it be the general of the previous generation!

: The general sacrificed himself and let the God pierce him and Shuhu together!

: Shuhu must be dead this time!

Teng Xiao’s sacrifice, the power of the God.

The audience widened their eyes.

Waiting for the dust to settle.

But when the smoke dissipated.

The tree was indeed gone.

On the ground, there were many twisted fragments scattered, and those fragments still retained personal consciousness.

I don’t know when the creatures were swallowed by Shuhu.


Above the sky.

A huge meat ball is constantly twisting.

“”I’m sorry, you didn’t please me this time.”

The meat ball laughed evilly.

But just as the words fell, several extremely cold chills came from the horizon, and in the blink of an eye, they cut into Shuhu’s flesh and blood.

It was Jingliu.

As a support force, the five brave men on the cloud.

According to Teng Xiao’s order, in despair, as the last trump card of the fairy boat, they launched a desperate charge against a envoy!

Jing Yuan, Dan Feng, and Ren.

Everyone had a bottomless murderous intent and anger.

However, facing the envoy, the attacks of the four people could never hurt Shuhu.

In this desperate battle,

Dan Feng went crazy.

He turned into a giant dragon with bared fangs and claws.

With his breath, claws, and anger, he fought desperately with this twisted meat ball in the sky.

But this twisted meat ball was the messenger of the God of Life.

Dan Feng not only failed to suppress Shuhu, but his own injuries became more serious, and he was almost dying..

In this dying hallucination.

Dan Feng saw a strange picture, and suddenly showed him the future of the universe, the stars sang like red blood cells, and the universe fell into the abyss of desire and flesh.

Long Zun rejected such a future.

His dragon heart beat hard, raised his claws, and attacked again.


Whether it was him, Jingliu, Jingyuan and Yingxing.

They could not defeat the envoy who killed Feng Yao.

Until, a star raft sailed out from the explosions and warships in the sky, as if it wanted to stab Shuhu. However, the star raft, which was already scarred and covered with flames, had exhausted everything to break through the encirclement.

When the star raft fell near Shuhu.

A girl struggled to climb out of the ruins and thick smoke.

It was Bai Heng.

The lively and lovely girl, now her face is covered with dust and blood.

She looked at the sky that blocked out the sun. Shuhu raised the thing tightly in her arms high.

There was no hesitation in Bai Heng’s eyes.

She just stared at the black sun and Shuhu behind him.

Watching with her.

And at this moment, there were tens of millions of viewers.

And everyone in the screening room.

All the sounds became silent at this moment.

The next second.

The entire screen was left with only white.

In this moment that was as fast as eternity.

Dan Feng, Ying Xing, Jing Liu, Jing Yuan.

Four pupils appeared on the screen.

They watched Bai Heng’s hand disappear, watched her face disappear, watched her disappear completely.

Until the unknown black sun devoured everything around it, including Shuhu’s flesh and blood.

Pure white.

It lasted for a full two seconds.

Then it gradually faded away.

The sky that was originally covered with blood color has turned into blue sky.

The bright sunshine Just like when the photo was taken that day.

Full of hope.

Where Bai Heng was originally, only a few strands of hair and a few drops of blood mixed with soil were left.

The girl who brought them hope, left only these.

Jing Yuan no longer had the wisdom he once had on his face. He leaned on the formation knife inserted into the ground and stared blankly.

Jing Liu held the long sword, his eyes were filled with pain and sorrow.

Dan Feng lost his dragon form and collapsed on the ground, but tried his best to look up and look at where Bai Heng was.

And Ying Xing clenched his fists tightly, stared at the hair floating in the sky with wide eyes, not daring to blink.

He was afraid that if he blinked, the last trace of Bai Heng’s existence would disappear with the wind.

Died suddenly.

He should be dead.

Because except for a few pools of flesh and blood, there was no trace.

The shouts and screams brought by the counterattack of the Yunqi Army behind him were getting closer and closer.

Then none of the four moved again


: Mi Huyou, you deserve to die! Why the hell did you create Fengrao all day?

: Wuuuuuu, my armor is all over the floor.

: Will you win? How could you win! I lost, my Bai Heng! Fuck.

: I am really going to cry, seeing the beautiful girl die so miserably, I am so unconvinced! On what basis!

: I declare that Mi Huyou and Fengrao have committed a capital crime! The crime is to make the beautiful girl die without a complete corpse!

: Fuck, I won’t watch it anymore, this drama is unbearable!

: Ahhhhhhh! Please,���It can’t be like a rubbish drama, where Bai Heng has to say a few more words before dying!

: I now hope that Bengtie can be like Guoyu, and let Bai Heng die slowly. If he dies all at once, I’m really heartless!

: I’m crying like crazy, it’s too heavy.

The bits and pieces about Yunshang Wuxiao and Bai Heng’s innocence and cuteness made everyone feel as if they saw what March 7th looked like.


Everything was wiped out with these few seconds of white screen.

When you see beautiful things disappear.

Everyone will feel very uncomfortable.

When you see beautiful things die without a complete corpse.

Everyone will dream about it at night, and they will get up and curse Mihuyou and Fengrao.

Those audiences who directly clamored for stacking armor and guaranteed wins are now almost trapped in the devil’s body.

In the screening room.

The crying can no longer be held back.


“Me, I won’t take pictures anymore, when I think about there being so many knives in the future!”

“I feel so uncomfortable, woooo. And I’m the assistant director. After reading the script once, I have to watch the main drama again!”

“I want to go home!”

Funina was already crying.

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