The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Looking at Chu Chen charging towards the top on TV, Li Ning became more and more excited, and he wanted to hand the endorsement contract to Chu Chen immediately!

Because he had a hunch that at this moment, in addition to himself, many brands should have noticed this young man!

If he didn't take the initiative, he might be robbed by others!

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Li Ning immediately got up and went to the cloakroom. While getting dressed, he called his office secretary:

"Notify the group's senior management to come to the company immediately. Today's morning meeting will be held earlier."

It was just five in the morning. When he received the call, the office secretary was still asleep. His tone was full of sleepiness: "Okay, Chairman, I will notify them immediately..."

"Remember, I said immediately! No one can be late for any reason! I have something important to announce! Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, don't worry."

As the most business-minded athlete in China, Li Ning's business sense is indeed very sharp.

During this period, not only him, but many sports brands have come out and thrown olive branches to Chu Chen!

For example, Anta, 361 Degrees, Xtep, and even high-end outdoor brands Camel and Kalendar in China have also joined the ranks of competing for spokespersons, and sent their preliminary endorsement contracts to the program team as soon as possible!

Among these brands, Li Ning offered the highest price, directly offering a lifetime endorsement contract of 500 million!

Anta followed closely behind, offering 400 million.

As for the remaining brands, none of them exceeded 100 million, and they were basically in the tens of millions.

Except for Huaxia, foreign brands are not to be outdone.

Adidas, Nike, Arc'teryx, PUMA, Skecher, Mammoth, Columbia, etc., etc.!

Compared with local brands, the endorsement contracts offered by these big brands are more exaggerated than one another!

Adidas offered 1.2 billion, PUMA offered 1 billion, Arc'teryx offered 1 billion...

But among them, the most shocking is Nike, which directly offered a sky-high endorsement fee of 2 billion US dollars!

This endorsement fee directly broke the record of the highest endorsement fee previously set by superstar Michael Jordan!

Back then, for a superstar like Jordan, Nike only offered 1.3 billion for lifetime endorsement, far less than Chu Chen's 2 billion!

What is the concept of 2 billion endorsement fee?

Not surprisingly, this should be the highest price Nike can offer at this stage, and it is the only one!

There has never been such a price before, and there will never be such a price in the future!

Through this endorsement fee, we can see that Nike attaches great importance to Chu Chen!

The brand is not stupid.

If they hadn't seen his potential, they would never have paid so much money!

The fact that Nike offered a sky-high endorsement fee was exposed as early as last night!

As soon as this topic came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet and became the focus of discussion for countless people!

At present, the total number of views of related topics on Twitter has exceeded more than 1 billion!

Various comments are overwhelming!

[God! Am I seeing this correctly? ]

[Oh my God, is Nike crazy? 2 billion US dollars in endorsement fees? ]

[His endorsement fee is more than that of Mr. Joe! ]

[This crazy guy is really worth 2 billion! ]

[If you can climb this mountain, you can get it too! ]

[I think 2 billion is too conservative! ]

[If he can complete all eight extreme events, this endorsement fee is not worthy of him at all! ]

[That's right! Don't doubt Nike's vision! ]




At the same time!

Yanjing, Huaxia TV!

In Chen Zhiguo's office!

At this moment, Chen Zhiguo, who had not slept all night, was almost stunned by these endorsement contracts and copyright contracts!

The official mailbox of the program has an unread email almost every once in a while!

These emails are without exception, either endorsement contracts or letters of intent for copyright negotiations, which makes Chen Zhiguo's head big!

He can't make the decision on the endorsement contract, and can only wait for Chu Chen to come back after the show to discuss it with him.

As for the copyright, the station means to hold a copyright negotiation meeting and invite all TV networks that are interested in purchasing copyrights to Huaxia for a three-day meeting.


Not everyone can sit at this negotiation table. One billion US dollars is the entry ticket for the negotiation. If you can't reach this minimum standard, you don't even have the qualifications to compete!

Yesterday, Huaxia TV was still worried about Chu Chen's challenge bonus and the compensation for handling the aftermath!

Now it seems that there is really nothing to worry about this matter.

If the copyrights of all continents can be sold, this hole can be filled, and even a huge profit can be made, and the financial report can be pulled!

At present, the offer from CBS alone has reached 3 billion US dollars!

The most important thing is that this is not the final price.

Once we sit at the negotiation table, this price will at least double again!

In addition to North America, the offers from TV networks and media in other continents are also very high!

If all these are added up, the overseas live broadcast rights of "Criminal Simulation" can at least create 20 billion US dollars in financial report data for Huaxia TV!

The total value is nearly 150 billion Chinese yuan!

Equivalent to 50 years of revenue of Huaxia TV...

This unexpected fortune has far exceeded the psychological expectations of the program team!

At the beginning, they just wanted to do a legal education program to reduce the crime rate, but the appearance of Chu Chen changed the style of the entire program!

At present, his crazy criminal methods and god-level operations have completely become the biggest selling point of the program, and are regarded as classics by countless young people!




At this moment!

The top of Mount Everest!

As time passed, the sun that had not been seen for a long time finally broke through the clouds and lit up the world again.

Standing at an altitude of more than 8,000 meters and looking around, everything within sight became extremely spectacular.

The sky above is within reach!

The plateau under your feet is desolate and heroic.

In the distance, the continuous snow-capped mountains are like a fierce silver dragon, quietly entrenched on the ground, ready to soar into the sky at any time!

At present, after a night of hard work.

Chu Chen's face was already covered with frost.

But these frosts did not affect his appearance, but made him look tougher.

At this time, his altitude had exceeded 8200 meters.

He was about to reach the last node of 8450 meters!

Once this node was broken, he could launch the final attack on the summit!

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