The more money you make, the more you spend.

Looking at the whole sheet of banknotes that just came out of the conveyor belt, the already lively live broadcast room was once again in an uproar.

Immediately afterwards, countless barrages followed:

[Fuck, so much money! ]

[Wow, is it made on the spot? ]

[Bypassing the middleman! ]

[Haha, I found the source of goods directly! ]

[I've seen people snatching bags, convenience stores, and even banks, but I've never seen people snatching banknote printing plants! ]

[It's so fucking spectacular! Fuck! ]

[Can't you print as much as you want? ]

[Cool! So fucking cool! Brother Chen, are you still short of people? I want to get on the bus! I’m a good thief! 】

In this world, robbery is a real violent crime!

But this is the first time they have seen someone as violent as Chu Chen!

Money transport machine, museum, diamond mine, banknote printing factory...

From the beginning of the show to now, every crime he has committed is a king bomb among king bombs!

Especially this time's banknote printing factory, it is even more amazing!

Directly bypassed the middleman and found the manufacturer...

Roma's Royal Banknote Printing Factory is not only the largest banknote printing factory in Europe, but also the economic lifeline of the entire European Union!

If something really happens here, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

Just like Carl said before, this is no longer a simple robbery, but a war...

At that time, not only Italy, but all member states may target the initiator of this war!

Because the movement of this vote is really a bit big.

The moment I got this news, the whole of Europe was boiling!

Many media reported this incident at the first time, which aroused widespread attention!

At the same time, all EU member states also sent anti-terrorism forces to the scene of the crime at the first time!

At present, the entire banknote printing factory has been surrounded by the special police.

And a long cordon was set up!

However, since the explosion-proof system of the banknote printing factory has not been lifted, and there are hostages inside, it is definitely not possible to attack unless it is absolutely necessary!

At this moment, the cordon is full of onlookers!

The scene is very lively.

Next to it, in the police command car.

A tall and beautiful blonde is staring at the structural diagram of the banknote printing factory in front of her intently.

At this time, a tall and thin middle-aged man came directly to the woman after getting in the car.

"Team leader."

The woman's name is Joanna, and she is the leader of the crisis management team of the Italian Police Headquarters.

The man is the captain of the special police team of the Rome Police Department, and he is also the direct person in charge of this robbery!


Hearing the voice, Joanna greeted the man: "What's the situation inside now?"

William came to Joanna's side and let out a long sigh:

"The situation is not optimistic. The robbers activated the explosion-proof system of the entire building at the first time, completely cutting off contact with the outside world. The explosion-proof system can only be removed after at least 24 hours. At present, we can only obtain some information through his live broadcast."

"Live broadcast?" Joanna looked at him puzzled.

"Yes, live broadcast. This robber is not an ordinary criminal. He is a contestant of the recently popular "Simulated Crime" program, Chu Chen..."

"It turned out to be him..."

Recently, due to busy work, Joanna did not pay much attention to things on the Internet.

But she still heard a little about Chu Chen!

It is said that this guy just robbed a diamond mine in South Africa and fled all the way to the Atlantic Ocean along the Congo River, completing an unprecedented challenge!

"Yes, it's him. But this time, in addition to him, there is another robber at the scene. According to the relevant leaders of the banknote printing factory, the other robber seems to be their staff."

"Two people working together?"

"No, the staff member should be coerced." William said.

"How many hostages did they hold in total?" Joanna asked again.

William said: "A total of 120 hostages were held, including 30 staff members of the banknote printing factory."

Hearing this, Joanna nodded: "Can we contact the robber now?"

"Not yet, but the intelligence team is already thinking of a way." William said.

Joanna asked again: "Are there any other clues?"

"During the live broadcast, he gave all the hostages a special pill..."

"Special pill?

What is that?"

"It's a new type of bomb that we've never seen before!"

"New type of bomb?"

Then, William continued, "Yes, a new type of bomb. This is the first time I've seen this type of bomb. The bomb is hidden inside the pill, and the gastric juice is the fuse. When the sugar coating is completely melted by the gastric juice, the bomb inside will explode once it comes into contact with the gastric juice..."

After hearing William's words, Joanna, who was originally very calm, widened her eyes instantly!

Then, a chill rushed directly from the soles of her feet to the top of her head!

As the head of the crisis management team of the police station, this was the first time she heard of this type of bomb!

If she hadn't heard it with her own ears, she wouldn't have believed it even if she was beaten to death. There is actually such a bomb in the world?

The next second, she said in disbelief, "According to what you said, these hostages, aren't they dead? "

Hearing this, William shook his head and denied:

"That's not the case. According to the robbers, it takes at least 4 days for the gastric juice of an ordinary adult to completely melt the sugar coating. As long as they take another pill within 4 days, they can destroy the bomb's detonator and suppress the explosion. If what he said is true, the hostages are still safe for the time being."

"Oh my God..."

After William finished speaking, Joanna sighed deeply.

Then, he immediately came to a staff member and asked him to call up Chu Chen's live broadcast room.

At this moment, the camera of the miniature eye was just facing the hostages in the exhibition hall.

Seeing that the hostages were fine for the time being, she was slightly relieved, but her heart was still hanging.

"This guy is really crazy. Go and notify the intelligence team and let them act quickly. I need to talk to the robbers immediately!"

"Okay, I'll go right away. ”

The micro-eye in the sky used by the program team can not only automatically edit and change the perspective, but also automatically filter out key information that is not conducive to the contestants!

Although the live broadcast is public, it is not possible to obtain too many clues through the live broadcast.

The reason why the program team set it up this way is to ensure fair competition between the contestants and the pursuit team.

With this setting, the official pursuit force that is not restricted by the program rules is simply impossible to solve the case through this channel.

Even if some clues can be obtained, they are all insignificant and cannot play a decisive role in solving the case!


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