Park Hyatt Tokyo, special suite.

"You've had a hard day today, please take a good rest. I will lead you to further activities in the evening. Before that, you have enough time to relax from the fatigue along the way. There will be no further activities unless summoned in the suite or for emergencies. Someone is here to disturb you." Outside the door of the suite, Okubo Ryoichi bowed slightly and closed the door.

With a snap, Mandy pushed the suitcase to the corner, pointed at the closed door and shouted softly: "Is his last sentence a hint? It must be a hint, right? Are all Japanese people like this?"

"You should be lucky that the Inuyama family booked us a suite in a five-star hotel when they knew that only the two of us would be staying at the hotel, instead of giving us a night in a love hotel on the corner." Lin Nian put the suitcases away. To the side, he walked towards the well-decorated living room of the suite. Looking east from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, he could see a forest of tall buildings. The Tokyo Sky Tree stood alone in the jungle like a white giant.

After enjoying the reception banquet at the Tamamo-mae Club and chatting about a lot of business, Hasegawa Yoshitaka drove directly out of the house. Okubo Ryoichi accompanied Mandy and Lin Nian to the Park Hyatt Hotel in Shinjuku District. In the future, This will be their abode.

As for Isshin Miyamoto, he had something to do and left Shinjuku City early to return home. This was considered a "special approval" from Lin Nian, the leader of the action team. After handling his family affairs, he would return to the team to continue his "field inspection" as a commissioner of the headquarters. 'Task.

"The Japanese branch is really rich. We are here to stay in Japan for a few months, right? Will they really book this suite for a whole month?" Mandy walked into the living room and glanced at the decoration, and couldn't help but sigh. So damn luxurious.

This is the 160-square-meter diplomat suite of the Park Hyatt Hotel. Upon entering, you will find a spacious living room where you can play ghost and tag. A Steinway piano lies beside the floor-to-ceiling window. The black and white keys are illuminated by the midday sun and turn golden. From the corridor outside As you approach the corner, you can see Mount Fuji, which is snow-covered all year round, in the distance. The geographical environment is evident.

"Should it be said that only the underworld can have such abundant capital?" Lin Nian sat on the piano chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and played a few syllables, looking down at the busy Tokyo during the day. The crowds were like ants. Rushing on the streets, converging at the intersection to form a slowly spinning black hurricane.

"Junior brother, are you still struggling with this? I thought you had already chosen to join the others." Lying on the sofa, Mandy thought of this and touched her bag, took out the pure black ID card and looked at it carefully in the sun: " Thinking on the bright side, the original Yamaguchi-gumi in Japan was just a group of dock workers. Because they couldn't eat and were bullied, they banded together to form a group. In fact, this is quite similar to us mixed races, who all gathered spontaneously into a group. Organization, when I think about it, the underworld and the secret party feel no different."

"I just didn't expect that the differences between mixed-race organizations in different regions would be so big. Who would have thought that the headquarters is an academy and now it is a gangster." Lin Nian sighed: "But it seems that the Japanese branch does treat us as honored guests. Do you think every student coming from this department will enjoy this kind of welcome treatment?"

"Junior brother, you seem to have some misunderstandings about the member of Homecoming. For people like me who have not yet paid off their car loan, traveling abroad is already a luxury enough. Not to mention staying in a Park Hyatt, staying in a capsule hotel is a bit reluctant. Mandy sat on the sofa and poked her hands: "But regarding the treatment of the commissioners here, when I left the club, I took the time to post on the forum and asked, and the answers I got were a bit scary."


"Most students who know the inside story say that the Japanese branch is simply a concentration camp. Every former student was bullied in every possible way like a gold bag hanging around his neck, and the people in the Japanese branch almost didn't poop on their heads. , The weak here are the spiritual food for the strong. We all follow the extreme culture here, and the strong is respected!" Halfway through, Mandy waved her fist again and looked at Lin Nian with an excited face: "But junior brother, today your Your handsome appearance proves that you are a strong person, so they all chose to respect you and opened us the best suite in the best hotel! I heard that this hotel also has a PeakBar and SPA shop."

"We are not here to travel." Lin Nian withdrew his hand and covered the piano: "Joining the Japanese branch means that we are now a member of the 'Ruozhong'. Being in the Japanese underworld is not an easy job. The head of the Inuyama family obviously values ​​us very much, and we will probably be very busy in the coming days."

"What are you busy doing? Going to Shinjuku's red light street to collect protection money from door to door?" Mandy chewed the candy she took from the silver basin on the table and thought for a while: "There is a saying that the two of us, Junior Brother, don't look good enough. Hey, unless you draw a knife to kill someone, you are typically the kind of character who has to be checked for ID when entering an Internet cafe. I think Ryoichi Okubo is cruel enough. I feel like he would be sent to a women's prison if he was given a pardon order. No one will come out with him.”

Lin Nian paused for a moment before he understood Mandy's joke and laughed: "Then what should I do? To be honest, I never committed any crime when I was a child. There were very few fights, and every time I still stand on the side of justice in a fight.”

"Junior brother, have you noticed that since you came to Japan, you have become more and more average in your speech?" Mandy sat up and fiddled with some crushed golden retrievers: "Or, since the last war practice class, you have started to change from stupid to stupid. Junior Brother Bai Tian has changed his mind and taken the Sha Pi route."

"Sha Pi route?"

"Didn't your performance this morning be enough to kill Pi?" Mandy put her hands behind her head to tie her hair and sighed: "I didn't realize what happened before a corpse smashed into the car. I promised to long for peace. What about ordinary 16-year-old college students in life? The people in the executive department are not half as ruthless as you, right?"

"She couldn't listen to her anymore. In that case, I had no choice but to do that, otherwise more people would die."

"Have you ever talked to that dangerous hybrid?" Mandy was stunned for a moment.

"After chatting for a few words, I broke into the door. When I saw the signs of dragon transformation on her body, I said to her: 'You are almost hopeless.' She rushed towards me without saying anything, and then I killed her. Got her." Lin Nian explained.

"I think the process must be more thrilling than this. Junior brother, how does it feel to kill someone? I'm ashamed to say that, senior sister, I've been an untouched little white rabbit for three years since I entered school." Mandy turned on the large-screen LCD TV and asked in a low voice.

Lin Nian thought carefully for a while before answering: "I don't feel anything. Maybe the people who died in my hands are hopeless people. If I don't kill them, they will kill me and others, so basically I There was no choice but to kill someone or harm someone else.”

"A friend of mine in the same department killed a gang member on an assignment and had nightmares for several nights. Finally, he went to see Masashi Toyama to solve his psychological problem." Mandy sighed: "I hope if I get it on my hands in the future Now that you are popular, your mentality can be as good as yours, junior brother."

"Maybe this mission is an opportunity." Lin Nian played with his identity card and said, "Senior sister, let me ask you in advance, what is your actual combat level from 1 to 10?"

"What is the level of 1, and what is the level of 10?" Mandy sat upright, hugged her feet, and raised her head to think.

"1 is an ordinary person, and 10 is probably the principal, right?"

"Then I'm probably only 4." Mandy scratched her head.

"In other words, a well-trained ordinary person would almost be killed instantly by you, right?" Lin Nian thought for a moment and said.

"After all, I am from a major. In the physical education class of freshman and sophomore year, I have to learn some self-defense skills." Mandy punched Heiha twice: "The physical fitness of mixed races is naturally better than that of ordinary people. Don't look at your senior sister. I'm fine." You have thin arms and legs, but you can still jump and dunk at the basket! I will try my best not to hold you back, junior brother!"

"Can you lend me a hand?" Lin Nian stood up from the piano.

"Want to give it a try?" Mandy suddenly stood up and looked at Lin Nian, her eyes shining from time to time. Being an 'S'-class hybrid as a sparring partner was a benefit that a group of people in the academy refused to come even if they asked their grandfather or grandma to come. Besides, it’s impossible for my junior brother to do something serious to me.


"Ouch." Mandy hit her head on the ground before she could react. Fortunately, there was a wool carpet near the coffee table, so this time she just fell and was stunned, not to the point of being confused.

"Absolutely." Lin Nian reached out and pulled Mandy up: "Your eyes followed me for half a second, but you still didn't react to dodge my attack, but at least you observed my offensive intention. , this is already much better than ordinary people and ordinary mixed-race species."

"I'm a B-level after all. But junior brother, you can't find a girlfriend if you do this." Mandy complained, rubbing her butt and the back of her head.

"If the Japanese branch really respects the strong as you said, senior sister, then senior sister, you should take this opportunity to practice more. There will always be times when I will act separately from you. I am the captain of this mission. I I don't want anything to happen to any of the members." Lin Nian sat on the sofa: "If senior sister, your level is at 4, then Miyamoto Isshin is at 5, and Okubo Ryoichi is at about 4.5. If it's just ordinary underworld work, senior sister, you can probably do it. It's been smooth sailing, but I think there's a high probability that we won't be so relaxed."

"What about you, junior brother? How do you feel about yourself?" Mandy asked curiously.

"Me?" Lin Nian thought for a while: "About 6.5."

"So low?" Mandy was surprised.

"I'm still a long way from being a principal." Lin Young said with a smile: "Even the head of the Inuyama family I met today is quite different from him. I used to think I was the only weirdo, but it seems that Japan The branch is full of guys who are weirder than me. This is indeed an interesting place. I probably understand why the principal asked me to come here specially. The head of the Inuyama family is like this, not to mention that there is someone here who is known as the strongest in the family. The head of the Yuan family is the head of the Yuan family. I was interested in checking some information on the plane. In Japan, the surname Genji is the surname of the royal family. The head of the Yuan family is also one of the three major surnames in our family. Maybe he is really an emperor!"

"Junior brother, isn't it appropriate to say that? In what era is there still an emperor's surname? For example, I know that if there is a person named Yuan, she is not the emperor." Mandy seemed a little embarrassed by Lin Nian's eloquent talk.


"Minamoto Shizuka" Mandy pointed to the fat blue man on the TV.

Lin Nian scratched his cheek and silently turned his head to look at Tokyo outside the window, looking at the winter sun that was gradually disappearing as the tall buildings went west.

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