"President!" xN

"Leader Han." xN

Everyone stood in front of the bat moth cave, and greeted Jin Shiyan and his party when they got off the car.

According to the instructions in advance, they have already arranged several strong spotlights and high-power external speakers, but they have not yet been turned on.

Jin Shiyan scanned around, and there were about fifty people present.

He understood that the situation was urgent, and the more it dragged on, the worse it would be, so he waved his hand: "Get ready to start."


Crack, crack, crack.

With an order, immediately some members of the association who had been ready for a long time turned on the spotlights.

A beam of strong light shot directly into the dark hole, at least 50 meters deep, all were clearly illuminated.

Jin Shiyan stood in front of the crowd, and at a glance, he didn't notice even a single moth.

"Sure enough. (@-@a)"

Adjusting his glasses, everything was as expected.

It seems that all the bat moths have shrunk their formation and gathered around the bat moth king.


So he waved again.

In addition to bright light, moths are also easily attracted by loud volume.


Someone from behind responded and turned on the high-power external speaker.

The melodious singing voice was played immediately:

Dear~ You fly slowly~ Be careful of the roses with thorns in front~

Li Pu: "..."

"Who the hell chose "Two Butterflies"!"

Han Yu was the first to roar out: "Bat moth! Bat moth! Can it be called a butterfly?! Change it soon!"

The veins on his neck were exposed, and his volume almost overwhelmed his singing.

The members of the association who were scolded wiped off their sweat and quickly changed to another song.

A cheerful singing sounded, with a taste of the prairie:

Every time~I am strong in ~wandering and lonely~

"Do you think Teacher Teng's "Invisible Wings" is suitable for the occasion at this time! Change it again!"

The cold rain broke out again.

Today is really amazing, which bastard chose these songs? !

I never dare to believe that a big bowl can make you happy~

Han Yu: "Stop! Stop! Where did you download this kind of forbidden song? Do you want to go in and eat in prison?!"

He clutched his forehead, these subordinates were really worrying!

"Leader Han, I didn't choose these songs, they are actually..."

That innocent member of the association cast his eyes on the back of Jin Shiyan's sweating neck.

"Okay, don't let it go!"

Jin Shiyan raised his hand to interrupt the other party's words, and looked at Li Pu: "Follow me in."

If you can't attract bat moths, you can only use human flesh to explore.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the field became solemn again.

Because everyone understands that now the main event really begins.

Today is different from the past, the chairman may risk his life if he goes in.

But more people's eyes fell on the young man.

who is he?

Why can follow the president to go in?

You must know that it is a bat moth hole, it is not so easy to get out of the body!

Under the gaze of everyone, the figures of the two gradually deepened, and finally disappeared out of the scope of the spotlights.

It took some time to walk around, and of course there were no monsters on the first floor.

Both Jin Shiyan and Li Pu expected this result, but the reasons were different.

"The bottom is the second floor."

Standing in front of the dark lower extension hole, Jin Shiyan's expression was tense.

"I'll go down first. If you don't come up within 30 minutes or if there are any changes, you should retreat immediately, you understand?"

"Don't worry about me, if I encounter any misfortune, then you are the only hope for Xidu to kill the bat moths."

"As for the successors of the association, tell them that I choose Han Yu."

"Finally, go to Xiaofang Street Xiaofang Lane Xiaofang Flower Shop to find a girl named Xiaofang, tell her my bank card password is 050168, mobile phone password... Forget it, let this pass away with me."

The more he talked about it, the more decisive Jin Shiyan's expression became.

Li Pu knew when he heard it, that things really seemed to be a little messed up.

So, I had to speak up.

"Well...wouldn't it be too long to wait thirty minutes?"

He was very clear that there was nothing on the lower floor.

Who wants to wait thirty minutes for nothing in this dark place.

"That's twenty-nine minutes."

After pondering, Jin Shiyan dropped a sentence and jumped into the hole on the second floor.

"Do I miss your minute..."

Hearing the other party's footsteps away quickly, Li Pu shook his head helplessly.

But in fact, he didn't have to wait that long. After less than ten minutes, there were dense footsteps behind him.

The two stayed on the first floor for too long, and the people outside were really worried, so they all followed in.

It seems that Jin Shiyan, as the president, is still very popular in the association.

Most of the people present were entering the moth cave for the first time, so they were cautious at the beginning with the lights, and only accelerated their pace after they found that there were no monsters at all.

Seeing Li Pu but not seeing the president made them all look terrified, and even many of them had quietly prepared to fight against the monsters.

"What's going on now?"

Han Yu walked in the front and asked Li Pu in a low voice.

"Xiaohan? Just right, you all come down quickly!"

At this moment, Jin Shiyan's voice came from the entrance of the second floor.

Words in this environment can easily cause misunderstandings. Everyone looked at each other and immediately jumped into the cave.

Only tens of seconds passed, and Li Pu was the only one left in front of the cave again.

"Alas, 咵咵咵..."

He took out the little raccoon, sighed and jumped down.

Everyone dispersed as soon as they entered the second floor, and when Li Pu came down, only Han Yu was still standing beside Jin Shiyan giving orders.

"Give me an inch-by-inch search!"

"Never let a trace of clues go!"

Han Yu's loud voice spread throughout the second floor of the Bat Moth Cave.

Under his command, the members of the association carried out a carpet search with the light source.

"It's not right, I was still fighting with moths last night."

"Yeah, how could one of them disappear all of a sudden?"

"Did someone poison it?"

"Are you stupid? Can a monster be brought down by that thing? It's not a cockroach!"

Everyone searched and discussed.

The frowning Jin Shiyan stroked his chin and began to analyze to himself.

"With so many monsters, how could they all disappear in one day?"

"Only the whole family migration can explain the current situation."

"Could it be that they started to leave last night?"

"But why did they migrate, and where did they migrate?"

For him, this is definitely not good news.

"Report! There are discoveries here!"

The voice of a member of the association suddenly came from a distance, which attracted everyone's attention.

"I found one, uh... I found an abandoned plastic bag! It's the little raccoon noodles!"

Jin Shiyan: "Little raccoon?!"

Han Yu: "Crispy noodles?!"


Suddenly, the eyes of both of them fell on the young man next to him.


Li Pu, who was chewing the crunchy food with a blank expression, suddenly froze.



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