After a long afternoon nap, the time soon came to 5:15 in the afternoon.

In Cao Yuzhe's office, Liu Fuyan knocked on the door on time and came in, intending to grab takeout with Cao Yuzhe.

At about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Shuyang posted a video saying that he would launch a business package, so Cao Yuzhe's mentality was still relatively relaxed, and he felt that it would be easier to grab.

"Wife, how do you think the boss will price his business package?"

"It should be the price of the crayfish, pickled fish or braised chicken in the package. Can the boss still give a discount?"

"That's true."

Cao Yuzhe felt that expecting Qin Shuyang to give a discount was no different from hoping that the sun would rise from the west.

After a brief chat, the time came to 5:19.

Cao Yuzhe and Liu Fuyan opened Qin Shuyang's mini program and refreshed it every second, waiting for the official opening of the mini program.

After refreshing to the store opening at 5:20, Cao Yuzhe and Liu Fuyan rushed into Qin Shuyang's store as soon as possible.

But after Cao Yuzhe and Liu Fuyan rushed into the store, they did not see the so-called business package.

Among the options of the restaurant, there are still only braised chicken, pickled fish and crayfish.

"How can there be no?"

Cao Yuzhe and Liu Fuyan were a little unconvinced.

After all, Qin Shuyang admitted it in person when he filmed the video in the afternoon, there is no reason not to keep his promise.

After refreshing twice and finding that there is indeed no business package, when Cao Yuzhe and Liu Fuyan wanted to grab the order, the pickled fish crayfish and braised chicken were shown to be sold out.

The supply in the evening is indeed higher, but there are too many people to grab it.

The promised business package was not launched, and the time for grabbing takeaway was delayed, which made Cao Yuzhe a little unhappy.

"Wife, don't you think the boss is too much? He said there would be a business package, but he broke the promise. Isn't this teasing fans?"

Although Cao Yuzhe knew that it was impossible to make Liu Fuyan a black fan of Qin Shuyang, Cao Yuzhe thought it was okay to complain about the things that should be complained about.

Liu Fuyan is just a die-hard fan, not a brainless fan.

Liu Fuyan will not defend Qin Shuyang without thinking about the things he did not do well.

"It's really a bit disappointing, but maybe the boss forgot."

Liu Fuyan felt that there was no other explanation except forgetting.

Selling to anyone is selling, and the business package will not affect Qin Shuyang, so Qin Shuyang should have no need to tease fans like this.

Liu Fuyan knows how difficult it is to grab takeaways at noon.

Qin Shuyang actually broke the promise.

As a die-hard fan, it is more or less a little sad.

But there was no point in being sad, so Liu Fuyan quickly contacted Liu Mufeng to ask how much the people in the Finance Department had snatched.

As soon as the call was connected, Liu Fuyan heard Liu Mufeng's dissatisfied complaints: "Sister, do you think this boss is a bit of a rip-off?"

"If he can't do it, don't say it. If I had known earlier, I would have asked people from other departments of the company to help snatch it together. Now my Finance Department hasn't snatched it, and it's not enough."

If thousands of people in the entire company were asked to snatch it together, they would definitely be able to snatch a lot.

As a result, they didn't do that because they believed Qin Shuyang's business package.

As soon as Liu Mufeng opened his mouth, Liu Fuyan knew that they definitely didn't snatch much.

"Brother, how much takeout do we need to buy now?"

"I'll have to trouble Yuzhe. Go buy 30 kilograms of pickled fish, 120 kilograms of crayfish, and 20 kilograms of braised chicken."

"Because Uncle Zhang is staying as a guest tonight, Dad has invited a few other old friends to our house as guests."

"So it's best to have more takeout, not less."

"Sister, can you buy so much?"

Liu Fuyan was on hands-free mode, so Cao Yuzhe heard what Liu Mufeng said.

However, Liu Fuyan still asked Cao Yuzhe: "Honey, can you handle it?"

Cao Yuzhe felt his scalp tingling when he had to buy so much.

This amount was much more exaggerated than at noon.

The most important thing is that Liu Fuyan had already used the screenshot of the good review at noon, and she couldn't use it again at night.

So it all depended on intercepting it from the takeout boy.

But can Cao Yuzhe say he can't do it?

The answer is definitely no.

It is obvious that tonight is a dinner party for many successful people. If they don't buy enough food, Liu Yehong will lose all his face.

If he can't even do this, how can Liu Yehong be important?

Use Cao Yuzhe.

Cao Yuzhe could only bite the bullet and answer: "Of course there is no problem."

"No problem, Yuzhe, then leave it to you, try to be as fast as possible."

"Okay brother, I know."

Cao Yuzhe bit the bullet and agreed, and then Liu Fuyan and Liu Mufeng ended the call.

Afterwards, Cao Yuzhe and Liu Fuyan left the office and had to leave work early to deal with this matter.

At 5:46, the two came to the vicinity of Qin Shuyang Restaurant.

At this time, Cao Yuzhe and Liu Fuyan saw that there were already several people at the entrance of the alley to intercept the takeaway boy.

"Husband, I can only ask you to do it."

"I know."

Cao Yuzhe also felt that he was willing but unable.

But he could only fight.

Fortunately, Cao Yuzhe changed into a short-sleeved shirt and did not come in a suit like he did at noon today.

Cao Yuzhe took a deep breath, got off the car, and went to grab the takeaway.

When Cao Yuzhe arrived at the entrance of the alley and saw the delivery boy coming out, he rushed over in a hurry.

In order to ensure that he would not be overtaken by others, Cao Yuzhe rushed over with his hands open, just like playing basketball, blocking others behind him.

Of course, the others did not want Cao Yuzhe to stop them, so they wanted to lower Cao Yuzhe's hands.

Cao Yuzhe naturally did not let him, and tried his best to stop others.

In the end, Cao Yuzhe was the first to come to the delivery boy.

"He is lucky."

The other five people had to give up.

Everyone was still very tacit, knowing that malicious price increases would definitely not be affordable, so basically they still used double the price.

The reward for the delivery boy was also 30 yuan per phone call.

Because of the experience at noon, the delivery boy was no longer surprised and started to call customers.

Cao Yuzhe's luck was very good this time. He successfully won two of the takeaways and bought a pound of braised chicken and three pounds of crayfish.

After Cao Yuzhe bought it, Liu Fuyan came to get it, and then put it in the trunk of the car first. The couple cooperated tacitly.

Others had reasons to buy takeaways, so they would not easily give the opportunity to Cao Yuzhe.

When another takeaway boy came out, the others, like Cao Yuzhe just now, directly spread their hands to prevent others from surpassing themselves.

This time, Cao Yuzhe did not grab it, but in the process of blocking each other, his arm hit the wall, and Cao Yuzhe grimaced in pain.

"Damn it, buying takeaways is like fighting a war, damn boss, the supply can't be increased."

Cao Yuzhe kept cursing in his heart.

In order to make his father-in-law look at him differently, Cao Yuzhe could only grit his teeth and continue to grab.

So many takeaways, it is obviously not possible to grab them in a short time.

In order to prevent the takeaways from getting cold in the trunk, after grabbing a batch, Liu Fuyan asked the takeaway boy to deliver them to her home first.

Cao Yuzhe spent two full hours grabbing food before he could achieve his goal.

When Cao Yuzhe got back to the car after grabbing the takeaway, he was so tired that he lay in the back seat and couldn't move. His short sleeves were soaked with sweat.

"Thank you for your hard work, husband."

"It's not hard."

Cao Yuzhe said with tears in his eyes.

I can only say that I finally completed the task assigned by my father-in-law, and it was not in vain.

When Liu Fuyan drove back, Cao Yuzhe was so angry that he took out his mobile phone, opened Douyin, and prepared to rant under Qin Shuyang's latest video in the afternoon.

When Cao Yuzhe was typing, the short video was playing.

As a result, before he finished typing, Cao Yuzhe heard Qin Shuyang say in the video: "The business package will be launched soon."

"Soon? Not in the afternoon?"

Cao Yuzhe remembered that when he watched the video at noon, it said afternoon.

Why did it become soon now?

This made Cao Yuzhe ready to rant against Qin Shuyang, and his typing hand suddenly stopped.

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