The underground parking garage of the building has a separate monitoring system.

The monitoring room is in the northwest corner of the garage.

The person in charge of the monitoring is a middle-aged black man with a big belly, a standard scumbag.

He fainted before he even saw Chu Chen's face clearly.

After dealing with him, Chu Chen turned off the monitoring of the entire underground garage and deleted all the past videos.

He did this not because he was afraid of being tracked down.

But to ensure the smooth progress of the plan.

Before the operation officially began, he had to conceal his whereabouts as much as possible to avoid being targeted by the South African officials.

At the moment, these people must be catching him all over South Africa. If he exposed his position at this time, it would be very troublesome.

Without surveillance, even if someone came to check, it would not be long before they found out about him.

This time difference was enough for Chu Chen to complete the preparations for the plan.

As for the future, even if they realized it later, it was too late, because at that time, the trump card of McLaren was already in his hand!

McLaren was the key to Chu Chen's plan.

As long as this trump card was in hand, the whole plan would come to fruition!

However, before that, he had to deal with the driver first, only in this way could he get close to this trump card!

When Chu Chen left the monitoring room, he looked at the mountaineering watch on his wrist. The time was exactly five o'clock in the afternoon.

If nothing unexpected happened, the driver should appear soon.

Without further ado, Chu Chen immediately ambushed on the road he had to pass, hiding behind a coupe, ready to move!

At the same time!

Huaxia TV!

After two days of remote maintenance, Chu Chen's portable Sky Eye was finally restored!

At the moment the live broadcast was restarted, countless comments were like a sudden torrent that instantly engulfed the entire live broadcast room!

[First, first! I am the first! ]

[Everyone stand up! ]

[The front row is for Chu Shen! ]

[Chu Shen, I miss you so much! ]

[Where is Chu Shen? Why is it so dark? ]

[Should it be in the underground garage? ]

[I have been dreaming about Chu Shen being caught these two days. Seeing that he is fine, my heart is finally relieved! ]

[He took on the entire South Africa alone and let him escape. Too cool? ]

Since Chu Chen has not appeared for two days, the audience in the live broadcast room are very worried about his safety.

Seeing that he is fine, many people are relieved!

The next second.

Just as everyone in the live broadcast room was talking about it, a crisp whistle suddenly broke the silence of the garage.

Looking in the direction of the whistle.

A middle-aged black man in a suit and leather shoes was walking towards Chu Chen leisurely with a cup of coffee.

Seeing the target appear at the same time, Chu Chen did not attack immediately.

Instead, he waited until he walked over, then slowly touched behind him.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he directly gave him a clean throat lock, making him fall asleep!

Chu Chen's movements were very fast, and he didn't give him a chance to react at all!

There was no sound during the whole process, and the battle was resolved without anyone noticing!

After the battle, Chu Chen first blocked his mouth with his socks to prevent him from shouting after waking up.

Then he dragged him to McAllen's special car and began to disguise himself according to his appearance.

Because the props were well prepared, it took less than ten minutes for Chu Chen to complete the disguise and turned himself into his appearance!

The moment the disguise was over, the driver gradually woke up from his coma.

After waking up, he first looked at himself who was only wearing a pair of underwear, and then looked at the other "self" who was driving the car.

It didn't matter that he looked at it, because he was too excited, he couldn't breathe again and fainted again!

[Haha! Damn, I laughed to death! ]

[Is this brother here to make fun of me? ]

[Brother: Who am I, where am I, what am I doing? ]

[I laughed so hard that my stomach hurts! ]

[When Chu Shen changes his clothes, something big must happen! ]

In the car.

Seeing that he fainted again, Chu Chen slapped him hard!


Chu Chen only used one-third of his strength in this slap, but it was enough for him. He coughed three or four times in a breath before he could breathe evenly!

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

After recovering from his shock, the driver struggled and looked at this man who looked exactly like him in horror!

Seeing this, Chu Chen made a silent gesture to him, then took out a gun and pointed it at him.

The man warned Chu Chen with his head: "Don't make a sound, or I'll shoot you."


Seeing Chu Chen pull out a gun, the man hesitated and shook his head frantically.

"I will ask you a few questions later. As long as you answer truthfully, I will let you go! If you dare to make any other noise during the interrogation, you know the consequences!"

Hearing this, the black driver nodded like crazy.

Seeing that he understood what he meant, Chu Chen slowly took the socks out of his mouth:

"What's your name?"

"Huh! Huh... Huh... My name is... My name is..." The black driver panted almost crazily, and said: "My name is Kevin, my name is Kevin!"

"How long have you worked for McAllen?"

"Ten years! I've worked for him for ten years!"

"What do you usually call him?"

"?" The black driver was a little confused, but still gave his answer: "I call him boss!"

"Say it again."


"What is the first sentence you usually say to him when he gets in the car after get off work every day?"

Hearing this question, the black driver was even more confused.

Seeing that he was a little hesitant, Chu Chen directly put the gun to his head: "Just say whatever I ask you, OK?"

"OK, OK! Let me think about it, let me think about it! I will say to him good evening, old... boss, good evening..., are you going back to the manor? Oh, yes, that's what I said!"

"Say this sentence again in full."

"Boss, good evening, are you going back to the manor?"

"Let's talk about it later."

"Boss, good evening, are you going back to the manor?"

Chu Chen nodded, and then asked: "Then, when he gets out of the car, what will you say?"

"Boss, we're here. Then, I will open the car door for him."

"With which hand?"

"With my left hand, I'm left-handed."

Then, Chu Chen asked him many, many questions like this, until he could perfectly imitate his demeanor, tone, habitual movements, and be able to make the fake look real, and then he stopped!

"I said I won't hurt you, but I won't let you go just like that. You may have to suffer a little bit next, just bear with it and it will pass..."

After saying that, before he could react to what was going on, Chu Chen suddenly knocked him unconscious with the butt of his gun, then blocked his mouth with the socks he had just used, and threw him into the trunk of a car.

In order to ensure that his life would not be in danger, Chu Chen also deliberately pried open a gap for him to ensure air circulation.

After finishing these, the time was almost up.

Seeing this, Chu Chen did not stay any longer, and immediately drove the extended Lincoln of McLaren and appeared in front of the De Beers building on time!

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