The fishing net was lifted off the seabed, and countless small bubbles and dust were raised.

After receiving the order, the capture team responsible for collecting the net immediately started to act!

The next second, the giant cranes located on both sides of the canyon all started to operate at the first time!

Under the rotation of the gears, the huge mechanical arm slowly lifted up, making a deafening sound!


At the same time, the salvage net on the seabed was also lifted off the seabed at the same time, raising countless small bubbles and bursts of dust.

This salvage net is a very professional cargo ship salvage net.

Each strand of the noose is specially made of dozens of nylon 6 monofilaments and titanium alloy wires, and its diameter is as large as an adult's wrist.

Even with the most professional cutting tools, it cannot be sawed off in a short time.

Secondly, the arrangement between the noose and the noose is also very tight!

Each hole is only about 30 centimeters in size. Even children can't pass through it, let alone adults!

At this moment, according to the real-time three-dimensional simulation picture on the monitor, it can be clearly seen that Chu Chen has entered the center of the salvage net with his boat!

Seeing this, all the pursuers were secretly happy.

Especially the two captains Zhou Yun and Chen Xiong!

The excitement on his face was beyond words, and the tense nerves relaxed a little!

"Great, he will definitely not be able to escape this time!"

Chen Xiong said excitedly regardless of his image.

Hearing this, Zhou Yun raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile of victory!

Although he didn't speak.

But from his expression, it can be seen that he should be very sure of this arrest!




At the same time!

In the live broadcast room!

Seeing the scene just now, many people were very worried about Chu Chen's safety, and they kept madly confronting the program team in the barrage:

[@Program team, if Chu Chen is eliminated, I will quit immediately, no kidding (smile)]

[Damn! Chu Shen is probably defeated this time! ]

[Hey, let's all go! ]

[Don't be so pessimistic, the game is not over yet! ]

[I believe in Chu Shen, come on Chu Shen! ]

Among the barrages complaining about the program team, you can occasionally see some viewers cheering for Chu Chen.

But at this moment.

The vast majority of viewers think that Chu Chen will definitely not escape this time!

Because this time, the control of the pursuit team was so good that there was almost no loophole.

In this case, even a criminal genius with means would probably have to surrender.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room became inexplicably heavy!

"Two fists can't beat four hands."

"The net of heaven is vast and nothing can escape it!"

"No matter how vicious you are, no matter how unrestrained you are, when you commit a crime, you will be caught sooner or later!"

At first, many people thought that Chu Chen's sudden appearance would change these iron laws and bring about an unprecedented change in the entire criminal investigation field.

Of course, he did it.

But the ending may not be as perfect as imagined...

[Come on, Chu Shen! ]

[These people in the pursuit team are too disgusting! ]

[Please let him go! ]

[@Program team, unfollow warning! ]

[If Chu Shen is eliminated, I swear I will never watch any of your programs again in my life, Zhang Yiwen, do you hear me? ! ]

At the same time!


In the command room of the expert group!

The moment the news of the closing came, several experts were also very excited.

The fatigue of the past few days was swept away in an instant!

In the past few days, they hardly had a good rest, and they were working non-stop!

Lin Xu and Chen Zijin were fine because they were young.

It was no problem for them to endure for a few days.

But the other three experts, because they were all old, could not stand such torment, especially Liu Xuemin.

In order to solve Chu Chen's case, the old man was almost exhausted because he had not had a good rest for several days.

At this moment, the back of his hand was still covered with medical tape after the infusion.

However, when he heard the news that the pursuit team had closed the net, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up: "It seems that this time it should be a sure thing..."

As he said, he immediately walked to the surveillance camera and carefully observed the movement at the estuary.

At present, the whole scene was full of onlookers!

Everyone was looking forward to Chu Chen's appearance!

At the same time, the salvage net was also gradually emerging from the water, and it would probably be visible again in a short time.

At the moment.

Chu Chen had also discovered something strange in the water ahead!

However, when the salvage net came head-on, he did not leave the kayak immediately!

Instead, he waited until the prompt sound of the mission completed sounded in his mind, then he quickly untied the safety rope on his ankle, threw away the paddle in his hand, and swam downstream desperately!

At this moment, after a long wait, one of the lenses of the micro-eye finally found his figure in a chaos!

The next second.

Seeing Chu Chen appear, the barrage in the live broadcast room increased again!

[Come on, Chu Shen! ]

[Come on, come on, come on! ]

[Don't let the pursuit team succeed! Come on! ]

[He seems to be trying to escape! ]

[Fuck, so nervous! ]

Although the environment in the waters was relatively complex, Chu Chen quickly reached the bottom of the net with the help of his two great skills, God-level diving and rampage!

Seeing this, he didn't have time to think about it, and was ready to perform a wave of shrinking skills to escape on the spot.

However, because the resistance of the black waterproof suit was too great, Chu Chen took off his diving suit before officially shrinking his bones, leaving only a pair of swimming trunks on his body.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room was confused again, and they all said that they couldn't understand Chu Chen's operation at all:

[Fuck, what is this for? ]

[Hurry up and find a way to escape, Chu Shen, otherwise it will be too late! ]

[I'm so confused! ]

[Let's talk about it professionally, what is his operation? ]

At this moment, while the audience was talking and posting barrages, the range of the salvage net was constantly shrinking, and it was about to be lifted out of the water!

There is no time to lose.

Chu Chen decisively stretched one of his arms into one of the slightly larger mesh holes, and then quickly removed his shoulder joint!

Without the support of the shoulder joint, his head could easily pass through his armpit and drill into the gap of the mesh!

Seeing this scene, all the audience were dumbfounded!

[Fuck! There is such a thing? ]

[How is this done? ]

[No, what the hell is this? ? ? ]

[Why is his head in that place? ]

[I thought he would use something to cut the rope, but when I saw this scene, my cerebellum atrophied! ]

[Awesome, can you still play like this? ! ]

Not long after.

When the head came over, Chu Chen also completed the dislocation of the ribs in the first time, and smoothly drilled half of his body out of the mesh!

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