The first time, the second time.

Seeing that so many people in the operation department were giving her face, Chen Xinbei was still very happy.

But at this moment, a man's voice came from behind Chen Xinbei.

"What are you talking about? You are so happy chatting early in the morning."

Hearing this voice, the people in the operation department and Chen Xinbei were shocked.

Because this person is none other than the director of the operation department, the boss of everyone, Zhou Leihang.

"Director Zhou."

The people in the operation department greeted him immediately.

Chen Xinbei also turned around and greeted him: "Director Zhou."

Zhou Leihang smiled and said: "Good morning, everyone. I seem to have heard you talking about pickled fish just now. Is there any store that has more delicious pickled fish recently?"

Everyone knows that Zhou Leihang likes to eat fish more.

Otherwise, during the usual departmental gatherings, Chen Xinbei, the manager, doesn't like to eat fish, so who would dare to order fish?

I thought Zhou Leihang would scold them for slacking off during work hours, but now he doesn't seem to be very angry.

"Maybe the performance on 520 is better."

Everyone thought that this was the only reason.

Since Zhou Leihang was not angry, there was no need for everyone to be too nervous.

Chen Xinbei answered: "It was just that I saw a short video made by a food blogger last night. The pickled fish looked delicious and tempting, so we just chatted and said that we would order the pickled fish takeaway from this store at noon to try it."

Chen Xinbei, who doesn't like to eat fish, is interested, so Zhou Leihang, who loves to eat fish, is naturally more interested.

"Even Manager Chen, you are interested, so I will share the video to the group later, and I will also see how the pickled fish in this store is made."


Chen Xinbei nodded.

"Okay, let's fish for a while, it's almost time to work seriously."

"Don't let the good sales of 520 affect the sales of 618."

"Work hard for a while recently, and when the performance of 618 is good, our department will celebrate it well and will never let you down."

"Thank you, Director Zhou."

Everyone answered happily and began to look forward to the next celebration.

"Okay, let's work."

After saying that, Zhou Leihang went back to the office.

Chen Xinbei also went back to the office.

When walking to the office, Zhou Leihang saw that Chen Xinbei's eyes were red.

"Manager Chen, your eyes are red and bloodshot. Didn't you get enough rest last night?"

Chen Xinbei smiled and replied: "Maybe the 520 promotion just passed and 618 is coming soon. The pressure is a bit high, so I have some insomnia."

"Don't be too anxious. The performance of our department is still impeccable. And the people below still need you to manage. If you are really tired, make up for the sleep."

"Thank you Director Zhou for your concern. I will."

"Okay, just pay attention to yourself, remember to share the video to the group."


After a brief chat, the two went back to their offices.

Back to the office, Chen Xinbei shared the video to the group.

Zhou Leihang clicked on the video and enjoyed it.

People in the operation department who didn't watch the video were also curious about the video of pickled fish and clicked to watch it.

After clicking on the video, Zhou Leilei immediately felt something was wrong.

"Isn't this a video about pickled fish? How did it become an emotional copywriting video?"

Zhou Leihang usually likes to watch food videos, so he has some understanding of the style of food videos.

This video style is so different, how can it not be a food video?

"Manager Chen should not be wrong."

Zhou Leihang felt that Chen Xinbei could not be so confused to share an emotional video in the work group.

And considering that even Chen Xinbei, who doesn't like to eat fish, was moved, this video of pickled fish is a little different, which seems reasonable.

Zhou Leihang patiently continued to watch.

However, after watching it, Zhou Leihang's anger in his heart could not be restrained and began to burn.

After watching the whole video, Zhou Leihang was so angry that he couldn't help but slammed the table in the office.

"People who edit this kind of video are really lacking in virtue."

The next second, Zhou Leihang felt that his whole palm hurt because he slammed the table too hard, and Zhou Leihang grimaced in pain.

"Sour fish can also be related to love, what kind of blogger is this, what a genius in editing."

"You deserve the scolding from your followers for editing the video like this."

Zhou Leihang was also a little upset.

When Zhou Leihang watched the video, Dai

The perspective of the video is Xiao Ji's.

Because Zhou Leihang's family background is average and he is a relatively handsome boy, he is not popular with girls from other departments in college.

But Zhou Leihang is still quite popular with girls in his own department.

Because of his average family background, Zhou Leihang actually didn't dare to fall in love.

Until that day, he became good friends with Lin Jiaman, the class flower in the next class.

The two often met in the library and asked each other questions, and then became good friends.

In college, it is easy to get along with each other day and night.

Some boys from wealthy families pursued Lin Jiaman in college, which made Zhou Leihang feel very inferior and dared not express his affection at all.

But Lin Jiaman took the initiative to express her affection to Zhou Leihang on Valentine's Day in her sophomore year of college, and said that she didn't want his money, as long as Zhou Leihang treated her well.

For a teenager who is inferior and dares not fall in love, isn't it the same as Xiao Ji in the video?

Lonely and stubborn.

I clearly envy my roommates for being in love, but I dare not touch love.

So when a beautiful girl takes the initiative to express her affection, do you know how destructive it is?

At that moment, Lin Jiaman was Zhou Leihang's white moonlight.

When they became lovers, Zhou Leihang felt that it was no big deal if he did not have such a good background. He did not need to envy people with a good family background, because he had a beautiful girlfriend who loved him and warmed his world.

But after graduating from college, Lin Jiaman still despised Zhou Leihang for not having money and broke up with him.

I clearly said that I was not after money at that time, but in the end I broke up because of money and sat in the co-pilot of a Porsche.

Fast food love comes and goes quickly, and will not be firmly chosen.

Because of this, Zhou Leihang has put all his energy into working hard since he graduated from college.

Even though his annual salary is now over 500,000, he dare not have any fantasy about love anymore, and his state is more closed than before.

When watching the video just now, Zhou Leihang felt that he was Xiao Ji.

As he watched, Zhou Leihang was really moved. He hoped that he could meet a girl who would warm his heart in the future, so he opened his heart a little and wanted to believe in love again.

In the end, a video that healed himself turned into a video that performed his past clown love.

The heart that had just opened was immediately closed.

After graduating from college at the age of 22, Zhou Leihang is now 31 years old. He has been locked up for nine years. His only hobby is food.

I thought food could make people happy, but this video actually brought back sad things.

How could Zhou Leihang not curse?

Zhou Leihang usually does not comment on videos.

This video must be commented on.

[I don't bother anyone]: [Your way of editing videos, I tell you, you will not have a good end. One day the boomerang will hit you, and then you will also be a clown in love. ]

[You also promote pickled fish. With your way of editing videos, it would be strange if your pickled fish can sell well. I will give you a bad review at noon, and I wish you to close down soon. 】

Zhou Leihang never curses any business, knowing that doing business is not easy.

But this [No Worries Restaurant] in front of him specializes in killing people and hurting their hearts, and it is difficult to resist cyberbullying.

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