The two of them were so excited that they were unable to stop.


Seeing this scene, the cheers on the scene were like a super bomb, constantly echoing in the Grand Canyon!

At the moment, although Chu Chen did not show up, everyone knew that he succeeded!

At this moment, in the temporary command room!

The flashing white light on the monitoring screen made the faces of the five pursuit captains look like frost, as if they were struck by lightning!

"Why is this happening? Where are the others?"

Shocked, Chen Xiong asked puzzledly.

Zhou Yun was very unwilling to watch all the surveillance, but the result was still the same!

At this time, fine beads of sweat had begun to seep out of his forehead, and his frown was like a dead knot!

However, as a top criminal investigator, after a brief blank, he quickly reacted, put the walkie-talkie to his mouth, and said in a sonorous voice:

"Attention, all units, the target is not on the interception net, he is likely to be escaping to the deep sea in the sea area where he disappeared! Capture Team 2, immediately notify all warships and submarines on standby, and immediately conduct a carpet search in the relevant sea area!"

"The underwater environment here is very complicated. The target does not carry oxygen equipment, and it is estimated that he will not escape far. Except for the capture team 2, all the remaining pursuit personnel will immediately take the speedboat and conduct strict control in the sea area where the interception net is located!"

After giving the order, he turned to Chen Xiong and said: "Captain Chen, this is up to you, and the other captains, follow me to the scene."


After leaving the command room, Zhou Yun and a group of pursuit captains immediately led their respective team members to the sea area where Chu Chen disappeared and began an intensive search!

The military's twenty warships and submarines also moved at the same time!

But even so, they didn't find any valuable clues!

During the entire search, only Sun Bo and his team found a floating waterproof coat on the sea.

Looking at the waterproof coat, Zhou Yun fell into deep thought again.

"Captain Zhou, is there any problem?" Sun Bo asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head: "No problem, I just wonder why he took it off..."

This question stumped Sun Bo.

Then, Zhou Yun continued: "There are obvious nylon fiber residues on the waterproof coat, which is enough to prove that he should have been in the interception net before he escaped. But why did the net disappear the moment it came out of the water?"

Sun Bo shook his head.

"Just now, we carefully searched the entire sea area, but found no signs of his escape. The wire interception net set up before did not have any signs of damage. There is nothing wrong with all of this. The only problem is that he is missing!"

Zhou Yun was puzzled and couldn't figure out what the problem was!

At this moment, the walkie-talkie in his hand rang.

It was Zhuang Yan's voice.

"Captain Zhou!"

Hearing the voice, Zhou Yun nodded: "I'm here."

"I know where he went!"

After hearing Zhuang Yan's words, Zhou Yun's frown immediately relaxed.

Then, Zhuang Yan continued:

"He shouldn't be on the seabed!"

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhuang Yan's voice was very noisy, accompanied by the whistling wind. She simply organized her words and then answered:

"Due to the terrain, the Congo River's estuary did not form a common delta, but was directly washed out by the turbulent river water. A large rift valley. This rift valley is more than 100 kilometers long and extends all the way to the deep sea. The reason why we didn't find his trace on the seabed is probably because he didn't choose this escape route at all!"

" mean, he escaped to that seabed crack?" Zhou Yun asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I am now searching along this rift according to the route shown on the electronic map. I need your support. In addition, I suggest that you notify the military immediately and ask them to send out ocean detectors to go deep into the rift to track the target!"

As far as Zhou Yun knows, the crack is at least several thousand meters long!

The environment inside is very complicated.

If a person does not have oxygen supply, what is the difference between escaping there and committing suicide?

However, the same thing applies.

When you have ruled out all impossible situations, the remaining one, no matter how incredible it is, is the truth of the matter!

At this moment, although Zhou Yun still felt that this matter was a bit outrageous.

But after eliminating all the impossible clues, even if the truth was incredible, he couldn't help but believe it!

Thinking of this, he changed the subject directly: "We will go over and meet you immediately! Captain Sun, you go and notify the military and ask them to send out ocean detectors immediately to assist us in our arrest! I will go to find Captain Zhuang!"





At the same time!


In the command room of the expert group!

This scene at the scene of the pursuit was also seen by the five experts!

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire command room became very solemn!

Looking at the frozen picture on the big screen, Zhu Guowei let out a long breath: "Let this kid run away again..."

"Now I just want to know how he escaped from the interception net?"

Standing next to him, Lin Xu said meaningfully while playing with the Rubik's Cube with one hand.

The question he asked also puzzled several other experts!

Just now, although they did not see Chu Chen enter the interception net with their own eyes, according to the report of the pursuit team, this matter should be a sure thing.

But now, the prey in hand has disappeared!

In the face of such a tight blockade, he can easily escape!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe that all this was true!

Could this kid be Sun Wukong?

Can he transform into seventy-two different forms?

Staring at the kayak on the big screen, the haggard Liu Xuemin fell into deep thought again!

Right now, when the five experts in the expert group were at a loss!

In another studio, the live broadcast of "The Art of Crime"!

At this moment, after witnessing Chu Chen's bone shrinking skills, the female host and the experts were all stunned!

If the director in the background hadn't urgently inserted an advertisement, the entire live broadcast would have almost gone out of control!

Soon, after an advertisement ended.

At the signal of the director in the background, the female host slightly adjusted her tone and spoke intermittently:

"Hello, dear audience friends, welcome back, I am Ma Fanshu, just now, it was really incredible. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that he could escape through that hole safely..."

Looking at Ma Fanshu's expression, she seemed to have not recovered from the shock just now.

After she finished speaking, no expert in the audience spoke.

The atmosphere on the scene also became cold again.

The next second.

Just when the program team didn't know what to do, a white-haired old man sitting on the far right of the commentary seat suddenly spoke slowly:

"It's the bone shrinking skill..."


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