The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

After hearing Chu Chen's words, the comments in the live broadcast room suddenly increased:

[Will the crime continue? ! ]

[Haha! Chu Chen is just a blatant provocation! ]

[The best problem of the year: I want to know the psychological shadow area of ​​the pursuit team! ]

[I'm so angry! I know he is on the mountain, but I just can't catch him! ]

[Fuck, is the challenge not over yet? ]

[Who can tell me what he is going to do? ]

[New fans? Remember, no one can predict Chu Shen's operation! ]

[Haha, right! ]

Everyone was talking in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, Chu Chen was ready to jump!

After everything was ready, he faced the camera and left an intriguing smile to the audience around the world, then began to slowly retreat, and only stopped again after he had enough running distance!

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room still didn't know what he was going to do, and were still confused about what Chu Chen did!

The next second!

While everyone was guessing in the barrage, Chu Chen had already started the run-up for the jump, and rushed towards the sky on the southern slope of the snow-capped mountain!

"Thump, thump!"

He sprinted very fast!

He didn't take the altitude of 8848 into consideration at all!

At this altitude, if it were someone else, let alone sprinting, being able to walk and move would be the limit!

But looking at Chu Chen's state, he was not affected at all!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe that someone could complete such an intense short-distance sprint on the top of the earth at 8848!

[Fuck! ]

[Brother, stop now, I'm scared! I'm really scared! ]

[Can you bear this? ]

[Fuck, at this speed, brother, are you using Phantom Dream? ]

[What is he going to do? ]

[Is he going to jump down? ]

[What? Jump down? ! ]

The next second!

Just as the barrage was talking about it, the exciting prelude of "Children of the Dark" sounded at the same time!

Immediately afterwards, the soulful singing of the female voice, although late but arrived, immediately pushed the atmosphere of the live broadcast room to an unprecedented climax!

At this moment, Chu Chen had also finished his run-up, jumped off the edge of the peak, and leaped into the air!

[Oh my God, he really jumped down? ]

[Fuck, this young man! Fuck! He is going to die! Fuck! ]

[Congratulations, resurrection coin -1! ]

[Brother, teach me how to adjust the thirty lives! Is it up, down, left, right, BABA? ]

[This BGM is absolutely poisonous! He rode his bicycle to work with headphones on and played a single song on repeat. He was stopped by the traffic police on a motorcycle after chasing him for more than ten kilometers and was fined for serious speeding! ]

[Dude, be careful! ]

[Who knows what he is going to do? ]

[He is not going to parachute, is he? ]

[It should be parachute! Look at the direction of the jump, I guess he wants to escape to Nibel next door! ]

[Fuck! ]

Before that, many viewers in the live broadcast room, like the experts in the expert group, have been speculating on Chu Chen's subsequent actions!

At that time, some people said that he would choose a more extreme route down the mountain to avoid the siege of the pursuit team!

Some people also said that he would return along the original route and confront the pursuit team head-on!

But now it seems that these speculations are biased!

This guy directly chose the most unexpected way!

They never dreamed that Chu Chen’s so-called "challenge is not over yet" would actually jump off Mount Everest!

Being able to climb Mount Everest is shocking enough!

Then jumping off the peak is even more shocking!

At this moment, the extreme jump from the top of the world is like a super bomb, which completely blows up the live broadcast room!

[It turns out that Chu Shen has already left a retreat for himself! ]

[That’s right! ]

[Playing skydiving on Mount Everest is simply unparalleled! ]

[Give me 10 billion and I dare not do this! ]

[Who urinates yellow, wake him up quickly, except for diabetes, don’t let this kid taste any sweetness! ]

[I’ll go first! I haven’t failed so far! ]

[Brother, please tell your story! 】




The challenge continues!

At the moment of leaping into the air, all the scenery in sight seemed to be stagnant!

Until gravity returns again, everything will be restored

As usual!

Through the windshield of the helmet, Chu Chen could clearly feel that his falling speed was getting faster and faster!

The free fall at the 8,848-meter peak is definitely much more exciting than normal skydiving!

Especially the pleasure of sliding along the mountain wall, which is very addictive!

At this moment, every cell in Chu Chen's body was trembling with excitement, as if he had received a shot of adrenaline and was expanding unscrupulously!

It was so cool!

For a moment, he felt like an F1, speeding on an empty straight track, enjoying the invincible pleasure brought by surpassing the limit!

At this moment, the cold and lack of oxygen disappeared!

All that was left was endless speed and passion!


When he fell to an altitude of 7,000 meters, the speed finally reached an unprecedented extreme!

At this moment, although wearing protective equipment, Chu Chen could still feel the drastic change in the airflow!

The prevailing winds in the Himalayas are mostly northwest winds.

Affected by the prevailing winds, the airflow direction of the valley wind on the entire south slope is extremely unstable!

Seeing this, Chu Chen hurriedly spread his limbs to control his center of gravity, and then continued to dive towards the parachute opening point of 6500!

At the same time!

The north slope of Mount Everest!

The base camp at the foot of the mountain!

When Chu Chen jumped from the top of the mountain, all the staff were instantly shocked!

Especially the two captains Zhou Yun and Chen Xiong!

During this period, they thought of countless ways that Chu Chen might escape, but they didn't think of parachuting!

But this guy did it...

Parachuting on Mount Everest, what's the difference between this and seeking death? !

Putting down the telescope, Zhou Yun let out a long breath, and then couldn't help shaking his head and said:

"This guy really doesn't want to die..."

Zhou Yun never dreamed that Chu Chen would use such an extreme way as parachuting to leave Mount Everest and escape to Nepal opposite!

What a crazy person can come up with this operation!

After pondering for a moment, he looked at Chen Xiong who was also extremely shocked, and continued:

"Captain Chen, quickly notify the expert group in Yanjing and tell them that Chu Chen escaped to Nepal by parachuting after climbing Mount Everest, and his whereabouts are unknown now!"


(PS: Today's update is complete! Please urge for more, reward, and five-star praise! Power generation statistics: 2123/2000, finally enough, thank you for your support! More and more! The author is going to write now, and then release it together with tomorrow's update! Three updates tomorrow!)

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