In the picture,

Jing Yuan walked towards Jing Liu step by step, holding a formation knife.

The sword intent and cold air on Jing Liu’s body scattered, causing a strong wind around.

Jing Yuan’s hair and clothing were all swaying in the wind. Under the cover of the fluttering hair,

General Shen Ce no longer had the calmness and elegance of the past.

He pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes were full of heaviness.

A telephoto shot of the face.

But it made the audience stare blankly.

The emotions expressed in those eyes had reached their peak.

For this scene

, Jing Yuan practiced repeatedly on the set, and finally, under the guidance of the consultant, he captured this scene with charm!

: The acting is too good! Woo woo woo, no wonder all the actors use their real names, they are just interpreting themselves.

: And everyone in Mihuyou seems to have said that they will not appear in any other dramas in the future. This is not acting, they are the real people in the Collapse Universe!

: I really want to know what it would be like to see everyone in Bengtie in real life. I’m afraid I can’t tell the difference between the drama and reality.

: Director Gu is so good at filming. He uses shots like this to convey feelings. It must be intentional, woohoo.

: I’m completely heartbroken. Jing Yuan must be feeling very uncomfortable now facing his master who killed his compatriots. :

I don’t want to see either of the two get hurt in the battle between General Shen Ce and Luofu Sword Master.

: Oh, I really don’t know who to worry about now. I originally thought that Jing Yuan would defeat the master, but after seeing the opening scene, I’m not sure.

: I don’t know who is better between General Shen Ce and Luofu Sword Master!

The emotions expressed by Jing Yuan in this shot amazed the audience.

But at the same time.

The previous brief scenes showed the strength and cleverness of Jingliu’s sword intent.

For a moment, it also made the audience nervous. Even though Jing Yuan is now a general of Shen Ce, he still dare not make a conclusion.

“The boss’s control over the picture and the lens is becoming more and more exquisite.”

“If I wanted to express this emotion before, it would take up a certain amount of space.”

The beautiful girls in the screening room were also whispering.

I always feel that the images, plots, and expressions of Bengtie are continuously improving.

On the screen,

Jing Yuan came to his former master.

He looked up.

He held the formation knife tightly in his hand.

In front of him, on the ruins that looked like a waning moon, Jing Liu held the sword in one hand, his eyes bloodshot.

The eyes that had once been gentle, stern, and belonged to the master in front of Jing Yuan were now indifferent and ruthless.

They were filled with murderous intent.

The sound of the flute gradually became shrill and gentle.

The camera gradually froze on Jing Liu’s face.

That beautiful face, but no human emotions could be seen. Those red eyes pierced the audience’s hearts.

It has not yet unfolded.

In the minds of the audience, every bit of the five heroes on the cloud has been drawn out by the consultant with the camera.

I was already trembling in my heart.

The next moment,

Jing Liu’s face gradually blurred and turned into her youth.

She stood on the training ground of the Cloud Cavalry.

Her voice was full of vitality and emotion.

“We, the cloud riders, are like clouds blocking the sky, protecting the immortal boats.”

“Draw your sword!”

Young Jing Yuan stood solemnly at the bottom of the stairs, looking straight at Jing Liu.

The master’s words made him feel excited and responsible! He drew his sword without hesitation.

“Yes! Master!”

The Yunqi under his command and Jing Yuan all drew their swords.

The warriors’ voices and Jing Yuan’s clear young voice rang out together.

“We, the cloud riders, are like clouds blocking the sky, protecting the immortal boats!”

This scene is the very first shot in the Thousand Stars Chronicle Tour of the Five Heroes on the Cloud.

The consultant specially picked it out and put it in the beginning of the Five Heroes on the Cloud in advance.

It was for this moment.

After all, for the audience, they witnessed the story of the Five Heroes on the Cloud with their own eyes.

The friendship between the master and the apprentice.

And now they are drawing their swords against each other.

At this time, the audience’s memories were stirred again with the technique of echo.

The sadness and powerlessness of the passage of time and the past no longer exist.

It instantly pierced the weak hearts of tens of millions of viewers on the official website.

: Director Gu definitely did it on purpose! He had to replay this segment, and I couldn’t help crying.

: I actually completely understood Jing Yuan’s current mood. I really don’t know whether I should praise Mi Huyou or scold you.

: My heart really hurts. The last card of the glorious Five Heroes on the Cloud, the last master and apprentice, are about to meet each other in life and death. Woo woo woo, Mi Huyou, you have no heart.

: I was sniffing my nose and thought that this drama was suddenly so good. Why was it so good in such a place?

The comments were swiped.

This opening scene instantly made the audience completely involved.

“so sad……”

Liuying has the richest emotional perception, and now she is in some pain from the knife.

She wants to enter the Collapse Iron Universe immediately and find a way to stop this fatal fight.


Jing Yuan drew his sword and shouted the Cloud Riders’ Oath.

The young voice gradually turned into an adult voice.

As the voice fell, the camera returned to the battlefield.

Jing Yuan no longer drew the sword of his youth, but the battle knife in his hand.

The sharp blade was aimed at his former mentor.

Although it was slow, he never hesitated.

Jing Liu still looked down indifferently.

Just seeing the battle knife in Jing Yuan’s hand, the sword in her hand also trembled.

The violin sound in the background was slow.

Telling sadness.

But the next moment.

A sudden vibration directly tore apart all the sad emotions.

Jing Liu had almost turned into a ghost in the camera, and his speed was so fast that his figure was blurred.

Only the blood-red eyes drew a terrifying arc at high speed.

The sad violin in the background and Jing Liu’s sudden action.

In the music and the picture.

It became a wonderful contrast of stillness and movement.

The audience who were still immersed in the sad atmosphere were directly awakened.

Just like Jing Yuan in the picture.

This sudden attack was totally unexpected.

In the shock, the horror and danger of Jianshou Jingliu were perfectly highlighted.

The cold sword intent attacked.

Jing Yuan’s eyes suddenly widened. In fact, he was not really prepared to fight to the death with his master.

The sound of the violin was still slow and sad.

But the battle in the picture was presented at super high speed. Jingliu ‘s figure was ghostly. He almost turned into a black shadow on the screen.

He stabbed a sword in front of him one second, and came behind Jing Yuan the next second.

Jing Yuan held the formation knife, gritted his teeth, and resisted the attack of his master with difficulty.

Until this moment.

He didn’t really make a move. He was always on defense.

But Jingliu’s sword moves, every sword, were aimed at killing!

A tense and intensive action scene.

But it conveyed content that was no less than a literary drama.

Jing Yuan, who was still unwilling to fight his master with a sword, and Jingliu, who was completely in the devil’s shadow and crazy killing.

The audience watched the fight between the master and the apprentice, which was so tense that they dared not breathe.

In their minds, they could not help but recall the friendship of the five heroes on the cloud.

The laughter and joy in the past, and the life-and-death struggle now, all made them feel miserable.

The consultant didn’t know if it was an illusion.

In the screening room, everyone’s breathing became much quieter.

In the picture, the crazy battle was still going on.

The sound of metal hitting each other kept ringing.

The battle between Jingliu and Jingyuan was getting more and more tense and more and more dangerous!

On the screen, Jing’s figure had occupied the entire screen.

She held the sword and made continuous thrusts at various angles.

Each sword stabbed at the camera.

The terrifying power made the fascinated audience couldn’t help but fear and dodge.

It was as if they were fighting with Jingliu.

In the screening room, because of the super large screen,

Jingliu’s performance in this section was even more shocking.

Fu Fu, Fu Xuan, Ting Yun, these girls who were a little timid, couldn’t help but twist their bodies slightly to avoid the sword’s edge in the picture.

Their eyes were full of tension.


After a series of thrusts,

Jingliu’s sword turned, and his figure leaped up, descending from the sky, and chopped down from high.

Only then did Jingyuan raise the formation knife in his hand high, and for the first time, he took the initiative to block the attack!

In a roar like venting,

Jingyuan suppressed Jingliu and pushed her far away. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

From this side of the screen, he pushed her out of the screen.

And along with this process, childhood scenes emerged.

Under the setting sun, the young Jingyuan held a long sword and chopped hard.

Master Jingliu was on the side, teaching seriously.

“Hold on tight!”

“As a Cloud Rider, you must not let your weapons drop from your hands or let your body become distracted!”

“”Yes! Master!”

Little Jing Yuan panted and continued to swing hard.

The erhu played by Teacher Jingliu himself also appeared with the violin.

With the last swing of the sword.

Where the sword pointed.

The scene turned to the real battlefield again.

Cold air and smoke emerged.

Jingliu slashed again, tearing all these obstacles apart.

The terrifying sword made Jing Yuan try his best to resist, but he couldn’t help but retreat again and again.

Looking at the master who attacked again at high speed.

Jing Yuan gritted his teeth, and while staggering, he held the formation knife with both hands behind his back and swung it.

Until Jingliu came to him.

He suddenly changed his hands and chopped out the formation knife with his left hand, forcing Jingliu’s offense to become defensive.[]

Even though he had fallen into the body of a demon,

Jing Liu’s habit of performing swordsmanship remained unchanged.

Just as Jing Liu’s advice to Yan Qing in the paragraph about Yan Qing

“The sword is too sharp and you don’t know how to hide it!”

Jingliu is not just about attacking.

Combining hardness and softness, and performing the right swordsmanship at the right time.

This is one of the key points of swordsmanship that Jingyuan has heard from Jingliu since he was a child.

I didn’t expect it to be used at this time.

This sudden change of tactics seemed to imply that Jingyuan’s mind was gradually changing.

Jingyuan held the formation knife, and after a feint to pull away, he swung the formation knife with his backhand, mainly with his left hand and mainly with his right hand from the side.

He chopped out a strange and powerful knife.

This move forced Jingliu to give up blocking with the sword for the first time.

Instead, he used his body skills to resolve the crisis.

After this knife, the battle between the two became more intense.

Jingyuan, who no longer defended blindly, fought with Jingliu.

In the picture, metal and iron collided.

Every collision raised a large area of cold air and smoke.

But it was immediately torn apart by a more clever attack.

The figures of the two flickered in the smoke.

Only the firelight from the collision of metal and iron would occasionally illuminate the figures of the master and apprentice at the same time.

This is a fight between life and death.

The fight was so exciting and smooth.

All the audiences were watching with their eyes fixed on it.

It was so wonderful!

: What a wonderful fight! Super delicate!!

: Jing Yuan’s two backhand counterattacks were so cool!

: I was so ignorant that the formation sword could have such wonderful moves.

: How did Jingliu’s swordsmanship achieve such a feeling of being both elegant and agile, and also full of murderous intent?

: I felt that as long as I went in, I would be killed by the two of them immediately. It was so scary.

: It was a genius to be able to portray the mood and personality of the two people with just moves.

: I can’t take it anymore. My little heart can’t take it. The fight was too exciting, and the next result was even more exciting.

: I don’t want to see anyone get hurt. I really can’t breathe.

Such a delicate and wonderful fight made the audience even more entangled and painful.

Because everyone knows.

In such a duel between masters, one side will definitely lose in the end.

And this result.

They all don’t want to see.

But just like Jingliu’s sudden attack, this process is not affected by the will of the audience.


After Jing Yuan’s attack missed, Jing

Liu seized the opportunity and raised his sword backwards with all his strength. His red eyes had already widened.

But there was only one emotion in them: this was an opportunity to kill the person in front of him with one blow!

In the few seconds of the screen, the tension-filled sword-holding posture and the eyes that could feel the fierce killing intent on the screen all revealed a concentrated focus.

But this shocking picture and this focus made all the audience feel a chill that penetrated their hearts.

Because such concentration only belonged to a great swordsman. 027

And the reason why this swordsman was so focused was because she really wanted to kill her own apprentice with her own hands.

Is this what it looks like to fall into the demonic body?

At this moment, everyone once again understood the meaning of the demonic body.

Under the gaze of countless eyes around the world, the entire screen focused on the cold tip of the sword.

In just a moment, this sword would pass through Jing Yuan’s eyes and pierce his head.

At the critical moment, Jing Yuan turned his head and dodged the sword.

As the sword passed in front of his eyes, he saw his own eyes.

Eyes of disbelief.

He finally understood that Jing Liu really wanted to kill him.

Tolerating, retreating, and trying to awaken Jing Liu were just his wishful thinking.

The moment of life and death.

Jing Yuan seemed to see the time when he followed his master to fight against the evil spirits of his compatriots.

When he was still indecisive and did not dare to kill.

Jing Liu drew out the sword in his hand without hesitation.

“This is what it means to fall into the demonic body.”

Before he finished speaking, the sword shadow had already arrived.

The cold light flashed, and the demonic body compatriots fell to the ground.

“The demonic body is the fate of the immortal species”

“If one day, I fall into the body of the devil, you must not show mercy.”

Jing Liu turned his head and said calmly.

Jing Yuan, who was already stunned, held the spear in his hand and said stupidly:”Yes… Master……”

The scene changes again.

Jing Liu kneels on the ground in pain, holding his forehead and letting out a suppressed roar.

Jing Yuan, who has become a general of Shen Ce, is standing on ice, unable to touch his mentor.

“Those who fall into the devil’s yin have their six senses turned upside down and all human relations lost.”

“Go back, Jingyuan”

“Jingliu is gone.”

The words of Shi Wangsi floated.

Jingyuan just looked at his former mentor, who was in great pain because of being trapped in the devil’s shadow.

A cold chill suddenly woke him up from the revolving lantern. He came back to his senses from the trance.

Jingliu, who had used his killing move to pierce the air, had already jumped into the air and slashed down several deadly swords in the air.

In a panic, Jingyuan dodged in a panic, but was still overturned by the aftermath.

After controlling his body again, the huge ancient building behind him had been chopped into several pieces.

At this time, the audience took a breath from this dense rhythm. The memories in Jingyuan’s mind, as well as Jingliu’s attacks that were aimed at killing with one blow, combined with the erhu in the background, made the audience feel extremely sad at this moment.

: After these few knives, Jingyuan should have been awakened, Jingliu, my good master, when will you wake up!

: Jingyuan has been restraining himself just now, but the reminder of his mentor in the memory just now has hinted that Jingyuan has made up his mind.

: The most painful thing is to watch your loved ones forget about you, and then you have to kill them yourself.

: I was wondering why Yunshang Wuxiao didn’t tell me where Jingliu was. It turns out he was waiting here. Director Gu, you are such a sinister person! Die!

The audience no longer has any expectations at this moment. In the grief brought to them by the story, they can only follow the camera.

Towards the predetermined ending of fate..

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