: From this perspective, Jing Yuan is really the firefighter of the Immortal Boat.

: I was originally still sad, but after hearing what you said, I suddenly felt angry and amused.

: Thinking about it this way, Luofu was seriously injured after the Yinyue Rebellion. The Sword Master died, and the Dragon Lord was gone.

: Every time there was a disaster, a large group of Cloud Cavalry would die. Damn, it can hold on until now, just relying on Jing Yuan alone!

: What the above said is so right. Although I can understand the motives of Yinyue and Yingxing, these two people completely disregarded the safety of the Immortal Boat and were born innocently.

: These two people almost brought Luofu down, and the Lord of Extinction didn’t even have to take action.

: Hiss… So, Luofu has already fallen into the most dangerous moment, relying only on Jing Yuan alone, and has to guard against an Envoy of the Extinction Order, and also guard against Jianmu.

: More than that! Internal and external troubles! There are traitors inside!

: Don’t forget, beware of fire, theft and teammates, Fu Taibu is also eyeing the position of general (funny)

: The flags are full.

This comment uses a joking method to make many fans who have not thought deeply realize the severity of Luofu at the moment.

It also makes them look forward to the second episode. They are eager to know the outcome of the Luofu crisis

“Looking at it this way, I also feel that I am quite miserable.

Jing Yuan watched with joy and said casually:”But the excitement of the second episode far exceeded the imagination of fans.”


“The boss’s skills are getting better and better”

“The part about the blade actually looks similar to the flying light on the set, but in reality, it will definitely surprise them.”

“It’s just a replica of Fei Guang.”

Dan Heng nodded and analyzed calmly.

“There is also the opening of the sea and the battle of the SS.”

Jing Yuan said with a smile.

They were also full of expectations.

At this moment.

The screen changed, and a new video on the official website attracted everyone’s attention.

“Here comes the most mysterious PV”

“I don’t know what it’s about.

Everyone in the theater already knew the news, but they didn’t know the content.

The name of the video gradually appeared on the screen.

“Five dragons migrated far away?”

“Is this about the Chiming tribe?”

Liuying asked Sanyue expectantly.

“Ah? I don’t know about this either, right?”

“I haven’t read the script either, maybe Fu Fu knows something?”

March Seven scratched his head and looked at Fu Nina not far away.

Many people were the same as March.

After all, Fu Fu was the assistant director.

Being looked at with expectation, Fu Fu couldn’t refuse at all!

She felt guilty at first, then she mustered up the courage and coughed.

“Look, you’ve chosen the right person!”

“As the deputy director, although I haven’t read the script, I can already guess a little bit with my talent.”

Fu Fu said.

But her mind was brainstorming crazily.

“What to do, what to do, I don’t know”

“Got it! The Five Dragons Migrated Far Away has the word”dragon” in it, so it must be related to Danfeng and the Chiming Clan.”

Fu Fu, who had an idea in her mind, stammered:

“The Luofu Chiming Clan actually… has five Dragon Lords!” As soon as the words fell, there was a cry of surprise in the theater.

“Wow, five Dragon Lords!”

The exclamations of Sanyueqi and others attracted the attention of the people in the back row.

“You have five Dragon Lords in your family! ?”

Jing Yuan looked at Dan Heng in surprise.

Dan Heng covered his face, not knowing how to answer.

But at this moment,

Fu Fu, who had been stared at by many people, especially the consultant, had become inflated. She was completely intoxicated and lost herself in the exclamations of the beautiful girls.

This was more exciting than her previous performances in small theaters when there was no one around.

With her hands on her hips, Fu Nina raised her chin slightly and began to talk.

“The reason why they did not appear in the script is because these five Dragon Lords already existed before the Immortal Boat appeared!”

“Each of them has unique skills!”

“Once they appear, Luofu’s crisis will be solved.”

The Five Dragons are the five Dragon Lords. The reason why they did not appear must be because they were too far away!

Now there is only Jing Yuan left in the Immortal Boat, and he is definitely no match for a bunch of bad guys.

Then the purpose is very clear.

“Jing Yuan will definitely lose the next battle. Finally, the five Dragon Lords will take action and defeat the Lord of Extinction, and the Luofu Immortal Boat will be safe!”

“The purpose of releasing this PV in advance is to reassure the frightened audience!”

“This is exactly the same foreshadowing method the boss always used before!”

“By the way, it creates an unfathomable image of the Immortal Boat Alliance.”

The logic is smooth, at least it can make sense.

Fu Nina was very satisfied with her own idea, even a little proud. She couldn’t help but let out a proud snort.

She thought proudly in her heart

“These words must have surprised the boss!”

“It seems like it’s time for me, Funina, to get rid of this deputy title and become a real director!!”

“Hey, why don’t you guys come and praise me?”

“My neck is a little sore from posing……”

Just as Fufu posed with her hands on her hips and her head raised

“Hiss… I think that’s the truth, but it feels weird.”

Sanyueqi scratched his head.

“Since the background is so profound”

“Why didn’t Long Zun take action when Cangcheng was destroyed? Jing

Liu, who was always focused and serious in thinking, asked a soul-searching question.

“This, this, this is because the five Dragon Lords have to merge together!”

“Right! When Cangcheng was destroyed, the five Dragon Lords had important matters to attend to, so it was too late!”

Fu Fu hurriedly found an excuse.

The consultant sitting above couldn’t help laughing when he heard this. If he continued, he was afraid that Fu Fu would say something about finding the dragon balls and gathering the Dragon Lords.

But from a certain perspective, one of Fu Fu’s words accidentally touched on some content.

“Ahem, okay, you’ll know after you finish watching it.”

The consultant stopped everyone’s questions, fearing that he would not be able to help Fu Fu get back.

But Fu Fu did guess part of it.

However, this PV, on the surface, is about the five dragon masters, but it is actually about the story of immortality.

“That’s right!”

“Wait and see!”

Fu Fu, who was rescued by the consultant, looked at the boss gratefully, then sat down with a guilty conscience.

“I hope there will be some content like what I said.……”

Under Fu Fu’s inner prayer, the Five Dragons’ Migration has already started on the screen.


Fans who were still discussing on the official website.

Seeing the sudden PV.

They were stunned for a moment.

: An ambush, right! ? Fortunately, I didn’t leave!

: I found out, Mihoyo just likes to hide something. Today, it previewed Fei Guang, and then secretly released a new PV.

: It’s just like the content of Fei Guang in Yunshang Wuxiao.

: Mihoyo’s personality is too arrogant. The things it hides are usually very explosive, which is completely different from other companies.

: Looking forward to it!


As the comments scrolled by, the screen gradually went black.

A young voice rang out :

“Coming from far away”

“Just for a piece of history”

“The history of dragons……”

There are two small words”Immortal” on the dragon in the subtitles.

The audience at this moment has not yet realized the explosiveness of the PV content.

In the picture, the young voice disappears.

The ink special effect appears.

This time, it is a surprising 3D ink style, mixed with 2D interpretation.

It gives people a feeling of being in a book and experiencing the dialogue in the book in person.

“For the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Dragons of the Abyss”

“I know nothing either.”

A white-haired old man, holding a brush, said slowly.

As the words fell, a drop of ink from the tip of the brush fell.

The drop of ink hit the desk, and a flower of ink bloomed.

A black dragon emerged from the black and white, showing its full appearance in the form of a swimming dragon.

As the black dragon stirred, the universe and the Milky Way also emerged from the black and white.

“Long before the birth of history, the Dragon Ancestor roamed in the chaos of the beginning.”

The old man was still talking.

In the universe composed of black and white, the black dragon slowly wandered between the galaxies, and finally, it crawled on a sphere.

The screen slightly showed the whole picture.

The audience was shocked. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This sphere is actually a planet! The huge dragon body circled around the planet, and the majestic dragon head was scanning the surrounding galaxies.

It seemed that there was only an ordinary branch under his feet.

The opening scene made the audience boil directly.

: Damn, the ancestor of all dragons in the sky? What a domineering name!

: The PV opened with a thunderbolt! Sure enough, the amount of information is super large!

: The ancestor of all dragons in the universe! Traveling in the sea of stars, occupying planets, looking at the combat effectiveness report!

: Damn, I was wondering why the descendants of the immortals in the history of the immortal boat turned out to be dragons. It turns out that the immortal star god himself is the first dragon in the universe?

: The ancestor of all dragons! So cool!

: Wait, how did such a powerful star god disappear? It seems that there is no immortal in the PV introducing the main star gods.

: Yes, but it is probably gone at the end.

The audience did not expect that this PV is about the immortal star god!

In the entire Collapse Iron Universe, the star god is undoubtedly the most mysterious and powerful existence.

But so far, there is only a short PV about the information about the star god.

In the plot, only the destiny power of the star god is displayed.

But now the immortal star god has appeared, and the greater secrets about the star god are about to be revealed!

In the screening room.

The beautiful girls also widened their eyes.[]

To them, Star God is also an existence that they know very little about.


In the picture, the Dragon Ancestor left the planet where he was temporarily staying and began to cruise towards the deeper galaxy.

“Dragon Ancestor Cruises the Starry Sea”

“Questioning the existence”

“On the road”

“The immortal revelation is revealed.

The roaming dragon ancestor curled up his body and turned into a white egg with dragon scales.

“Then, we, the dragon descendants, were born!”

The old man’s voice was full of vicissitudes, and he told the history of dragons slowly and steadily.

The white dragon egg also broke.

The background music suddenly became epic.

The young man’s voice sounded.

“I have visited the world of five days, Rheaval”

“The Great Dragon sits in the Star Vortex”

“Alternating day and night”

“Rotation season”

“Protecting the Galaxy”

“Immortal revelation, but the lasting power?”

What was revealed in the young man’s words was a shocking scene.

Planets kept flashing in front of the camera.

In the end, they formed a sea of stars.

The scale of the galaxy is already quite large in the entire universe.

For humans, it is unimaginably huge.

However, even so.

Five dragons were entrenched in the vortex of the galaxy.

The immeasurable bodies made the galaxy seem to have become a pool of water in front of them.

The five dragon heads had different postures, but they all opened their dragon mouths slightly.

Those huge shining stars were as small as sand in their mouths.

This scene made the audience’s heads buzz and they were shocked beyond words.

Swallowing the stars and devouring the moon.

That’s all.

: I… grass… Casting Star Dragon King?

: Five days in the sky, no, five days in the galaxy.

: Is it Zhulong? Zhulong opens his eyes for day and closes his eyes for night!

: Ink and wash universe, ink and wash dragon, so damn handsome! So handsome that I jumped up directly.

:Are the ancestors of the Chiming clan so wealthy?


“Good, so shocking.……”

Fu Fu no longer had any room for worry.

All she could see was the spectacular scene appearing on the huge screen.

“The origin of the Chiming tribe turned out to be like this”

“The descendants of the immortal star god are indeed extraordinary.

Walter Danheng firmly memorized this precious information.

In the picture, facing the question of the young voice, the old man said:

“Stop at the individual���Eternity will only lead to the endless growth of evil”

“This is the delusion of the ancestor of longevity and plague.”

In the picture, a dragon’s eye opened.

Jianmu and burning buildings appeared in the eye.

The young man was even more puzzled and asked again

“Immortality, but the continuation of bloodline?”

Several rays of light swept across the galaxy and passed through the daylight.

“I have also been to the homeland of the Infino people”

“In the land of white embers, the dead dragon Tifeng rained down fire, causing his offspring to flourish and mutate, burning endlessly!”

In the picture, a burning ball was wrapped in hideous spikes.

The camera suddenly zoomed out.

A giant western dragon with horns on its head and a terrifying and ferocious face was spreading its wings, covering the sky and the sun! In its mouth full of barbs, it seemed to be brewing a violent breath.

All around, countless offspring, much smaller than him, were flying around Tifeng.


: This is so cool!

: Such a terrifying pressure! Vision’s cousin.

: There are so many dragons. I am looking forward to their performance later!

: Western dragons are also descendants of the Dragon Ancestor. They are so good at playing, Mihu!

: Are all the descendants of the immortals so terrifying?

: In just two short scenes, the strength and terror of the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dragons of the Abyss are highlighted from the side.

: I am so curious, how did the Immortal Star God disappear?


The appearance of the giant dragon once again ignited the excitement of the audience.

“Dragonborn are scattered across the realms, but scattered across the Silver Sea”

“Never contacted”

“Compared to the universe”

“The rise and fall of a clan is not just a matter of words.”

The young man asked again

“Hearing that the Chiming clan had formed an alliance with the Immortal Boat, five dragon masters came to the mortal world to guard against the disaster of the plague.”

“Keep doing everything”

“Could it be immortality? Is it the great cause of blessing the universe?”

The ink-and-water style of the Dragon Master of the Vajra broke free from the ink and tightly surrounded Jianmu.

But the old man denied it again.

“Keyinyue has broken her oath, causing chaos”

“Dragon Lord, you also have the heart of a mortal. If you have a heavy body, it will eventually become a shackle.”

The young man’s voice became more and more puzzled.

“What exactly is the revelation of immortality?”

After the words fell, the originally gentle and heavy music suddenly became intense.

It seemed to be hinting at what true immortality is.

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