The more you watch, the more you will see.

As a high-end hotel, imitating the marketing style of a small restaurant will itself be questioned.

So since Xia Linxin asked her employees to release this video, she didn't care about the mixed reviews on the Internet.

Anyway, as long as it can bring traffic to her hotel, it's fine.

Just like Qin Shuyang, every previous video was cursed, but the money Qin Shuyang made made Xia Linxin jealous.

As long as people who like to watch it like to watch it, it's fine.

After the opening copy, the video entered the theme.

Even if the opening copy touched a successful person like Zhao Tianlei, Zhao Tianlei was still speechless when he saw the Australian dragon in the fish tank.

"Even if you are imitating someone else's video style, you shouldn't imitate the subject matter, right?"

Xia Linxin felt that if you do business like this, it would be a bit despicable.

Isn't this equivalent to plagiarism?

But Zhao Tianlei has no choice.

Because Qin Shuyang's Australian lobsters are very popular among these wealthy consumers.

If Zhao Tianlei doesn't promote the Australian lobsters in his own hotel, how can these people turn around and buy the Australian lobsters in his own hotel when they can't buy the Australian lobsters in Qin Shuyang's store?

Although there are many similarities, it's okay as long as the script is original to Xia Linxin's hotel.

There are three Australian lobsters in a huge fish tank.

The three Australian lobsters live in a home made of hollowed-out wooden piles.

Two big Australian lobsters and one small Australian lobster.

The two big Australian lobsters are marked as [Xiao En] and [Xiao Ai] in the video.

The small Australian lobster is marked as [Xiao Jin].

At this time, a beam of light hit the water tank, and the originally dim picture became bright. This is the sun, which means that the sky has just brightened.

After waking up, [Xiao En] in the video, the family of three ate breakfast together lovingly.

After breakfast, [Xiao En] and [Xiao Ai] came to the door of the house.

At this time, a dialog box appeared.

[Xiao En]: [The outside world is very dangerous. You and [Xiao Jin] stay at home. Leave the task of going out to fight to me. I will let you live a good life. ]

[Xiao Ai]: [Dear, I believe you, you must pay attention to safety. ]

[Xiao En]: [Don't worry, I will. ]

After saying hello, [Xiao En] left home and went out alone.

At this time, a copy appeared on the video: [When you are young, everyone has a dream, but after getting married, having a warm home is the biggest dream. ]

Seeing this, Zhao Tianlei was still quite emotional, and he was indeed touched.

Because when he was young, Zhao Tianlei actually preferred to be a painter.

But there was no way, the family was too poor.

The poor life forced Zhao Tianlei to give up his ideals for money.

The video continued, and a hand appeared above the fish tank.

This hand threw a shrimp into the fish tank.

When the shrimp sank into the water and fell to the bottom of the fish tank, it was just seen by [Xiao En].

Seeing such a large piece of shrimp, [Xiao En]'s eyes naturally lit up.

Special effects were added to the video, and [Xiao En]'s eyes just flashed with golden light.

Just when [Xiao En] wanted to get this piece of shrimp, another Australian dragon with a larger body appeared.

The video was marked as [Xiao Qiang].

[Xiao Qiang] was faster than [Xiao En] and occupied the shrimp in advance.

Of course, [Xiao En] couldn't just watch the shrimp being snatched away by [Xiao Qiang], so he immediately went up to compete with the other party.

Two Australian dragons started fighting in the water.

The fighting scene accelerated, and finally [Xiao En] drove away [Xiao Qiang] and successfully obtained the shrimp meat, but at the cost of losing a claw.

At this time, a text appeared on the video: [The bravest wins when they meet on a narrow road. For the sake of family, why fear being torn to pieces. ]

Seeing this, Zhao Tianlei felt it was normal.

After all, in the business world, everyone has to compete, and the bravest wins when they meet on a narrow road.

Sometimes it is normal to suffer some losses in order to defeat the opponent.

Zhao Tianlei did not feel anything about this scene, after all, this is the most basic principle of doing business.

Then, the video continued to play.

[Xiao En] dragged the shrimp meat back with a claw.

After the shrimp meat was brought home, a dialog box appeared.

[Xiao Ai]: [Dear, are you okay?

Right? Your arm... (crying expression)]

[Xiao Jin]: [Dad, does it hurt? (crying expression)]

[Xiao En]: [It doesn't hurt, it's just one hand, it's gone, as long as I can make you live a good life, everything is worth it. ]

At this time, a copy appeared next to [Xiao En]: [I need to support the whole family, I can't say I'm tired, I can't say I'm in pain, and I can't fall down. ]

The sad time is over, and I see [Xiao En], [Xiao Ai], and [Xiao Jin] three Australian lobsters gathered together and started to eat shrimp meat happily.

In a blink of an eye, another day has passed.

After dawn, [Xiao En] went out to find food like yesterday.

After going out for a whole day, [Xiao En] didn't find any food and had to go home helplessly.

The dialog box appeared again.

[Xiao En]: [Sorry, dear, I didn't find anything to eat. ]

[Xiao Ai]: [It's okay, I'm glad I'm back. ]

We didn't finish the shrimp meat yesterday, so we can still eat shrimp meat together in the evening.

Time accelerated, and another day passed.

After dawn, [Xiao En] went out to find food again, but came back empty-handed again.

The video accelerated again, and another day passed. When [Xiao En] went out to find food, he didn't find anything again.

At night, [Xiao En] tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

The time accelerated screen appeared again.

The next morning, when [Xiao Ai] sent [Xiao En] out, a dialog box appeared again.

[Xiao En]: [Dear, there may be nothing to eat nearby, I have to go to a farther place to find food. I may not be able to come back today. You have to take good care of yourself and [Xiao Jin] at home. ]

[Xiao Ai]: [Don't worry, I'm at home. ]

After saying hello, [Xiao En] embarked on a journey far away.

At this time, the copy appeared again: [The most beautiful scenery in the world is the way home, and the worst scenery in the world is the way away from home. ]

In the video, [Xiao En] walked very far, looking for food all the time.

At this time, the video screen was given to [Xiao Jin] and [Xiao Ai] at home.

Another day passed, [Xiao Jin] waited for [Xiao En] to come back at the door.

But when he didn't wait, [Xiao Jin] asked [Xiao Ai].

[Xiao Jin]: [Where is Dad? ]

[Xiao Ai]: [Dad went to find you food and will be back soon. ]

After the conversation, the screen accelerated and a new day came.

Still didn't see [Xiao En] come back, [Xiao Jin] seemed a little anxious.

[Xiao Jin]: [Why hasn't Dad come back yet? ]

[Xiao Ai]: [Dad went a little far and will be back tomorrow. ]

Time accelerated, and another day passed.

[Xiao Jin]: [Didn't you say you would come back today? ]

[Xiao Ai]: [Maybe he was too busy and delayed. ]

Time accelerated, and another day passed.

[Xiao Jin]: [Does dad not want me anymore? ]

[Xiao Ai]: [How could that be? Dad will never not want you. He may be too busy. ]

Every time [Xiao Jin] had an emotional breakdown, it was [Xiao Ai] who comforted him.

At this time, the copy appeared again: [You can pursue the road of success unscrupulously, but you can't do without the silent support of someone behind you. ]

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