The only thing is that the love is not good.

Qin Shuyang has already cut the knife to love in the video, and the plot ends here, leaving only 30 seconds of insignificant cooking scenes.

Qin Shuyang removed the shrimp gills, pulled out the shrimp thread, and then put it in the oil pan, a set of smooth operations.

Finally, a spicy crayfish appeared at the end of the video.

[For delicious crayfish, please search [No Worry Restaurant] on the Douyin mini program. ]

[Heart. ]


Li Mengrou really wanted to slap Qin Shuyang.

In the previous video, Qin Shuyang mainly despised fast-food love and said that it would not be firmly chosen.

Li Mengrou simply felt the same way, not that bad.

But in this video, Qin Shuyang seemed to have monitored Li Mengrou's past love experience and reproduced it almost exactly, which was heartbreaking.

Who can stand Qin Shuyang shooting videos like this?

Li Mengrou has bought pickled fish four times recently. She was going to give a bad review, but she was conquered by the delicious taste and turned from a hater to a fan.

As a fan, she supported Qin Shuyang so much, but Qin Shuyang bullied his fans like this. This is too much.

Li Mengrou really couldn't stand it, she had to curse a few words, otherwise she would feel bad.

Li Mengrou opened the comment area.

[(Contempt expression*5) The last video was just a simple connotation that I was a fast-food love. This time you also filmed the process of why I was not firmly chosen. Do you have to be so murderous? Have I offended you? ]

[Is it because I gave you a bad review last time, you hold a grudge? Why do I feel that the video shot this time is a sequel to the last video? You are deliberately making trouble and killing your fans, right? (Cleaving knife expression*3)]

[I know you made this video to let us know that the other party is already happy and we should let it go, but can you be more subtle? You filmed my clown-like past and didn't even give me a fig leaf. How can I support your business? (Bomb expression*10)]

There are many likes for these comments that are closer to the top, and the words are relatively mild.

Li Mengrou feels that what is said in the comment area makes sense. Qin Shuyang's video can basically be regarded as a sequel to the previous video.

In the previous video, Qin Shuyang just complained that fast-food love would not be firmly chosen, and many people who were broken gave Qin Shuyang bad reviews under the video.

Qin Shuyang probably saw that too many people were broken, so he made this video to let Li Mengrou and other people who can't get out of failed relationships see that your sealing your heart and locking up your love only makes you suffer.

And the unfaithful man has already lived a happy and fulfilling life.

So it's time to get out.

"Even if the starting point is good, as netizens said, even if you really want to shoot videos like this, at least give a fig leaf."

"One hundred percent restores other people's clown-like love. Don't you know how big a blow this is?"

When Cao Yuzhe broke up with her, Li Mengrou was in a daze for a while. She felt that she was dumped because she had no money, so she chose to take a gamble and took out all her savings to start a business.

Qin Shuyang shot the video so straightforwardly, it really hurts people's hearts.

While despising Qin Shuyang's lack of subtlety, Li Mengrou scrolled down the comments and found that many people threatened Qin Shuyang.

[You actually still post videos like this. Have you been given too many good comments recently? Are you starting to get ahead of yourself? From now on, if you don't correct your attitude in shooting videos once, I will never buy your pickled fish and crayfish again. ]

[If you can't correct your style, then what will happen. Although I didn't break my defense this time, I can't guarantee that you will stab me in the heart next time. I warn you, don't shoot again. Everyone, don't support the crayfish this time. Let's see if he dares to shoot videos in the future. 】

【I asked you to increase the amount of food, but you are either difficult here or there, and you make excuses every day. I asked you to change the style of shooting videos, but you just pretended not to hear or see. If you don't turn over a new leaf, if I buy your crayfish, I'm a puppy. (Contemptuous expression)】

Li Mengrou thinks what netizens say makes sense.

If fans support Qin Shuyang and let Qin Shuyang make a lot of money, Qin Shuyang still shoots such videos all day long.

No one's loyal fans can stand such hurt feelings.

It must be from loyal fans to black fans.

If Qin Shuyang stops here, Li Mengrou thinks she can continue to make friends happily.

Li Mengrou also expressed her opinion below.

[A Dream in the Life]: [How can you expect your fans to support you if you stab them in the heart every day? You are not allowed to film anymore. If you film any more videos, no one will buy your crayfish, no matter how delicious it is. ]

Qin Shuyang's video is indeed a sequel to the previous video, in order to make these people sober up and stop being licking dogs and being moved by themselves.

However, the lethality of this video is not only to break the defense of people like Li Mengrou whose love experience is perfectly reproduced.

There are also many people like Chen Xinbei and Zhou Leihang who broke up because of fast-food love, and a certain scene in the video made them empathize and break their defense.

However, the difference between this video and the previous video is that the heartless man also broke his defense.

In a luxurious villa.

In the luxurious master bedroom decorated very magnificently, a couple is watching this video together.

If Li Mengrou could see it, she would find that this couple is exactly her ex-boyfriend Cao Yuzhe and his current wife Liu Fuyan.

Liu Fuyan didn't know that Cao Yuzhe was seamlessly connected to her.

Liu Fuyan only got together with Cao Yuzhe after she had a good impression of him and Cao Yuzhe told her that he was single.

Because she didn't know that Cao Yuzhe was actually a heartless man, Liu Fuyan felt interesting after watching this video and shared it with Cao Yuzhe.

After watching the video, Liu Fuyan asked: "Husband, I see that many people in the comment area are a little hurt. Are there really so many people in this world who will give up love for money?"

Hearing Liu Fuyan's words, Cao Yuzhe's mouth was a little bitter.

Because he is one, isn't he?

Facing Liu Fuyan's soul-searching, Cao Yuzhe could only force a smile: "Of course there are. There are so many people in the world. Some are loyal to their feelings, and some are not."

"But what does this have to do with us? We just need to live our own lives."

"That's true. But husband, you didn't stay with me because I was rich, did you?"

"Of course not. I was moved by your kindness."

Cao Yuzhe replied with a smile.

"I knew it."

Liu Fuyan didn't doubt it, smiled happily, and then continued to watch videos.

But what Liu Fuyan didn't see was that when she lowered her head to continue watching videos, Cao Yuzhe's face was already gloomy, and his eyes were full of haze.

"This boss really dislikes that his business is too good. He likes to shoot such brain-problematic videos. He deserves to be boycotted."

"If I buy your pickled fish again, I will take your surname."

Cao Yuzhe admitted that he was a little heartless when he broke up with Li Mengrou.

Being ruthless doesn't mean Cao Yuzhe has no conscience.

Every time he thinks about it, Cao Yuzhe feels a little guilty.

He even had nightmares several times at night, dreaming that Li Mengrou was seeking revenge on him.

Now Qin Shuyang still shoots this video, perfectly replicating Cao Yuzhe's emotional experience, which is simply reminding Cao Yuzhe of his shameless behavior of giving up love for money, which makes Cao Yuzhe very uncomfortable.

Liu Fuyan grew up in a good family and lived a comfortable life, so she didn't have any painful love experience.

The last time she watched Qin Shuyang's video, Liu Fuyan thought Qin Shuyang was an interesting food blogger, and she was also a fan who was not scared by the price of Qin Shuyang's pickled fish at first.

Unfortunately, on the first day of business, black fans rushed to buy too actively, so Liu Fuyan didn't buy it.

Later, when she bought it, Liu Fuyan was conquered by the taste of pickled fish and recommended it to Cao Yuzhe.

Because of Liu Fuyan's recommendation, Cao Yuzhe also bought Qin Shuyang's pickled fish several times when he was working in the company. He felt that Qin Shuyang's cooking skills were good and he was considered a fan of Qin Shuyang's store.

Now that Qin Shuyang is shooting videos like this, Cao Yuzhe will definitely boycott Qin Shuyang.

The most important thing is that his wife is a die-hard fan of Qin Shuyang.

If he does not boycott Qin Shuyang and continues to shoot such videos, Cao Yuzhe feels that he will be punished by Qin Shuyang frequently in the future.

This is something Cao Yuzhe cannot tolerate.

Cao Yuzhe cannot give a bad review at this moment because Liu Fuyan is next to him.

But many of the comments with more intense boycotts were posted by unfaithful men like Cao Yuzhe to lead the rhythm.

Because those people have the same idea as Cao Yuzhe, if Qin Shuyang does not change, it means that they will always be killed and heartbroken by Qin Shuyang.

Killing and heartbroken for doing something wrong is not just uncomfortable, it is a punishment of conscience.

It is simply uncomfortable!

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