After Caesar's words came out, the room was quiet for a long time. Even the troupe outside the door could not be heard. The only crackling sound was the slight crackling sound of the agarwood chips burning in the copper pot, making it appear that the room was full of noise. The atmosphere is quieter.

The woman lying on the bed held the hookah in her hand. Her eyes did not fall on anything. She just stared blankly at the white smoke exhaled from the corner of her lips until almost half of the air in the white gauze was filled with white. Only when her exquisite body curves could be seen, her voice came out leisurely, "Where is the evidence?"

"Killing the twins of the King of Bronze and Fire, and repelling the King of Earth and Mountain, aren't these enough?"

"Not enough. I want substantial evidence." The woman said calmly.

Caesar took out a quartz test tube from his pocket. The inside was rose red in color and looked like a liquid, slightly viscous.

The woman said nothing, just looked at Caesar.

Caesar shook his head, "Don't think that I will throw the things to you. I will not let the things fall into anyone's hands."

Caesar reached out and opened the quartz test tube, and gently shook the rose-colored liquid inside. A horrifying scene happened. A slender contact line like hyphae crawled out of the quartz test tube. As soon as it came into contact with it, The air began to split, exploring its surroundings as if it were alive.

At the same time, in addition to the incense, there was a scent of perfume in the air, which was very natural, like a tangerine-moss perfume. This is the smell that Caesar smells. It is Nono's favorite perfume recently. He knows very well that the smell that the woman on the bed smells is another smell. It is the most powerful feedback from the central nervous system that manages the sense of smell in the brain. Desire things.

When the contact lines diffused from the quartz test tube were about to stick to the back of Caesar's hand, he raised a black steel dagger in his right hand to cut off the contact lines. The rose-red contact lines instantly corroded the black steel dagger. The striped pit evaporated into light red gas, and the quartz test tube was immediately covered with a lid. The rose-red liquid inside seemed to be irritated, and there were dense thorns like magnetic fluid.

Caesar put away the dangerous thing and blocked the line of sight that was staring at the test tube. He knew in his heart that the other party had taken the bait.

"Where did you get it?" the woman asked in a low voice, sitting up.

"The ice cellar was originally supposed to be strong evidence of a conspiracy, but I intercepted it in advance." Caesar said calmly.

This was an object that was supposed to be secretly mailed remotely and secretly by Frost Gattuso to Patsy Gattuso as strong evidence in the hearing. However, before it arrived at Kassel College, it was couriered by the student union's horsemen. The transceiver station was intercepted. This was Caesar's order. It turned out that his foresight helped Lin Nian successfully foil a conspiracy.

Caesar never told this matter, and even Lin Nian didn't know that Caesar had helped him secretly.

"It seems you recognize this kind of thing."

"Highly activated dragon blood, but impure. The dragon's genes rioted after leaving the restraints of the host, and independently searched for nutrients to devour." The woman took a puff of saliva.

"This phenomenon also exists after the transformation of the 'Moon' system." Caesar said it in an affirmative sentence.

"No, the 'Moon' system has not reached this level yet. At most, the subject's internal organs and body will be assimilated by the 'Holy Will'. When the subject loses consciousness, the internal system will lose control and start attacking all creatures within the range. The body absorbs energy." The woman breathed out gently, and the white smoke exhaled from her mouth like a dragon and rolled into a sea of ​​clouds inside the veil.

"Holy will?"

"You should let its owner come in person, and the negotiation results may be better." The woman said.

"You should know that this is impossible." Caesar said slowly, "Besides, he doesn't need the 'Moon' system."

"So others can't come?"

"He's not coming, he doesn't even know you exist."

The woman smoked a hookah indifferently and stopped talking.

After a long time, she raised her head and looked at the faint light swaying in Caesar's molten red pupils, "But none of this has anything to do with me, whether it's orthodoxy or the moon system. I said, I am already a 'Dead man', those things you mentioned are indeed very tempting. Thousands of people may be tempted to pay the price of their lives to fight for them - but those are disputes between living people, and I am a dead person. What does it matter?"

"Don't you want to take revenge on Orthodoxy? As a failed product of the 'Moon' plan, you are regarded as eliminated by Orthodoxy. Don't you want to tell them loudly that you are wrong?" Caesar asked calmly, "What if I I got the other half of the puzzle from you. I promise that when the puzzle is completed, you will get your copy of the rubbing. You should know that if the ancient alchemy system can be successfully restored, the super hybrid species born will be Having power and power above all else.”

"Draw a pie?" The woman smiled, "Boy, no one has tried to draw a pie in front of me for a long time. You do have some charm in speaking, but this method is only useful for young people, but for It’s of little use to older people.”

"You don't look like an older woman."

"Fine words are useless."

"Then is this useful? Can you persuade me on behalf of my sincerity?" Caesar took out a rolled-up copy from his arms and threw it on the table beside him. He unfolded the corner of the copy to reveal the hanging The hidden content in the tree diagram is enough to make too many alchemists lose their minds.

Although the sketch of the Nibelung Plan is a rubbing version, its content cannot be measured in terms of money.

As a sign of good faith, this sketch is enough.

The woman's smile softened slightly and she glanced at the copy sketch on the table. Those vine-like lines were skills passed down from generation to generation by the master of alchemy Flamel. His hard work, life, and wealth were all concentrated in the original parchment. Go up, and finally get the towering tree that encompasses power and power.

"The secrets from the other side of the ocean that Orthodoxy has been trying to find for decades are now so easily thrown in front of me. If the 'Moon' system really and the 'Nibelung Plan' are puzzle pieces for each other, then I can Kill you and take my reward."

The woman raised her hand and gently opened the white gauze curtain, and sat on the edge of the bed. White smoke filled the air from behind her, and her red eyes looked at the big boy in front of her, "Are you knocked unconscious by the power? Mind, I’ve seen too many people who pursue power but end up without a happy ending, you won’t be the special one.”

"Although I hate to admit it, the Gattuso family is not a force you are willing to offend. Moreover, I only brought half of this parchment. If you were not a fool, you would not kill Gattuso for half a volume of information. Heir to the Tusso family."

Caesar didn't take another look at the crazy skin and curves revealed by the silk on this woman's body, because there was something more eye-catching for him to pay attention to.

After the woman lifted the gauze, the area on her chest that had not been wrapped in silk was exposed. A hideous spider-like wound lay there quietly, like a dark crack on a delicate jade, with a sense of incongruity. It makes people feel empty in their hearts.

That was the location of the heart, and that horrific wound meant that she had experienced near-death, or that she had really died once, but survived to this day for some reason.

"This is a very cost-effective deal. You are the recipient of the 'Moon' system. You should know all the details of the 'Moon' system. I also believe that you who can make the decision to defect from orthodoxy will definitely have a backup plan. ——The 'Yue' system itself is the biggest bargaining chip, and you can't help but hold it in your hands." Caesar looked away and looked at the woman's face.

"Let me tell you some disappointing news. The recipients of the 'Moon' system were in a coma during the whole process of the reconstruction surgery. They are strictly prohibited from accessing any literature about the 'Moon' system. The orthodox reason given is: they are worried about being affected by the surgery. The artist creates a psychological shadow that affects the performance of the 'Yue' system." The woman smiled lightly, "It's like tattooing a treasure map on the back. Only others can see it with their own eyes. The 'Moon' is just a walking treasure map that carries the treasure. That’s all.”

Caesar just stared at her, which probably meant that he didn't believe it.

"Okay, I do have the blueprint of the 'Moon' Project, but it was hard to get. It was obtained by rubbing it inch by inch after self-dissection and disassembling it bit by bit." The woman revealed a beautiful and terrifying figure. Her smile, her appearance, and her smile were all so standard, but they gave people a chill in their bones.

Caesar's eyes gradually deepened, and he felt that the topic had reached the boiling point, but suddenly, the smile on the woman's face disappeared. She raised her hand and yawned lazily, and waved her hand sideways, "I'm tired."

She lay back on the bed, wrapped herself in silk and satin, and curled up like a cat, but her slender figure exposed a section of her white ankles, and her cardamom toes painted with red nail polish were curled up. Clinging to the soft sheets comfortably together.

Caesar looked at the woman who had already issued an order to expel her. He was speechless for a long time, and finally sighed, "Are you so afraid of orthodoxy?"

"Kid, don't talk nonsense. I'm just in a good mood today, and I haven't woken up yet. I don't want to argue with a young man like you who doesn't know anything. Otherwise, you'd be in a bad mood as soon as you came in with that drawing. He's already dead." The woman waved her hands and began to chase people away impatiently. She seemed to have never wanted to do this "power and power" deal from the beginning. She was not interested in power, as she said. Just like the dead, the dead will not have the slightest interest in the wealth of the living.

The willingness to meet Caesar Gattuso is probably just out of curiosity as a "woman". It may be because there are rumors that the stallion designated by the Gattuso family has the largest stallion in the world of European mixed breeds, surpassing his father. The appearance and temperament of Pompeii Gattuso. Or maybe they were curious as to why the heir to the Gattuso family went to such lengths to go against orthodoxy. No matter what kind of curiosity she had, now that she had met Caesar, her curiosity had disappeared, and naturally boredom came back.

"Is that a rejection?" Caesar asked softly.

"Yes, I refuse." The woman said, "After all, even if there is an 80% chance that the 'Moon' system and the 'Nibelung Plan' are one, they are symmetrical to each other and are a A complete puzzle. But putting the puzzle together requires a lot of time and manpower. The Gattuso family has this time and energy, but I don’t, and I’m not interested in the complete alchemy system.”

"Because you have failed before, 'Mu Yue' is dead. All that survives is an empty body. No matter how powerful alchemy is, it cannot be engraved on the body of a useless person." Caesar said.

"The method of stimulating generals is useless. Even if you call me 'Mu Yue' for the third time, it will be useless, because as you said, you also know that 'Mu Yue' is dead. If you agree with this fact, there is nothing you can do." Offend me again." The woman said lazily, "The integration of the 'Moon' system and the 'Nibelungen Plan'? As you can imagine, this is a huge project. It's not just a matter of having two design drawings and patting your head. I don’t think there are many people in the world who can synthesize game props, except for Flamel and a few living fossils in the orthodox world. Even the Gattuso family needs to be able to complete this task. .Ten years from now, right?”

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