After leaving the milk tea shop, he went directly to the small shop next to it.

The owner of this shop is a genuine Tibetan brother. Due to his frequent contact with tourists from other places, he speaks Mandarin very well.

Seeing Chu Chen coming, he hung the rosary in his hand around his neck and greeted him with a smile:

"Zaxi Deler! Boss, what do you need?"

Chu Chen smiled and replied: "Zaxi Deler, give me a pack of cigarettes, two bottles of barley wine, and do you have sesame oil for sale?"

"Yes, yes, how much do you want?"

Chu Chen thought for a while and said, "One bottle is enough."

"A pack of cigarettes, two bottles of wine, and a bottle of sesame oil, a total of 100 yuan."


"That's right, boss, this is your stuff, please take it."

"Thank you."

After thanking the boss, Chu Chen picked up the things he had just bought, turned around and walked into a public toilet outside Rongbuk Monastery.

After arriving at the place, he randomly picked an empty compartment and took out the two bottles of barley wine and sesame oil he had just bought.

Barley wine and sesame oil are very good combustibles.

Just a little spark can make them burn, and then ignite the ammonia in the toilet, causing an explosion!

The explosive concentration range of ammonia is about 15% to 28%.

When the ammonia concentration reaches this range in a relatively closed space, as long as the temperature reaches the ignition point, the ammonia will explode!

The combustion value of alcohol is 3×107 joules/kilogram, and the normal combustion temperature is about 400 degrees. If only alcohol is used, ammonia cannot be ignited.

Because the self-ignition temperature of ammonia is about 600 degrees.

But if sesame oil is added, the instantaneous temperature of the mixture of the two can easily exceed 1000 degrees.

This temperature is enough to ignite the ammonia in the toilet.

At that time, the explosion of high-concentration ammonia can easily blow up this place and cause chaos.

And this is exactly what Chu Chen wants!

The purpose of his explosion is to test the emergency response capabilities of those security personnel, see if there are any loopholes, and use this to plan a retreat route suitable for himself!

At this moment, in the live broadcast room.

Seeing Chu Chen walk into the bathroom with these irrelevant things, there are more and more comments:

[What is Chu Shen going to do? ]

[Although I don’t understand what he is doing, I always feel that he looks so powerful! ]

[He should be making a bomb! He bought these things when he robbed the money transport machine! ]

[Yes, yes, I remember! At that time, he used these things to make a bomb and wanted to detonate the central fuel tank of the plane! ]

[But the problem is that these two things can’t explode at all! There is no explosion source! ]

[Yes, these things are all flammable, they can only catch fire, not explode, right? ]

[Bomb? I don’t have much education, don’t lie to me! ]

In the live broadcast room, everyone talked about it.

At the same time.

Chu Chen’s side.

At this moment, he has tied the two bottles of barley wine and sesame oil together with a rope, and hung them on the hook of the bathroom partition.

After hanging them, he lit a cigarette and took a deep puff!

The purpose of doing this is to keep the cigarette burning.

Then, as long as it is inserted between the two ropes, this cigarette can be used as the fuse of the ammonia bomb.

The lit cigarette will continue to burn in a very stable state until the rope is burned!

At that time, the remaining cigarette butts will fall to the ground with the three bottles of combustibles, burn, and detonate the ammonia in the toilet in one fell swoop, causing an explosion!

According to the above steps, Chu Chen quickly set up the time bomb.

At this time, the burning point of the cigarette is still a long distance away from the rope.

In order to prevent the explosion from accidentally injuring others, Chu Chen directly locked the door of the bathroom before leaving, and hung a maintenance sign at the door.

After finishing all this, Chu Chen returned to the milk tea shop and sat in the same seat, observing the security guards' movements all the time!

After watching what Chu Chen did, the audience was confused and had no idea what his purpose was:

[Who can tell me what he is doing? ]

[The people downstairs know! ]

[The 2nd floor is right! ]

[The 3rd floor doesn't know, but the 4th floor should know! ]



[I don't know, but I feel it's amazing! ]

[If you don't understand, just ask. What is this operation? ]

[Fuck, is he trying to blow up this toilet? ]

The next second!

Just as the audience was talking about it, the cigarette in the toilet finally burned through the rope!

At once, three bottles of flammable materials fell to the ground one after another!

At the moment of splashing, the scattered sparks instantly ignited them!


After a muffled sound, the floor of the bathroom soon burst into flames more than one person high!

At the same time, the temperature of the flame quickly reached the ignition point of ammonia, and then detonated the entire public health!

The process of the bomb explosion was clearly captured by the micro-eye in the sky.

Seeing this scene, many viewers understood the reason and launched barrages:

[Good guy, isn't this a time bomb? ]

[I understand brothers! He used alcohol to detonate the ammonia in the toilet! ]

[Ammonia? What is that? Please popularize it! ]

[Ammonia is a colorless, pungent, foul smell. The smell you smell in the toilet is ammonia. This thing is easy to explode! As long as the temperature reaches the standard, it is as powerful as a bomb! ]

[This time bomb of Chu Shen is really well designed! ]

[My brother is awesome! ]

[Awesome! ]


The huge explosion attracted the attention of many tourists!

At the same time, the security personnel who were patrolling near the museum also rushed in from all directions.

Chu Chen looked carefully and found that the northeast was the fastest, followed by the northwest and southwest.

The slowest was the southeast!

It was not until one minute after the explosion that the armed police appeared!

Not surprisingly, this should be the weakest link in the entire security system!

If an accident occurs during the robbery and you need to evacuate immediately, the southeast direction is definitely the preferred retreat route!

However, speaking of this.

Because this exhibition is very important.

The security is still in place!

Chu Chen roughly calculated that just now, there was almost a squadron of armed police dispatched.

At present, the exhibition has not officially opened yet.

If it really comes to the opening day, it is not an exaggeration to transfer three fully staffed armed police squadrons to ensure absolute safety.

In this case, it is also a huge challenge for Chu Chen to snatch those priceless treasures!

At this moment, the live broadcast saw this, and the audience finally understood the real purpose of Chu Chen's sudden appearance in Tibet and the explosion!

[Fuck, he came to Tibet this time, didn't he want to rob that art exhibition? ]

[It should be! ]

[Good guy, either don't make a move, or make a big move! ]

[Chu Shen doesn't care about small fights, if he wants to do it, he will do it big! ]

[I finally understand that the purpose of his explosion should be to test the security of this exhibition in advance, right? ! ]

[That's right! I see he's always observing the guards and armed police! 】

[Fuck, this guy is really smart! 】

[I wonder what challenge he'll start this time! 】

[I can't wait, please start your show! 】


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