The shop owner was very busy, but the customer service was very busy.

Xia Linxin continued to watch patiently to see how the female fan of Qin Shuyang would flatter Qin Shuyang.

Then, Xu Jiawei asked the waiter at the door of the store.

"Do I need to get a number and queue up?"

"It's almost closing time, so there's no need to queue up."

"Then I should still be able to order food, right?"

"Yes. Just scan a code and order directly using the mini program."

"Then I'm lucky, and it's quite convenient to order food using the mini program."

Even if Qin Shuyang asked Xu Jiawei and other female classmates to help post the video, people would know that they were specially found by Qin Shuyang.

However, even if it is obvious, it cannot be so obvious. When it is time to pretend, you still have to pretend.

That is why Xu Jiawei made a simple exchange with the waiter in the video, and also let those who are watching the video and plan to come to Qin Shuyang Restaurant but have not come yet to see what the process is like at Qin Shuyang Restaurant.

After placing the order, Xu Jiawei showed the ordering interface of her mobile phone to the person in front of the camera.

"I just ordered a plate of Australian lobster and king crab. I also bought Australian lobster and king crab at the Bali Spring Hotel. We will make a detailed comparison later."

Hearing the name of her own hotel, Xia Linxin, who was watching the video, immediately became uneasy: "Isn't this narrowing my own path? How can we cooperate in the future?"

Originally, Xia Linxin was in a good mood watching the video, but now her mood has completely turned bad.

At this time, Xia Linxin could only continue to watch Xu Jiawei's video with a cold face: "I hope her comments in the video are a little fair. If she says too outrageous, there will be no possibility of cooperation."

There are too few truly beautiful Internet celebrities now, so Xia Linxin hopes that Xu Jiawei in the video will not miss the opportunity to hold on to her financial sponsor.

Then, Xu Jiawei walked into the store.

"Just now I could only look inside through the door, but now that I'm inside, I find that the decoration environment inside is better than I thought."

"There is a small bridge with flowing water at the entrance of the store. You have to walk across the bridge to reach the dining area. The sense of ceremony is up, and I think it's pretty good."

"The only flaw is that there are too many tables in the store, resulting in the tables being placed close together."

"If the store can be placed in a more spacious position, then the whole store will have more flavor."

"It's a pity that the boss's business is so hot that there is really no way to ask for it."

"Just now the waiter said that there are not many people at the moment, so I asked for a private room. Let's go to the private room and take a look."

After entering the private room, Xu Jiawei took a picture of the entire private room.

"My private room is for 6 people, not big, about 4 square meters, about 2 meters by 2 meters."

"Compared with the private rooms in the Bali Spring Hotel, this room is indeed not as grand in layout, but it is small and exquisite."

"There are also ceramic vases placed in the four corners."

"There is also a small screen here, which is quite interesting."

"In addition, the doors and windows here are all wooden doors and windows like those in ancient inns, which are pushed and pulled outwards, which is particularly artistic."

"In addition, after the windows are opened, you can see the night view outside, I think it's pretty good. "

"After all, it's inn-style, and there were no high-rise buildings in the old inns, so when you eat, you can look out like this, like eating by the window in a martial arts drama, and then you can see the pedestrians on the road, which is pretty good."

"I think the private rooms of [No Worries Restaurant] and the Bali Spring Hotel have their own merits."

"Such an environment is actually quite suitable for sisters to come over for dinner."

"So if it's not a business party, I personally would give priority to this style of private room."

Seeing this, Xia Linxin's anger began to burn.

"His decoration is indeed very good, but can a small private room of four square meters be compared with my luxury private room?"

"How dare you force a comparison? Isn't it a bit outrageous?"

Xia Linxin felt that this was even more outrageous than when she asked an Internet celebrity blogger to compare the taste of Qin Shuyang's dishes.

At least after the level of the Aolong in her own hotel has been improved, the gap between her and Qin Shuyang is not that big.

This box is only 4 square meters, while the luxury boxes in my hotel are all 30 square meters at least.


How dare he compete with her.

Moreover, Qin Shuyang's restaurant is on the third floor of Zhengda Shopping Mall. Can the night view from the third floor be compared with the night view from his luxury boxes on the tenth floor?

It's so shameless.

Then, the video was accelerated.

Du Ronghao brought in the takeaway from the Bali Spring Hotel and placed it in front of Xu Jiawei.

Xu Jiawei opened the plastic bag.

"Everyone can take a look. This is the Australian lobster and king crab I just ordered from the Bali Spring Hotel."

"The packaging boxes of the Australian lobster and king crab are obviously specially made, so the presentation is not bad, it's still okay."

"This is no different from the [No Worries Restaurant], so there's nothing to praise."

"Then let's take a look at the extra good services that the Bali Spring Hotel boasts of."

"At present, I only got this fruit plate."

"The portion of this fruit plate is okay, and it should be enough for four people as dessert after dinner."

"But the question is, where are the flowers?"

"Didn't they say that they would send flowers?"

When Xu Jiawei expressed his doubts, Du Rong Hao added: "I just asked the delivery guy, and he said that the hotel's flowers have been delivered today."

"Oh, so there is a limit on the number. Those bloggers who visited the hotel never mentioned this before."

"Friends, this is outrageous."

"For a high-end hotel, you can't even prepare more flowers."

"Australian lobster and king crab are both 10,000 yuan a portion."

"I ordered takeout, which means that the fruit plate is not enough, and I can't ask for more."

"In this case, they are not even willing to send flowers. I feel that the Spring Hotel is just that."

"If you can't afford it, there is really no need to pretend that you have good service."

Xu Jiawei did not spread rumors in the video.

Although the so-called delivery man was asked by Qin Shuyang to buy flowers.

But when the clerk asked for flowers, the other party did say that they were gone.

And Xu Jiawei's complaints are reasonable.

Qin Shuyang spent 20,000 yuan to buy Australian lobsters and king crabs, but there were no extra flowers. If this cannot be complained, then consumers have no rights.

Seeing this, Xia Linxin's expression became extremely serious: "The purchasing department didn't even know to buy more flowers. Don't they want to work anymore?"

Xia Linxin really didn't expect that her own hotel would have such a mistake.

It was well said when it was promoted, but now it has been slapped in the face.

After being slapped in the face, how much effort will it take to restore the reputation?

Xia Linxin was very angry. After watching the video, she planned to talk to the people in the purchasing department about this matter to see if they had embezzled money.

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