The first time, the second time.

Chu Chen's reappearance caused quite a stir in the live broadcast room.

Various bullet comments were swiping the screen like crazy!

There was no intention to stop at all!

It was in sharp contrast to the previous cold and deserted!

After this "Awakening of the Earth", he has completely become the star player and traffic leader of this competition!

However, Chu Chen was not aware of his popularity.

At present, he put all his attention on the remaining seven challenges, and was always ready for the next update of the main task!

Because this is the key.

As for whether it is popular or not, he really doesn't care.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to the host, the task is completed, the task reward has been issued, please check it! 】

Hearing the familiar system prompt, Chu Chen quickly opened the system and checked the rewards for this mission in his backpack.

Originally, he thought that this small mission would not have any good rewards.

But the result was very unexpected!

Chu Chen never dreamed that such a small mission would reward two god-level skills at once!

[Congratulations to the host, you have received the reward, god-level language ability! ]

[Congratulations to the host, you have received the reward, god-level stealing technology! ]

One "god-level language"

One "god-level stealing"!

These two skills are very practical!

Learning god-level stealing can make him proficient in all stealing techniques and stealing skills!

And the god-level language is even simpler and cruder.

As long as you learn it, you can immediately master all languages ​​on this earth and communicate with native speakers without obstacles.

Although this skill cannot substantially improve your criminal skills like god-level stealing.

But it can also be regarded as a very practical skill, which can help you save a lot of trouble!

Looking at the two unexpected gains lying in the backpack, Chu Chen couldn't help but raise his mouth, and then without saying anything, he directly clicked to learn these two skills!

After learning the skill of God-level language, he easily understood the conversation between the two Mexicans next to him!

[Ding! ]

The next second, just after Chu Chen learned two skills, the familiar prompt sound rang again!

Hearing the sound, Chu Chen was stunned, and then immediately opened the task panel to check.

[Task name]: Return to China!

[Task time limit]: 7 days

[Task content]: Return to China within seven days!

[Task reward]: Unknown!

[Failure penalty]: Unknown!

The content of the new task is very simple.

Just return to China within seven days.

To date, Chu Chen has roughly figured out the release rules of system tasks.

Especially the release rules of some independent small tasks and branch tasks.

These tasks are all predictable and serve the main tasks!

Since the system wants him to return to China, the next challenge location is likely to be in China.

What will it be?

Is it the birth of heaven? Or the surge of wind?

Chu Chen thought about the remaining seven challenges, but couldn't find any clues, so he had to give up.

Let's take it one step at a time.

These seven challenges are all T0-level projects in various extreme sports fields!

There is no order of priority.

As for what the next task is, who cares, just do it!




At the same time!


In the command room!

After some efforts, Lin Xu finally locked Chu Chen's position using satellite positioning!

"Mr. Liu, come and see, I found him!"

Upon hearing this, four experts including Liu Xuemin came close to Lin Xu and looked in the direction of his finger.

At this moment, his computer screen was playing real-time high-definition monitoring sent back by the Beidou global satellite!

In the surveillance video, it can be clearly seen that Chu Chen walked all the way from the small shop to the current Carmen Street.

Lin Xu stared at the computer screen while introducing to everyone:

"He is now on Carmen Street in San Luis Potosi, and the famous Carmen Church and Hilton Hotel are right next to him."

After Lin Xu finished the introduction, Wang Ruomei asked curiously: "Where did he get this clothes?"

Chen Zijin smiled and said to her:

"Sister Ruomei, it's nothing. It shouldn't be difficult for a person who robbed 400 million to get a set of clothes. What we should consider now is how to catch him..."

Liu Xuemin nodded and agreed with Chen Zijin's words.

Then, he continued:

"In my opinion, during this period, he is likely to continue hiding in Mexico and will not be able to return to China for a while. As for the reason, first, he entered the country illegally and has no identity, so he cannot use regular transportation. Second, it is much safer there than in China. If it were me, I would stay there until the end of the game."

"Now, he should not have expected that we have obtained overseas investigation authority, which is still very beneficial for our arrest operation."

"We must make good use of this time difference and catch him off guard. Just now, Captain Zhou Yun has led the team to Mexico on a special plane. During this period, we must keep a close eye on him. As soon as Zhou Yun arrives, we will immediately set up control and close the net! Xiaolin, the task of monitoring him is handed over to you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu."

[Chu Shen, run quickly, Captain Zhou Yun is on the way! ]

[The expert group should be here for real this time! ]

[Brothers, I have a bad feeling...]

[Don't worry, it's not that easy to catch someone who dares to rob 400 million!]

[Chu Shen: The one who can catch me hasn't been born yet!]




Chu Chen really doesn't know that the expert group has locked his position.

However, he still has a prediction about the next move of the expert group.

Because based on what he did, he knew that he would definitely become the focus of the expert group.

Based on this, even though it is safe now, Chu Chen did not let himself relax completely, and always maintained the vigilance that a criminal master should have!

But then again.

After all, he is not in the country now.

Even if the expert group is preparing to conduct a cross-border pursuit, it will take time to implement the control.

In any case, he is still safe now.

Thinking of this, Chu Chen immediately decided to find a place to have a good rest before completing the task of returning to China.

Near Carmen Church, there is a super five-star Hilton Hotel, which is one of the few luxury hotels in the whole city. If you can sleep here for a night, it will definitely be quite comfortable.

After a busy day and night, it is time to enjoy yourself!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen immediately made up his mind and crossed Carmen Street directly to the door of the hotel!

To be honest, it is worthy of being a super five-star hotel. The decoration of the facade is very grand.

It is a high-consumption place at first glance.

However, Chu Chen did not go in directly.

Because he does not have a legal identity now, he cannot check in through conventional means.

Before that, he must first solve the identity problem.

There is a fountain square in front of the hotel. It is a landmark building in San Luis Potosí. People who come to visit and travel can be seen everywhere.

At this time, the flow of people in the square is very large.

Looking at the dense crowd, Chu Chen calmly lowered the brim of his hat, and then quietly merged into the crowd, like a hunter searching for prey, searching for the target he was ready to attack...


Ask for a free wave of "powering electricity with love"!

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