The Aston Martin was driving on the street. No one was talking in the car. Li Huanyue was sitting in the passenger seat. Lin Nian took over the driving job and pressed one hand on the steering wheel. One after another cars were thrown away by him outside the window. Behind him, he drove at a speed of 90 on a road with a speed limit of 50 kilometers to 80 kilometers.

This means that the 40-kilometer car traveling with us is like a turtle crawling slowly on the street, and the matte iron-gray Aston Martin is like a barracuda that strayed into the inland, walking through the slow-moving freshwater fish. Every time they passed by quickly, the water would stir up waves. The overtaken fish would be dizzy and spit out gentle bubbles, but they could not clearly see the shadow of the tail of the barracuda in front of them.

The co-pilot, Li Huanyue, folded her arms and looked out the window at the speeding streets. Lin Nian didn't talk much while driving. The only sounds that could be heard in the car were the engine's roar of shifting gears and stepping on the accelerator.

From just now, they have fallen into this dead atmosphere.

The last topic did not get an answer. Li Hueyue did not answer what Lin Nian wanted to know. She didn't want to say it, so Lin Nian didn't ask. He felt that there would always be a suitable time in the future to figure out the causes and consequences of some things.

At least for now, their attention should be on the more important information, which is the Nibelungen entrance provided by the orthodox.

The information given by the Sima family patriarch was very simple. He asked Lin Nian to take Li Hueyue to the subway station in Pingguoyuan. When they arrived at the station, there would be someone to pick them up and they would also be given all the methods to enter the Nibelungen entrance. inform. At the same time, he reminded Lin Nian that Orthodoxy was very sincere about this contract, and hoped that while they were relatively sincere, Lin Nian would also show a proper attitude.

The total journey from Wangfujing to Apple Orchard is about 25 kilometers, and it takes about an hour without traffic jams. According to Lin Nian's current driving speed, it should be shortened to about 40 minutes. The Dragon Sword Box in the trunk of the Aston Martin is still lying there quietly. The new Seven Deadly Sins inside have not yet had a chance to be handed over to everyone according to the distribution in the principal's office. It seems that Lin Nian is also now I have no intention of taking time off.

He didn't expect that the discovery of the Nibelungen would go so smoothly. Without orthodox help, it might take a week or more to figure it out. Now that he knew the method of entry in advance, he had to think about it appropriately. Changed the original strategy.

That's right, Lin Nian is ready to go it alone.

The original allocation of the seven deadly sins was to worry about emergencies after each group was divided, but now Su Xiaoqiang has arranged most of the groups to act together. They should still be wandering around on the subway, and there should be little chance of meeting the Dragon King. Instead of informing others of his gains now, he might as well try to solve the problem himself.

The difference from the last time at the train station is that now he has initially grasped the authority of the twelve gospel spiritual structures, and Li Huoyue is beside him to help him. Without considering the protection of other people, he and Li Huoyue are both They are madmen who can use their lives to create opportunities to kill the Dragon King. The two of them will never reveal flaws or miss excellent opportunities because of the other's safety.

The two guys assigned by Group E are really a "match made in heaven". If Lu Mingfei can be added to take the lead, Lin Nian may be more confident in this surprise battle between the Earth and the King of the Mountain.

Lin Nian's cell phone rang. At 90 kilometers per hour, he pressed the steering wheel with one hand, took out his cell phone and glanced at the call message. After answering, he put it to his ear and said, "Say."

"Are you sure?" Within a moment, the co-pilot Li Hueyue frowned when she saw Lin Nian holding a mobile phone, "When did it happen? How did you find out?"

After a while, Li Huanyue saw Lin Nian's brows gradually unfurling, and his expression became a little strange. Finally, he returned to normal, "I'm not sure about this matter. It may be a smoke bomb from someone with good intentions, but you can do it over there." Keep following up and maybe you'll find some useful clues. That's it, I have something else to do here, so I'll hang up now."

Lin Nian hung up the phone and put the phone on the glove box. Li Hueyue glanced at the communication interface that remained for half a second on the phone screen. The contact person on it was "Lu Mingfei".

Lin Nian concentrated on driving, but he also noticed Li Hueyue's slight movement of looking at the screen of his mobile phone, so he decided to say, "It's Lu Mingfei. He said that they found information about the suspected Dragon King. But the way was very strange. It is a computer game that has not yet been released and is in the promotion period.”

"Computer games?" Li Huoyue wasn't interested at all, but he was also frowned upon by this weird source of information.

Lin Nian pondered for a while to organize his words, "To be specific, it is a domestic stand-alone game called "Nine Levels of Ghost Realm". It is still in the announcement stage. At present, there are only concept drawings and some setting sets. Now it seems that it is on the Internet. It went viral on the Internet, and many people are trying to get the qualifications for the closed beta of this game. The official said that a qualification draw will be held this afternoon, and he asked me if there was any way to get the qualifications through orthodox relationships."

"How can a game be connected with Dragon King?" Li Huoyue asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe there is a dragon-shaped monster in this game as the boss at the end of the level. I didn't ask about the specific situation. Now I need to concentrate on processing the reliable clues I have, and leave other matters to them for the time being." Judging from Lin Nian's answer, it was also clear that he did not have high expectations for the unreliable-sounding clue provided by Lu Mingfei.

But out of responsibility and reliability, Lin Nian still asked Li Huanyue, "Does Orthodoxy have channels for this?"

"What's the name of the game company?" Li Hueyue took out his mobile phone.

"Flowers and Birds Culture Communication Co., Ltd."

"I haven't heard of it." Li Huanyue said. At the same time, she edited a text message on her phone and sent it, "I asked you."

"Then what game company have you heard of? Let me ask in other words, do you play games?" Lin Nian asked, holding the steering wheel.

He seemed to want to talk about some unrelated topics to wash away the unpleasant topics between the two of them.

"I don't play games." Li Huanyue said, "I'm not interested in games."

Li Huoyue simply killed the topic, and the silence continued in the car. Lin Nian drove the car, and Li Huoyue turned to look at the passing traffic outside the window with his hands in his hands. The two of them were speechless, but they were both talking behind them. Look at the other person's face silently through the mirror or car glass.

Fluorescent lamps were shrouded in choking smoke, and the colorful lights from hundreds of computer screens lined up in a row were diffused in the haze. The boss, who was shouting that a box lunch would cost ten yuan a piece, walked back and forth from the aisle. The webmaster girl wearing an apron and carrying instant noodles took small steps and shouted while squeezing her way through the minors crowded behind a chair.

"The instant noodles are ready, 15 yuan." The network management girl finally walked to a machine in the corner, put the instant noodles on the table, and wiped away her sweat.

"Oh, thank you, thank you." Lu Mingfei on the chair put down his earphones and rubbed his temples with a headache. He took out two ten-dollar bills and handed them over. After the network administrator girl found the change of five yuan, While muttering that things were expensive in Bei'an, he stuffed the money into his pocket and turned his head to focus on the table again.

What is waiting on the computer screen is a dark-toned webpage, with a black base and a border dotted with red lines. It feels like the murderous curse webpage that was widely circulated in QQ space two or three years ago in 2007 and 2008. It was shameful that Lu Mingfei believed it in the first place and shared it with Lin Nian, but was treated as a retarded person for a while.

With nothing to do, Lu Mingfei pushed the keyboard forward to make room, put the instant noodles in front of him, and then clicked on a game on the standby web page of the computer that had reached the end and prompted to scroll back and restart. video.

When the familiar gasping sound sounded again in the earphones that were put around his neck and turned to the highest volume, he opened the lid of the instant noodles and a large amount of steam rose up to his eyes. Through the white mist, the computer played In the video, a shaky first-person perspective appears.

It seemed like a person was running with a handheld DV. The DV was switched to night mode, and the pictures captured were all green. In addition, the person holding the shooting equipment was running again, and the field of view seemed very shaky. It was If you look at it with all your heart, you will vomit after a while.

Lu Mingfei has played too many 3D games. This kind of picture jitter is just a child's play for him, so it doesn't matter if he can watch the same video more than ten times. Counting this, this should be the eighteenth time he has watched this video today. . He took a sip of instant noodles and choked. He coughed a few times while squinting and looking up at the screen.

On the screen, the man holding a DV is running wildly in the dark environment. His breathing is very rapid and he swallows saliva from time to time, which makes the disordered breathing even heavier. Just listening to the rhythm of this breathing can make you... People watching the video feel physical discomfort, and at the same time, their heart and lungs accelerate simultaneously as if they are experiencing empathy.

The running man occasionally shakes his camera angle to look around and behind him, accompanied by the photographer's heavy breathing. From the environment, it looks like an abandoned subway station, with newspapers and garbage all over the floor. The ground is damp and full of color differences and cracks. The meaning is unclear. Graffiti and dirt can be seen everywhere on the passing walls, and only occasionally a few white tiles can be seen among the mottled dust.

It is not difficult to see that the man seems to be escaping from something in this abandoned subway. He frequently points the DV behind him, as if something is chasing him behind him, but in the DV shooting, only a green light can be seen. The depths of the platform were unsettlingly dark. But despite this, the man could not let go of his fear at all. The feeling of collapse and hysterical fear that he was about to cry were extremely convincing. There was indeed something chasing him in the darkness, and once he was caught up, he would be doomed. ending.

This running lasted for a full five minutes, without any face-jumping kills or the appearance of any monster entities.

When the video was coming to an end, Lu Mingfei paused and stared at the screen.

On the screen, the man's speed slowed down. It seemed that his physical strength was exhausted from the continuous running, and the secretion of adrenaline could not prevent the soreness of his muscles. He walked forward step by step against the wall, and at the same time, he took a hand from time to time. He pointed the DV at the [Safety Exit] sign in the abandoned subway station, and it seemed that he hadn't completely lost his mind yet.

He followed the signs all the way, and there were more and more signs on the road. From one at fifteen meters, to one at ten meters, to one at five meters, and finally almost half a meter away. A disturbingly dense number of green signs were posted on the walls as if they were free, as if the person who designed the tunnel was particularly worried about losing the passengers entering.

The sign led the man to the entrance of the pedestrian tunnel that he needed to pass when changing stations in the Beigan subway. He carefully entered the tunnel against the wall, moved forward step by step, and finally walked out of the tunnel and saw a direction not far away. Get off the escalator.

There is almost no light source in the dim abandoned subway, but the escalator is running normally with electricity, making a small noise of mechanical operation, which seems so harmonious in the dead space.

He quickly walked to the escalator and started driving down. His breathing gradually eased, but he still shot behind himself from time to time, as if he was still worried about something chasing him behind him.

It wasn't until the escalator was halfway through its operation that nothing came out of the place where he first went up the escalator, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when most of the people watching the video outside the screen were inexplicably relieved, the DV perspective turned to the bottom of the escalator, and captured the back of a woman on the protective baffle at the exit at the bottom of the escalator, and a strange moving woman's back. .

It was a woman who was shaking her hands constantly. She was wearing a white hospital-like gown. Her back was completely turned to the man holding a DV on the escalator. She put her hands together in front of her chest and threw them to both sides of her body. Her feet followed the movement of her arms. Swinging, rising and falling, the head swayed happily from side to side to the rhythm.

Abandoned elevators, closed liminal spaces, disturbing breathing, and the back of a woman swaying happily without any distractions.

The dark escalator was running, but in the video it was clear that the man was trembling and shaking. He kept moving backwards, but the speed of movement was nowhere near as fast as the escalator could take him to the woman below, who was shaking her arms and legs. .

In the end, the man collapsed completely, dropped the DV and ran away roaring in fear.

Because the shooting tools were thrown away, the DV fell on the escalator. The viewing angle was facing forward. It was moved downwards little by little by the escalator until it reached the protective baffle, in the gap between the steps and the baffle. It kept scrolling, and in the rotating green picture, the scene that should have captured the dancing woman at the escalator exit turned out to be an empty and abandoned platform with no trace of anyone.

The man's fearful roar and footsteps gradually disappeared, and only the sound of the escalator could be heard in the screen.

Lu Mingfei, who was in front of the computer screen, had already prepared to stop eating noodles, tilted his head back slightly and squinted his eyes to look at the screen.

The headphones hanging around his neck suddenly sounded like a whistling wind, followed by a huge crash. A man's face, bleeding from seven holes, suddenly fell in front of the DV camera. His neck was twisted and pierced several cervical vertebrae, and a thick, dark liquid flowed out. The DV quietly filmed the man's body rolling and trembling in front of the barrier due to the operation of the escalator.

It was not difficult to guess that this was the person holding the DV before. He fell from the height of the escalator and was directly smashed to death on the baffle at the bottom of the escalator. His brains burst open and blood flew everywhere.

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