February 7

《The Youth Entrepreneurship Competition is officially on air!

At 3pm, there are already more than 20 million people online in the live broadcast room. The comments are so crazy!

"I'm coming!"

"Finally saw Yu Hang again!"

"Do you feel that Yu Hang seems to have gained weight?"

"Hahaha, the food during Chinese New Year is so delicious!"

"By the way, this year’s Spring Festival Gala is really ugly!"

"Spring Evening? Who still watches Spring Evening now?"

"I'm curious about the topic of this episode!"

In addition to these ordinary viewers, the official accounts of major film and television companies also came in.

Huayi Brothers entered the live broadcast room!

Noon Sunshine entered the live broadcast room! New Classics Media entered the live broadcast room!

Huace Film and Television entered the live broadcast room! Ciwen

Media entered the live broadcast room! Penguin

Video entered the live broadcast room!

IQiyi Video entered the live broadcast room!

It can be said that all domestic film and television companies came.

They all want Yu Hang's script.

《The drama"Little Fish and Flower" made Noon Sunshine really make a lot of money.

It was a fat year.

Although"A Man's Martial Arts" is still being filmed.

But everyone knows that as long as the movie is released, the box office will definitely not be low.

As for"The Wandering Earth".

That's even more needless to say. More than a dozen companies jointly produced it, there is no shortage of money or scripts, it is hard to imagine that this movie will not be made well.

If it is really ruined.

Then China Film will just announce its bankruptcy.

The studio scene.

A new round of competition today.

Yu Hang also specially cut his hair.

Clean and refreshing.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the judges and contestants on the stage.

They have also gained a lot of weight.

It seems.

Everyone had a good year.

"Welcome to the National Youth Screenwriters Creative Competition》!"

"I am the host Sa Beining!"


It was the same familiar opening line.

After the introduction,

Sa Beining took out the scroll.

The topic for this episode was already written on it.

The contestants were all very nervous.

Including the audience in the live broadcast room.

Soon, the scroll was opened.

There were two big words written on it :




This theme is familiar to everyone.

As we all know, what kind of drama is the most popular in China?

It must be anti-Japanese drama.

Especially Sichuan TV, I don't know how many anti-Japanese dramas are produced every year.


"No one would write a magical anti-Japanese drama, right?"

"Don't...I am so shocked by the current anti-Japanese dramas!"

"This topic was written by Lan Xiaolong, right?"

"This round of questions feels average. Can you come up with something fancy?"

"I came here for Yu Hang, and I believe in Yu Hang!"

"Yu Hang can even write science fiction, so are you afraid that he can't write about war?"

In the live broadcast room, the audience swiped the screen.

Looking at the scene, several judges looked around to see the reactions of the contestants.

Some contestants were frowning, while others were thinking.

However, they mainly wanted to see Yu Hang.

As a result, this guy was very calm. He looked confident.

"Yu Hang is a very confident guy!"Wang Shuo said with a smile

"I am looking forward to seeing what kind of work Yu Hang can write this time!"Lan Xiaolong

"《The plot of"The Wandering Earth 2" actually includes wars. He can write big scenes. I believe this subject is not difficult for him."Hai Yan said.

Although Liu Heping did not speak.

However, he is actually looking forward to Yu Hang's work.

The time is still seven days!

Yu Hang is contestant No. 01.

The room is the same as the previous two rounds.

After opening the door, there is no peculiar smell, and the room is cleaned.

After the contestants entered the room, everyone's secondary live broadcast room was opened simultaneously.

The number of people in Yu Hang's live broadcast room increased wildly.

It broke 10 million in minutes!

Look at Yu Hang again.

After this guy came in, the first thing he did was to open a pack of cigarettes.

Then he happily lit it up.


"The first thing this guy does is smoke a cigarette, haha!"

"I’m curious about what kind of work Yu Hang will write this time!"

"Don’t worry, don’t worry, just believe in Yu Hang!"

"Now the screenwriter circle is saying that Yu Hang's works must be top-notch!"


Yu Hang has exchanged the script while smoking. It's about war.

What else can I say?

It must be"Drawing Swords"!

This is a real masterpiece! How can our Lao Li be worse than others?

A cigarette only takes two or three minutes.

Yu Hang stood up.

He came to the blackboard.

He picked up the chalk and wrote two big words.

【Draw the Sword】


"Have you thought of the subject matter so quickly?"

"Bright Sword? What is this about?"

"I don’t know!"

"It sounds like a historical script...."

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned when they saw Yu Hang write the words"Draw the Sword"."

Draw the Sword"?

What is he going to write?

Similarly, the judges in the studio were also guessing."Draw the Sword", is Yu Hang going to write about modern times or history? However, before they could think about it for a moment, the screen in the live broadcast room

"Even if we are outnumbered by the enemy, even if we are surrounded, we dare to draw our swords and fight to the last man. The bravest will win when two meet on a narrow road, and we will be invincible wherever the sword points!"When Yu Hang said this, his tone was firm and passionate, full of lofty ambitions and high morale.


"Wow, what Mr. Yu Hang said is so cool!"

"Dare to draw the sword and fight to the last man...What does Yu Hang want to write?"

"Wow, Yu Hang was so domineering when he said this!"

"well said!"

"Just based on what Yu Hang said, I think the script will be good!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard Yu Hang's impassioned words, they were also infected by his lofty sentiments.


Yu Hang continued to write on the blackboard.

Timeline: 1937, the Anti-Japanese War!

Characters: Li Yunlong, the head of the New 1st Regiment! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Current battle: The Battle of Cangyunling!

Story summary: On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army launched a blatant attack on the Chinese garrison at the Marco Polo Bridge in Peking. The 29th Army of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army fought back. As a result, the Chinese anti-Japanese army and civilians began an eight-year arduous war against the Japanese invaders.

In February 1940, the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army was surrounded by the Japanese army in a certain area of Jinzhong.

In order to cover the transfer of the division headquarters and the field hospital, the 1st Death Column of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army fought fiercely with more than 3,000 Japanese troops on the three hills of the main position of Cangyunling.

The Eighth Route Army launched 13 consecutive attacks and engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army....

Under the command of Li Yunlong, the new 1st Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, led the entire regiment to launch several counterattacks against the Japanese army. The battle was extremely fierce, the main peak position changed hands repeatedly, and both the attackers and defenders suffered heavy casualties.



"Really write about the anti-Japanese war?"

"No... There are so many topics, why write about the anti-Japanese war?.."

"Don't make it another anti-Japanese drama..."

"Although...but I still choose to believe in Yu Hang!"

"This is Yu Hang. Can the scripts he wrote compare to those anti-Japanese dramas?"

In the live broadcast room, the audience saw Yu Hang writing an anti-Japanese drama.

In an instant, the barrage of comments swiped the screen like crazy.[]


In the studio.

Several judges did not expect that Yu Hang would write an anti-Japanese drama.

Especially Lan Xiaolong.

This made him quite excited.

Writing about modern wars.

He knows it best.


Yu Hang picked up the pen again.

Everyone thought he was going to write something.

As a result, he started to paint.

Not long after.

A man in the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, his hat tilted, pointed forward.

There was another sentence below: Hey, you are really a genius!

"Could this be the protagonist Li Yunlong that Yu Hang is going to write about?"

"Phew, hahahaha!"

"You're such a freaking genius!"

"Six, six, six, six, six, six!"


"Is this the protagonist?"

The studio scene

"Battle of Cangyun Ridge?"

"Xiaolong, Brother Liu, what battle is this referring to?"

Hai Yan looked at Lan Xiaolong and Liu Heping and asked.

Wang Shuo and Sa Beining were also curious.

0 Asking for flowers

Although they are well-educated, every writer has his own strengths. Just like Lan Xiaolong and Liu Heping, they are quite knowledgeable about modern history.

Similarly, the audience in the live broadcast room are also curious about the real prototype of this battlefield.

Is it fictional or real?

"Xiaolong, go ahead~"

Liu Heping said to Lan Xiaolong with a smile.

Hearing this,

Lan Xiaolong pushed his glasses and said,"Okay, Teacher Liu!"

"Although, Yu Hangxuan���There is not much content mentioned, but at this time point, 1939-1940, it was in the Jinzhong area. If I am not mistaken, it should be the Battle of Huangtuling!"

As Lan Xiaolong said this,

Liu Heping beside him nodded.

"This battle was not simple. Abe Nobuyuki, known as the flower of famous generals, was killed by our army with one shot. Abe Nobuyuki was the commander of the brigade of the Japanese army. He was the highest-ranking Japanese general killed by the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War."

After listening to Lan Xiaolong's popular science, everyone also had a general understanding of this battle.

A Japanese brigade commander was killed by one shot.


Look here.

In the room,

Yu Hang wrote some information about"Bright Sword" on the blackboard.

Then, he sat down at the computer desk, opened the document, and began to formally create"Bright Sword".

Seeing this, the audience, several judges, and the host Sa Beining also became expectant.

On Cangyun Ridge, artillery fire roared, and the breath of war filled the air.

The Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army launched a fierce confrontation.

The roar of artillery fire was deafening, as if the world was shaking.

The shells broke through the air, bringing bursts of huge roars and explosions.

The battlefield was filled with smoke and dust, and thick smoke filled the air. , making it difficult to breathe.

The fire and smoke intertwined to form a terrifying and spectacular picture.

The soldiers in the trenches held their weapons tightly, facing the enemy's attack without flinching.

Just a few simple descriptions.

All of a sudden, the audience felt the tense atmosphere and heroic scenes on the battlefield, as if they were in it, experiencing the test of war with the soldiers.

This sense of picture!

It came out instantly!

Li Yunlong, lying on the trench, was holding a telescope and paying attention to the movements of the Japanese army at all times!

His military uniform was covered with mud, and there were some inconspicuous bloodstains on his lapels.

Take off the telescope.

Li Yunlong's face was also covered with smoke and dust, and there were some traces of sweat and dirt on his cheeks.

Even so, his eyes were still firm and sharp.

"A battalion commander!"


A sturdy man answered

"Zhang Dabiao, have the division headquarters and field hospital been relocated?"Li Yunlong asked

"Report to the regiment commander, everyone has evacuated!"Zhang Dabiao.

Zhang Dabiao, the commander of the 1st Battalion of the New 1st Regiment

"This time we can let go and fight the devils. Go, catch a live one and ask which unit the devils on the other side are from!"Li Yunlong

"The Sakata Regiment of the 4th Regiment of the Japanese Army!"Zhang Dabiao.

Li Yunlong laughed when he heard the devil's number.

"Sakata United, why does it sound so familiar?"

"The last time Yunling fought against the mopping-up operation, the 386th Brigade Independent Regiment had a skirmish with the Bantian Regiment. The regiment commander Kong Jie was injured and the political commissar Li Wenying died. You said he was our brigade's mortal enemy!"

In the studio,

Lan Xiaolong and Liu Heping were sitting on the jury.

When they heard that it was the Bantian Regiment of the 4th Brigade, they were sure at once.

This was the Battle of Huangtuling!

The Bantian Regiment of the 4th Brigade written by Yu Hang should be based on the 3rd Regiment of the 4th Brigade!

"I will smash this bastard Sakata to pieces!"

When Li Yunlong heard that the other party was the Sakata regiment, he thought, it's a good time to avenge the old grudges at the same time!

"Captain, they are known as the elite of the devils...."

Before Zhang Dabiao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Yunlong:"What the hell is the elite? I don't believe this nonsense. I am fighting the elite!"

When the audience saw this, they were stunned.

Including several judges


"Phew~ All he says is fucking shit!"

"I like this Li Yunlong, haha!"

"What the hell are the elites? I’m fighting the elites!"

"Hahahaha, I like Li Yunlong's personality!"

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