"Saturation rescue..."

"Yes, it is saturation rescue, a concept that has never been mentioned in Hollywood science fiction movies!"

"Wandering Earth, escaping the solar system with our home, and saturation rescue...."

"Yu Hang... is he really only in his 20s?"

Luo Pingsheng heard what Sa Beining said about saturation rescue.

It suddenly dawned on him!

Another new concept!

At this moment.

He was watching the young man who was only in his 20s in the live broadcast room.

Luo Pingsheng began to doubt his life.

Has he lived like a dog for decades?

Comparing yourself with others is really annoying!

"I feel that Captain Wang Lei’s obsession is too deep!"

"His wife and children are in Hangzhou, which means..."

"Damn, this plot is too realistic!"

"If we follow the plot of Hollywood blockbusters, will the protagonist team be like gods descending to earth to save the people in Hangzhou's underground city and impress the rescue team?~"

"There are only 3.5 billion left in the world!"

"It is indeed real, there is no so-called miracle!"

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room was also constantly refreshing.

As netizens said.

If it is based on the plot of Hollywood science fiction blockbusters.

In the process of restarting the Hangzhou thruster, it is mentioned that the Hangzhou underground city began to flow back with magma. This is definitely the time for the protagonist team to show their power, saving all the civilians in Hangzhou in a critical moment, and letting the rescue team take notice of them, while also showing their maturity.


Yu Hang is going against the Hollywood style.

Just after hearing the news of the underground city magma backflow, before they had a moment to think about it, they learned that the entire Hangzhou was GG, no one escaped, all"June 13" died, and the protagonist Liu Qi didn't even have time to appear.

In the studio, seeing Yu Hang's plot.


Incomparably real!

"This is a real disaster movie. How can there be so many miracles?"

Wang Shuo was still the first to speak.

He was getting more and more satisfied with Yu Hang's work!

"The biggest feeling that the plot of The Wandering Earth has given me so far is reality. Yu Hang seems to have shown us what a real disaster is. When the disaster strikes, life or death depends entirely on luck!"

"I even have a feeling that the reason why Liu Qi is the protagonist is because Yu Hang wants to let us witness the process of all human beings saving civilization from Liu Qi's perspective!"

Hai Yan also nodded and said

"I agree with what Teacher Hai Yan said. I even began to slowly forget that Liu Qi was the protagonist. His existence did not play any practical role. For example, when Han Ziang died, he could not help at all. For example, when Hangzhou was flooded by magma, he was not even seen!"Sa Beining said.

Lan Xiaolong and Liu Heping next to him.

The two did not speak, but looked thoughtful.

"It’s true, the protagonist Liu Qi has too low a presence!"

"As the protagonist, he should be able to play a role at the most critical moment!"

"By the way, the International Space Station, could it be that Moss has already escaped with everyone?"

"Now I have another bold guess. What do you think? Could it be that the United Government took into account that if one day the Earth really encounters an unstoppable situation, it would implant the program in Moss to preserve the fire and find a new home?"

"Yes, it is not necessarily the spaceship faction, nor is it necessarily that Moss has his own consciousness!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was flooded with comments.

Space, International Space Station!

Liu Peiqiang forcibly opened the hibernation capsule despite Moss's warning, and Moss had already calculated that the probability of survival on Earth was zero, and automatically decided to terminate the escort mission of the space station and initiated the evacuation plan. According to regulations, if an illegal awakening occurs, Moss will wake up other people in the same area for processing.

Colonel Makarov climbed out of the hibernation capsule in a daze.

For a while, he didn't understand the situation.

Liu Peiqiang simply explained that if the space station leaves the earth, the earth's communications will be paralyzed.

For the sake of his son and the people on earth, he would never let Moss do this.

Makarov understood Liu Peiqiang's feelings, and naturally supported Liu Peiqiang's decision.

To stop Moss, you must go to the main control room to obtain control authority.

At present, all channels have been blocked by Moss, and the main control room located in the center can only be approached from the outside of the space station.

The two put on space suits, blew open the docking hatch, and climbed out of the space station.

The main control room is connected to a huge connecting arm and rotates along the central axis of the space station. It is not easy to get up.

The earth's atmosphere has been captured by Jupiter. If we don't hurry up, once the earth passes the Roche limit, it will be irreversible.

Write here.

Yu Hang suddenly paused.

He faced the camera and explained to the audience

"Why was the Earth's atmosphere captured by Jupiter?"

"Next, I will briefly explain to you a principle, the gravitational slingshot!"

"Although humans have built 10,000 planetary engines on Earth to accelerate the Earth, these engines consume a lot of energy. The burning stones I mentioned earlier are one of them. But even so, the speed of pushing the Earth is still very slow!"

"According to the principle of gravitational slingshot, the Earth can use the gravity of Jupiter, which is much larger than itself, to accelerate itself!"

"This principle is similar to playing table tennis. When a table tennis ball collides with the racket, its speed and direction will be changed. The athlete can use the brain to quickly calculate and hit the ball at the desired speed and in the desired direction."

"The Earth is like a small ping-pong ball, and Jupiter is the racket that is swinging quickly. By precisely calculating the speed and direction of the Earth and Jupiter, scientists can make the Earth obtain the expected speed and direction."

"The Earth and Jupiter do not need to collide, as long as they are close to each other, there will be gravity and they will be accelerated. And the force between the Earth and Jupiter is gravity, while the collision between the ping-pong ball and the racket is repulsion."

While speaking,

Yu Hang stood up and walked to the blackboard.

He drew two cartoon characters on the blackboard with chalk.

The bigger one is Jupiter and the smaller one is the Earth.

When the Earth gets close to Jupiter, it will be thrown out.

In order to make it more vivid, Yu Hang drew Jupiter as a big-headed doll and the Earth as a small-headed doll. When the small-headed doll gets close to the big-headed doll, it will be thrown out directly like a discus.

"Six six six six six six six six six six!!!"

"Damn, this is so vivid!"


"Damn, Yu Hang is studying physics, right?"

"I understood this explanation instantly!"

"Hahahaha, this drawing is so vivid!"

"So smooth!"

"This explanation is absolutely amazing!"

"I understand. If the Earth's orbit had not shifted, it would be as Yu Hang described. When it got close to Jupiter, it would be thrown out quickly. But if the orbit shifted, uncontrollable situations would occur, which is what is happening now...."

"Damn, if my physics teacher was the same as Yu Hang, I would definitely be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University!"

"no...Are you studying physics or screenwriting?"

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw Yu Hang's drawing of Jupiter throwing the Earth as a discus, they were all stunned.

For a while, the barrage of comments was so crazy!

Not to mention the audience.

Even the judges in the studio and the host Sa Beining were stunned.

Sa Beining also hurriedly asked Professor Wang

"Professor Wang, is this gravity slingshot the same as what contestant Yu Hang described?"

After hearing this,

Professor Wang's voice rang out in the live broadcast room:"Yes, that's it!"

"However, the way contestant Yu Hang described it was very real and easy to understand!"

He was just surprised. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yu Hang, this young man, has a wealth of physics knowledge.

Luo Pingsheng watched Yu Hang describe the gravitational slingshot so vividly.

He was also stunned.

"Damn, this young man!"

"His knowledge reserve is too rich!"

In addition to Luo Pingsheng, there are many science fiction writers watching in Yu Hang's live broadcast room.

They were also stunned.

The hard science fiction written by Yu Hang is really worth pondering.


After Yu Hang finished explaining, he continued to sit back at the computer desk.

Liu Peiqiang and Makarov followed the steel frame as close to the connecting bridge as possible, waiting for the main control room to approach, and then jump and capture.

At this time, the docking port in area A1 exploded. It may be that other staff members noticed Moss's actions and tried to go to the main control room.

Just when the two successfully grabbed the handrail outside the hatch of the main control room, they detected the danger and launched a fatal spray.

Makarov was unable to dodge, and his helmet was hit by fragments and exploded.

Watching Makarov drifting towards the cold universe, Liu Peiqiang angrily opened the hatch and got into the main control room.........[]

But the answer he got in the control room made Liu Peiqiang at a loss.

Several big words appeared on the screen: Manual operation is invalid.


Moss's voice sounded again:"All actions of the space station are legal and have been authorized by the United Government. Moss has never defected. Moss is faithfully implementing the resolution of the United Government!"

The space station refrigerates 300,000 human fertilized eggs and 100 million basic crop seeds, stores the world's known animal and plant DNA spectrum, and has a digital database of all human civilizations.

After the rescue operation on Earth was launched, Moss deduced that this was a futile action and would activate the backup plan according to the resolution.——"The"Spark" plan is to leave the Earth, go to a new home alone, and rebuild human civilization.

"Three hours later, the Earth will break through Jupiter's rigid body Roche limit and enter an irreversible disintegration process. Moss will broadcast this globally!"

"15, 14, 13...."

"Damn it, Moss has definitely awakened his own consciousness!!!"

"Moss has never defected, why does it feel like it is conscious?"

"This Moss can even attack his own people!"

"Just as I guessed, Moss’s choice to evacuate was a program implanted by the coalition government!"


"Moss has awakened his own consciousness?"

"The probability of Earth's survival is zero...So how did it break out in the end?"

"Yes, even if it's one percent, you tell me the probability of survival is zero...."

"It seems that Liu Peiqiang is not fighting alone, other astronauts are also helping to stop Moss's actions!"

"This is not the end!"

"There are only three hours left to reach the Roche limit!"

Seeing this, the audience was stunned.

Especially what Moss said: Moss has never defected.

This sentence sounded too weird.

Is this what an artificial intelligence said?

Several judges, as well as Professor Wang, fell into deep thought.

Now, everyone is thinking about a question.

Did Moss awaken his own consciousness?

Intuition told them.



In the ruins, Liu Qi, Han Duoduo and Tim found a rescue plane that crashed nearby. Next to the wreckage, there was a seemingly intact carrier that seemed to be able to operate normally.

Liu Qi first checked the condition of the car, and then asked Duoduo and Tim to get in the car to find supplies.

Suddenly, Duoduo screamed, and Liu Qi quickly jumped into the car and found that a technician from the flight rescue team named Li Yiyi was attacking Duoduo.

Liu Qi quickly attacked and subdued Li Yiyi and saved Duoduo.

Li Yiyi explained that he was originally on a mission to repair the Sulawesi steering engine in Indonesia, but the plane crashed in Zone 3.7 of the Magic City, and he was the only survivor.

Knowing that Liu Qi could drive, Li Yiyi decided to continue the mission and set a new route.

Heartbroken, Liu Qi inserted his grandfather's car card and drove the carrier towards Hangzhou.

However, when they arrived at the Hangzhou No. 1 engine, they found that the underground city had been submerged in magma and the engine was damaged.

The CN171-11 rescue team announced that the mission had failed, and the captain of the rescue team, Wang Lei, disbanded the team.

Liu Qi decided to reorganize the rescue team and go to support Sulawesi.

In the eternal night, all the way south, good news came from the radio one after another. Other rescue teams had completed their tasks, and 90% of the steering engines had been repaired and were operating normally.

When the carrier stopped at the Sulawesi A3 supply station to refuel, something unexpected happened. The Sulawesi steering engine started to operate.

Other rescue teams arrived first and completed the maintenance work.

Liu Qi and his team were completely confused.

Only Wang Lei said one sentence: saturation rescue!

"It’s true. It’s so damn true!"

"It turns out that it’s not just the protagonist and his group who are supporting Sulawesi!"

"Saturation rescue, for the sake of a target mission, it must be completed at all costs!"

"Sure enough, the best way to save the earth is for everyone to act together!"

"Hahahaha, it has nothing to do with the protagonist every time!"

"Protagonist: Can I have a sense of existence?"

"The more I watch it, the more it looks like a documentary. Is Liu Qi the photographer?"


The live broadcast room was filled with comments like crazy.

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