If it weren't for reducing the impact of the wind on himself, Chu Chen wouldn't have used this trick!

But there is no way, facing such a situation, he must take such measures!

Otherwise, there will be a risk of unstable center of gravity and complete rollover at any time!

Because wing suit flying is unpowered flying after all.

It has no power source itself!

In this case, any slight change in power may turn into a disaster for the flyer!

The surge in wind power is one of them.

The only way to avoid this problem is to choose to fly close to the ground.

The biggest reason why the Valenstadt Canyon is called the "Sacred Land of Wing Suit" is that there are many places in this flight route where this flying method is needed for transition!

For a sport with a high mortality rate, these difficulties directly increase the difficulty of the entire flight route by more than one level!

In the previous life on Earth, even a very mature extreme athlete would not dare to easily challenge Walenstadt!

Even professional wingsuit flyers are the same.

In the field of wingsuit flying, those who can fly this route completely and survive can basically become the supreme god in this field.

When Ozaki Ono proposed the eight challenges, he said that it would be very amazing for an extreme athlete to complete one of them in his lifetime!

If you can complete all of them, you can definitely become a god on the spot!

After flying for a while, the situation in the canyon has once again changed dramatically!

The rock walls on both sides have completely disappeared from sight without knowing it.

Not only that, the mountain wall below also began to plummet, leading to the ground not far away!

Seeing this, Chu Chen continued to maintain the same flying posture as before, and headed straight for Valparaiso along the winding mountain wall!

The next second!

Not long after he flew out of the canyon, the helicopter behind him also flew out of it following him all the way!

Seeing this, Captain Sun directly picked up the walkie-talkie and reported: "Attention, all units, attention! The target has flown out of the canyon! He is now continuing to glide westward along the established direction!"

At the same time.

On the road in the distance!

Zhou Yun's walkie-talkie also received Sun Bo's report!

After receiving the news, Zhuang Yan immediately picked up the telescope, looked up at the sky, and searched for Chu Chen's traces!

"He's there!"

Because of the excellent field of vision, she found Chu Chen's location with just a simple glance!

Hearing the sound, Zhou Yun and Chen Xiong also looked up at the sky at the first time!

The next second, Zhou Yun said: "It seems that what the expert group said is right, he really wants to escape to Valparaiso!"

After he finished speaking, he directly picked up the walkie-talkie and continued: "Captain Sun! Please reply if you hear me!"

The walkie-talkie buzzed for a long time, and a voice came out: "Captain Zhou!"

"The expert group's prediction is correct, he will definitely land in Valparaiso! Don't lose him! We are following from the southwest, and it is estimated that we will arrive there one step ahead!"


After putting down the walkie-talkie, Zhou Yun stepped on the accelerator again!





At the same time!


The majestic Taihang Mountains are endless and rarely visited!

On the edge of the mountains, a factory-like building complex can be seen, covering an area of ​​at least tens of thousands of square meters!

Because it is surrounded by mountains and dense forests, the concealment of the entire building complex is very high, and even the precise positioning satellite cannot lock its position.

There are two fully armed sentries in front of the factory gate.

In the parking lot outside, there are thousands of green trucks with military license plates.

It looks very spectacular!

Walking into the factory, you can see a very eye-catching plaque with a few familiar black brush cursive characters:

[Huaxia 3504 Military Factory! 】

3504 Military Factory is a very mysterious aviation military factory in China.

The legend of this military factory has always been popular among military fans, and related popular science videos can often be seen on major social media platforms.

However, due to the excellent confidentiality work, many people know very little about the past and present of this military factory!

Because the 3504 Military Factory, although affiliated with the General Logistics Department, has no establishment,

It has never appeared in public since its establishment.

This military factory has a very long history and was built in the early 1960s!

The background of its birth was the period when the relationship between China and the White Bear deteriorated.

At that time, for some reasons, the White Bear not only withdrew all aviation experts, but also took away a lot of very important research and development equipment and precious aviation military postures, which directly put China's aviation industry into an extremely difficult situation!

Facing internal and external troubles, China's aviation military workers overcame all difficulties and got rid of dependence.

The 3504 Military Factory was born in such a background.

At that time, this military factory was the only military factory in China that could independently manufacture aviation-specific propellers.

Until today, the 3504 Military Factory is still the veritable big brother in the field of aviation armaments!

At this moment, in an office inside the factory!

"Knock, knock, knock!"

A violent knock on the door caused a cold-faced middle-aged man in military uniform, who was sitting behind the desk, to put down the documents in his hand and said loudly, "Come in!"

After that, the door of the office opened.

Then, a middle-aged man, also in military uniform, walked in.

The man was about 40 years old, with a dignified and kind face. For some reason, he seemed to be lame when he walked, and looked very uncomfortable.


After entering the door, the lame middle-aged man was the first to greet.

His face was flushed.

Even though he had tried his best to hide it, he still couldn't control the excitement on his face!

Seeing the visitor, the cold-faced middle-aged man sitting behind the desk hurriedly responded, "Sit down, Lao Ye."

The two middle-aged men were the top and second-in-command of Huaxia 3504 Military Factory.

The cold-faced middle-aged man was named Zhao Changtian, and the lame one was named Ye Chengjun!

Ye Chengjun did not sit down, but took a military video player directly to Zhao Changtian's desk and handed it to him!

Looking at what Ye Chengjun handed over, Zhao Changtian frowned slightly and asked, "What is this?"

"You'll know when you take a look."

Zhao Changtian picked up the player puzzled, and what came into his eyes was a pre-cached video, which was in a paused state at this time.

Seeing this, he directly clicked the triangle button on the video progress bar.

The next second, the video started playing, which was the clip of Chu Chen jumping out of the plane!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Changtian's eyebrows slightly raised, but his expression did not change much.

However, after watching for a while, his frown instantly stretched out!

His face was full of shock!


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