The truth is that the two sides have been very close.

When Xia Linxin chose to pay tribute to Lu Tianqi, some hotel managers in Shanghai also saw Lu Tianqi's video.

They are all rivals in the industry and have some understanding of each other's work style.

Like Xia Linxin, these colleagues in Shanghai felt confused when they saw that Lu Tianqi only found an internet celebrity to help promote his hotel.

"Even if [Xiao Ya] is a popular internet celebrity in Shanghai, can an internet celebrity alone have enough publicity influence?"

"Is Lu Tianqi plotting something?"

It is hard for these colleagues in Shanghai not to be suspicious.

Qin Shuyang's current popularity on the Internet can definitely be said to be very high.

But even so, Qin Shuyang dare not say that everyone in Shanghai knows the name of [No Worries Restaurant], right?

So Lu Tianqi just found such a food blogger, can it play a big enough publicity role in Shanghai?

Can it be guaranteed that those rich people have seen [Xiao Ya]'s video?

Even if they have seen it, can people believe that a food blogger said that Lu Tianqi's hotel has made great progress in cooking?

If the rich can't believe it, then the money is equivalent to a waste of water, right?

After all, even if many people in the comment area agree.

But most consumers will definitely not be willing to spend 10,000 yuan of Australian dragons.

What's the use of just applauding in the comment area?

If applauding in the comment area is useful, Qin Shuyang's comment area will be full of curses, and [No Worries Restaurant] should have closed down long ago.

In fact, after Qin Shuyang watched the video posted by [Xiao Ya], he didn't see the videos posted by other store exploration bloggers.

Qin Shuyang was also curious: "It's unreasonable for a five-star hotel to find someone to promote it, and they find an internet celebrity to promote it?"

"Just watch him quietly and see what he does!"

Qin Shuyang was just a little curious.

After all, in terms of cooking skills, the other party would definitely not be able to surpass him, otherwise he would not force a benchmark.

So Qin Shuyang would not take the Beach Hyatt Hotel too seriously.

At 11 o'clock, Qin Shuyang fell asleep as usual.

However, Xia Linxin and other colleagues in the Magic City still couldn't sleep at night, thinking about what methods Lu Tianqi planned to use to increase the popularity of the Beach Hyatt Hotel.


The night passed in a blink of an eye.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Qin Shuyang returned to the store, opened as usual, and began to prepare.

At 9 o'clock, Xia Linxin returned to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Xia Linxin did not go back to the office as soon as possible, but came to the public relations department now.

Ding Yiyou, the director of the public relations department, was quite nervous when he saw Xia Linxin coming so early in the morning.

"Boss Xia, is there anything urgent that happened so early in the morning?"

"Director Ding, I wonder if you noticed a video of a celebrity blogger last night. The name of this celebrity blogger is [Xiao Ya]."

"I saw it."

Ding Yiyou has been following Qin Shuyang's videos recently, so the Douyin algorithm will naturally push similar videos to him.

"I see that this celebrity's store exploration is very popular, so I want to say, why don't we also find this celebrity to cooperate and let her come to our hotel to explore a store?"

"This celebrity is good at forcing benchmarks, so let her help us promote it in the video, saying that our hotel's Aolong is not inferior to the Beach Hyatt Hotel, which is equivalent to not losing to [No Worries Restaurant]."

"Then our hotel will quickly launch some new services, which are better than the services of the Beach Hyatt Hotel."

This is what Xia Linxin thought about all night,

because if she finds other celebrities, it may also be effective.

But it is definitely not as good as finding this [Xiao Ya].

If Xia Linxin finds other Internet celebrities to visit the store, and forcibly compares her own hotel with [No Worries Restaurant] in the video, it may make people feel unfair.

If she finds [Xiao Ya], then [Xiao Ya] has already compared the Australian lobsters of [No Worries Restaurant] with those of the Beach Hyatt Hotel in the video.

If the Australian lobsters here are not worse than those of the Beach Hyatt Hotel, wouldn’t it be indirectly equivalent to the Australian lobsters of [No Worries Restaurant]?

If her own hotel improves its service, wouldn’t it be equivalent to stepping on Lu Tianqi’s conspiracy and tricks to promote it?

In this way,

If Lu Tianqi has a conspiracy behind him, Xia Linxin can still pay tribute.

As for the worry that [Xiao Ya] will not accept the cooperation with her own company after accepting Lu Tianqi's cooperation, it is completely impossible.

Can you not make money?

"Okay, President Xia."

Ding Yiyou immediately understood Xia Linxin's plan.

"Director Ding, then you should deal with it quickly. I hope to see this video as soon as possible."

"Understood, I will immediately let someone contact the other party to discuss this cooperation."

"Leave it to you."

After saying that, Xia Linxin left Ding Yiyou's office and returned to her own office.

When Xia Linxin returned to the office, she was still in a very good mood.

Because under [Xiao Ya's] video yesterday, netizens all prefer better service.

If the service on her side is better, Lu Tianqi's publicity will be like making wedding clothes for herself.

Xia Linxin is still full of confidence in the service of her own hotel.

After all, her own hotel is one of the few comprehensive hotels in the entire Magic City where you can enjoy food and shopping at the same time.

Isn't this a big win for Lu Tianqi?

Xia Linxin was in a good mood, and she was in a happier mood when she was working.

Soon, the time came to 9:58.

Xia Linxin habitually opened the takeaway app to see if Qin Shuyang's sales would be affected by the [Xiao Ya] video.

"Actually, I'm also free. I just posted the video. How can it have an impact so soon?"

Xia Linxin couldn't help but laugh at herself, feeling that she was really wasting her time.

But Xia Linxin still didn't give up without watching it.

In fact, people are like this.

Including Lu Tianqi at this moment, knowing that relying on [Xiao Ya]'s video alone would definitely not have much impact on Qin Shuyang, but in the office, he also opened the takeaway app.

When 10 o'clock came, Lu Tianqi still rushed to buy a few vegetables as usual.

After all, the chef at Lu Tianqi's hotel had to continue to replicate Qin Shuyang's dishes, so he had to rush every day.

In less than two minutes, Qin Shuyang's store was sold out.

Lu Tianqi was very jealous of this sales volume.

"Last night's video really didn't have any impact on him, but it doesn't matter, there is still a video today."

Lu Tianqi is certainly not a fool, and he naturally knows that relying on [Xiao Ya]'s popularity alone is not enough to open up influence in the entire Magic City.

So Lu Tianqi naturally needs to let other Internet celebrities come out and post videos.

The reason why only [Xiao Ya] was allowed to post a video yesterday was that if many people posted videos yesterday, the fact that they were paid for publicity would look too obvious.

Lu Tianqi has arranged the script so that netizens can't tell that these Internet celebrities were paid to do the publicity.

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