Yan Ling·Qianqiu Bi Xue.

There was no word spirit that he had ever heard of. To the extent that Lancelot knew the word spirits that were famous on the periodic table of word spirits, if such a recognizable word spirit as "Qianqiu Blue Blood" existed, he would definitely be impressed by it.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is a translation problem. For example, for "Yan Ling·Time Zero", students at Kassel College basically know its serial number, approximate effect, and how it appears in reality, but you can put it another way. , "True Word Technique·Jade Leak", basically asked nine out of ten people who didn't know it, and the only one who knew it was the exchange student sent to the academy by the orthodox.

The emperor was not a fool and would not openly tell Lancelot about the effect of his speech spirit. Considering that he said that he would not lie, but still reported the name of the speech spirit, Lancelot regarded it as a misleading , the purpose is unknown, and it is worth being careful.

Real battles are not about playing house. The gap in intelligence will directly lead to the tilt of the scale of victory. Although many students in the academy show off their words and spirits as a "signature" and a way to make friends, once they enter the execution department, For related institutions, the first lesson learned is to keep the secret of one's own spirit. In the battle between hybrids, defeating the enemy first will save your life countless times. The same rule applies to your enemies.

Killing at first sight is not a beautiful thing. You only have one life to clear this soul game called "Dragon World" at first sight.

The intelligence of the Dustless Land has now been exposed without a doubt, but its inevitable exposure has also brought a huge advantage to the battle situation. The body controlled by the emperor is scarred and tattered as a result of the battle, but it is not clear why the body he controls is still alive. The ability to move can only be temporarily attributed to the effect of the unknown word spirit.

Lancelot's Chinese proficiency can only be said to be adequate, which is considered excellent among a group of foreigners, but he still cannot fully appreciate the mystery of the four-character idiom. (In Lancelot's understanding, the four words "qian qiu bi xue" cannot be accurately translated) Moreover, many native Chinese people cannot immediately translate the word "Qianqiu Bixue" as a title for the spirit. translated.

In addition to the problem of Yanling, the environment he is currently in is also very worrying.

His gaze fell on the seemingly infinitely deep corridor. The strange feeling of this liminal space naturally made Lancelot guess that the place he was now might no longer be the Wangfujing Hotel where he had stayed for many days. Yes, this special sense of depth and repetition, as well as the liminal and eerie sense of space, are very similar to the "Nibelungen" mentioned in textbooks.

Maybe the Emperor had some way of dragging part of space into some weird space close to the Nibelungs? The seniors of the executive department have encountered examples of this situation in their experience of slaying dragons, but this can be regarded as the authority of pure-blooded dragons. To a certain extent, they can change the underlying rules of the world through blood and ancient knowledge - the emperor's Is his true form a dragon? Or is it a first-generation species like the King of Earth and Mountain, which awakened in advance but was never exposed?

The bloody man refracted an abnormal red light under the halo of the corridor. His face covered with blood could no longer clearly see his expression and appearance. Only the golden eyes staring at Lancelot showed his survival, and His malice is ready to strike.

There is no use in thinking too much.


Lancelot lowered his body slightly to prepare for a sprint, but this did not mean that he really wanted to rush forward rashly. This action was probably just a false test, trying to shake the emperor to see if he would Will he act rashly to reveal any flaws and get some information about this unknown spirit.

"Don't you want to come?" He asked.

The lobby manager who was covered in blood was hardly a "living person". Blood was flowing on his body surface. Lancelot noticed that he had broken the opponent's blood vessels and the blood flowing out of the chapped wounds on his body surface was not there. There was heavy bleeding as expected, but it looked miserable, as if it had been fished out of a pool of blood, with blood flowing all over the body.

Wait a minute, does the "xue" in this Yanling's name mean "blood"? Is this spirit related to blood?

With an idea in mind, Lancelot slowly straightened up, raised his left hand, and gently twisted his wrist with his right hand.

"Do you have a way to deal with it?" the emperor asked when he saw Lancelot's appearance.

There was no answer, and Lancelot began to chant the spirit.

The whole chapter is a complete chant, with no compression or blurred pronunciation. The ancient and solemn dragon text, which is spoken word for word from beginning to end, evokes the rules in the world and roars like a bell in the long corridor. The complex syllables fell to the deepest part of the corridor and bounced back. As the power poured into those golden eyes, the true power of the "dustless land" was released.

The invisible but tangible transparent "field" expanded, then froze, and gradually closed. At the end of the chant, the field stopped on the surface of Lancelot's body. If there was some kind of instrument that could see the field The flowing energy, through the dye spectrum, can definitely be seen as a layer of "halo" constantly flowing on the surface of Lancelot, a humanoid object.

Dust-free land·Iron Buddhist Pagoda (Iron Pagoda).

Ordinary dust-free land can only block danger, but what Lancelot needs now is to get close to danger and then kill it alive.

Genius exists in every era, but in troubled times, those amazing geniuses emerge like crucian carp crossing the river. Obviously Lancelot is this kind of genius, but he stands on the same stage with people like Lin Nian, Lu Mingfei, and Caesar. The spotlight spends a lot of time on others and ignores their wonderfulness.

"I admit that among the mixed-race users of the Pure Land that I have seen, you are ranked among the top three." The emperor stared at Lancelot's performance and couldn't help but admired.

He recognized the talent and talent of this young man. For Wuchen Land, the difficulty of deformation on this scale is basically equivalent to Jun Yan's static heating, and it cannot be achieved with hard work.

The ultimate bloodline advantage! Unparalleled talents and talents! Indispensable.

"Who are the other two?" Lancelot stabilized the Pure Land realm that was bound to his body. Maintaining this state required certain preparations, so he didn't mind talking too much and chatting with the emperor to occupy some time.

"The powerful warrior holding a giant ax that Ayerbat met was said to be able to withstand all attacks, regardless of gods or humans. He was regarded by the local people as one of the incarnations of Vishnu. The other one was met on the torii path. A turtle that single-handedly protected the innocent people hiding in the shrine when a natural disaster struck."

"Then what?" Lancelot asked.

"Then?" the emperor asked, "and what?"

"Then their ending."

"Dead, of course." The emperor replied matter-of-factly. "After all, I am interested in both of them."

The moment the emperor answered the second half of his sentence, Lancelot moved.

There was no preparation for his explosive acceleration, and his limbs still maintained that loose feeling. From the observation of his skin, it can be seen that his muscles did not exert force at all, and his bones were also in a loose supporting state - but here he was. In this state, he completed a sprint from zero to an instant burst.

This is a variant of Wuchen Land. It is the most perfect shield, and there are many people who step on this shield to jump and accelerate. The principle is very simple. It allows Wuchen Land to deform in a small area in an instant, and with Supported by the ground or other solid objects, it is like a spring that springs up suddenly, launching the user of the Dustless Land.

Lancelot launched himself like a spear. He was the arrow that defeated the enemy. The dust-free land was the best shield, but he just used this word spirit to turn himself into the most deadly and sharp spear. !

Achilles, who climbed onto the black sand like this, flexed his round and plump arms and threw the spear symbolizing victory at the Trojan army.

This is how fighting should be, after consideration and decision-making, the outcome is decided by the collision of that moment.

In that moment, all variables will be infinitely compressed by time, giving both sides a huge test. Strategy, experience, strength, character, everything will collide in that moment and create fireworks, igniting the key to victory or defeat. fireworks.

Lancelot approached the emperor at high speed. He was in a "pounce" state in mid-air, just like a ferocious leopard leaping out to hunt in slow motion. The realm of the Dustless Land flowed less than 1cm above his skin. With his defense fully open, he still chose to avoid all substances related to "blood" and directly attacked the emperor!

Yan Ling·Qianqiu Bi Xue. Although he didn't know what the effect was, since Lancelot was sure that the word "xue" in it had a high probability of connecting to "blood", and the emperor's current strange survival state was also related to blood, he chose to believe his first instinct. Make judgments, avoid the opponent's sharp points as much as possible, and attack the weak points directly.


When Lancelot rushed into a section of the blood-stained corridor, the emperor's hands were clasped together, and his golden eyes were lowered.

Along the road, all the blood-stained corridor surfaces, and all the blood components in the blood-stained parts were controlled by the power of Yanling, condensing into "thorns" that were thinner than a hair and flying through the air. Well done Lancelot!

From top to bottom! From left to right! The heavy rain fell so fast that the naked eye could not catch it. In just a blink of an eye, the corridor was transformed into a blood-red forest by an astonishing number of slender "thorns"! They are like steel wires criss-crossing the entire corridor. At first glance, there are probably tens of thousands of them!

Those blood-red "thorns" seem extremely fragile, but they can directly penetrate hard walls and door panels. The rate of fire almost reaches subsonic speed. If it hits the human body, it will definitely turn the person into a hedgehog! But they were targeting Lancelot, who was protected by the Dustless Land. The indestructible "Iron Pagoda" blocked the piercing attack of the spikes, and at the same time directly smashed the gill net blocking the way in front of him, forcing himself into this blood-red thorn forest. Knocked out!

Lancelot broke through the thorn forest composed of blood to get close. The emperor, who was covered in blood, did not retreat but advanced. He violently kicked Lancelot on the waist, trying to kick him off! Lancelot ignored his kick and blocked the kick. At the same time, he punched his chest and heart with his fist, hoping to explode his heart with this momentum!

This punch hit the emperor firmly, but it did not kill him with one blow. A large amount of blood poured out from the wound on the left chest where the emperor was hit, and a high-speed vortex swirled in front of Lancelot's fist. ! The 1cm dust-free area prevented the blood from contacting the skin of the fist. The high-speed flowing vortex water jet cut the dust-free area, and a large amount of blood splashed into the surrounding environment.

The blood gushed out like a protective shield. The punch did not kill the emperor, but only pushed him back a few steps.

Sure enough, it is a word spirit related to blood.

Lancelot stood firm on the ground, then struck a short blow close to the body, and punched the emperor's head. The fist wrapped in the dustless land was as hard as a hammer, and exploding a head was no different from exploding a watermelon.

The emperor shook his head to the left to dodge, and fought back with his right fist, but Lancelot stopped him in advance. It is worth mentioning that there was also blood where Lancelot's raised left arm came into contact with the emperor's right fist. The whirlpools were spinning at high speed. If it weren't for the dust-free land, normal flesh and blood would probably be turned into rotten flesh in these water-jet-like blood whirlpools.

With the emperor's right arm open, the opponent's center was naturally wide open. Lancelot punched the emperor in the face. Similarly, a vortex of blood appeared on the emperor's cheek as a means of attack and protection. This punch It just caused knockback and blood splattering.

The blood stains splattered on the walls, floor, and ceiling were the same as before, and the hair-thin spikes were sharpened and penetrated Lancelot uninterruptedly, but they were all blocked by the dustless land.

They tirelessly run through the corridors and become solid "lines", sealing the space between the emperor and Lancelot like steel wires, but they are completely unable to stop the violent offensive of the users of the Dustless Land!

The emperor raised his elbow to block the left hook and the right hook. In the gap between Lancelot's punches, he ducked to avoid a punch, and at the same time, he struck Lancelot's jaw without raising his head. There is no doubt that this punch is no different from hitting a steel plate.

This was the case when he was approached by the user of the Dustless Land. Lancelot directly grabbed the arm in front of the chin and tried to retract it, trying to break it, but with a sudden force, there was a rubbery sound. It felt like there was no brittleness of broken bones at all. The sudden contraction caused by this sense of dislocation gave the emperor the opportunity to withdraw his hand and quickly retreat to distance himself.

He suddenly frowned.

No bones?

No, it can't be without bones. Without bones, he wouldn't be able to use this arm to punch with such force.

Lancelot instantly rejected the conjecture in his mind, and at the same time focused on the whirlpools of blood that appeared from time to time on the emperor's body, he instantly guessed the reason - the word spirit, the word spirit related to blood, had performed a certain degree of damage to his body. Transformation.

Previously, Wuchen Land had shattered more than one-third of the bones and blood vessels in the Emperor's body, but He could still move freely. Does this mean that the deformable blood was used as a substitute for the bones?

Blood that can switch between liquid and solid states can control their flow and plasticity through will. In this state, no matter how many bones are broken or how many internal organs are ruptured, there will never be a state of heavy bleeding and immobility.

But it is obvious that the moment the word spirit is released is when the user dies.

Lancelot took the time to glance at Xiawang, who was standing in front of the subway at the end of the corridor. He just stood there, without moving or expressing anything. His golden eyes were as silent as a child who had made a mistake.

Win, and win fast.

Lancelot didn't know how long the emperor could maintain this spirit of speech, but he knew very well that his dust-free land could not be maintained for long in such a close-quarters situation, so he had to win quickly and beautifully.

He made the final decision.

The emperor obviously also understood that his advantage was time. He said that he had encountered other users of the Dustless Land who were not weaker than Lancelot. So naturally, he also had a deep understanding of the Dustless Land. , knowing that as long as he delays time, when Lancelot can no longer support the field, it will be his time to win.

The meaning of "Qianqiu blue blood" is that one is willing to exchange blood for the glory of eternity.

If placed on the secret party's periodic table of word spirits, this word spirit must be a high-risk word spirit above Jun Yan, because there is only one condition for its use, which is to destroy the established blood circulation in the user's human body structure.

The releaser of the word spirit will turn his body into a container carrying the "blood" driven by the word spirit at the moment the word spirit takes effect. Bones, blood vessels, and internal organs will be replaced by blood. In this process, the user of "Qianqiu Blue Blood" is basically a war machine that never tires or gets injured. At the same time, when the word spirit is released, this machine will also become a human skin balloon filled with blood. With a slight poke, bang!

"Qianqiu Blue Blood", the word spirit versus "Princessless Land", does not have a restraining effect at first glance. It seems that the latter restrains the former. However, if the time for the word spirit to take effect is taken into account, the former will be countless times more powerful than the latter. , because there is only one condition for the termination of "Qianqiu Blue Blood" - there is no more blood available in the user's container.


Lancelot opened the emperor's arms, and the emperor's middle door was defenseless, but he did not panic at all, because the blood in his body had begun to surge toward his chest, preparing to meet Lancelot's fierce attack.

If there are no accidents, whether the opponent punches or kicks, the power will be neutralized - Wuchen Land is indestructible, but it is not an offensive word spirit after all, and the threshold of force cannot reach the level that the blood affected by these word spirits can withstand. limit.

Jun Yan may be one of the most restrained spirit spirits. If it were Chu Zihang, the moment he thought about it, everything in the corridor had been evaporated by the high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius.

But to the emperor's surprise, Lancelot did not seize this opportunity to attack again. He suddenly stretched out his right hand and pressed the emperor's chest with a force that was neither light nor heavy!

The offensive stopped.

The movement is stagnant.

At a very close distance, the emperor looked at Lancelot with slightly doubtful eyes, wanting to laugh, but what he saw was this man's golden eyes that were so calm and frightening.

He felt that even at this moment, the destruction of the world would not be able to distract Lancelot for a moment.

He stopped his offensive and stood in front of the blood-covered emperor. The distance between them was no more than thirty centimeters, which made the elbow of his right arm slightly bent and gently pressed against the emperor's chest.

If the chaotic and bloody scene in the corridor was not so shocking, people on the street would probably mistakenly think that Lancelot was having a same-sex flirtation with the emperor.

Lancelot didn't feel that he was flirting with the emperor. Similarly, he looked at the golden eyes on the emperor's bloody face and knew that the other party had finally guessed what he had done.

"Awesome. I have to say, you are indeed a genius. In terms of the use of the Word Spirit in the Pure Land, you can compete for the title of the strongest among the mixed race." The emperor looked at Lancelot in front of him and said slowly .

In exchange for the words of praise, Lancelot looked at the dead man with indifferent eyes.

Under Lancelot's palm attached to the emperor's chest, there was a 1cm gap between that layer of skin and the emperor's chest clothes, which meant that the Dustless Land was still in effect.

But at a certain moment, Wuchen Land changed from the state of "cast iron pagoda", subtly.

In the Buddhist concept, there is a concept called "Three Lower Realms" or "Three Evil Realms", which refers to three realms that cannot be entered or exited, also known as the Three Lower Realms. A world of distress.

The method Lancelot finally chose to win was the method of using the spirit of speech developed based on such Buddhist concepts. It was also one of the few original attack methods he created in the Dustless Land.

In front of Lancelot, a transparent realm symbolizing the dust-free land enveloped the emperor.


The object of protection of the Dustless Land has changed, from Lancelot to the emperor.

The blood stains on the corridor began to condense into "thorns" that were about to penetrate Lancelot, but the changes in the Dustless Land were faster. The shrinking of the field was as fast as the last ray of sunlight at dusk. It did not take 0.1 seconds for the spherical field to shrink into a ball the size of a fist.

There are no frightening sounds, because the realm of the Dustless Land rejects any sound coming in or out.

In an instant, there was no longer a "lobby manager" or an "emperor" in front of Lancelot, only a blood-red to black "ball" suspended in front of his palm.

Dustless Land·Three Evil Destinies.

ps: Things like Yan Ling are only powerful if you play with them.

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