The more you look at the comments, the more you will be in the spotlight.

Looking at these comments that are obviously from female fans, Qin Shuyang really didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are my talent and cooking skills so unimportant?"

Qin Shuyang obviously got attention for his talent in video shooting at the beginning.

Then he conquered the taste buds of diners with his cooking skills.

Finally, he relied on his appearance.

As a result, his appearance has become the most popular point.

It's a bit of putting the cart before the horse.

Although it was a video posted by a female fan, and there were many female fans who commented in support.

But Qin Shuyang has a terrifying number of black fans.

So the black fans will definitely not be late!

Below the comment area, Qin Shuyang found that the comments from black fans were much more than those from female fans.

【Girls, can you not be so superficial. Can you eat your face? You go there to eat, not to eat someone's face. 】

【Because you are so superficial, the boss dares to sell the food so expensively, just to make money from you. He makes money, and you are still happy to contribute to his turnover. Are you stupid? 】

【Looking at the photos, the decoration of [No Worries Restaurant] is good, which is comparable to the decoration of a five-star hotel. But even so, just a face value, can it match the better hotel service? I think it's still not cost-effective. Isn't it better to spend money on the right things? It's not easy to make money now. 】

Originally, after this female fan posted the video, many female fans commented below and expressed their opinions, saying that heroes think alike.

As a result, this group of black fans had to jump out, which made it hard to accept.

Immediately, a female fan responded.

【Don't make yourself so tall and noble, okay? I don't know who liked the most videos of those dancing girls after beautification. (Questioning expression*3)]

[When you advise others, you should be clear-headed. The boss’s previous video about first love was criticized. The first love that boys can’t forget is all fair-skinned and beautiful girls, right? There shouldn’t be any fat girls or ugly girls, right? If you are so open-minded, and appearance can’t be eaten, why don’t you open up to it? Why are there so many curses under the boss’s video? ]

[To be honest, if the boss is not a handsome guy but a beautiful girl, even if he shoots a video to cut you, you will say that he is good at cutting. You may even think that the boss’s knife is too gentle, and you wish you could take out your heart and let the boss chop it into meat sauce! ]

The girl’s response made many black fans speechless.

After all, in this age of looking at faces, boys like to look at beautiful girls and girls like to look at handsome guys. Who has the nerve to say who!

"These black fans were actually speechless. It's just like what the comments said. If I had a video shot by a beautiful woman, these people would definitely say that my knife is good."

Qin Shuyang felt that the comment of this female fan was very talented.

It's a pity that Qin Shuyang is not a beautiful woman.

But it doesn't matter that Qin Shuyang is not a beautiful woman. Qin Shuyang will soon see whether these black fans will treat him and beautiful women differently.

"I don't know if these black fans will despise them when I find these beautiful classmates to shoot videos later."

Because these female fans posted videos to help Qin Shuyang speak, these black fans responded.

Then these beautiful classmates of Qin Shuyang were actually hired by Qin Shuyang to promote and help him speak.

But their looks are very good.

So Qin Shuyang wants to see if the black fans will have double standards.

Qin Shuyang began to look forward to this result.

Afterwards, Qin Shuyang continued to watch videos, and then saw many videos posted by other girls.

The girls still gave good reviews in the comment area, but most of the boys still couldn't give good reviews.

After all, girls were stabbed in the videos Qin Shuyang shot before.

But seeing Qin Shuyang's face, they can still forgive Qin Shuyang a little, so Qin Shuyang's black fans are mainly boys.

Qin Shuyang was naturally in a good mood when he saw the videos posted by these female fans, after all, they were helping Qin Shuyang to promote.

However, Xia Linxin, Lu Tianqi and other colleagues in the Magic City were very uncomfortable when they saw that Qin Shuyang had so many female fans helping him post videos.

Lu Tianqi was about to get off work at this time.

He just sat in the office and watched videos and slacked off, and then delayed until the end of the get off work.

As a result, when he saw so many videos of female fans saying good things about Qin Shuyang, Lu Tianqi became more and more annoyed.

"Damn it, if there were so many girls to help promote, it would be terrible."

Although these video postings

The female fans are not those popular Internet celebrities, but they can't resist the large number of posts.

Lu Tianqi thinks that if someone sends Qin Shuyang videos every day, Qin Shuyang's popularity on the Internet will never stop.

And girls care more about appearance.

In many videos, girls say that Qin Shuyang is handsome, and this appearance alone is worth the meal money, and the rest is equivalent to giving it away for free.

If this is recognized by more girls, what will happen?

The most important thing is that there are many rich women in Shanghai.

Those rich women also have great spending power.

Luxury goods rely on these young female white-collar workers with spending power and those wealthy women to support half of the sky.

To be honest, Qin Shuyang has so many female fans supporting him, and Qin Shuyang's restaurant can make a fortune every day, and it will not go bankrupt.

But it is impossible to ask the chef of his own hotel to compare his appearance with Qin Shuyang.

After all, these middle-aged uncles may not be as handsome as Qin Shuyang after beautification.

"His face is definitely more troublesome than his cooking skills. I can compare his cooking skills, but how can I compare his face?"

Lu Tianqi put down his phone, covered his head with his hands, and felt his head buzzing.

Lu Tianqi is a man, and he can't understand the killing power of handsome guys on girls.

Xia Linxin is a woman.

Xia Linxin naturally feels the same way.

"I almost forgot that when he had so many black fans, some fans took photos of his face, which made him lose a lot of female black fans."

"I can't find a handsome chef to compare with. Can I only give up the customer groups such as female white-collar workers and rich women with consumption power?"

Even as a competitor, Xia Linxin must admit that Qin Shuyang is really handsome.

And he is still young.

To be honest, if Xia Linxin goes out to consume by herself, a middle-aged chef and a handsome chef.

Don't say that this handsome chef cooks better than the middle-aged chef.

Even if the cooking is not so good, Xia Linxin will choose the handsome chef.

The emotional value of a handsome guy is definitely not something that a middle-aged uncle can bring.

Especially Xia Linxin feels that if Qin Shuyang is like a tire restaurant, the chef will cook for you in front of the guests.

So to be honest, Xia Linxin feels that Qin Shuyang's crayfish or braised chicken, which cost 300 yuan, even if it is ten times the price, there are still rich women who pay for it!

Especially for middle-aged rich women, the emotional value of a handsome little brother is directly pulled up!

Originally thought that Qin Shuyang's cooking skills were already a headache.

As a result, after opening the store, appearance became the primary problem!

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