The sky is so bright, and the sky is so bright.

The desolate sky is so close!

The floating light clouds are within reach!

At this moment, the snow-capped mountain, which has been silent in the world for billions of years, finally waited for its first visitor, and lowered its proud head under the witness of the whole world!

The wind is still the wind.

The clouds are still the clouds!

The mountain is still the mountain!

But because of Chu Chen's arrival, these ordinary scenery has long lost its original color and become different!

In the live broadcast room!

When Chu Chen stood on 8848, the altitude number in the center of the screen finally froze!

At this time, the whole audience was silent!

Not a single bullet screen could be seen.

It was not until a few seconds later that the tsunami-like barrage engulfed the live broadcast room!

[Everyone stand up! ]

[Fuck! ]

[The moment of enshrining a god! ]

[This time I really witnessed history! ]

[His name is Chu Chen, and he is the first person on Earth to climb Mount Everest! No matter who you are, please remember him for what he did for all mankind! ]

[The whole world should remember this exciting day! ]

[He stood on the top of the world with all mankind on his shoulders! It's incredible! ]

[You are invincible below the immortals, and you are also invincible above the immortals! ]

[Chu Chen: Today, I climbed the world's first peak that everyone dreams of, and everyone is cheering for me. I like this feeling very much! (Diary before death)]

[He stood on the top of the mountain, laughing at the incompetence of the god of death, and I wandered on the edge of life, looking for hope in life. He lives to play with his life, and I play with my life to live (laughing and crying)! ]

[Just because he didn't want to be caught by the pursuit team, he broke the rumor that humans can never climb an 8,000-meter snow mountain! ]

[My name is Li Chenxu, please follow me in the front row! ]

[They are all lumbar discs, why is yours so prominent! ]

The barrage in the live broadcast room is getting more and more!

There is no intention to stop at all!

Everyone cheered!


At this moment, all the audience were very excited!

As witnesses of history, although they did not fight side by side with Chu Chen, they could also empathize with this victory!

Especially the Chinese, that sense of pride is no longer something that can be described in words!

At this moment, on Mount Everest, it is still the same as usual!

But the world below the mountain has long been boiling!

At the moment of reaching the top, nearly 10,000 Tibetans outside Rongbuk Monastery all knelt down in the direction of Mount Everest!

Their movements were surprisingly consistent!

Everyone's face was very pious!

At the same time, the gate of Jokhang Temple, hundreds of kilometers away, was also crowded!

Countless Tibetans surrounded the entire Balang Street!

The excitement was comparable to the Tibetan New Year's gathering!

On the other side.

At the foot of the mountain at the base camp!

At this moment, all the staff also walked out of the tent, staring at the peak hidden in the clouds!

At the moment, although they can't see Chu Chen's figure!

But they know that behind that flag cloud, there is a crazy young man who made history and stepped on the whole earth!

After a while.

I don't know who took the lead in applauding.

Immediately afterwards, others responded one after another!

For a time, deafening applause soon resounded throughout the plateau!

At this moment, in addition to the scene, there was also jubilation on the Internet!

The homepages of apps such as Weibo, Douyin, Kuaizi, and Bilibili are almost all about Chu Chen's successful top-ranking topics and hot searches, which are dazzling!

Especially the Weibo hot searches, the scene is even more spectacular!

At present, almost all of the top 10 hot searches on Weibo are occupied by Chu Chen!

The popularity is terrifying!

If Xinlang had not been prepared in advance, the entire APP would probably be destroyed by this wave of traffic!

When the popularity on the Internet was rising, many local TV stations' morning news also reported on this incident one after another!

For a time, the whole of China was boiling because of this incident!

The same is true abroad!

Those familiar APPs are almost all about Chu Chen's videos!

In order to gain the favor of the copyright owner, the CBS news channel directly gave up the prime time of "Person of Interest" and made a program specifically for Chu Chen to increase his popularity in North America!

Once the program was launched, the effect was surprisingly good.

It took less than

In five minutes, the ratings far exceeded that of Person of Interest!

Such results have further strengthened CBS's determination to obtain the exclusive North American copyright of Crime Simulator!

If this cooperation is successful, they will definitely be able to take the lead in the new round of competition and firmly sit on the top spot of the five major TV networks!

In addition to CBS, other TV networks have also brought out their own killer weapons and made full use of the prime time!

Due to the publicity of the five major TV networks, Chu Chen's popularity in North America began to rise sharply, and soon became a household variety show star!

Especially the moment he climbed Mount Everest, it made the whole of North America completely crazy!

In almost every block, people's deafening cheers can be heard!

The liveliness is so lively that even the Super Bowl live broadcast is ashamed of itself!

Of course, at this moment, not only in North America, such scenes are being staged in many countries, and gradually evolved into a global carnival!

… … … … … At the same time!

The top of Mount Everest!

Under everyone's gaze, the live broadcast camera of the miniature sky eye, with Chu Chen as the center, kept circling upwards!

Until he turned into a black dot, the camera switched back to his side, turning into his first-person perspective!

At this time, through Chu Chen's perspective, everyone saw the rare beauty!

It is worthy of being the top of the earth!

Even the towering and continuous Himalayan mountains have become a drop in the ocean!

Not worth mentioning at all!

At this moment, due to the high altitude and the influence of the earth's curvature, the originally flat horizon actually appeared a little arc, hidden at the farthest point of sight.

This shot completely broke the so-called flat earth fantasy and proved once again that the earth is round.

【Whoever tells me that the earth is flat, I will be angry with him! 】

【That's right! 】

【It's really too high! 】

【I have acrophobia, can you not have a first-person perspective! 】

【Acrophobia +1! 】

While everyone was talking, Chu Chen just walked to the edge of the peak and kicked a stone down with his foot.

Seeing this scene, some viewers who were afraid of heights couldn't stand it anymore and sent out barrages again:

[No! ]

[My legs are weak! ]

[I'm already sweating profusely! ]

[If I jump down, will I still be alive? ]

[Do you still want to live? You should ask if it's a miserable death! ]

[Others don't know, but Chu Chen definitely has it. At most, the resurrection coin will be -1! ]

[Damn director, please end the first-person perspective quickly! ]

The purpose of Chu Chen kicking down this stone was to test the wind direction and speed, and to confirm the approximate time of parachute opening based on its falling speed!

Because wait, he will soon start the highlight of this challenge - the extreme peak high altitude parachute drop!

(PS: Today’s update is complete! Please urge me to update, give me rewards, and give me five-star praise! Power generation statistics: 1890/2000, brothers, keep working hard! I can update tomorrow!)

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