The rain of money was so heavy that it was almost too heavy.


The chaotic banknotes were everywhere, filling the entire live screen in a blink of an eye!

Everywhere you look, there is a different kind of bright red!

In order to make this scene more textured and to arouse the emotions of the audience, when the rain of banknotes came, the director of the program group decisively arranged a very passionate BGM "Children of the Dark"!

This song was the special BGM of Ozaki Hachijo on Earth in the previous life!

There was no boring moment throughout the whole process!

It is a perfect match with extreme sports!

Just listening to a prelude can make people excited!

At this moment, in the live broadcast room.

When this song sounded, the comments increased again:

[Fuck, this BGM is absolutely amazing! ]

[The moment this song sounded, my dog's eyes changed when he looked at me! ]

[God-level soundtrack! ]

[The BGM of the program group is really suitable for the occasion! ]

[I have already reached 280, how about you? ]

While the comments were discussing, the soulful female voice of the BGM suddenly sounded!

The next second, a black shadow suddenly swooped down from the red rain of banknotes, leaving the bright red in the sky far behind!

At this moment, the live broadcast room was completely boiling!

[Fuck! ]

[So handsome! ]

[The Chu God is mighty! ]

[You are invincible below the immortals, and you can trade one for one above the immortals! ]

[This scene will definitely become a famous scene in "Criminal Simulation"! ]

[Have you ever heard of a palm method that falls from the sky! ]

[Program team: Funds are burning! ]

[I will book a flight right now to go to Mexico to pick up money. Is there anyone who wants to join me? ]

[Together, together! ]

The live broadcast continues!

Passing through the sky full of banknotes, the Swallow Cave, which was originally only the size of a palm, gradually became clear in sight!

At this time, Chu Chen's descent height has reached 3,000 meters!

If it is an ordinary high-altitude skydiving, the altitude of 3,000 meters is ready to open the parachute.

But if it is an extreme point, this altitude is only the first step of a long march!

Especially for an extreme point like the Swallow Cave!

This is even more so!

The reason why the "Awakening of the Earth" challenge is named so is to test the skydiver's perception of the ground and the ultimate control of his body!

During the entire fixed point process, the challenger must ensure that he dives into the cave without protection throughout the process, and then open the parachute at the limit, using the mortal body to awaken the earth!

However, at this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room did not realize the seriousness of this problem at all!

Because until now, they did not know how Chu Chen would end this earth-shaking crime!

Many viewers have also expressed their opinions on this issue.

But few of them are on point!

It is really hard to imagine how crazy they will be after witnessing Chu Chen's "Awakening of the Earth" with their own eyes!

At this moment, the live broadcast is here, and everyone's attention is in a highly concentrated state, always staring at Chu Chen's every move!

At present, he has successfully landed within 2,000 meters!

During this period, he has been moving along the established route, and his control of the points and directions is also perfect, which is simply a textbook demonstration!

At present, Chu Chen's parachuting skills have reached the god level, and the skills can be said to be very proficient!

Dealing with a small swallow cave is no problem at all.

However, extreme sports are high-risk sports after all, and the charm of this sport lies in the uncertainty of risks.

Many times, even if the skills are good enough, there is no guarantee that the challenge will be 100% successful!

This is especially true for the extreme eight events!

Chu Chen knows this better than anyone else!

That is why, during the entire challenge, he did not dare to be negligent in the slightest. He stared at the hole with his eyes fixed on it the whole time and did not dare to relax at all!

… … … … … … … At the same time!


In the slums on the outskirts of San Luis Potosi!

This is a small village on the edge of the primeval forest.

Due to its remote location and poor transportation, backwardness and poverty filled every corner of the village, which formed a sharp contrast with the developed modern civilized society!

In the center of the village, there is a tree with a height of more than 100 meters.

Hundred-year-old banyan tree.

At this moment, many ragged children were sitting on the crisscrossing branches of the banyan tree.

They looked at the sky idly, imagining the world on the other side of the primeval forest, enjoying the tranquility and peace alone.

But at this moment, the sky, which was originally empty, suddenly fell with a lot of red banknotes for some reason.

One after another, densely packed, like rain.

The next second, a little boy with his upper body naked noticed this scene!

He stood up in confusion, staring at the strangeness in the sky!

After a while, he finally saw the strange objects clearly, pointing to the sky, and shouted to his companions excitedly:

"Hey! Suya! Look, what is that!?"

Hearing this, all the other children stood up!

"It's Huaxia currency! It's Huaxia currency!"

"My God! Money is falling from the sky! Money is falling from the sky!"

In this world, Huaxia currency is highly recognized internationally. It is the most recognized currency by the international community besides the Euro!

Many people know Huaxia currency!

Even many children know it.

It's not surprising that they can recognize Huaxia currency at once.

"It's really money!"

"Oh my God, who can tell me what happened?"

"This is really cool!"

The children's excited shouts woke up the whole village!

For a while, many villagers also discovered this magical scene!

While picking up the brand new banknotes, they kept thanking God for his mercy!

At this moment, the originally quiet village suddenly became lively!




Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon, almost ten seconds passed!

At this time, Chu Chen's falling height had reached 500 meters.

Looking around, the mysterious Swallow Cave can finally be seen in full view!

At this height, the acceleration of gravity has reached an unprecedented peak!

As the scenery on the ground became clearer and clearer, many viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but worry about Chu Chen:

[Fuck, why don't you open the umbrella yet! ? ]

[Brother, open the umbrella quickly! ]

[Don't open the umbrella? ? ? ]

[Brothers, I'm a little scared to watch! ]

[To be honest, I can't guess what he's going to do next? ! ]

The barrage in the live broadcast room popped up frequently!

At the same time, the height of Chu Chen's fall was constantly refreshing!

400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters!

At this time, the Swallow Cave was right below him!

At a glance, the dark cave entrance was bottomless.

It seemed that the black hole that swallowed everything was full of unknown mysteries!


With the increase in speed, the last 100 meters were almost over in the blink of an eye!

At this time, the sound of breaking through the air at high speed became more and more obvious.

Seeing this, Chu Chen did not hesitate at all. After tightening his core, he put his arms directly at his sides and rushed towards the target very decisively!

The next second!

Before the audience could react to what was going on, he had already rushed into the Swallow Cave without hesitation and disappeared into the endless darkness!

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