At this time, Zhao Xinwen had already returned home from work.

After taking a shower, Zhao Xinwen washed herself a plate of blueberries, then sat on the sofa, watched a TV series, and relaxed her mind.

Zhao Xinwen ate blueberries while watching TV.

When the TV series was boring, Zhao Xinwen took out her mobile phone and watched short videos.

At 10:30, Zhao Xinwen saw a video.

At the beginning of the video, the screen was dark, and then a more cheerful BGM appeared, with the text: [Young people should have lofty ambitions, and ride horses to step on the plains. 】

The style of this copywriting is inspirational at first glance, so Zhao Xinwen is naturally not interested in it at all.

Just when Zhao Xinwen was about to swipe away the video, she suddenly saw the blogger ID name on the lower left of the video: [No Worry Restaurant].

Seeing that it was Qin Shuyang's short video account, Zhao Xinwen was stunned for a moment: "No, why would Boss Qin post this type of video?"

Zhao Xinwen felt very strange, which was completely different from Qin Shuyang's previous video style.

Although she didn't know what the video content was, Qin Shuyang said that he would release a hard dish, so Zhao Xinwen wanted to see what Qin Shuyang's so-called hard dish video was, so she watched it patiently.

When the copywriting screen disappeared, the screen captured a beam of sunlight, shining into the fish tank.

There were two lobsters in the water.

One of them was a very large lobster, that is, an Australian dragon.

Next to this Australian dragon was a small Australian dragon.

The size of the two Australian dragons was at least twice the size.

The names of the two lobsters appeared on their heads.

The big Australian lobster is called [Xiao Hong].

The small Australian lobster is called [Xiao Hu].

Then, the video gave a close-up of an old wood in the fish tank.

At this moment, [Xiao Hong] and [Xiao Hu] are both living under this wood.

The beginning of the video was specially shot with sunlight, so it gives people a feeling of early morning.

[Xiao Hong] went out to find food before [Xiao Hu] woke up.

Qin Shuyang's hand appeared in the picture and sprinkled some feed on the fish tank.

After [Xiao Hong] found the feed, he used pliers to hold it and returned to the wooden habitat with the feed, sharing breakfast with [Xiao Hu] and letting [Xiao Hu] eat first.

After [Xiao Hu] was full, [Xiao Hong] ate again.

The picture showed time acceleration, and it was evening.

[Xiao Hong] went out to look for food again, found some food, and brought it back for [Xiao Hu] to eat first.

After [Xiao Hu] was full, [Xiao Hong] would eat.

At this time, the copy appeared: [He is very ordinary, maybe he can't give you anything, but he is definitely not stingy with what he can give you. ]

Seeing this, Zhao Xinwen's expression became helpless, and she couldn't help but sigh: "Why is the boss still shooting a family-themed video? Didn't 10,000 people petition under the last video to ask him not to shoot?"

Zhao Xinwen also felt very uncomfortable after watching the family-themed video last time.

And after Zhao Xinwen realized her mistake in the last video, she felt very guilty and felt that it was really wrong to have been in a cold war with her father for all these years.

Qin Shuyang still shot it like this after she had been stabbed, and Zhao Xinwen felt it was inappropriate.

The family knife is so sharp, must it count if someone is killed by the knife?

"The boss is not going to launch a hard dish, knowing that most of the consumers are middle-aged business people, so he made a family-themed video to curry favor with business people?"

Zhao Xinwen couldn't help but complain, and had to doubt it.

If the last time was almost Father's Day.

Zhao Xinwen felt that it was reasonable for Qin Shuyang to shoot a family-themed video.

Now that Father's Day has passed, Qin Shuyang should continue to shoot the love food story he is good at.

But Zhao Xinwen felt it was inappropriate.

At the same time, Zhao Tianlei was lying on the bed, watching this video.

Zhao Tianlei felt that the video shot by Qin Shuyang was still very much in line with his heart.

So after following Qin Shuyang last time, the latest video was pushed by Douyin, and Zhao Tianlei chose to see what the content was and what dishes were there.

When he saw this copy, Zhao Tianlei called himself an expert.

"The boss really spoke out the simplest thoughts of the old father."

Zhao Tianlei felt that except for a few unreliable fathers, most fathers in the world are

That's right. I hope to give my children more.

What I do is definitely for the good of my children.

Unfortunately, many times, because of rebellious psychology, children like to go against their elders.

The video is still early to end. It's too early to say that I like it now.

The video speeds up and comes to the second day.

On the morning and evening of the second day, [Xiaohong] still went out to find food and brought feed to [Xiaohu].

On the third day, it was still the same.

On the fourth day, it was still the same.

On the fifth day, when [Xiaohong] came back with feed again, [Xiaohu] had stopped eating.

Seeing that [Xiaohu] didn't eat, [Xiaohong] seemed very anxious.

In the video, you can see that [Xiaohong] cares about [Xiaohu] very much.

At this time, the dialog box appeared.

[Xiaohong]: [Why don't you eat? Are you feeling unwell? ]

[Xiaohu]: [Why do you always eat feed. Can't you change to something else? I want to eat meat! ]

[Xiao Hong]: [……]

The dialog box with ellipsis means that [Xiao Hong] is very silent about what [Xiao Hu] said.

And in the video, you can see [Xiao Hu] quietly turned away and went to the corner of the fish tank to be quiet.

Seeing this, the smile on Zhao Tianlei's face suddenly disappeared: "This is..."

Looking at the dialog box in front of him, Zhao Tianlei couldn't help but think of his father.

When he was a child, his family was poor, and Zhao Tianlei remembered that he could only eat sweet potatoes every day.

Morning, noon, and evening.

Either roasted sweet potatoes, steamed sweet potatoes, or sweet potato chips.

Anyway, in Zhao Tianlei's childhood impression, his family could only afford sweet potatoes, and they could only eat steamed buns occasionally.

This occasionally is based on the standard of once a month.

He ate too many sweet potatoes, so when Zhao Tianlei sees sweet potatoes now, he can't help but think of the bad memories of his childhood, causing nausea and vomiting.

At that time, Zhao Tianlei kept complaining to his father, why can't he eat meat or something?

But the family was poor, Zhao Tianlei couldn't eat meat just because he wanted to.

Because he was young, Zhao Tianlei didn't understand and often quarreled with his father.

And every time they quarreled, his father seemed to know that he was in the wrong, and always left the house silently and sat alone in the yard.

Even Zhao Tianlei felt guilty sometimes when he recalled it now, because he felt that his father was useless at that time, unlike other fathers who could eat fish and meat.

Fortunately, Zhao Tianlei grew up and became more sensible, and began to understand his father.

But this is not the point. The point is, shouldn't the style of this video be like this?

Zhao Tianlei just put himself into the perspective of [Xiaohong] to watch the video, how did he directly change himself to the perspective of [Xiaohu]?

The happy mood instantly turned into guilt.

Can this work?

"Boss Qin's video is not good. The sense of immersion is too torn."

Zhao Tianlei made a rather unimpressive evaluation of the artistry of this video in his mind. He felt that Qin Shuyang's level had regressed and was not as good as the previous videos.

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