Chapter 1,189: Secret Words (Part 2)

"As long as this person can be saved, my plan will have a success rate of more than 70%."

"Who can directly lead the success or failure of a war?" It has to be said that Lin Nian was indeed interested in this topic. Conspiracy to rebel and revolution within the orthodoxy is not a trivial matter.

Although it was unknown how far Li Huanyue had taken her "people with lofty ideals", a character who could dominate the outcome of the war suddenly appeared. Lin Nian couldn't help but take the initiative to guess the identity of this person - —Could it be the 'moon' of the previous generation? His unparalleled martial arts skills have been abolished, and he wears a pipa bone and hangs in the basement of orthodox old guys, listening to the YMCA every day.

"You don't need to know this for the time being. It will be very troublesome if the news leaks out."

"Even if I agree to this deal now, I can't know this person's information in advance?"

The answer Li Huanyue gave was a shake of her head in the negative. It was obvious that she spoke very tightly, and it could also be understood that this person's identity was indeed very important.

"Humph." Lin Nian made an ambiguous sound, looking a little thoughtful.

"There's no need to guess. There's no point in guessing. It will only cause you some unnecessary trouble." Li Huoyue saw Lin Nian brainstorming and couldn't help but remind him.

"I'm not afraid of trouble." Lin Nian said casually.

"Since you're not afraid of trouble, does that mean you have to accept my request for cooperation?"

"Request for cooperation. You said you were asking for my help before, but now it's cooperation. Do you think you've got me?" Lin Nian tapped his fingers lightly on the table. Good solid wood furniture felt really good when knocked. The sound is also solid and pleasant.

"It's not a sure thing, it's just whether you follow me or not if I push out the chips."

"This analogy is not accurate. In most cases, the betting table is only about winning and losing, and the winner takes all chips. In rare cases, the pot will be divided equally. Your cards may not be the same size as mine. Unless the third kind The situation, the public card is bigger than both of us.”

Li Huanyue didn't comment, just looked at Lin Nian across the table and waited for his answer.

"I need more information to decide what the final answer is for you." Lin Nian requested.

"for example."

"The chips on my side are labor force. The chips on your side can't just be a fake bait. The chips need to be equal." Lin Nian is a very pragmatic person. In these years, it feels like everyone can come up to him and use it. He said to him in a devilish tone that was tempting people to sell their souls, "I will make you an offer you can't refuse."

Li Huoyue probably expected that Lin Nian would say this. She stood up and left her seat. She went behind the screen and took out a brown paper bag containing documents from the hidden compartment. She walked to Lin Nian's side and put the things on the table. , sat back and said, "Open it and take a look. If you are not satisfied, you can leave at any time. If you are satisfied, this is a greeting gift."

Lin Nian picked up the brown paper bag. It felt very light. There probably wasn't much in it. He bypassed the small red string on the button at the bag's mouth and gently opened the gap in the bag's mouth with his fingers. As expected, there was only a thin sheet inside. copy of. He raised his head and glanced at Li Hueyue, reached in and took out half of the thin paper, and looked at the contents on it carefully.

Li Huanyue was not worried that Lin Nian was not interested after reading the document and got up and left. It took a lot of effort for her to get the document. Even with her identity, she had to go through a lot of connections to get the thing. She even got it. A huge price was paid.

As expected, Lin Nian looked at the copy for a few dozen seconds and then put it back into the brown paper bag. He carefully tied the button on the bag with a red string, looked at Li Hueyue again and asked in a low voice, "Things?" Where did it come from? Is the information true? Can you vouch for it?"

"It happened more than ten years ago. No one can guarantee it, but the thing must be genuine. What you are holding is a copy of the original."

"So the orthodoxy was also involved in that matter?"

"No, this document did not come from within us, but was collected from the outside at a large price." Li Huanyue said lightly.

"Which external."

Li Huoyue waved her hand. Lin Nian also knew that the other party could not give him an answer, but the relationship in this matter was not troublesome. He could find out with a little research. But even if I check it now, it probably won't be of much use. The most important original document has already fallen into Li Hueyue's hands.

"It seems that you were planning to take over me from the beginning. When did you start planning?" Lin Nian put his hand on the surface of the brown paper bag. His meaning was very simple. He wanted this document, including all originals.

He also knew that the matters involved in the original document spanned decades, and some of the detailed secrets had long been lost to time under the cover-up of some thoughtful people. It was beyond his expectation that the roots could be dug up again. Following the roots, he was very excited. It is possible to pull the nightmares that have been plaguing me out of the ground and expose them to the light of day.

"It's not the point. The point is, do you accept this deal?" Li Huanyue just wanted to hear Lin Nian give a definite answer, otherwise she would not say anything more.

"Accept it, as long as you do have the remaining originals." Lin Nian answered readily, his eyes flat, "When can I see the remaining things."

“The original and the person I want, hand in hand and delivered in hand.”

"Tell me about the person waiting to be rescued." Lin Nian entered the business step, his eyes as heavy as water, "Give me his name, photo, location, and possible security facilities."

He and Schneider were always like this when they were in the execution department. Schneider would give orders and he would execute them.

The execution department informed Lin Nian of the person he wanted to die, and then sent him to a nearby location as quickly as possible. Sitting in the office, the execution department only needed to press the button of the ballpoint pen with his thumb and wait until the desk phone turned on. When the button clicks, you can sign the completed task document and bring up the information for the next task to enter the to-do process.

A set of procedures is like an assembly line. Such efficient results only appeared when Hilbert Jean Angers had not retired from his position as the ace of the execution department. The holder of the top "Time Zero" is Synonymous with efficiency, as long as they are willing to engage in this kind of agent work, no one can take away their crown as the king of performance during their time in office.

"There is no name and no photo." Li Huanyue said, "I will tell you a location at the right time. The person you want to save will definitely be there. I think you will not recognize the wrong person."

"Where's the security force?" Lin Nian didn't care whether he had a name or a photo. The execution department had given him even more outrageous jobs like this. He had already come through the storm and had the exact time and location. Enough is enough.

"This is the most troublesome part of your rescue mission." Li Huanyue said, "The security force is very strong, and it may be incredibly strong."

"Trouble with high technology? Purely mechanical locks that cannot be deciphered, laser channels, pressure-sensitive floors, or infrared spectrum monitoring systems?" Lin Nian proposed several factors that may cause trouble for his actions.

"No." Li Huanyue shook his head, "The security force will not be a problem with the facilities, the problem lies with the 'domestic slaves'."

"House slave. Do you mean the dead soldier?"

"The deepest hidden force of orthodoxy, only very few people know of their existence. No matter what orders the orthodox clan leaders give, they don't ask for the reason, they just strictly carry out the orders and cultivate brainwashed killing machines from an early age, which costs a lot of money." Li Huoyue said calmly, "'The Emperor Yin raised three thousand soldiers to the dead, and they were scattered in the world. When they gathered together in one day, no one knew where they were.' Raising the soldiers to the dead can be regarded as an orthodox tradition."

"Although the number of these dead soldiers is not as high as before, the quality is constantly improving. Even I don't know the specific number. I'm afraid only a few clan leaders can know the details." Li Huo Yue's fingers also began to tap the wooden table lightly, "This secret army of dead soldiers has been secretly mobilized. No one can ask what they did and who they killed, and no one can find a place to ask. No one really I have seen them and cannot find them from any records, but they do exist. Every time they go out, they will change the internal and external patterns, which is extremely dangerous. In fact, even I have never really encountered these things. The most I know is the name of the unit they formed, and I'm sure they exist."


"This is the name of that group of dead soldiers, a department independent from the Seven Stars."

"The name of the unit is bloody enough and mysterious enough. It reminds me of one of the secret party's trump cards that I have heard of, the monster under the ice. That is only a legend and no one has ever seen it." Lin Nian said.

"Maybe everyone I saw is dead." Li Huoyue said.

"It sounds like one of the orthodox trump cards, but these guys are troublesome even for you as 'Yue' to deal with?" Li Huoyue could not even think of giving an "extremely dangerous" evaluation. It would be something simple.

"It's not very troublesome, it's just that I can't deal with it." Li Hueyue lowered her head and gently covered the heart on her left chest with her hand, "It's impossible for my knife to be aimed at those slaves, because I'm sure they have a way to counter me. .The reason why 'Yue' can gain the trust of the clan elders is because they always have trump cards in their hands that can make 'Yue' unable to turn around."

Lin Nian gently touched his lips with the fingers of his left hand, lowered his head and looked at the table while thinking, "It seems that the identity of the person I want to save is indeed important, so it seems that I have to work with a group of people who only exist in 'legends'" Things have passed."

"If you can, kill them directly. Those things are dead soldiers and are no longer normal human beings."

"Business matters must be done first, and I won't be lenient when doing business." Lin Nian said.

"Be careful." Li Huoyue stared at Lin Nian and said, "I heard that Orthodoxy has already begun to study ways to deal with speed-based speech spirits such as 'Time Zero' and 'Instant'. If the research really yields results, Then 'Jingguan' must be the first department to be armed, and those dead soldiers may have killing moves aimed at you - these killing moves were originally prepared for your teacher."

"Principal Angers." Lin Nian nodded, "There are only a few ways to deal with Time Zero. If we bypass high-tech means, confine Time Zero users to a limited and small space, and then carry out saturation attacks. You can crush it to ashes. Norma has simulated hundreds of ways to assassinate the principal and me. I have read all the information in the library, and I have all the means to deal with it."

"The methods of orthodoxy may not be included in those materials. The supercomputer will only sort out countermeasures based on existing intelligence. But for orthodoxy, the secret party can really get a glimpse of the details. After thousands of years of dormancy, some unheard of methods have been buried. In a dark place, just waiting for them to work when they are needed."

"I will pay attention." Lin Nian nodded slightly, and gently poked the belly of the index finger in front of his lips with his thumb, "If I am quick enough, I can kill those dead soldiers before other orthodox reinforcements arrive. Killing them all won't affect your plan, right?"

"Revolution is not about playing house. On the contrary, I should have a headache if you are delayed until reinforcements arrive. You should know that I will not rescue you. If you mess up, you will be responsible for everything." Li Huoyue said calmly.

"You know that's not what I mean. What I mean is, if I can complete the task while hiding my identity from beginning to end, it won't give you a headache, right?" Lin Nianyi pointed out.

What he was referring to was, of course, what he had said before, that Li Hueyue might have the idea of ​​dragging everything Lin Nian represented behind him onto this revolutionary chariot.

"You can be an invisible person from beginning to end. I chose you because your speech spirit is so suitable for assassination-type operations. I want to deal with those troublesome guys before reinforcements arrive. The whole orthodox and The secret party cannot select more than one person with this ability, and you are the only person I can contact and have hope of instigating."

"The only option is, can I raise the price sitting on the ground?"

"That original copy should be enough to satisfy your appetite." Li Huanyue said, "You should think more about how not to mess up this matter. I have a hunch that even you will face it when you break into the encirclement. Big trouble."

"Is it possible that I can rescue the dead soldiers before they react? Under normal circumstances, if I want to escape, no one can stop me." Lin Nian raised this possibility.

Very few people know that there is another thing called "Fusheng" in the word spirit he controls. It leaves coordinate points within a certain time range and then activates it for retroactive transfer. No matter how hard Lin Nian tries, he can't be like Yelena in one second. It can be activated hundreds of thousands of times to complete the unnatural act of ectopic beheading, but it can only be said that it can be said that it is practiced to run an individual normally.

Break into the encirclement through 'Time Zero', contact the target person, cancel 'Time Zero', and activate 'Floating Life'.

Just a few simple steps, and there is basically no need to face the enemy head-on.

"Then your identity will most likely be exposed." Li Huoyue said, "It is indeed possible to forcefully rescue people through 'Time Zero', but the traces left behind are too obvious, and your identity will inevitably be exposed."

"I can wear a mask and camouflage my body shape."

"Don't be stupid. How many candidates in this world can be doubted by a 'Time Zero' with such speed?"


"As long as you are in Bei'an, once a high-level 'Time Zero' user appears, you will be the only one suspected."

"The shit basin is on my head." Lin Nian shook his head. In fact, he knew in his heart that this method would not work. "It means that in the end there is only one way to go."

"Kill everyone present, leaving no one alive." Li Huanyue said, her tone was calm, but it was full of murderous intent.

"What about monitoring?"

"I will handle it. This is actually the simplest part. I will notify the power bureau's internal line to carry out a large-scale power outage. There may be a backup generator for safety reasons. I will conduct another round of directional electronic pulses to burn out the area. All the precision electronic instruments inside, and no precision equipment can operate normally where you are operating within a certain period of time."

"Sounds very well prepared." Lin Nian no longer had any doubts.

"There are still many details, and I will explain them to you when the time comes, but there is still a problem right now." Li Huanyue said, "I want to make sure that there will be no unexpected factors involved in the operation. I hate the existence of unstable factors. "

"What do you mean?"

"Those companions of yours." Li Huoyue pointed out, "You need to act separately from them. It is best to separate from the beginning until the end of the matter. Except for necessary contact, you have to hide your cooperation with me from them. .Those people are quite unstable factors, especially your boyfriend and girlfriend."

"I didn't expect you to have such a sense of humor." Lin Nian said quietly, with a slightly dissatisfied tone.

"The word 'irony' still exists in my dictionary." Li Huanyue ignored his dissatisfaction and said, "Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang. They are the two biggest factors of instability. From my investigation of your past history, It seems that these two people are most likely to influence your actions."

"I will keep them away from the battlefield." Lin Nian did not deny it.

"Your companions should have checked into the Wangfujing Hotel in the inner ring by now. My people will be monitoring their travels around to prevent them from interfering with our plans. Is this okay with you?"

"Monitoring is also a kind of protection. There is no problem." When Lin Nian was walking three streets during the summer vacation, if he remembered something he hadn't taken home, he didn't need to call. He only had to turn his head and shout a few words to the empty street. After a while in a coffee shop he would find a passerby putting something he had forgotten on his table.

For people like them, it is almost impossible to live without surveillance, and they have learned to adapt and acquiesce.

"There is another question." Li Huanyue paused slightly, "Caesar Gattuso, he has arrived in Beigan some time ahead of you. The orthodox side has someone specially assigned to receive this successor who symbolizes the Gattuso family, but He was thrown away. I heard that he took his fiancée into a scenic rickshaw in front of the welcoming convoy, leaving everyone behind. The place where he checked in was not clear, so he was worried about Due to the existence of the Gattuso family, Orthodoxy did not send anyone to monitor his movements."

"I don't know what he is doing. He has always been responsible for his actions." Lin Nian shook his head. Caesar did not fly with them. This was something that had been determined for a long time.

Unlike Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei, Caesar would not let him know anything he wanted to do. Compared with his partner, Caesar was more like a companion with him. They both had the same mission. , in the eyes of outsiders, it is by no means "collaborative" (it is indeed a derogatory term). On the contrary, the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union are more like a "tit-for-tat" situation.

"He is traveling with Patsy Gattuso in the team, which means that it is impossible for him to cooperate with us on this mission. Gattuso has his own ideas. Gattuso and I have never gotten along. If there has been an investigation, you should know about it.”

"I'll keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't interfere with our mission."

"Then you probably need to be more careful. Caesar Gattuso is not as simple as you think." Lin Nian said quietly, "Don't be fooled by his superficial playboy appearance."

"Then how do you explain that after he arrived in Beigan, the first thing he did was to mail-order 999 birds of paradise through the MINT Club and deliver them to the orthodox contact station, and leave a card designated to be delivered to Miss Yue's door?" Li Hueyue asked calmly.

"You should be glad that it's not 999 roses. In short, he shouldn't be showing love to you. He came to Bei'an this time with Nuonuo." Lin Nian was stunned for a moment.

"Of course I won't misunderstand." Li Huanyue said, "Do you know what the flower language of the bird of paradise is?"

"I don't know. I rarely send flowers to people. Even if many people send me flowers, I rarely bother to understand what they mean."

Li Huanyue glanced up and down at Lin Nian, probably expressing a little emotion at the overt and covert showoff in his words, "The flower language of the bird of paradise is peace."

"It's pretty good. Sending flowers first means living in peace with Zhengtong. 999 flowers fits his extravagant and wasteful character. I think it's okay."

"But the flower language of the bird of paradise has another meaning."

"It can never be love."

"It's freedom." Li Huanyue said slowly, "The bird of paradise blooms in June, and the colors are changeable, representing different colors and meanings. Its main meaning is that people yearn for freedom, and it represents the freedom and broadness of the soul. mind."

Lin Nian paused for a moment, his interesting expression softened slightly, and he gradually looked at Li Hueyue, frowning.

"I don't know what he is going to do." Li Huanyue looked at Lin Nian and just shook his head, "I just hope that what he is going to do will not interfere with my actions, otherwise"

She stopped talking and just turned her head to look at the empty stage outside the wooden fence and the flowers and trees in the inner courtyard burned by the setting sun.

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