At the same time.

Hilton Hotel!

Chu Chen slept very comfortably that night.

When he got up in the morning, the fatigue of the past few days was instantly swept away.

At this moment, the live broadcast camera just switched to Chu Chen's room.

Seeing this guy still lying on the bed leisurely, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly increased:

[Chu Shen, retreat quickly, Captain Zhou is on the way! ]

[Yes, Chu Shen, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time! ]

[Captain Zhou has five seconds to reach the battlefield! ]

[I really can't imagine that this is the life of a fugitive. I envy him...]

[Chu Shen really raised the living standards of the fugitives in the show by himself...]

[Haha! Indeed!]

In the live broadcast, there was a lot of discussion.

At this time, Chu Chen had already put on his clothes and began to check in each room whether the anti-intrusion mechanism he set up last night had been touched!

At present, he is the key target of the arrest team after all.

In order to ensure that he is 100% safe, he must always be vigilant, even when sleeping!

Before going to bed last night, Chu Chen installed a simple and effective anti-intrusion mechanism in many rooms!

Some use red wine bottles, and some use dinner plates.

All are daily necessities that are easy to make noises.

Watching Chu Chen check the mechanisms he set up one by one, the barrage in the live broadcast room burst out again:

[Fuck! These things are all mechanisms? ]

[How many points do you give this operation? ]

[Must give 10 points, don't be afraid of his pride! ]

[Awesome! Really detailed! ]

[Chu Shen's anti-reconnaissance ability is really strong! ]

[Yes, every step is a prediction! ]

[Learned! ]

Soon, after checking all the mechanisms in the room, Chu Chen went to the bathroom to wash up.

However, to be on the safe side, he still did not reveal his true face and still maintained the appearance of the foreign young man!

The sound of splashing water came from the bathroom.

At this moment, Zhou Yun and a dozen of the pursuers had come to the outside of the room under the leadership of the hotel waiter!

After arriving at the place, Zhou Yun lowered his voice and said to the waiter:

"Are you sure he is in there?"

The waiter nodded and replied in poor English: "I am sure."


As he said, Zhou Yun winked at the waiter, indicating that she should open the door with the room card.

Seeing his eyes, the waiter understood instantly, took out the room card and swiped it gently on the door lock!

The next second.

With a crisp click, the door slowly opened.

At the same time, the mechanism that Chu Chen arranged behind the door was instantly triggered!

A bottle of 1982 Lafite fell directly to the ground, staining the ground red!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yun didn't think much and rushed in directly!

Immediately afterwards, other pursuers also filed in together!

In the bathroom!

Hearing the mechanism being triggered and the chaotic footsteps, Chu Chen instantly realized that something was wrong!

He knew that it should be the people in the pursuit team!

I really didn't expect that these people were so fast.

I just arrived in St. Louis yesterday, and they found my hiding place this morning.

It's worthy of being a top pursuit team, the efficiency is really high!

However, facing the upcoming trouble, Chu Chen did not flee in panic.

At this moment, he was as calm as an outsider. He first walked out of the bathroom slowly, and then walked to the restaurant slowly!

When he arrived at the restaurant, he let out a long breath, and then directly raised a chair and smashed the French window next to him!

Then, he picked up the ashtray on the dining table and smashed it hard on his forehead!


After a muffled sound, blood instantly flowed from his forehead!

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned:

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【What's going on? 】

【What is he doing? 】

【What? What is this operation? 】

【What kind of wolf is it! It's really cruel to attack myself! 】

【It hurts to watch it! 】

At the same time.

In the room.

Hearing the strange noise coming from the restaurant, Zhou Yun and other pursuers were immediately attracted and came to Chu Chen!

Seeing them coming, Chu Chen held on to his body, covered his forehead with his hands, and looked at Zhou Yun.

Asked: "Who are you?"

"Chu Chen, you are arrested!"

"What are you talking about?!" Chu Chen asked back while enduring the pain.


Zhou Yun sneered twice, and without much explanation, he took out his mobile phone and put the photo sent to him by the expert group in front of him: "Is this person you?"

In this photo, he has disguised himself as the foreign young man.

"You are wrong... This person is not me... My name is Smith, from Melbourne, and the me in this photo is pretending to be that islander!"

Chu Chen denied in fluent English.

"Islander?" Zhou Yun was a little confused by what he said.

Seeing this, Chu Chen continued:

"That's right, it's the islander who stole my passport and wallet! He opened this room with my passport! Damn it! This abominable guy! I just came here to find him, and he attacked me with that ashtray, then smashed this window and ran away! are here to save me, right?"

Hearing him say this, Zhou Yun finally began to believe that the person in front of him was not Chu Chen!

Realizing that the situation might have changed, he hurriedly ordered the two pursuers next to him: "You two call an ambulance for him, and the rest of you follow me!"

After that, he took the brunt of it, passed through the smashed French window, and began to climb downstairs through the fire ladder!

At this moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all shocked by Chu Chen's operation of deceiving the world!

Various bullet comments popped up one after another, and soon flooded the screen:

[Fuck, 666! ! ! ]

[Awesome! Too awesome! ]

[Chu Shen's acting is amazing! ]

[Xiu'er, is that you? ]

[You may not believe it, but I almost believed it! ]

[Chu Shen, this year's Oscar winner is none other than you! ]

[No, he's not nervous, is he? ]

[If it were me, I would have been exposed long ago! ]

[The acting is so realistic! It's simply god-level acting! ]

After deceiving Zhou Yun, Chu Chen quickly boarded the ambulance with the help of two pursuers.

However, he did not go to the hospital.

Instead, he found an excuse to leave.

At the moment, the attention of the expert group and the pursuit team should still be on the hotel.

Taking advantage of this time, he took a taxi directly to St. Louis International Airport, ready to take this opportunity to leave this place of trouble and return to China!

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