In order to open a shop,

Gao Qiqiang accepted a reward of 20,000 yuan.

However, he gave the remaining 10,000 yuan to the Tang brothers.

In addition, Gao Qiqiang deliberately concealed the truth about Xu Lei's death.

Tang Xiaolong:"Let's go, Brother Qiang..."

As they spoke, the Tang brothers stood up.

Gao Qiqiang sat on a rattan chair and leaned back.

He said calmly,"Am I going alone? Aren't we going together as a group of three?"

Tang Xiaolong naturally understood what Gao Qiqiang meant.

In the end, he still trembled and reached out to take the ten thousand yuan.

"Thank you, Brother Qiang!"

"With this money, we are now in the same boat. My brother and I will listen to Brother Qiang from now on!"

That's right.

He wanted to tie the Tang brothers to himself. Perhaps even Gao Qiqiang himself did not notice that from this moment on, his way of thinking about problems and his perspective on things had all undergone earth-shaking changes. The broken rattan chair under him seemed like a crowned iron throne.

Having written here.

Yu Hang suddenly stopped writing.

He saw him walk to the blackboard.

Then he used chalk to draw this scene.

On the rooftop in the dark.

The shabby rattan chair contrasted sharply with the surrounding environment, but Gao Qiqiang, who was sitting on it, looked calm and majestic.

His eyes were firm and deep, like stars in the night, full of strength and determination.

He sat upright and confidently, with his hands folded on his chest, as if thinking about future plans.

His facial contours were clear, as delicate as a sculpture, showing a unique charm

"Holy crap!!!"


"The Godfather of Jinghai was born from this moment!"

"Brother Qiang, so handsome!"

"Brother Qiang, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

Seeing this painting, the audience started to scroll crazily.

Similarly, in the studio, several judges were also surprised when they saw the painting by Yu Hang.

It really felt like that!

Soon, with the help of Gong Kaijiang, the Gao brothers' PHS store opened smoothly.

It was named Qiangsheng.

Taking one character from each brother's name, it also indicated that the business would grow bigger and stronger, and prosper.

"It turns out that this is the prototype of Qiangsheng Group!"

"Grow bigger and stronger, and create greater glory!"

"Gao Qiqiang shouldn’t have turned evil yet!"

"I guess he is not far from turning evil. Xu Jiang is a gangster boss, he will definitely avenge his son!"

The barrage of comments flooded the screen.

On the other side, the police investigation also reached a preliminary conclusion.

Xu Lei's death was indeed caused by drowning after being electrocuted.

A heavy rain on the night of the incident destroyed the scene and left no useful clues. Most criminal police, such as Cao Chuang, wanted to classify the case as an accident, but An Xin was still worried about the half fingerprint on the switch.

It turned out that when Gao Qiqiang was wiping his fingerprint, he accidentally left half of his fingerprint on the switch, covering the fingerprints of the two deceased.

This shows that someone operated the electric fish device after Xu Lei, and the possibility that he deliberately destroyed the electric fish device to disguise the murder as an accident cannot be ruled out.


Gao Qiqiang left fingerprints because of a fight with the Tang brothers.

Therefore, his fingerprints must be in the police database.

It's a pity that the electric fish device only has half a fingerprint, and it is difficult to complete fingerprint matching with the technology level 20 years ago.

Cao Chuang expressed his support for the young people's ideas.

But there are too many backlogs of cases in the bureau. An Xin should check it out herself when she is free, and don't waste everyone's time.......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Indeed, twenty years ago, it would have been impossible to detect it with the technology at that time!"

"Half a fingerprint, even if it was left now, it would be difficult to detect it, right?"

"An Xin is indeed a good police officer!"

"Cao Chuang is actually right. This case has probably been classified, making it difficult to investigate!"

"We are the audience, of course we know that this is a normal case of electrofishing and drowning, but An Xin doesn't know. With his character, he will definitely investigate it to the end!"The comments were all over the screen. Gao Qiqiang was also very concerned about the progress of the case. So, he used the excuse of providing clues for Huang Cuicui's case.


Gao Qiqiang:"It's like this. I took Huang Cuicui's photo and asked around in the market. One of my old customers said he knew her and that she had a boyfriend who was also from Jiuchang Street. This boyfriend was arrested and sentenced for robbery six years ago and is still serving his sentence!" An Xin

:"Has he not been released yet?"

Gao Qiqiang:"Not yet!"

An Xin:"But six years ago,..."

Gao Qiqiang:"That's right. There is another piece of information that I think may be very important. Her boyfriend's father went to see him while he was in prison. He knew that Huang Cuicui was doing those shady things outside. He told her father,"Go out and tell Huang Cuicui that I will kill her when I get out. Officer An, do you think it is possible that he sent a killer inside to kill Huang Cuicui?"

Speaking of this..........

Gao Qiqiang mentioned the case of electrofishing two days ago.

This was the main reason why he came to An Xin today.

Gao Qiqiang:"Look, these two days, I watched the news and saw a man electrofishing, but the electricity leaked and he electrocuted himself to death!"

An Xin:"Oh, you saw this news!"

Gao Qiqiang:"Yeah!"

An Xin:"I don't know, maybe it was an accident or...It hasn’t been determined yet, it hasn’t been determined yet!"

Gao Qiqiang got even more nervous when he heard that it hadn’t been determined yet,"But actually, I’ve seen a lot of this kind of thing before. When we were kids, we often saw people using electric fishing in the river. They electrocuted themselves to death because of a leakage of electricity. They electrocuted themselves to death."

An Xin:"What’s his name?"

Gao Qiqiang:"Xu Lei!"

An Xin:"I’m talking about Huang Cuicui’s boyfriend."

Gao Qiqiang:"Oh, Huang Cuicui’s ex-boyfriend, we used to call him Lao Mo!"



"Why are you posting question marks?"

"Ah? Gao Qiqiang let something slip!"

"The news mentioned Xu, but Gao Qiqiang directly said Xu Lei's name!"

"An Xin probably didn't notice it either!"

The comments were all over the screen.

An Xin asked Li Xiang for help. She really found Huang Cuicui's 1.7 ex-boyfriend.

Lao Mo admitted that he hated Huang Cuicui.

But the reason was different from what Gao Qiqiang said.

Six years ago, Huang Cuicui was pregnant with his child and forced him to get married. She also thought he was poor. Lao Mo actually thought of raising money by robbing. As a result, he was arrested by the police and sentenced to six years just after robbing a taxi.

Huang Cuicui said that he couldn't wait for Lao Mo to get out of prison and wanted to abort the child. Lao Mo therefore held a grudge and threatened to kill her.

But firstly, Lao Mo was still in prison.

Secondly, he didn't know about Huang Cuicui's death.

It can be seen that he had nothing to do with Huang Cuicui's death.

Out of humanitarian considerations, An Xin asked for a few strands of Lao Mo's hair and spent money to help him do a paternity test, proving that Huang Yao, the child placed in Huang Cuicui's hometown, was Lao Mo's biological daughter.

Upon hearing the news, Lao Mo changed his previous arrogance. While thanking An Xin, he also promised that he would change his past and be a good person!

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