If I don't have money to go to college, I can only go to slay the dragon.

Chapter 117 Simultaneous Punishment for Several Crimes

"What are you looking at?"

In the underground nightclub, Lin Nian suddenly asked Okubo Ryoichi in a row of booths.

They have been sitting here for ten minutes, talking about some random topics here and there. The rest of the time was spent drinking. A bottle of expensive champagne was divided equally into the glasses of three people. One drink for you and one for me. Whoever drinks first After that, they poured drinks for the other two people. There was no entertainment. Even the most distinctive bartenders of the nightclub came over one after another. Probably because Mandy was sitting here, others thought Lin Nian and Liang Yi had brought their own drinks.

But at some point, Lin Nian noticed that Ryoichi was a little distracted. His eyes kept drifting to other places. The direction he was looking at should be towards the back of the booth area. This kind of behavior is very abnormal for the elites of this family. , something special must be happening or about to happen over there.

Liang Yi, who was called by Lin Nian in the booth, did not look away, but said while drinking: "My three o'clock direction."

Lin Nian and Mandy neatly poked their heads out of the booths and looked behind them. After searching for a while, they noticed the place Ryoichi mentioned. It was in a corner closer to the stage than they were, about twenty meters away. A man and a woman were sitting inside.

The man has short, blond hair and is wearing a jacket with a white T-shirt and a necklace around his neck. He is probably in his twenties, while the girl is a bit too young. I have to say how old she is. He is probably the same as Lin Nian. He has straight shoulder-length black hair, beautiful light makeup on his face, and is wearing a college uniform. He looks like a young JK.

"A couple, although there seems to be a big age difference. Is there any problem?" Lin Nian withdrew his gaze.

"They are not lovers, junior brother, didn't you take the intelligence collection class seriously? Oh, it seems that you don't have this class in your freshman year." Mandy looked over at the booth and corrected: "That girl's sitting posture is She was sitting with her legs together, her hands neatly placed on her knees, and her shoulders hunched in. She was obviously not adapting to the environment. She seemed nervous because it was her first time in a nightclub. The men sitting with her each Every time he put his hand on her shoulder, she would subconsciously shrug, which means that the two of them are not familiar with each other. A JK who has never been to a nightclub and a strange man appear in a place like this, maybe they meet online friends? "

"Excellent observation skills, worthy of being the elite of this department." Ryoichi said calmly: "Look on, some very interesting things are about to begin."

When Lin Nian heard the sound, he stood up again and looked back, only to see the blond man take out a small round pill from his bag and start pushing the drink towards the girl again.

In the booth, Mandy frowned obviously and stood up suddenly, but Ryoichi stretched out his hand to stop her.

"I remember that drugs are banned in this area." Ryoichi drank the champagne in his glass: "This area under the jurisdiction of the Noda-gumi has three schools, including two middle schools and one college. It is formulated in accordance with the new version of the family rules. According to the rules, all clubs and organizations around the school are prohibited from dealing in illegal drugs. Even the bartenders know that if they want to find excitement, they have to go three blocks away. Now this kind of people dare to trick people into taking drugs here. It seems that the Qingfang group we are looking for is really daring to a certain level."

"Can't you control it?" Lin Nian looked at Liang Yi's hand that stopped Mandy.

"No." Ryoichi waved his hand: "It would be too big of a fuss for a distinguished guest of our family to take action on such a trivial matter. I originally wanted to ask that gangster something, so I paid attention there."

After that, he casually took a thick Luo cup that was often used to hold spirits from the corner of the table. He tossed it and felt the feel. He raised his arm and the wine cup flew out in an arc and landed accurately on a small table twenty meters away. On the head of the blond man in the booth.


The crisp sound can be heard from far away, it must be a good head.

The blond man in the booth area screamed in pain, cursed and stood up, turning his head to look in the direction where the wine glass was flying. At a glance, he saw Lin Nian sticking his head out of the booth area and staring at him. He raised his hand and pointed at Lin Nian's face, and with a few curse words in his mouth, he quickly walked out of the booth and ran towards this side.

"What did he say? I didn't hear clearly." Lin Nian turned around and asked.

"In that moment, let him say it to you again." Okubo Ryoichi took out a cigarette from the inner pocket of his windbreaker, put it in his mouth, and put the lighter on the table: "But I guess there is a high probability that he said Speechless."

"Which bastard threw the wine glass? Is it you?" Before the blond man who hurried over could finish shouting, Lin Nian and Mandy pointed at Liang Yi:

"He lost it."

The blond man's gaze touched Okubo Ryoichi, who was sitting in the booth wearing a black trench coat and his eyes were as sharp as a beak. He was stunned for a moment before the curse words in his mouth suddenly got stuck, and he froze in place motionless.

Okubo Ryoichi chewed his cigarette and stared sideways at the blond man. What was interesting was that the age difference between the two was not big, but the former's gaze towards the latter was as intimidating as a beast looking directly at a weakling.

The pressure of blood.

This oppressive momentum reminded Lin Nian of the Deadpool he had faced before. Perhaps the suffocating sense of oppression that ordinary people felt when facing a mixed race.

Okubo Ryoichi didn't speak, and tilted his head towards the lighter on the table. The blond man reacted immediately, squatted down, picked up the lighter, and lit the cigarette in Ryoichi's mouth. Everything was so natural, weakling Surrender respectfully before the strong.

"Name." Ryoichi blew out smoke into the blond man's face.

"There are people under the mountain." The blond man answered.

"Where did that girl over there come from?" Ryoichi raised his eyes and glanced at the beautiful JK sitting alone in the small booth.

"I met her at the bookstore. Do you like her? If you like her, I'll ask her to come have a drink with you." The blond man immediately softened his attitude.

"That's good, call her over." Ryoichi lowered his head and flicked the ashes in the ashtray: "Don't think about running away. I recognize your face. Do you want to bet on my connections in Shinjuku?"

The blond man walked out of the booth with a tense expression. After a while, the JK girl who was with him was pulled in front of Lin Nian and the others. The latter looked at a loss.

Lin Nian also took a closer look at the girl. He had to say that female high school students in Japan did look much more mature than the girls in his hometown. This was probably due to their good makeup skills. The girl was very beautiful in her own right. After applying makeup, she gives people a fresh, beautiful and pure emotion, and those evasive eyes hide all the ignorance.

"There is something here, take it out." Ryoichi chewed a cigarette and spoke while the smoke covered his face, making his expression unclear.

"What is it?" the blond man asked.

"I won't say it a second time. If you want me to start looking for it on you, I will multiply the quantity twenty times and let you eat it in one go." Ryoichi raised his head and stared at the blond man.

A few seconds later, a white round pill was tremblingly handed to the table. Ryoichi picked up the pill with two fingers, scraped off a little bit with his fingernails, put it on the tip of his tongue, sipped it on the roof of his mouth, and took another sip of champagne to rinse his mouth. Vomited on the ground: "New stuff? Where did it come from?"

"Given it to a friend," the blond man whispered.

"Is the friend you're talking about yourself?" Mandy said, grabbing the line Lin Nian was about to say.

"This area is under the control of the Noda group. Have they ever told anyone who sells goods near the school to have their hands chopped off, one gram per finger?" Ryoichi said.

"I, I, was wrong. I'm sorry, brother, I don't know the rules here." When the blond man heard the word Noda-gumi, his guess about the man's identity was finally confirmed, and he was completely cowed and knelt down on the ground.

"Where do things come from?" Ryoichi asked.

"There is a group of yakuza. They claim to be a new organization in this area. They seem to be called the Qing Qingfang group."

"Send a finger to the Noda Group before twelve o'clock tomorrow. If you can't find the Noda Group's door, I will draw a map for you. I will call the Noda Group tomorrow. If you don't see what I want, there will be consequences." Ryoichi nodded. He patted the blond man's face, held his forehead and pushed him out.

At this time, only the female high school student was left standing there. The other party was completely frightened. She probably had never seen this scene in her life. The underworld and people like her were like creatures from two different worlds, but now once A mistake in her trip gave her a glimpse of the bloody and ruthless nature.

"Name." Ryoichi wiped the sweat on his hands and asked without looking up.

"Yoshiyoshida Saki." The girl replied in a nervous voice.

"High school student?"

"A freshman in high school, studying at a nearby girls' high school."

"Do you know where this place is?" Ryoichi asked.


Liang nodded and pointed to the pills on the table and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

"Is it a candy tablet?" the girl asked tentatively.

The next second later, Ryoichi slapped the girl on the face, causing her to stagger and almost cry.

"It's something you shouldn't touch." Ryōichi said expressionlessly: "This kind of place is not where you should be, get out now."

The girl named Yoshida Saki cried and covered her red and swollen cheeks. She lowered her head in fear and ran towards the door of the nightclub without looking back.

On the booth, Ryoichi picked up champagne and poured himself a glass of wine as if nothing was wrong. Mandy on the side looked at him blankly: "This is different from the image of a hero saving beauty in my imagination."

"But she will probably never set foot in a place like this in her life." Ryoichi took a sip of wine.

"A very efficient approach." Lin Nian looked in the direction of the nightclub door: "What did I see? The underworld saved the lost girl. Are you Japanese underworld so gentle?"

"The mafia is the mafia. If I didn't want to know the source of the pills, I wouldn't care about these things at all." Ryoichi said calmly: "Now I have another evidence of the Qingbo Gumi, selling drugs to minors. They were strictly ordered to stop by my family more than ten years ago, and they have another reason to apologize."

"I should commit seppuku if I offend your family, right? No matter how many other minor crimes there are, the debt will be too great to bear." Lin Nian said.

"The rules of our disciplinary regulations are that multiple crimes should be punished concurrently. If someone is guilty of both finger-cutting and seppuku, then he should first have his fingers cut off and feel the pain of the fingers connecting to his heart, then he should have his belly cut in pain, and finally be chopped off by the wrong person. Lose your head." Okubo Ryoichi said coldly: "If you flout the rules of this family, no matter who instigates it, the leader of the Aobo group will be dead."

"What an awkward young man with a righteous heart." Lin Nian thought to himself.

It was at this time that the manager of the nightclub trotted over, wiping his sweat and holding a credit card in his hand. He probably sensed that his store was in trouble.

"What's wrong?" Liang sat down and asked the manager knowingly.

"Sir, there seems to be something wrong with your card. Is there any other card I can use to pay?" The manager gently reminded Ryoichi that his card had been maxed out.

"Oh, that's gone." Ryoichi said, "How does your store usually handle situations like this?"

The manager's face stiffened for a moment, and he met Ryoichi's calm gaze. He immediately knew that the person who came was not malicious, but the amount of money spent in this booth tonight was far beyond the level that he could even smile at. In this case, it was probably just able.

Lin Nian and Mandy, who were drinking champagne, noticed that two or three tall black security guards in the distance began to approach. Neither of them had much reaction. It was not time for them to come on stage yet.

Ryoichi didn't do anything big, he just opened some of his windbreaker, revealing the black 45mm pistol on his waist. Several security guards didn't dare to approach at all, and stood there looking at each other, and finally looked at each other. Nightclub manager.

"You know what to do in this situation. As for who to call to solve the problem, you should know better than me." Ryoichi made a gesture of making a phone call.

Calling the Metropolitan Police Department and holding a gun on the street is enough to let Liang Yi go in, but the consequence is that the nightclub will not receive any compensation. The cost of today's overlord meal can only be borne by the nightclub itself. This is the manager Wan Absolutely unacceptable.

In this case, you probably can only call those people.

Seeing the manager sullenly taking out his cell phone and turning away, Liang nodded with satisfaction and leaned on the sofa, exhaling cigarettes unhurriedly. He looked at Lin Nian and Mandy and tilted his head: "Boss, it's done. "

"You're much more bossy than us." Lin Nian and Mandy pushed their hands and teased at the same time.

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