The boiling river water is like a swimming silver dragon, raging towards the distance! At this moment, after a period of adaptation, Chu Chen finally found the rhythm of the charge again, always keeping his center of gravity, not shifting, and continuing to move towards the finish line! The Inga River section is located in the lower reaches of the Congo River. The total length is almost hundreds of kilometers. According to Chu Chen's current speed, it will take at least more than ten hours to pass here and officially arrive in Kinshasa. If nothing unexpected happens, every minute and every second of these ten hours will be very difficult. Especially the last 14 kilometers, it is extremely thrilling! There is definitely the most dangerous section of the Inga Rapids, no one else! At that time, in a river channel of less than 14 kilometers, the height difference will drop by 90 meters in an instant!

A height difference of 90 meters in 14 kilometers may not be a big deal for a road.

But for a river with a huge flow, it is very fatal. This height difference is enough to make all challengers who try to conquer this river return empty-handed!

Because the river water is flowing.

Under the action of gravity acceleration, the greater the height difference of the terrain, the faster the speed of the river will be, and the momentum will naturally be stronger!

Moreover, the further downstream you go, the more obvious this situation will be!

In the lower reaches of the Inga River, even powerful speedboats cannot sail smoothly!

As for the reason, in addition to the height difference, there is also the change in the terrain of the riverbed.

Because the ups and downs of the riverbed can directly determine the amount of water in the river.

This problem is also a big problem that the attackers need to face!

At that time, undercurrents, whirlpools, and huge waves were almost everywhere in the river. Without absolute strength, it was impossible to overcome the last 14 kilometers.

In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence. In such a place, even if you are fully prepared, you cannot accurately predict what will happen in the next second. You can only passively go with the flow and use your strong body to resist all the way to the end!

Because his physical fitness is still good, and he has been mentally prepared, after stabilizing the rhythm, Chu Chen quickly adapted to this passive way of moving forward and successfully withstood several impacts and collisions.

Taking advantage of this time, he decisively opened the system panel and roughly looked at the task rewards that had been received.

The reward is very simple, with only two skills in total.

God-level bone shrinking and god-level escape!

There is nothing much to say about the bone shrinking skill. It is one of the traditional Chinese acrobatic skills and a kind of acrobatic soft skills. Practitioners of this skill can easily break through the limits of various joints of the human body to achieve the purpose of shrinking bones, so as to enter and pass through some extremely narrow spaces. This skill is mostly used in acrobatic performances and magic performances.

In the old society, some people would practice this skill to make money and steal some gold, silver, jewelry, tomb artifacts, etc.

Speaking of which, the bone shrinking skill is also a relatively practical criminal technique.

Such a magical skill is rarely known even on Earth, let alone here.

If this stunt can be demonstrated in front of the global audience in the show, it will definitely shock them and gain a lot of shock value!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen did not say anything and decisively learned this skill.

Then, he set his sights on the god-level escape technique.

In comparison, this skill is easier to understand.

Escape is also a top skill with a long history.

At first, escape was just a kind of magic, but with the development of society, this skill was applied to the field of crime by many talented people, creating many shocking unsolved cases!

Many shocking cases from ancient times to the present can be attributed to this technology.

For example, the Alcatraz prison break, the island country Imperial Bank incident, the DP Cooper hijacking incident, etc.

These well-known cases have not been concluded until now.

In the previous life, they used escape to perfectly escape the police's pursuit and left a strong mark in the history of world crime!

Speaking of which, this [God-level Crime Master System] that I bound is really awesome!

Every skill rewarded is very practical, and all of them are what I need most at the moment!

At present, the pursuit team may have already laid a net at the estuary of Kinshasa, waiting for me to come to the door.

If you want to break the situation, you must take the unexpected measures.

While thinking, Chu Chen decided

He calmed down, and then without thinking, he immediately clicked the skill icon with his mind, and loaded all of them into his head!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Several hours passed quickly.

At this time, Chu Chen had officially entered the middle and lower reaches of the Inga River!

Halfway through the journey, the momentum of the entire river was directly several times more arrogant!

It seemed to have turned into a vicious dragon, carrying Chu Chen with its fangs and claws, all the way down!

His current location is actually not far from the main urban area of ​​Kinshasa in a straight line.

As Kinshasa approaches, some onlookers and pursuit team members can be seen on both sides of the river.

Whenever Chu Chen rushed over, countless shouts and screams would cover one wave after another, even more exaggerated than the surging river!

Some of them were waving their hands excitedly, while others hurriedly picked up their cameras to shoot them crazily!

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, the Congolese military even sent troops to maintain order!

At this moment, in the crowd.

Seeing Chu Chen rushing over, a pursuit team member who was on standby at the river bank immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and reported:

"Team Leader Zhang, the target has just passed the Inga River section of Marina. The river here is very fast. According to his current speed, it is estimated that in a few hours, he should be able to reach the Congo Rift Valley at the bottom of the river..."

At this moment, the other end of the walkie-talkie was Zhang Hao, the team leader of the pursuit team.

After receiving the news, he immediately ran to a command room temporarily built by the pursuit team on the left bank of the estuary, and reported Chu Chen's current location to Zhou Yun.

"Team Leader Zhou, there is news ahead. The target has now passed Marina and is expected to enter Kinshasa tomorrow morning."

At this time, Zhou Yun was discussing the next arrest with the other five team leaders in the temporary command room.

Hearing this, he immediately put down his work, looked at the map on the table, and roughly confirmed Chu Chen's current location.

Everything was just as Zhang Hao said.

If nothing unexpected happened along the way, he would definitely be within their surveillance range before noon tomorrow!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun's frown finally relaxed slowly.

The next second, he knocked heavily on the Congo Rift Valley on the map twice, and then said to Zhang Hao:

"Notify everyone and prepare for action in advance!"



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