After Cao Yuzhe cursed, he continued to look through the comments below.

When he saw a comment that was more aggressive, he thought about liking it.

As a result, he liked ten comments, and six of them were deleted the moment Cao Yuzhe liked it, which directly made Cao Yuzhe furious.

There were actually many comments under these more aggressive comments.

Deleting one comment is equivalent to deleting dozens or hundreds of comments.

Cao Yuzhe finally understood why there were so many fewer negative comments suddenly.

"These female black fans really have no principles, where is the bottom line."

While Cao Yuzhe was despising, Chen Xinbei was slacking off in the office and watching short videos.

In addition to deleting the negative comments under the video of Qin Shuyang's iron fan welfare, Chen Xinbei also deleted the negative comments she had left under Qin Shuyang's previous videos.

Chen Xinbei doesn't think there is anything wrong with doing this.

It's the same as boys.

When you see a beautiful woman, you will be a little more tolerant.

Chen Xinbei will choose to be a little more tolerant when she sees a handsome guy. It's reasonable, right?

Of course, Chen Xinbei is not the age of a naive girl after all. She will not immediately ignore the resentment that Qin Shuyang made her feel uncomfortable in the video just because Qin Shuyang is handsome.

It's always bad to just say rude things to a handsome guy, right?

If Qin Shuyang doesn't change his video style, Chen Xinbei will continue to despise him a little.

Just keep this contempt in your heart or complain across the screen.

There is no need to post it.

It's not just Chen Xinbei. Most female black fans have similar ideas to Chen Xinbei.

I won't say that you can turn from hater to fan in a flash, but there's no need to post comments to despise the handsome guy who is cyberbullied.

Qin Shuyang posted the video hoping that many people would get over the relationship that was not worth lingering on, which was well-intentioned.

It's their problem that they can't get over it, and it can't be blamed entirely on Qin Shuyang for breaking their defense after watching the video.

Cao Yuzhe really didn't want to like it.

"Let's watch other videos."

Cao Yuzhe started to watch other short videos to relax his mind.

After watching a few short videos, Cao Yuzhe saw a blogger with the ID name [Goodbye].

The content of this blogger's video was very simple. He just posted a photo of himself and Qin Shuyang, and the copy was: [The boss not only cooks well, but he is also super handsome. I hope the boss will launch new dishes soon. (licking screen expression*10)]

Under this video, Cao Yuzhe found that there were more than 1,000 comments.

Cao Yuzhe clicked on the comments and took a look.

These comments made Cao Yuzhe feel unbearable to watch.

[The boss can obviously make a living with his face, but he insists on relying on his talent. The key is that his cooking skills are ridiculously good. As expected, excellent people are very good at everything they do. ]

[In this impetuous era, it is really rare for the boss to calm down and study cooking skills instead of relying on his appearance. ]

[There are not many people who can be as down-to-earth as the boss now. I hope the boss will continue to work hard and the business will become more and more prosperous. I also look forward to launching more recipes. ]

Under these praise comments, Cao Yuzhe really couldn't bear to watch and immediately blocked them.

It's a pity that Cao Yuzhe blocked them.

Because Cao Yuzhe often needs to click on Qin Shuyang's videos and then go to Qin Shuyang's main business to open the mini program, the Douyin algorithm believes that Cao Yuzhe is interested in Qin Shuyang-related things.

So Cao Yuzhe didn't watch a few videos, and he saw the group photo video posted by the girl who took a photo with Qin Shuyang at the door of the restaurant today.

Cao Yuzhe continued to block them, and he didn't believe that he could not block all these iron fans.

I have to say that in this era, appearance is really a killer.

At this time, Qin Shuyang's phone was bombarded with calls.

Qin Shuyang had just hung up a call when another fan called.

Qin Shuyang picked up the phone and heard the girl's voice: "Is it [No Worries Restaurant]?"


"Boss, can't I go to your store to buy pickled fish and crayfish without screenshots?"

"Because the current supply is indeed not enough, there are no screenshots of good reviews, so I can only grab orders online."

"Boss, can't you be flexible? I am also your die-hard fan."

"I'm sorry, it's really not possible."

"Well, boss, I hope you can open a store as soon as possible. I really can't get takeout."

"I will definitely do it as soon as possible."

Qin Shuyang finished speaking and hung up the phone.

As a result, another call came in.

Qin Shuyang chose to go directly

Then he turned on the flight mode, got up and went back to the room, intending to record a video to give a unified reply.

At 8:35, Liu Fuyan sat on the sofa and watched TV series with Cao Yuzhe.

Because of the advertisement, Liu Fuyan picked up her phone to watch short videos, and ended up watching the latest video released by Qin Shuyang.

"Hello, everyone, I am the owner of [No Worries Restaurant]."

The video still had a pig head cartoon avatar.

Liu Fuyan couldn't help but laugh and said to herself: "The photos have been exposed, but the boss is still embarrassed to show his face, so shy."

Cao Yuzhe, who was sitting next to Liu Fuyan, frowned when he heard Qin Shuyang's voice in the video.

In the video, Qin Shuyang continued: "Tonight, I suddenly received a lot of calls from fans, asking if they could come to the store to buy crayfish and pickled fish without screenshots."

"Thank you for your support, but I can only apologize to the fans who didn't take screenshots for the time being."

"My store is not big now. If too many people come, the store entrance will become very crowded."

"The main purpose of holding this welfare event is to allow these special supportive fans to enjoy some preferential treatment. If everyone can come to buy as an exception, it will be meaningless."

"If everyone really wants to support me, wait for a while, my store will open, and everyone is welcome to patronize."

"Because there were too many calls just now, I really couldn't answer them, so I posted this video to explain it uniformly."

"If I neglected the fans who called, please forgive me for the poor hospitality."

The video ends here.

After watching the video, Liu Fuyan said to Cao Yuzhe: "Husband, the boss really dotes on the fans. With so much traffic, he actually said no."

Liu Fuyan is not really naive.

It is obvious that those who called in will become loyal fans.

Qin Shuyang did not give special treatment, but still gave preferential treatment to loyal fans, which is really rare.

"That's true."

Cao Yuzhe nodded and agreed with what Liu Fuyan said.

To be honest, if Cao Yuzhe was replaced by Qin Shuyang, Cao Yuzhe would definitely give face to these fans who called in.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see from the online ordering situation that there are still many black fans.

Instead of selling to black fans, it is better to sell to these fans who called in.

Not only can you gain the favor of loyal fans, but you can also avoid being scolded.

In the end, Qin Shuyang did not do so.

Cao Yuzhe must admire that Qin Shuyang is indeed a principled person.

Liu Fuyan clicked on the comment area and took a look, and found that many people had similar ideas to her.

[Being a loyal fan of the boss, I felt a strong preference. (Heart expression*3)]

[I like people like the boss who keep their words, love love. (5 love emojis)]

[It is really rare to find someone who can face the traffic like the boss without wavering. He is handsome, good at cooking, and has principles. Whoever spread rumors yesterday that the boss is a bootlicker, you should come out and apologize. (Sunglasses emoji)]

Cao Yuzhe noticed that Liu Fuyan liked the comments praising Qin Shuyang, and he immediately got angry.

When Liu Fuyan called other stars before, she was not so active.

Cao Yuzhe was not a black fan of those stars, so he just tolerated it.

Now that Liu Fuyan supports Cao Yuzhe so much, Cao Yuzhe really wants to lose his temper and say angrily: "Hurry up and block Qin Shuyang, otherwise you can live with Qin Shuyang in the future."

But for the sake of family harmony, Cao Yuzhe thought about it and let it go.

Turn your head to the side, out of sight, out of mind!

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