The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Zhou Yun's words once again made the atmosphere in the car more subtle.

Hearing his words, Chen Xiong's expression became more complicated: "Oh my God... What's the situation over there now?"

Zhou Yun shook his head:

"I don't know, but I think he should be fine for a while. Otherwise, the authorities would not order a retreat... Since they gave up the strong attack, it proves that they are very afraid of the secret in Chu Chen's hands."

"If I'm not mistaken, this secret is definitely a very important bargaining chip..."

While they were talking, Zhuang Yan, who was sitting in the back row, never spoke.

She had been slowly digesting this matter in her heart.

Until Chen Xiong turned around and asked her what she thought, the whole person was pulled out of his thinking.

The next second, she said:

"Captain Zhou and I think the same thing. He should be fine for the time being. However, the development of the situation is still unclear. No one knows how long this bargaining chip can protect him. Maybe the two sides will tear each other apart in the next second..."

"But from my understanding of him, since he chose to implement this plan, even if there is an accident, he should have corresponding countermeasures. This is not a difficult thing for a genius like him. There is only one thing I can't figure out now..."

"What is it?" Chen Xiong asked after hearing this.

Zhuang Yan thought and answered:

"The content of this video must be more than this. There will probably be a follow-up. This follow-up is the truth and key to the whole thing. What I can't figure out is what kind of truth will make the authorities retreat again and again, so that they can even do such a thing as giving up hostages?"

This question once again made several pursuit captains fall into deep thought.

The question she said is indeed the key to this matter!

If we can find any clues from it, we can definitely sort out the context of this matter.

But at the moment, with only the clues they and the expert group have, they can't touch the core of this matter at all.

Then, Zhuang Yan continued:

"In addition, gold is not like money. Even if you get it, you probably can't transport it away, right? In this case, why should the authorities be in a hurry? What are they afraid of? Why don't they dare to fight a protracted war with him? Do they care about gold or that video?"

"There are too many strange things here. There must be some details we don't know, which are playing a role in fueling the whole thing. Perhaps, only by knowing the follow-up of the video, all these problems can be solved..."

The two questions raised by Zhuang Yan are also confusing to many people!

At this moment, many barrages in the live broadcast room are discussing this matter!

Some people say that the follow-up of that video may record their official crimes of making war profits.

Others say that it is not just as simple as war profits, there must be other inside stories!

Otherwise, the authorities will definitely not be so obedient and retreat if they are asked to retreat.

[Ahhh! I need to grow a brain! ]

[It's too complicated. The things here are beyond my understanding! ]

[There must be too many things involved! ]

[I don't care about those things. I only care about the gold. Is there anyone in the live broadcast room who is on the scene? If you really picked up gold, can you bring back a piece? Just send it to pay for it! I'll pay for the postage! ]

[The buddy upstairs, I think the same as you! ]

[What's the postage? I'll reimburse you for the round-trip air tickets! ]

[What's the reimbursement of air tickets? I'll charter a plane for you! ]

[Good guys, I can hear you all thinking in Jiangzhou! ]

[I really can't stand it anymore. Can you please stop insulting the IQ of the fans? ! They are really not stupid! ]

[Talents have always been born from bullet screens! ]

[Haha! ]

In the live broadcast room, there was a lot of discussion.

At the same time!

Swiss, Zurich, Swiss National Bank!

Time passed by minute by minute.

As the water level rose, the welding work quickly entered a white-hot stage!

At this moment, the river water in the vault had already submerged the middle-aged welder's neck!

After a period of hard work, he had completed three-quarters of the entire welding task, and was only one step away from the final success!

But at this last moment, his movements suddenly slowed down.

Because the available space was too small, many actions were restricted.

In order to keep breathing, he could only look up and desperately breathe the little oxygen left in the space while working.

This posture made him very uncomfortable, and his efficiency was naturally greatly reduced.

However, with his excellent skills and the pressure of his life being in danger, he still forcibly overcame this problem. Before the river water submerged his head, he completed the welding of the decompression chamber and got out of it.

When he came out, Chu Chen had distributed the diving equipment prepared in advance to the hostages.

"Their mission is completed, and it's your turn next. Your mission is very simple, take out all the gold inside, and then use the freight elevator to transport it to the warehouse, and then hand it over to them. I need you to complete this task within 24 hours, and you can't exceed the time limit or hide it privately. How about it, do you understand?"

How dare the hostages disobey, and they nodded like pounding garlic.

After explaining their tasks, Chu Chen walked straight to the three welders.

At this moment, the middle-aged man had not yet recovered from his near-death experience. He was wet all over and gasping for breath.

"Follow me."

Led by Chu Chen, the four of them went straight down the elevator to the warehouse.

At present, this place has been completely transformed by Chu Chen into a small gold melting studio!

There are many spray guns and basin-sized crucibles in the front.

There are three large buckets filled with water next to them.

Each bucket has an inlet and an outlet.

The inlet is connected to a faucet with an automatic start-stop device.

When the water level in the bucket is less than a certain scale, it will automatically store water in it.

The outlet is connected to a transparent plastic pipe that leads directly to the bottom of the water pump, and the pipe on the water pump extends all the way to the sewer in the distance.

Looking at this scene in front of them, the three welders were stunned.

Chu Chen introduced to them as they walked: "Melted gold, when poured into water, will turn into gold beans. High-powered water pumps can directly draw these gold beans from the bucket, and they will flow continuously into the sewers and spread to every corner of the city. What you have to do is to use this method to transport all the gold out of the bank within 24 hours..."

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