The sudden rain of diamonds lasted for more than 20 minutes over the refugee camp before it came to an end! When the roar of the propeller faded away, all the refugees who picked up the diamonds stopped their actions involuntarily and watched the helicopters leave the sky above their heads one after another... Until now, they didn't know who brought this favor! However, it didn't matter anymore. Because they will remember this scene! Never forget it! Many years later, when all those who experienced this incident recall it, Chu Chen's name will definitely become a special totem symbolizing hope and courage, deeply integrated into their culture! They will spread the good deeds of this mysterious man by word of mouth!

They may even regard him as the incarnation of the Lord and worship him!

As for the story behind all this, it will surely remind people to always learn to respect nature and maintain due humility!

Otherwise, humans will regret it sooner or later!

At this point in the live broadcast, more and more viewers have begun to understand Chu Chen's approach!

His extreme eight items are no longer synonymous with crime, but have become a great feat!

At this time, some young people in the live broadcast room have even begun to get excited and want to become a real "extreme thief"!

[It makes my blood boil! ]

[Chu Shen, I want to join! ]

[Take me with you! ]

[Starting today, I will exercise well and strive to complete one of the extreme eight items in my lifetime! ]

[Yes, as an ordinary person, it is already very good to complete one of them! ]

At this moment.

In the helicopter.

Macallan, who was dying, had already lost all hope. He sat down in his seat with his Century Diamond in his arms, his face covered with dirt.

Seeing the former capital giant become like this, Chu Chen smiled intriguingly, then snatched the stick from his hand, looked at it in his hand:

"It is indeed the best raw diamond of this century, it is indeed shining, but I really have no interest in this thing-"

After saying this, Chu Chen threw the Century Diamond out without even looking at it!

The dazzling Century Diamond.

Shining in the sky!

Finally, it fell a thousand feet and fell into a deep canyon, and disappeared!

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned:

[Fuck, don't throw it, give it to me! ]

[No! ]

[Brothers, I'll go first! ]

[Who knows where this is? I'm going to pick it up! ]

[I'm going too! ]

[I'm already on my way to the airport! ]

[Brothers, go! ]

[By the time you get there, the daylily will be cold...]

At this moment, it's not just the official live broadcast room in China, but also in the live broadcast rooms in other continents, especially on the South African TV side, where the audience is very excited. Some have even left their homes and rushed to the canyon where the Century Diamond was left behind!




"Kill me..."

On the helicopter, McAllen looked at Chu Chen and said disheartenedly.

Chu Chen smiled and said, "I don't have the power to end anyone's life. I can't guarantee anything else, but at least you are safe now..."

At this moment, after a period of flight, the helicopter has completely left Central Africa and flew into the territory of Zambia!

Looking down through the window of the plane, you can clearly see a long river with a turbulent flow, flowing rapidly between the lush and dense forests!

Looking around.

The river is like a winding giant python, rushing across the vast land!

This long river is the source of the Congo River - the Chambishi River!

Seeing that they have arrived at the destination, Chu Chen decisively picked up the walkie-talkie and instructed the driver:

"Lower the altitude to within 80 meters, and then open the rear hatch!"

After receiving the order, the driver immediately pushed the joystick and began to lower the altitude.

"What are you going to do..." McAllen asked weakly.

As soon as McAllen finished speaking, the helicopter quickly descended to the specified altitude according to Chu Chen's request.

Realizing that it was almost time, Chu Chen straightened his collar and looked at the waterproof watch on his wrist.

The next second, he looked at McAllen and said slowly:

"Your game is over... but my game has just begun..."

After saying that, Chu Chen left a very strange smile in the camera, and then he started to sprint towards the rear door without looking back!

Seeing this scene, the audience was shocked and said in the live broadcast room:

[Wow! What is he going to do? ]

[Ah? ? ? ? ]

[Just jumped? ? ? ]

[It's started! Get ready, nuclear energy ahead! ]

[My subtitle group sings the war song! ]

[Another parachute jump? ]

The next second.

Just when everyone was excited, Chu Chen had already jumped off the helicopter!

And at this moment, his exclusive war song "CHILDREN OF THE DARK" also sounded at the same time!

"Ding ding ding ding ding!"

As soon as this song came out, the atmosphere of the live broadcast was completely ignited!

Various bullet comments exploded again!

At the beginning, many people thought that Chu Chen would perform another parachute jump!

But soon some viewers realized the seriousness of the problem and found that he didn't bring a parachute bag at all!

[Brothers, he didn't bring a parachute bag! ! ! The one behind is not a parachute bag, but a backpack! ! ! ] Uh

Such a bullet comment immediately caused a thousand waves in the live broadcast room and shocked everyone directly!

[What? No parachute bag? ]

[No parachute bag? ? ]

[Ding! Resurrection coin -1! ]

[Isn't there a river below him? ]

[Do you think this is a 10-meter diving platform? The resistance of fluid mechanics is proportional to the square. The faster the falling speed, the greater the resistance. His current height is 80 meters. Even professional divers cannot grasp this height. It is no different from jumping onto the concrete floor...]

[Fuck, is it true? ? I don't read much, don't lie to me! ]

[Brother, what he said is true! Gravity acceleration! ]

[Oh my god, this is too crazy? ]

In the live broadcast, accompanied by various barrages, Chu Chen directly did a neat 360-degree somersault while falling!


After that, he immediately adjusted his posture and finally plunged into the river below by turning his palm into the water!

Because the height was too high.

The impact was very strong!

Although the river was turbulent, it still exploded with huge waves!


After a while.

After the splash dissipated, the river returned to calm again.

But there was no sign of Chu Chen!

Seeing this scene, all the audience's hearts were lifted again!

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