Lin Nian took the photo on the table and used the good light to gently scratch the two clear portraits with his fingers. The pixels of the subway surveillance camera seemed to have been updated in recent years, and the photos taken did not. The slightest bit of ambiguity eliminates the possibility of mistaken admission.

Furthermore, Lin Nian didn't think he would misidentify these two people. He was familiar with and cared about these two people to the extent that he would be somewhat aware of the pheromones even from a simple back view or when they were in the same space. The rhythm of his steps, the frequency of his breathing, and the habits of his personal posture are all engraved in his incredible memory, and they are ranked at the top of the most important list.

He was sure that the two people in this photo were the people he was looking for, Lin Xian and Mandy Gonzalez. During the hearing, he received a recording of Mandy's phone call and learned that the place she rushed to was Beigan, which was also strong evidence. But what he didn't understand was why Lin Xian, who had been missing since the incident between the Earth and the Mountain King at the South Railway Station, also appeared here?

Does he really not understand? Maybe he just doesn't want to understand.

"When did it happen?" Lin Nian put down the photo and looked up at the Sima clan leader.

"It seems we made the right bet. You are indeed interested in the whereabouts of these two people." The old man from the Sima family nodded slightly.

"Quite interested." Lin Nian said.

The old man was a little surprised when he saw that the twilight color in Lin Nian's eyes was gradually dissipating. The information he heard was clearly that this boy would be excited to a certain extent if he came into contact with any news about the two women in the photo. , and even losing his mind is not impossible, but now the other party seems to be able to control his emotions very well.

The head of the Sima clan rolled up his sleeves with a calm expression, neither happy nor sad.

This is not a good thing. For their side of the negotiation, it will not cause the final result to be too different from the plan. It is an unexpected and reasonable thing. If the basis of all layouts must be based on the opponent's loss of control, then the inevitable failure of the situation is naturally foreseeable, and they will never make such a mistake.

"The shooting took place a week ago, to be precise around 10:50 a.m. on July 15."

Lin Nian suddenly frowned and raised his hand to signal the old man to wait a moment. He took out his mobile phone and opened the call history and scrolled forward. It didn't take much effort to find a record from seven days ago, which was July 15th. The contact person for the call at around 11 a.m. on the same day was an unknown number. It was the phone number of Mandy Gonzalez that he got from Ryoichi Okubo, who went to the headquarters to attend the hearing in Japan.

Got tricked by that bastard again.

Lin Nian licked his tongue expressionlessly, because he had realized that the call he made to Mandy in front of the Lion Heart Club was not a phone recording at all, but the golden retriever himself answering the phone. Then Nizi probably cleared her throat to test the tone before answering the phone, right?

After the call was answered, she immediately made him think that it was just a recording, and did not give him a chance to ask questions. He had complete control over the content of the call. I guess he would have exposed it at that time. The other party's tricks, according to that guy's character, he will pretend to record and pretend to the end. He is really very clever.

But what Lin Nian still couldn't figure out was why Mandy and Lin Xian were together?

Taking a step back, even if he admits the curse-like reality that Elena told him in the deepest part of his heart, the emperor and Lin Xian are standing in the same cloud at the moment, then this matter will change. It gets even weirder and weirder - Mandy Gonzalez, a person who was close to death several times before getting rid of the shackles of the emperor, should be wishing to be thousands of meters away from the emperor, how could she take the initiative to approach Lin Xian, who is close to the emperor? What about the trouble of entangled relationships?

Lin Nian was unwilling to call Lin Xian "trouble", but objectively speaking, Lin Xian was now a quagmire. Whether it was a probing gaze or a hand stretched out to her, it would be hidden in the mire. It is unknown whether it will be chewed into bones, or there will be no bones left at all.

Mandy Gonzalez, a person who once assisted the emperor, said that he did not know the relationship between Lin Xian and the emperor. He certainly did not believe it. In this case, her appearance in the same frame as Lin Xian is worthy of people's attention and attention. Think deeply about the reasons.

Things were getting more and more complicated, but the information at hand was extremely limited, which made it difficult for Lin Nian to deduce more possibilities and prepare corresponding countermeasures. It seems that everyone has their own plans and preparations. What should have been a simple and linear thing has now become a complicated and huge spider web. Everyone is standing on their own spider web and moving forward at their own pace. , they can always look at each other from a distance, but they can't interfere with each other.

However, Lin Nian understands one thing very well, that is, no matter how intertwined and complicated the spider web is, there is always a "bearing point" - there will always be a ferocious black thing lying in the center of the spider web, which is the fabric of the entire spider web. The web is also the center point of the structure. Its weight will always cause the collapse of "gravity" just like a black hole does to three-dimensional space, attracting people from all sides of the spider web to roll towards the center until they are swallowed by it or overturned. drop itself.

"It seems that someone in the photo contacted you before he disappeared." The old man from the Sima family easily guessed what Lin Nian was checking when he checked his phone.

"What does 'missing' mean?" Lin Nian put down his phone and asked.

"If no trace can be found, it is called 'missing'. The two people in the photo got on the subway heading towards the platform, and then the blond foreigner on the left side of the photo, Mandy Gonzalez, entered After the subway, there is no way for Orthodoxy to find any trace of her."

"The entrance to the Nibelungen is in the underground transportation system in Bei'an." Lin Nian was now basically sure of this, but he also read another message in the old man's words, "You said the woman on the left side of the photo got on the subway. The back is missing, where is the one on the right?"

"Lin Xian, is that relative of yours?" The old man from the Sima family nodded, "She did not get on that subway. According to the surveillance video, she watched Mandy Gonzalez board that subway on the platform. After taking the subway, we returned the same way and left the subway station.”

"Does this mean she is still under your surveillance?" Lin Nian asked.

"There is no expectation in your question. It seems that you don't have any expectation for the answer to this question." The Sima clan leader shook his head. "The answer is as you think. We have no information about her location. We did try. Tracked her but failed.”

"She disappeared?"

"No, it's just that the surveillance cameras didn't capture her. This was a particularly unexpected "coincidence." All the surveillance cameras in the subway system captured Lin Xian's whereabouts when she entered and even exited the station, but she didn't. Just after leaving the station, the surveillance cameras that were supposed to cover the 500-meter road section around the exit were coming for maintenance." The old man paused and said calmly, "Including the speed cameras on the highway and the surveillance cameras installed by street vendors. During the time period of 11 a.m. on July 15, a total of 38 old or new surveillance cameras that completely covered the 500 meters before and after the subway station exit were undergoing unified manual maintenance. The missing part of the surveillance video just made it possible. We have no way of investigating her coming and going."

"If we check the workers who repair the cameras, it can't be such a coincidence. All the cameras are being repaired at the same time period. If one or two are repaired, it might be a coincidence. There are 38 cameras in total. No one will believe this is a damn coincidence. Lin Nian whispered, "As long as someone gives orders to those workers at the same time, then you can follow those workers and follow the clues. Such large-scale orders at the same time will definitely leave obvious traces."

"Of course we followed the clues from the workers and conducted an investigation." The old man looked deeply, "But here's the interesting thing. Those workers claimed that the monitoring and maintenance work they did that morning was not a sudden notification they received recently, but one after another early in the morning. It had been on the work schedule a week, a month or even two months ago, and the superiors who notified them of the repairs that day acknowledged that it was happening."

Lin Nian suddenly raised his head, slightly stunned in his eyes.

The old man said in a deep voice, "Why do we have to arrange for people to perform maintenance at that time? This problem is an unavoidable problem, but all the network security companies that were investigated and questioned by Lang Juxu had their reasons, and they showed We have obtained the relevant procedures and documents. We found that these reasons are all legitimate. From the street office, to the highway bureau, to the local police station and the citizens who called the mayor’s hotline, everyone who proposed to repair the cameras can be found innocent. Party A and the reasons. Judging from the procedures and documents, there is no trace of abruptness or force. It seems that those workers should have appeared on the 500-meter section outside the exit of Line 4 on the morning of July 15. A whopping thirty-eight surveillance cameras are undergoing repairs.”

"Don't you think it sounds ridiculous?" Lin Nian said.

"It's very ridiculous." The old man nodded, but then asked in a low voice, "Then if you want to deny this matter as a 'coincidence', will it lead us into another more ridiculous fact?"

Lin Nian fell silent because what the old man said was true.

"In other words." The old man turned his head slightly and stared at Lin Nian. "If this matter is not a 'coincidence', but a deliberate 'layout', you have to believe that this must be a deliberate arrangement by someone. The earliest network security company The application for repairing the camera was made two months ago, so this means that the people in this layout prepared for this meeting in the subway station two months in advance."

"Within two months, a certain person used different means to intervene in more than 38 Internet companies with the business of repairing surveillance cameras, and knew the maintenance workers of the 38 companies very well. Through the 38 kinds of wolf Juxu hindsight Complete investigation revealed no problem. This person applied for surveillance camera repairs to these companies respectively, and asked different companies to notice this 'business' at different points in time, and followed the instructions of each company. The current business table sorted them by time. In the end, exactly 38 companies arranged the maintenance time of the cameras on the 500-meter section at the same time point, which was when your sister Lin Xian left the subway station. That time: 11 a.m. sharp on July 15th."

"Whenever a company makes a mistake, or a flaw is exposed in a link, Lang Juxu will instantly notice its traces." The old man gently took out his withered fingers from his sleeves, made a fist, and faced Lin Nian, "Zero, this There are zero flaws in an arrangement. If it is a carefully planned plan, then the plan will be completed 100%, without any omissions, and it will be flawless."

"Thirty-eight maintenance workers arrived at 38 different monitoring stations on time at 11 o'clock on the morning of July 15th via different means of transportation for maintenance." Lin Nian looked at the wise old man with an indifferent expression, "You Do you know what this means?"

The old man put away his withered palms and put them back into his sleeves, and nodded slightly, "The more precise the plan, the more likely it is to make mistakes. This means that even if one worker is late, any mistakes will lead to delays in time."

"The traffic situation in Beigan is not very good. Although it is not the peak period around 11 o'clock, it is just in time for lunch. No matter how good the road conditions are, it will not be much better. As long as any maintenance worker is stuck in traffic, then there will be no traffic. There will be a surveillance camera that remains on, recording Lin Xian's whereabouts." Lin Nian raised a finger and said coldly, "You want to tell me that the traffic in Bei'an was almost perfect that day, and there was no traffic at all. Is there a traffic jam on a road? You want to tell me that the people who prepared this arrangement even took into account the road conditions at 11 a.m. on July 15th? Didn't any accidents happen? "

"Yes, 'the more precise the plan, the more likely it is to go wrong'. This is an indisputable fact." The old man of the Sima family said slowly, "According to the records of the Bei'an Transportation Bureau, the road conditions that day were very bad, especially at noon. At that time, there seemed to be several car accidents on the road around the exit of Line 4, causing widespread congestion."

"That's what I meant." Lin Nian suddenly paled and fell into silence before he could finish his words.

The old man understood his silence and shook his head slightly, "Yes, the planner did take the road conditions into consideration, but he does not need to ensure that every route is smooth."

"He just needs to ensure large-scale congestion." Lin Nian said after being silent.

The old man from the Sima family raised his head slightly to see the red leaves flying and falling. "Because the traffic on the ground was congested across the board, the thirty-eight maintenance workers all chose to take the subway. The surveillance cameras they wanted to repair were all outside the station exit. Within a radius of 500 meters, considering the transportation problems on the ground and the round-trip cost, subway transportation seemed to be the only option. What was interesting was that they even took the same subway. According to their confessions afterwards, they took the The subway train on Line 4 was very empty. It seemed to be a "dedicated line", but the interior of the train was a bit old, but this did not affect the fact that it took these maintenance workers to the place where they should arrive on time. At one point in time, a vacuum period of surveillance was created for a woman leaving the subway station, making it impossible for the entire orthodox world of Lang Juxu to find any trace of her."

"And what's even more interesting is that it happened to be cloudy in Beigen that day." The old man suddenly chuckled, "The other party seemed to have considered that the clouds could obscure spy satellites that might appear overhead? But this might just be a simple coincidence. .”

Lin Nian couldn't say anything, and was silently thinking about this seemingly trivial matter, but when you dig deeper, it makes people feel horrified.

"Orthodox can't find the person named 'Lin Xian' in the photo." The old man stretched out his hand and tapped the table gently, looking down at Lin Nian, "I am willing to accept your contempt or even insult towards Lang Juxu, because we don't Finding the person you want is an indisputable fact - we are sure that 'Lin Xian' is active in Bei'an, but we can't find her. No matter how many wolves we spend searching for her, we can't touch the slightest bit of this individual. .The principle of this phenomenon is unknown. The commander-in-chief of Lang Juxu believes that this should be a phenomenon caused by an unknown 'Truth Word'. The specific effect of 'Power Word' is unknown. The releasers are most likely the two women in the photo. one of them."

"A word spirit?" Lin Nian lowered his gaze. He wasn't sure whether Mandy Gonzalez or Lin Xian had powers that he didn't know about. This kind of word spirit is quite dangerous no matter how you look at it, and it can cover a large area. The power to affect objective reality.

"Or maybe there has never been any unknown 'Truth Word'." The old man looked sideways at the golden and red courtyard covered with autumn leaves. I just put a little thought into preparing that meeting for those two women."

"Two long months, a series of arrangements that may be more complicated than imagined, without any mistakes, just for a simple meeting between my sister and senior sister." Lin Nian said lightly, "There will really be Does such a person exist?"

"The layout is like a chess game, but after all it is just a stack of computing power. In terms of black and white, I can calculate 130 moves ahead of others. The descendants of Guigu can calculate more than 330 moves ahead of others. To the descendants of Guigu, I am no more than a naughty child. A good chess player always makes moves before others." The old man said, "The true calculation of a perfect chess player is not about how mysterious the moves are, nor how mysterious the chess moves are. In the end, what matters is the 'back move' and ' "Calculation power', taking into account all possibilities, and taking countermeasures after calculating all possibilities, there is no so-called accident, because all accidents are included in the calculation, and nothing is omitted."

"There are indeed such people in the world. In the long years of orthodoxy, we have come into contact with such wizards once or twice, but we have failed to recruit them. If a person like this wants to take charge of the power of the world, you will definitely be able to do so. Those who look up at them from the highest place, otherwise they will be hidden in the city and not be used by anyone. This is a law. My friend, who do you think is worthy of the two women in the photo? The posthumous title was omitted." The head of the Sima clan looked at Lin Nian and asked slowly, "Or do you recognize the existence of such a person? If so, I really want to meet him and ask for advice."

"Senior sister is very good at playing chess." Lin young said in a low voice.

But then he shook his head.

Nothing is left out. Even the Emperor is not worthy of this title. At the hearing, the Emperor made a miscalculation only once. Mandy was won by the Emperor and lost all her money. She even sold it. If she could really calculate everything, she would not have made a mistake when she came out of the town. She needs to help her block that shot.

In the end, he still didn't answer the question. He moved his eyes away from the photos on the table and gently opened the figure he was holding down with his fingers. "If you don't find anyone, then I don't think anyone else can find him in Bei'an." She, Zhengtong should be the person in the world who most wants to find the two people in the photo besides me, otherwise the chips on the table today will be more than just a fluttering photo and an incredible story."

The old man of the Sima family made a low sound, "Even if we find your sister, we will definitely not use her as a bargaining chip for blackmail. This stupid thing of turning against each other will not happen within the scope of orthodox jurisdiction."

Lin Nian waved his hand silently, indicating that there was no need to explain this to him too much. After all, the orthodox person had not been found, and what would happen if he was found would be another matter. All in all, the current situation is that we haven't found it yet, so you can say whatever you like, good or bad.

"Furthermore, Orthodoxy just hasn't found any trace of 'Lin Xian', not that it has no clue about Mandy Gonzalez." The old man said quietly.

Lin Nian temporarily stopped his desire to pursue Lin Xian's traces, and then asked about the information that was particularly important in comparison, "The subway ride on Mandy Gonzalez's photo, and what you mentioned Let’s talk about the subway that the thirty-eight maintenance workers took.”

"It was a 'ghost subway'. Mandy Gonzalez disappeared under our noses just after stepping into that subway. However, the truth about why the thirty-eight maintenance workers returned successfully after taking the subway is still unknown. I don’t know.” said the old man.

"Do you have a way to get on that subway?" Lin Nian asked.

"Yes." The old man gave a very certain and extremely shocking answer, "The 'ghost subway' is the only way to the Nibelungs hidden in the Bei'an subway. If you want to enter the Nibelung, Long Gen, Orthodoxy has a way to provide this 'ticket'."

Orthodoxy has found a way to enter the dragon's lair!

"Evidence." Lin Nian stared at the old man of the Sima family.

"Evidence? As early as when the traces of the 'Baidi City' underwater in Kuimen were discovered, and when the secret party was still conquering and planning Constantine, Zhengtong had already discovered the mysterious 'realm' under the Beigan Metro. ." The head of the Sima clan revealed a shocking truth. He looked at Lin Nian and looked at each other quietly and said, "I believe there has been news from the secret party for a long time, right?"

Lin Nian frowned and was about to say how could your orthodox secret party get the wind, but at this moment, the hippocampus between the thalamus and the medial temporal lobe of his brain suddenly trembled like an electric shock. The picture above suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. In the picture, he saw a familiar figure, the woman wearing a black raincoat holding Si Nan in her hand. She was standing on the side of the ship, leaning on the railing and talking softly.

[I suspect that there is a dragon's lair near the Forbidden City that has been ignored by us. The Feng Shui Kanyu there has always presented a very strange feeling, giving me the illusion that the 'Feng Shui' is moving. This is a very abnormal phenomenon. Execution The ministry has been stuck with this project and it has not been approved, probably because they are worried that my actions will conflict with the local government if I make too big a move.]

Professor Jiang Peijiu.

Lin Nian suddenly raised his head and looked directly at the Sima clan leader and said in a deep voice, "Before the hunter website revealed the traces of the Dragon King, Orthodoxy had already found his Nibelung roots! You have been keeping this secret from everyone! You have been developing this dragon for a long time. Nest!"

"I believe that if the Nibelungen people are found to be secret parties, they will do the same thing." The Sima clan leader smiled lightly and did not deny Lin Nian's question, because this was never something that would make orthodoxy stand on moral grounds. No one is in a position to criticize orthodoxy when it comes to things at the bottom.

Human justice? Risk management? In terms of gambling and personal heroism, the Secret Party has always been at the forefront of the world. The joint plan to conquer Baidi City was just because the geographical location was too special to bypass the orthodoxy.

"Then now, it's time to get to the final point." The Sima clan chief sat up slightly and leaned his back on the stone chair, letting his rickety and decayed waist straighten slightly, and looking through his dark eyes with a gloomy look. Looking straight at Lin Nian, "You have full authority to decide whether this meeting will end on bad terms or whether it will end in a win-win situation."

With "technology" in his hands, Lin Nian orthodoxly handed over the "golden ticket" to the Dragon's Nest, the King of the Earth and Mountains. When time is pressing, is such a transaction worth balancing the balance of interests?

Except for Lin Nian, no one knows what the final result will be on the stone table.

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