The first time, the second time, the second time.

At this moment, many viewers in the live broadcast room were sending comments without knowing why:

[Nazi symbol? ]

[Why is there a Nazi symbol here? ]

[I don't know, but I think there must be something wrong here! ]

[Awesome, I don't know...]

[This place can't be the Nazi's lair? ! ]

[Good guy, it successfully aroused my curiosity! ]

[Oh my God, there is actually a vault inside...]

[Brothers, if nothing unexpected happens, things should not be as simple as we thought...]

The bright red Nacui symbol caught the eye.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Chen unconsciously smiled.

It seems that what the system said is indeed correct.

This is actually the place where the Nazis hid their gold.

As expected, they should have planned to use this place as a gold reserve vault, but plans cannot keep up with changes. Before they put the gold here, the war was already nearing its end.

Later, in order to conceal their tracks, Lao Mi and the Allied forces, who were the beneficiaries of the success, hid the embezzled gold here and sealed it.

This is roughly what happened.

But some of the details, because the time is too long, cannot be verified based on the information provided by the system.

However, these are no longer important.

Chu Chen doesn't care what Lao Mi did in the meantime and how they found this vault!

He just wants to complete the task quickly now.

As for the rest, someone will worry about it after he leaves.

At present, the Nazi gold that has been sleeping for decades is within reach!

It is hidden behind this wall!

If you want to take it out, you can only use electric welding to destroy the 19-centimeter-thick steel plate in front of you.

However, this is not the point.

The most troublesome thing is the alarm device in the vault.

In order to ensure the absolute safety of gold, when designing this underground fortress, they had corresponding considerations and connected the water of the Limmat River with the alarm device of the vault.

Once someone tries to destroy the vault with external force, the water tank on the ground will be opened at the same time, and the river water will be injected into it. It only takes ten minutes to flood the entire vault.

At that time, the strong internal and external pressure will make all those who try to rob the gold helpless.

The only way to crack this vault is to use a decompression chamber.

This thing is difficult to get.

Only military submarines and ships operating offshore oil have the corresponding equipment.

But Chu Chen was prepared.

Before officially starting the robbery, he directly spent a lot of money to exchange a professional decompression chamber from the system mall.

After getting the decompression chamber, he immediately pretended to be a maintenance worker and transported all the tools used for the robbery to the bank in advance using a military truck.

The car is now parked in the bank's warehouse.

As soon as the welders arrive, they can start work immediately!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen directly threw a car key to Bayer: "There is a money transport truck in warehouse No. 1, the license plate number is kh234, help me drive it here, you have three minutes..."

After speaking, Chu Chen slowly took out a black remote control from his bulletproof vest pocket, tapped a number button with his finger, and continued to him:

"If you can't get back here within the specified time, I will immediately detonate the bomb in your bulletproof vest. Let's go, President!"

Seeing Chu Chen take out the remote control, Bayer's eyes widened instantly, and he took the key and crawled out of the vault and ran to warehouse No. 1.

Three minutes later.

When he came back, the bank's emergency system was successfully unblocked at the same time!

According to Chu Chen's request, Virgil immediately sent him a water pump and three welders.

When they met again, Virgil also made a request to Chu Chen, wanting him to release half of the hostages:

"Mr. Chu, I hope you can consider my suggestion carefully."

Chu Chen shook his head and said, "There is nothing to consider, Lieutenant General Virgil, now, let your people send in the people and things I need. If you haven't taken action by the time I finish this sentence, I will execute a hostage immediately!"

As he said this, Chu Chen directly pulled over a blonde and pointed a gun at her temple!

Seeing this, the blonde was immediately stunned.

She screamed and begged: "Ah! Please don't shoot! I can do anything for you! I don't want to die!"

Seeing the blonde's appearance, Virgil's eyes were gloomy.

Although it looked nothing on the surface, his chewing muscles clearly betrayed his gnashing of teeth. In the end, he left the bank with only one sentence:

"Mr. Chu, we will meet again."

After Virgil left, he let go of the blonde, picked up three bulletproof vests and threw them to the three welders.

"Put on your clothes and hand over the metal objects on you."

As Chu Chen said, he held a tray and slowly walked to the three people: "Before the formal cooperation, I think it is necessary for me to tell you the rules here..."

"First, you have to listen to the command... The bulletproof vest you are wearing now is actually a delayed bomb. Don't try to take it off. Once its heartbeat sensor can't feel your heartbeat, the detonator inside will immediately detonate the bomb..."

As soon as Chu Chen finished speaking, the three welders widened their eyes!

The next second, ignoring their strange looks, Chu Chen continued:

"Second, I know you are all Virgil's men, but it doesn't matter. As long as you can do your job well, I won't care about these things. But if someone tries to do something unrelated to work during work, all the hostages here will become your burial objects."

"Third, you must obey orders. If you don't listen, please refer to the second point. How about it, do you understand?"

After Chu Chen finished speaking, the three welders nodded in unison.

Seeing this, he didn't waste any more time and directly asked the three of them to take the water pump next to them, take the freight elevator, and go to the underground floor of the bank, ready to start cracking the vault pressure mechanism immediately!

The method of cracking is actually very simple.

As long as the tools are in place and act according to the plan made in advance, there is basically no problem.

The only thing to pay attention to is time!

To successfully crack this mechanism, they must complete the welding of the decompression cabin within ten minutes, that is, before the vault is filled with water.

Otherwise, the people inside would immediately die from internal organ rupture due to the huge internal and external pressure.

In other words, they only have ten minutes for the whole process. If they cannot complete the welding within ten minutes, the mission will basically be declared a failure.

By then, the three welders will be trapped in this underground vault forever.

After telling the three of them about his plan, Chu Chen directly picked up the pen and drew a circle at the designated location.

"It's here. If there is no problem, start working. Remember that you only have ten minutes. Good luck!"


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