At this time, after everyone on the side heard this, the atmosphere on the scene became extremely tense.

Sun Bin immediately contacted the EOD team under the special police team in the bureau.

After receiving the notice, the EOD team realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately set off for the western suburbs.

Su Ze analyzed that if the kidnapper was killed suddenly, he might not have had time to press the button to control the bomb.

How did the bomb start?

Because the kidnappers were killed, the body was still on the other side of the window.

One of the SWAT team members went over and turned the kidnapper over, where he soon found a small button under him.

"Look, this is supposed to be the button to control the bomb, found under the kidnapper's ass. "

It's really enough to carry it, this guy must have had no time to press when he was killed, this bomb can be activated, it must have happened to be pressed when the kidnapper fell to the ground!"

Su Ze and the others also broke out in a cold sweat on their foreheads.

Because, the bomb tied to Wang Weiwei's body has begun to enter the countdown!

The red numbers are constantly changing, as if they are a life talisman.

What made everyone even more desperate was that the countdown time was now only eight minutes!

The EOD people had to come before the explosion, and there was simply not enough time.

Moreover, this bomb is very complicated and wrapped around Wang Weiwei's body, and it cannot be easily taken off her body.

Wang Weiwei looked down at the bomb on her body and was already crying out of breath!

She saw that the time before the explosion was getting shorter and shorter, and she cried and asked Su Ze: "Comrade policeman, I... I'm not going to die!"

"Woooooooo I don't want to die yet, I miss my dad!"


At this time, Su Ze took the walkie-talkie in his colleague's hand and said to Sun Bin.

"Team Sun, except for me and the hostages, I let everyone else go down.

"After that, all of you immediately leave the factory and retreat to a safe distance.

Sun Bin immediately burst into flames when he heard this.

What kind of plane is this kid doing with

Su Ze? "Fart, what are you kidding?"

"The EOD people are already on their way here, don't worry

!" Su Ze replied anxiously: "No, Team Sun, it's too late, this bomb is about to detonate in six minutes!"


speaking, Su Ze didn't dare to delay any longer.

He immediately said to the colleagues next to him: "All of you hurry up and get out of here, just in case, you must let Team Sun retreat to a safe distance with everyone."

After that, Su Ze immediately opened the points mall and began to look for the skill of bomb disposal.

In just a dozen seconds, Su Ze found a skill book of "EOD Expert".

This skill book requires 800 points.

Su Ze immediately chose to exchange.

You have spent 800 points to redeem the EOD Expert skill. He

immediately chose to use it.

Soon, everything in this skill book quickly came to mind.

It takes only two seconds to digest and absorb this knowledge.

After that, when Su Ze saw that those colleagues were still waiting aside, he immediately said seriously: "You guys go quickly, it's too late if you don't leave!"

Other colleagues refused one after another.

"You can't defuse the bomb, what are you going to

do here?" "No, we can't go!" "Yes, we can't leave you here alone!" "Let's go together!"

"yes, we can't do that!"


Su Ze was furious.

"If you don't go, you have to go, immediately!" Right away!" Su

Ze's sudden burst of tough momentum shocked several other colleagues, and several people were stunned there.

"I'm going to defuse the bomb, and I can't take it off her, so she can't go, but you have to leave, and if it fails, we have to minimize the casualties. Su Ze explained.

And fortunately, this factory has been abandoned for a long time, and there are no people living in the surrounding area.

Then he began to urge them again, "Hurry up, hurry up, you're running out of time!"

Four minutes before the bomb exploded.

Several other colleagues pursed their lips and said nothing.

They clearly knew that Su Ze would not be able to defuse bombs!

Only the EOD team in the bureau had this ability.

The bomb on the hostage looks very complicated, and there are several colorful lines on it.

Even if Su Ze wanted to try his luck and choose a line to cut down, the

probability was simply too low! So Su Ze's move was undoubtedly asking for his own death

! But when the people from the EOD side rushed over, it was indeed too late

! If you don't cut it, you will definitely die, and if you cut it, the probability of life is extremely low! "Let's

go!" Su Ze pushed one of them.

The colleague he pushed didn't stand firm and took a step back.

Another colleague next to him immediately supported him, this colleague glanced at Su Ze, his eyes were full of determination, and finally made up his mind and said: "Listen to him, go!"

After speaking, he immediately pulled people out.

Seeing this, the rest of the people had to follow and leave quickly.

The men left the building with lightning speed.

After coming out, everyone couldn't help but look back at the third floor, the location of the room where Su Ze was.

When they came to Sun Bin, they immediately beckoned everyone to leave the factory.

Sun Bin looked at these people and scolded angrily.

"Damn, why did just a few of you come out

?" "What about Su Ze

?" "What about the others?"

"He... He said he'd defuse the bomb!" one person immediately explained, "and the bomb couldn't be taken off the hostage, so we couldn't take the hostage out first."

"Dismantle the damn bomb!" Sun Bin was about to explode, "Will he dismantle it, he said he wants to defuse the bomb?"

But Sun Bin was helpless at this time, because he also knew that the EOD team would not be able to catch up.

He could only quickly arrange for everyone to evacuate the factory and retreat to a safe area.

After arriving at a safe place, Sun Bin's eyes turned red.

"What kind of bomb disposal, this kid is a fucking fool! Won't he be okay at all!"

"This kid just knows that if he can't defuse the bomb, as a people's policeman, he can't leave the hostages tied to the bomb and escape alone." "

He is going to die generously with the hostages!" "He

is worthy of this police uniform, worthy of his comrades-in-arms, and worthy of the people!"

Although Su Ze was seconded to his side, he had long regarded Su Ze as his own.

As his captain, how could he not feel guilty and blame himself at this moment!

He only hated himself for not being able to replace him.

When the time comes, how should

he explain to the leaders? How should he explain to the Wang Suo?

Knowing what the result would be but being unable to do anything about it, this feeling was really too painful!

When everyone present heard Sun Bin's words, their hearts were extremely heavy, and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

Sun Bin was right.

Su Ze obviously left the hope of life to them

! Because it was not him, it had to be someone else!

His spirit of selfless dedication and selflessness deserves everyone's respect

! Time kept passing minute by minute.

Everyone looked in the direction of the factory, as if they had discussed it, and saluted together! Everyone

thought that Su Ze and the hostages would definitely die today!

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