After the meal, the owner of the restaurant was busy.

After doing all this, Qin Shuyang went back downstairs and opened the door.

At 7:55, Wu Yongfeng and He Xuqiang came to the store to work.

When they came to the store, the two of them immediately noticed the fish-killing machine in the corner.

"Boss, what machine is this?"

"This is a fish-killing machine. Just put the fish into this automatic fish-killing machine and process it. This way you can be much more relaxed."

Two people get 500 yuan a day, and they don't even have to kill the fish. Isn't the work too easy?

He Xuqiang asked: "Boss, do we have anything else to do today?"

"Yes, one of us will be responsible for handling the black fish, and the other will be responsible for cleaning other ingredients."

"I have also ordered a batch of pickled cabbage today, which I will give to you to clean, so today's work is not easy."

"Remember to clean the pickled cabbage first."


The two people are not afraid of being tired, but they are afraid that Qin Shuyang will not use them, so they will not work for Qin Shuyang for long.

Then, the two people noticed the direction of the kitchen door opening, and there was a machine they had never seen before.

The two tables and rice cookers that were originally placed in that position were taken out.

"Boss, what is that machine?"

"That is the automatic cooking machine I customized, which can be used to make pickled fish. With this machine, the food will be served faster."

"So that's it."

"Now technology really changes life."

The two people sighed.

Now automatic cooking machines are very common on the market, so the two people will not be like people who have never seen the world.

While they were talking, the supplier delivered the black fish, and He Xuqiang and Wu Yongfeng immediately went to unload the goods.

After the black fish was unloaded, the other ingredients were delivered, and the two began to work.

He Xuqiang was responsible for handling the black fish, and Wu Yongfeng was responsible for washing the ingredients, so Wu Yongfeng followed Qin Shuyang's previous instructions and washed the sauerkraut first.

After Wu Yongfeng washed the sauerkraut, Qin Shuyang began to pickle the sauerkraut.

At 10 o'clock, Qin Shuyang began to prepare the broth and blanch the sauerkraut in preparation for the opening.

At 11:20, Qin Shuyang's store opened for business.

After the price increase, Qin Shuyang thought that the sales speed would be slower today.

As a result, it could not stop the enthusiasm of netizens at all.

Those who placed orders in the past few days probably knew that Qin Shuyang's sauerkraut fish basically opened for business at 11:20 in the morning and 5:20 in the evening.

However, for those who watched Qin Shuyang's video of publicly punishing haters yesterday and wanted to come and try something new, how could they know what time Qin Shuyang's store opened?

So when they came, they found that the pickled fish was not sold, which made people a little angry.

These people went to the bottom of Qin Shuyang's video last night and asked Qin Shuyang to give an explanation.

[Are you kidding me? I placed an order at 11:25 and the pickled fish in the store was sold out. Can you tell me exactly what time you opened? ]

[I know that the number of pickled fish you can make every day is limited, but can you think of a way? You've sold out in a few minutes like this, which is not a solution. ]

[If it doesn't work, just restore the original price of 300 yuan. The work is already very tiring, and I have to fight for pickled fish every day. I really don't want to do this. ]

After finishing his work in the store, Qin Shuyang sat on a recliner to rest and saw the latest bad reviews.

Among those who gave bad reviews, there are also some ID names that gave good reviews last night.

Qin Shuyang knew that these new fans couldn't get the pickled fish, which made them a little angry.

In desperation, Qin Shuyang could only reply under the video.

[No Worries Restaurant]: [I hope everyone can buy it, so I have increased the food output to 1,000 kilograms at noon today. ]

[While ensuring the same taste, this is already the current limit. This is mainly because the takeaway time at noon is limited. Too much time will affect everyone's work. ]

[However, we can supply more at night, so starting from tomorrow, I will buy more goods, and it should be easier to buy starting tomorrow night. ]

[PS: The current opening hours are generally 11:20 and 5:20 in the afternoon. ]

Qin Shuyang pinned his comment to the top so that more people can see it.

After sending the message, Qin Shuyang sent a message to several of his suppliers, asking the black fish boss to increase his black fish supply to 100 kilograms starting from tomorrow.

3,000 jin.

In just a few days, Qin Shuyang's demand for black fish has been rising steadily, and the boss is naturally very happy.

After a while, many people saw Qin Shuyang's reply and commented below Qin Shuyang's comment.

[Apart from anything else, I think the boss's attitude is still very correct. ]

[1,000 jin of pickled fish for lunch, at least 1,200 servings, the boss is a bit hard-working. ]

[Although the boss's first day video made me very upset, I must give a good review for the boss's work attitude. I hope the boss can increase his shipment volume. It's really too hard to grab now. ]

The comments below Qin Shuyang's reply are all good reviews, praising Qin Shuyang's attitude.

With a correct attitude, how could he not give good reviews.

However, these good reviews are not an affirmation of the taste of Qin Shuyang's pickled fish, so they cannot be counted as system good review points.

When the store opened in the afternoon, these new fans knew the opening time and quickly grabbed the pickled fish. They gave good reviews under the takeaway app without hesitation.

[The boss's pickled fish is delicious, no wonder he dares to sell it so expensive. ]

[It may not be a boast to say that it is the best in the world. Anyway, I have never eaten such delicious pickled fish! ]

[It was so delicious that my colleague drooled when he smelled the fragrance, but he didn't get it, so I still hope to continue to increase the supply. ]

Looking at the good reviews of netizens, Qin Shuyang felt that it was worth it to be a little tired.

However, the supply will be increased again tomorrow, so Qin Shuyang will definitely be more tired, so Qin Shuyang chose to raise the price.

The time came to 11:19 noon the next day.

When many people opened the takeaway app and saw that the price had risen again, it was hard not to complain about the small portion of pickled fish at 125 yuan and the large portion of pickled fish at 249 yuan.

"The price of 200 yuan per catty has been maintained for two days, and it has increased again. The speed of the price increase is as fast as riding a rocket."

"Will it become the original price of 300 yuan tomorrow? The boss's pickled fish is popular, so he is confident."

"You know that the number 250 is unpleasant, so you specially discounted the large portion of pickled fish by 1 yuan, right?"

However, even if they complained across the screen, they still couldn't stop the enthusiasm of netizens to place orders, and they were sold out in one minute.

In the evening, netizens could clearly feel that Qin Shuyang's supply had indeed increased significantly, and it was much easier to grab.

It doesn't matter if the price is expensive, Qin Shuyang's attitude is correct, and the taste is good, so many people still gave good reviews.

[The taste of pickled fish is really impeccable. My colleagues in the company have fallen in love with the pickled fish in this store. It's just that sometimes it's hard to grab it a second time. Can you supply more? Young people are at the age of daring to fight and fight. If they sell out so early, will they not have business in the second half of the night? 】

【It is indeed difficult to increase the supply at noon, but if the supply of pickled fish at night can be increased, orders can be placed at any time. If it is not too tiring, I hope the boss will continue to work hard and make it to the time of midnight snack. Sometimes I work overtime and there is not much time for dinner at night, so midnight snack is not a big deal. 】

【To be honest, the permanent population of Shanghai is about 25 million. You can only sell 5,000 takeouts a day, and you can't even reach 10,000. Don't you know that there are still many people who haven't tasted this kind of delicacy? Pickled fish is so delicious, you have to let more people taste it. 】

Looking at these good reviews and hoping that Qin Shuyang will increase the supply, Qin Shuyang feels that the netizens' requirements are too high.

Money is endless.

Qin Shuyang regards money as dirt. It is impossible for him to sacrifice his life for money or make himself sick.

"Restore the original price tomorrow."

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