The sound of the explosion was heard, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

For a moment, everyone looked sideways.

Following the direction of the sound, they kept looking around.

Then, fully armed policemen could be seen sticking their heads out from every corner of the mining area.

They were wearing bulletproof vests and holding various weapons in their hands.

The black muzzles of the guns were all aimed at Chu Chen standing next to McAllen!

"Listen, everyone below. I am the inspector of the Cape Provincial Police Headquarters. My name is Rod. You are surrounded. Now please raise your hands and cooperate with our work!"

Standing in the middle of a group of policemen, Rod shouted loudly to the crowd.

After hearing his shouting, everyone raised their hands in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

Chu Chen knew that most of these policemen were coming for him.

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be that the matter at the De Beers Building was discovered, so they followed the clues and found this place.

These guys were really quick.

Realizing that these South African policemen might be well prepared, Chu Chen did not resist and raised his hands like everyone else.

But looking at his expression and demeanor, he did not seem to take these people seriously.

After controlling the situation, Inspector Rhodes slowly took out his pistol from his waist, walked up to Chu Chen, pointed the gun at him and said:

"You are arrested."

Seeing that Rhodes pointed the gun at "Kevin", the big guys around him, including McCarron and Hillary, all cast their eyes on him at the same time, with extremely complicated expressions!

"Should I call you Kevin now, or Chu Chen? Boy?" Rhodes said again.

Seeing that the other party recognized him, Chu Chen laughed, no longer pretended, and directly took off his mask to reveal his true face!

For a moment, everyone present was stunned, especially McAllen, who was stunned and his worldview was completely destroyed!

He never dreamed that the "Kevin" beside him was actually a fake.

Seeing his stunned look, Chu Chen smiled and said to him slowly:

"The micro remote-controlled bomb in your helmet is a nano-scale micro-bomb that Armscor just developed last month. Its power is enough to blow up a heavyweight armored tank."

Hearing that there was a bomb on his head, the people around him immediately took several steps back with him as the center of the circle!

"You are the one who just talked to me?" McAllen asked back with a puzzled look on his face.

Chu Chen ignored him, showed the bomb remote control in his hand to Rhodes, and then continued to talk to himself:

"This bomb can be detonated by impact, I advise you not to do anything rash. In addition, in addition to this remote control, I also installed a heart rate sensor on the bomb's detonator. As long as my heartbeat stops, it will explode immediately."

"So, officer, tell your people not to shoot, otherwise you know the consequences..."

The whole audience was in an uproar as soon as the voice fell!

Hearing this, Rhodes' expression was also very ugly, and his frown was about to twist into a knot.

[Connecting the bomb with your heartbeat, Chu Shen is really good! ]

[Too crazy! ]

[Chu Shen: Surprised, surprised? ]

[Fuck, this trick is really amazing! ]

[Awesome! Really awesome! ]

"Officer, can I put my hand down?"

Although Rhodes was very unwilling, he really had no way to deal with Chu Chen at the moment.

"What do you want?" Rod asked with a gun.

Chu Chen glanced at him, then walked up to McCarron with a swagger, hooked his shoulder and said:

"I don't want to do anything. I just want to borrow some money from this great capitalist next to me for those homeless refugees. Let your people move quickly. I will give them ten minutes."

"Okay, Hillary... Didn't you hear what he said? Let your people move faster, faster!" McCarron ordered excitedly.

Hearing this, Hillary nodded like crazy, and immediately picked up the intercom and shouted: "Jamie, tell your people to move faster..."

"Kimberley is such a beautiful place..."

Chu Chen sighed sincerely, holding McCarron's shoulders.

The next second, he pointed to the ground in the mining area that was riddled with holes and continued in an unusually calm tone:

"Mr. Capitalist, open your eyes and take a good look. Look at our earth, what has it become after you have dug it?"

"Look at these mines,

Doesn't it look like wounds that can never heal? "

"If someone digs so many holes in your body, what will you do?"

After each word, Chu Chen gently tapped his chest: "How? Want to try?"

Three questions that hit the soul!

It instantly stunned Macallan's flax, and also made many people fall into deep thought!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Chu Chen smiled: "Don't worry, I won't do that."

Then, he continued in a calm tone:

"For thousands of years, due to the unscrupulous mining and excavation of human beings, this planet has been suffering from the harm we have brought to it every moment. It uses its tolerance and patience to carry our civilization and indulge our behavior!"

"It is precisely because of this that human civilization can develop peacefully to this day, but today, many people have long forgotten their awe of nature! "

Speaking of this, Chu Chen cast his gaze towards Macallan:

"Some of them even regard this unbridled demand as a matter of course, and for their own selfish desires, they constantly consume the patience of nature..."

"Today, what I have done is not only for myself, but also a journey of atonement launched to the power of the earth on behalf of all mankind, including you, Macallan. "

After Chu Chen finished speaking, the comments in the live broadcast room increased again:

[That's great!]

[We should reflect on it!]

[Humanity's damage to the earth is really serious!]

[Support Chu Shen!]

[I kind of understand the significance of Chu Shen's extreme eight events. He is not simply committing a crime. He just wants to use this method to awaken our attention to nature!]

[I understand!]

At this moment, not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but almost all the people present, including the South African police, were infected by what Chu Chen said!

Even those capitalists who were arrogant on weekdays couldn't help but lower their proud heads.

Then, Chu Chen continued to speak: "Now I give you a chance to make up for all this. Are you willing?"

McCallen didn't speak.

Seeing this, Chu Chen smiled, took out a black remote control and put it in his hand, and then said word by word:

"See the red button on it? When I count to three, I need to press it, otherwise, I will blow your head off immediately! ”


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