The subway is running with rumbles, the steel and wind are clashing in the tunnel, creating a roar. The windows on the train are closed. After the train starts moving, nothing can stop it from reaching the end. The people on the train can only wait in the dark. , rubbing his own temperature and existence in the darkness, resisting the invading unknown and fear.

In the moving train, Li Qing half-crouched on the rusty floor, leaning over to observe the corpse in the black uniform. After silently reciting the discourtesy in his heart, he pulled out a black notebook from the opponent's chest tactical pocket.

On the first page of the notebook, he opened it and found a fair and graceful writing.

【Au son de la trompette les morts ressusciteront】

Li Qing has never learned French, but he has been to France, not on official business, but simply to accompany his sister on a tour.

"Amélie", a film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, is probably my sister's favorite film. It contains a film-like France under a warm yellow filter, and a story full of romanticism. , and some beliefs that eulogized courage, all fascinated the young sister.

So you can always find many French postcards collected by my sister at home, as well as jigsaw puzzles and models of the Eiffel Tower. She complained about why the second language taught in school is English and not French as an elective (Li Qing often complains at this time that you are only in elementary school) , chasing him every day to ask how high the Eiffel Tower is and whether the clouds in France are all pink.

Young children are always full of fantasies, and they spare no effort to paint their dream places with oil paints that symbolize beauty. He was worried that his sister might have abnormal expectations for French men because of this, so he simply told his family as an excuse. During the spring outing, I took my sister to play in the suburbs of Bei'an. In fact, I secretly took my sister to France on a private jet belonging to a foreign businessman friend in the family behind my back.

He accompanied his sister to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, floated on the Canal Saint-Martin like the heroine in the movie, and had afternoon tea at a street cafe at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Those are all profound and beautiful memories, but what Li Qing remembers the most is probably when he led his sister, who was holding back her legs shaking along the way, into the Paris catacombs.

In 1786, the plague broke out in Paris. In order to solve the problem of insufficient cemetery and public health crisis, people moved the bones buried in all the cemeteries in the city to this place. Although it has been transformed into a tourist attraction, the bones of the dead inside are all genuine. , there are 6 million human bones piled up in the underground cemetery, low buildings, oil lamps at dusk, empty footsteps wandering in the long tunnel, and when he inadvertently looked back, he caught a glimpse of the sentence engraved on the road stone: Au son de la trompette les morts resusciteront.

[When the trumpet blows, the day the dead return]

He remembered that the tour guide translated it for them. Before that, there was another sentence on the entrance to the tomb: Arrête! C'est ici l'empire de la mort.

Stop, this is the country of the dead.

No surprise, Li Qing looked back at the notebook and found this sentence on the title page, as well as the signature of the owner of the notebook.

"Senior Qingyan." Li Qing's thumb gently scratched the fancy signature with a hint of elegance, without saying a word.

The subway rumbled through the tunnel, its speed rising continuously. It had already exceeded the standard speed of subway trains. Everything outside the window was dark, and the air carried the unique smell of dust, mold, and time. The smell of abandonment.

Occasionally, one or two cold and dim lights would pass through the window of a high-speed train. Before they could be seen, they would be stretched into a white line, illuminating for a moment the blurry peripheral vision of Li Qing, who lowered his head, and the long black hair of the corpse on the ground. With a withered face, her dark eyes were staring straight in the direction of the car door until she died. You can imagine her slightly regretful and unwilling eyes before she died.

He actually knew the deceased in front of him, Liu Qingyan, the slim senior sister. The first time he met her was in Lang Juxu's library. She was sitting at the table opposite him, quietly reading about geology. The librarian was criticizing a few junior students who secretly brought Coke in to make up for their homework. He also used the senior student who was not disturbed by external objects as an example to teach those junior students to be like your senior sister. Set an example and have never violated any library rules in the past three years.

But Li Qing saw it clearly at that time. The drink in the thermal lid of Liu Qingyan's hand was brown. It was probably brewed coffee or a similar drink. Maybe she was too calm and calm, and she even took a sip on the spot. , the librarian next to her was completely unaware that at the moment when she was being taught a lesson, this well-behaved and decent girl was blatantly "knowing and breaking the law."

After the librarian left, Li Qing boldly asked his senior sister if the cup was coffee, but the senior sister looked at him in surprise and explained that it was not coffee. Li Qing thought that he had seen it all, so why are you pretending? Just say it must be coffee. You can fool the librarian, but you can't fool me!

As a result, the senior sister laughed and poured another cup and handed it to Li Qing. After smelling it, Li Qing was shocked to find that it was not coffee, but brown sugar water. The senior sister naturally explained that today was her menstrual period, and she couldn’t stand reading without drinking something to warm her stomach. Brown sugar water was colored and she couldn’t bring it to the library, so she had to resort to this trick and sneak it in. And after explaining, she still seemed like She looked at Li Qing with a smile and thanked the other party for not exposing her just now.

This made Li Qing, who felt that he had asked the wrong question, very embarrassed. After a series of apologies, he returned the cup, but he also took the opportunity to get to know the senior.

Li Qing found a thermos cup on the body's waist and lit the lamp on the helmet. The thermos cup under the white light in his hand was actually the same cup in his memory. He unscrewed the lid of the cup. It was dry inside. He put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. There was an unpleasant smell, the smell of ammonia.

We really have reached the end of our rope, Li Qing thought.

He put away his notebook and started to check and clean up the useful items on the corpse. The basic military accessories were not damaged, and the night vision device was also intact. The battery pack was gone. It may be that the spare battery was discarded to reduce weight after it was consumed. The dagger was missing from the knife bag, all the magazine pendants in the weapon bag were empty, and there was an X1 modified M1911 with an empty magazine in the quick draw.

Li Qing held the M1911 and carefully inspected the lower end of its muzzle, which was equipped with a bayonet for close combat. The bayonet was stained with dried human blood.

Li Qing gently scraped off some dried blood scab with his nails, brought it up to the tip of his nose and smelled it carefully. From the salty smell, color and dry appearance, he confirmed that this was indeed pure human blood. He silently put down the pistol, muttered an apology, and began to remove the weapons from the body. After peeling off all the clothes on the body, the shriveled skin and bones inside were exposed. Originally, the young girl had been trained to be flexible and beautiful. His body is now as terrifying as dry firewood wrapped in a skin.

Li Qing put all the untied equipment aside, adjusted the aperture of the helmet light above his head, bit his lip gently, and forced himself to conduct a quick autopsy on the body without any emotion in his eyes.

Soon he discovered shocking cutting wounds on the arms and legs of the corpse. The biceps tendons of both arms were completely severed, and the triceps and Achilles tendons of both legs were also severed and damaged. After suffering such serious injuries, Basically completely incapacitated, self-rescue is an illusion.

There is no doubt that these wounds are man-made cuts, there are no accidents or bites from wild beasts.

Li Qing stretched out his hand and gently touched the throat of the corpse. There was a tiny crack there. When he peeled it off with his thumb, he could see that it was actually a closed, extremely deep wound. The blade of the knife penetrated straight through the throat, severing the trachea and suffocating him to death.

Someone cut the tendons of her limbs, stabbed her throat, and dragged her to the train to die a slow and painful death.

Li Qing was silent, his eyes filled with thick gloom.

The death of the girl in front of her was man-made. It was definitely not caused by a beast like Deadpool. If it were one of those ferocious hybrid creatures, the body would have been mutilated, but every wound on this body now tells the story of her experience. It was done by humans, or creatures with human intelligence.

Li Qing checked the body again to make sure there were no traces or information that he had missed. He then covered the body with the coat he had taken off earlier. He took out the notebook he had found in the body's pocket and opened the contents. , prepare to get more information to deal with the horrors and dangers that he may face next.

[Beijing time, July 10, 2011, 21:30. The first thing that stood out to me as I boarded the train to the suspected Dragon King's lair was that time would have no meaning from now on. My watch stopped moving at some point after I boarded the train. It is most likely that the movement of the watch was affected by a strong magnetic field. I noticed that the hands of the watch moved irregularly. This was an obvious phenomenon of magnetic attraction. --This is good news.

The appearance of a strong magnetic field, unless it is a natural phenomenon, is extremely consistent with the characteristics of the Dragon King's lair. Shennongjia and Changbai Mountain have past records of positioning dragon caves based on strong magnetic field locking traces. Acquired strong magnetic field behavior means that Kanyuology can come in handy. This is my major. I passed the Xunlong Dingxue course with perfect scores. If I can successfully get out, I may be able to write a paper.

But this also means that from now on I need to use my own biological clock to keep time. Losing the perception of time in an underground environment is quite dangerous. 】

Li Qing finished reading a large section of the page and looked at his wrist reflexively. He rolled up his sleeves to reveal a tactical multi-function watch. On the fluorescent dial, the second hand was fixed at '9' and trembled. It's like being sucked.

[The train has been running for more than fifteen minutes and still has no sign of arriving at its destination. This is not in line with the traffic plan of Beibai Metro. The two longest stations in the subway system will not run for so long. The current speed of the train is approximately The train was traveling at 300 kilometers per hour, and the sound of the wind made me feel a little scared. If the train broke and derailed, I would not be able to survive in that situation. 】

Li Qing turned to look out the window. In the hazy black color, the speed of the train began to stabilize. From a visual and physical perspective, the distortion of the scenery outside the window and the disturbing vibrations felt under his feet were enough to prove that the train was now The traveling speed is about 300 kilometers upwards, and the time he has spent logging on to this train is about fifteen minutes.

Everything proved that the speed of this train was almost the same as described in the notebook, which also meant that everything he experienced now corresponded to the description in the notebook.

[I checked the general condition of the train. It is an old-style train with a total length of about 19 meters and a width of 2.5 meters. The shape is probably the model of the first batch of trains put into operation in 1971. There is no one in the cab and the vehicle is in automatic driving mode. Status - Were trains in 1971 self-driving? I am not very sure.

To be on the safe side, I did not interfere with the train's driving process. I wanted to ensure that it would allow me to reach the Dragon King's lair. I need to be more patient in waiting and discovering details. 】

[There is a 1979 edition of the Subway Driver's Manual in the storage box in the cab, which is of little use for the time being unless I plan to drive the car back, but that's not what I want. 】

[About half an hour of mental arithmetic time has passed now. The train has begun to slow down. Will the destination be the Dragon King's lair? I did not encounter any threats along the way. I am indeed the only living person on this train. I am very safe and feel safe at the same time. Very uneasy. This is not a good thing, everything is going too smoothly. 】

[To be honest, what I want to do more than survey the dragon's nest is to find the operator who entered the dragon's nest last month, that is, my last survey operator. I lost contact with him in a month, and he is now very old. It's dangerous, I must find him and bring him back. 】

Li Qing's hand while turning the page paused slightly. According to the notes, Orthodoxy regularly dispatches operators to unknown areas to survey once a month, because if they cannot get in touch with the operators within a month, it means The operator will be classified as missing or dead.

Because the supplies carried by the operators are only enough to last for more than half a month, a month of disconnection can basically prepare the next operator to take over, and at the same time bear the responsibility of rescuing the previous ones.

Including Li Qing himself, this mission to the field also includes the responsibility of finding missing companions. But unfortunately, his previous companion, Liu Qingyan, who entered the subway last month, has already encountered an accident. At this moment, he is... Lie in front of yourself.

He saw something more profound, something persistent, from the lines in the notebook. From the fair rules left behind, some clear handwriting crawled into his mind, describing uncontrollable emotions.

Sure enough, after turning the pages, he saw the conversation between the notebook owner and himself.

[I will not escape until I find Zhen Ye. If something happens to me and my fellow compatriots who are my successors can find and read these words, I implore you to take over my task and try your best to save those compatriots who may be in distress.

If I die, the person with the greatest downward shift in survival probability will be Zhen Ye. I hope he's alive and well. 】

Zhen Ye.

Li Qing has some impressions of this name. If he remembers it well, the engaged boyfriend of his senior sister seems to have this name. They are childhood sweethearts. Lang Juxu started his school in the same class and was the model boyfriend and girlfriend of their class. .

It turns out that the person who went deep into the dragon's nest before Senior Qingyan was Senior Zhen Ye. It makes sense, because Senior Zhen Ye was the one with the best grades in the new division that year. He was the pride of Senior Qingyan and a rising star in their family. , should go to the front line, and should give everything for the mission.

His hand holding the notebook felt inexplicably sluggish, as if his instinct was refusing to turn the pages.

Before some stories even begin, he is already standing in front of the devastating ending.

Finally he was ready to turn the page.

Facts have proved that even if you get a glimpse of the ending early, the incredible process can still make people shocked and incredible again.

The next page of the notebook was stuck. Li Qing's fingers trembled slightly, then calmed down, and carefully tore open the two stuck pages. After peeling them off, the slightly wrinkled pages were covered with large pieces of light. The red traces were the residue of dried blood. In the red filth, there was a string of scrawled words written crookedly on it.

[Zhen Ye attacked me. He took away my food and water and cut my hands. I don't know what happened to him, I could be dying, something is following me, I can't stop the bleeding, it's coming through my blood. 】

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