Late at night, Peiyuan Clinic.

Peiyuan Clinic has two floors. The design is a combination of residence and clinic. It has a square shape. According to the design blueprint, the north side of the first floor opens directly to the outside and serves as the entrance and exit of the clinic. The kitchen is adjacent to the toilet in the northwest corner of the entire plane behind the clinic. On the east side of the outpatient clinic are the treatment room and injection room. Going inward are two infusion rooms separated by the foyer and a separate bedroom on the left. The stairs on the west side connect the main living space on the second floor, which is practical and convenient.

From the age of three when she became sensible, Little Moon began to live alone in a separate bedroom on the first floor, while her father and mother lived upstairs. At first, she did not understand why her parents insisted on kicking her out of the three-person house. She kept the quilt warm, thinking that she must have picked it up from the garbage can at the vegetable market outside the clinic. She cried for a long time. Finally, her mother gave her her favorite fried pork with bamboo shoots and told her that she made it to help her become independent in advance. She reluctantly agreed to the decision she made, and since then she has tried hard to overcome her fear of the dark and sleep alone in the bedroom on the ground floor.

Tonight, Little Moon probably drank a little too much milk before going to bed. She suddenly sat up in the middle of the night. Wearing pajamas, she rubbed her eyes and sat on the bed in confusion for a while, until she felt that something bad was about to happen. , the beautiful dark face of my mother when she was drying herself in bed the next day came to mind, and I immediately lifted the quilt, put on my coat and trotted outside.

The clinic is very quiet at night. The moonlight shines into the outpatient hall from the window and refracts a slightly cold light on the tiled floor. The little moon is wrapped in a cold-proof coat on her pajamas and walks towards the kitchen next to the bedroom, which is closer to the bedroom. Toilets (there are two toilets on the first floor of the clinic, one next to the kitchen and one next to the injection room).

The toilet was built against the wall facing the street, with a horizontal window on the top. The moonlight shone in through the half-open window for ventilation, and then came the sweet sound of bells on the street.

Once, twice, three times.

The little moon squinted and listened to the bell coming from far away and then disappearing. It was the night watch to tell the time. In ancient times, people lacked accurate means of telling the time, so almost all the time telling at night relied on the watch. This tradition is very popular in Sichuan. It continued in small border cities, but in order not to disturb the people, the banging of bangers and gongs was replaced by the pleasant ringing of bells.

The bell rang three times, which meant that it was probably the third watch, which was around one o'clock in the morning. As for why it is said to be "probably", it is because of an ancient local legend.

The small border town where Little Moon is located is located at the confluence of three rivers. Legend has it that in ancient times, a watchman in this small town was too lazy to work at night and found a temple to sleep. He happened to hear the conversation between two gods and said that this small town His fate has been decided. It is agreed that at the fourth watch of the next night, divine power will be used to sink the entire city under the Three Rivers. It is agreed that when the watchman rings the fourth bang tomorrow night, it will be a signal to trigger a flood and cause endless disasters.

After hearing the secret, the watchman who eavesdropped in the corner hurriedly slipped out of the temple early the next morning, summoned all the watchmen who attended the watch, and told them that they must not ring the gong for the fourth watch tonight.

At night, the Water Dragon King, who was ordered by the gods to prepare for the disaster, swam into the Sanjiang River and listened to the sound of the watchmen's bangs on the ground. However, no matter how much he waited, he could not wait for the bangs of the fourth watch, so he had no choice but to leave angrily. The city on the river was spared.

Since then, there has been a customary rule in this city. Those who work the night watch will never call the fourth watch. They will only skip the fourth watch after the third watch, and wait until the fifth watch dawns to leisurely ring the new day. The voice of the day.

Now that the patrolman outside has rang the bell three times, it means it is either the third watch or the fourth watch. Whether it is the former or the latter, it is still early in the day.

After going to the bathroom, Little Moon opened the door. Her little face was hidden in the down of her coat and she was about to retreat into the room. But when she passed the side staircase, she suddenly found that there was light on upstairs. This made her pause and squint. Qi's eyes also opened a little wider and looked up curiously.

It's so late, what are mom and dad doing before they go to bed?

Little Moon stood at the bottom of the stairs for a while. After hesitating for a moment, she still couldn't overcome her curiosity. She crept up the stairs and went to the edge of the living room door and poked her head in. She found that the living room light was on but no one was inside. In the master bedroom, the voices of my parents talking were vaguely heard, and it was a bit blurry, so I couldn’t clearly hear what they were saying.

Could it be that!

Little Moon blinked her eyes and thought, could this be what the vegetable seller Uncle Wang told him, that his father and mother would do bad things every night? My uncle seems to have said that if he does bad things, he will have more brothers and sisters. Have his parents finally made up their mind to give him a cute little brother?

I remember Uncle Wang also said that if you find your parents doing bad things, you must sneak over and suddenly jump out to scare them.

Little Moon felt that Uncle Wang was amiable and would not lie to others, so she continued to tiptoe into the living room, and then approached the closed door of the master bedroom.

Approaching the bedroom door, Little Moon squatted down and listened carefully to what was going on inside, but found that she heard nothing. She moved closer and pressed her ear to the door, wrinkling her nose and trying to listen. The door suddenly opened, and her little head lost its balance. He hit both legs at once.

Little Moon looked up and saw Li Xingchu looking at her in her pajamas, smiling slightly but not smiling, "What are you doing? Little guy."

"Go to the bathroom." Little Moon said dryly.

"I thought you had a nightmare." Li Xingchu squatted down and helped her up, "Why did you go upstairs to use the toilet? Isn't there a toilet downstairs?"

"After I went to the toilet, I saw that the light was not turned off." Little Moon has known a truth since she was a child, that is, you must be honest when your mother is present, otherwise you will suffer serious consequences.

"Where's mom?" Little Moon poked her head in.

Li Xingchu blocked Little Moon's view, took her out, closed the bedroom door behind him, and led Little Moon toward the stairs.

"Don't disturb mom when she's asleep. Mom works very hard during the day."

"But I just heard my mother talking."

"You heard wrong. Listen to dad and go down to sleep."


Little Moon was taken down the stairs back to her bedroom. Li Xingchu watched her go to bed, covered her with a quilt, kissed her forehead, turned around and left, closing the bedroom door.

He returned to the second floor, closed the door to the living room on the second floor this time, walked to the master bedroom, opened the door and went in, where he saw Li Muyue sitting in the corner of the bedroom covered in blood.

Under the pajamas that were naturally open on her chest, an unnatural red ball like a cyst appeared in her chest. The raised blood vessels spread in all directions. The red light rotating inside it seemed to be alive through her fair skin. It's like a huge eye quietly watching everything in the outside world.

"Are you okay?" Li Xingchu quickly went up and helped Li Muyue up and sat on the edge of the bed, covering her exposed chest with her pajamas.

"How is Little Moon?" Li Muyue closed her eyes, and there were blood stains on her cheeks.

"She didn't see anything. I took her back to sleep." Li Xingchu whispered.

"Then continue." Li Muyue said calmly.

Li Xingchu raised his hand and placed it on Li Muyue's chest. His pupils gradually lit up with a bright golden color. His lips wriggled a little and then stopped. The golden pupils gradually dimmed and returned to their original dark brown color.

"I'm afraid your body can't support it anymore. Let's talk about it next time." Li Xingchu retracted his hand and looked at Li Muyue with some unbearability, "Solving this matter will not happen overnight."

"I can feel that the 'Holy Will' is gradually starting to restless. The methods you used two years ago are failing, and we don't have much time." Li Muyue opened her eyes, her molten red golden pupils filled with blood. She The skin all over his body was chapped, and the shell of his body that used to be the envy of countless women in the neighborhood seemed to be gradually cracking. Blood seeped out from all parts of his body and dyed his clothes red.

"It's too risky to take out the 'Holy Will' now. My technology is not mature enough, and the equipment and materials are completely useless. Otherwise, what if I follow the same method as before and do it again?" Li Xingchu looked worried.

"I can feel that the 'Holy Will' is almost ready to use its own consciousness to break away the artificial blood clots you created last time with your 'Power Word Technique'. They are not dead objects. This tricky suppression method is useful for the first time. But the same method will not have the same effect on it. It has been in suspended animation for two full years, and now it is about to wake up. We must seize the time to perform surgery immediately to remove it from the body and destroy it." Li Muyue said in a low voice. .

Silence fell in the room. Li Xingchu couldn't help but fall into memories in the dead silence.

Three years have passed, more than three years have passed, from the beginning when he was full of ambition to escape from the family with the woman around him, and felt that no problem in the world could trouble him, to the first real contact in a hidden room When the "Yue" system was shocked by the complex alchemical system, the strong self-doubt and powerlessness that followed made him understand what the cruelty of reality is.

For more than three years, "Holy Will" has never truly left Li Muyue, for no other reason than that Li Xingchu could not safely separate the two of them.

In the first year, after Li Xingchu and Li Muyue found a place with the lowest orthodox influence to hide, he tried his best to find only one expedient, which was to put the "Holy Will" in a state of suspended animation. Minimize its impact on the host Li Muyue as much as possible, and delay time for him to make more complete preparations.

There is not much time now, and during this period, the birth of Little Moon has distracted his energy a lot. The preparations for the "Holy Will" separation surgery have been very slow. Until now, he can't even mention it. I just feel heavy and suffocated.

"If the 'Holy Will' revives, what's the worst case scenario? Will you die?" Li Xingchu asked in a low voice.

"Three years of recuperation have allowed my heart to recover somewhat. Even if the 'Holy Will' revives, it will not kill me immediately, but it will definitely call for help after it fully recovers." Li Muyue said.

"Ask for help? To whom? It's just a heart!" Li Xingchu was puzzled.

"The 'Holy Will' has never been just a simple heart. It is the organ of the ancient dragon. It is more like a brain than the heart and has self-awareness. Orthodoxy has a back-up on the 'Holy Will', as long as it is fully awake. , and understanding their own situation, they will inevitably trigger the backhand left by Orthodoxy, which will most likely allow Orthodoxy to follow it and find us."

"Then we will go abroad, run far away, or seek asylum from others." Li Xingchu's eyes were a little fierce.

"Don't be stupid." Li Muyue looked at the man staring at her and said slowly, "With the 'Holy Will', we can't trust anyone. Even if we go abroad, Orthodoxy can follow the revived 'Holy Will'." Around us, there is a connection that transcends distance and space. The only way now is to take it out through surgery. Isn't this what we planned from the beginning? We have been preparing for this for three full years."

"But I'm not ready yet." Li Xingchu looked at his right hand and whispered, "The risk is too great. Over the years, we have been studying your 'moon' system in order to solve this problem and then fly away. , but the more I study, the more I understand how complex and terrifying this alchemy system is. The preparations required to take out the dragon heart are too complicated, including secret venues, rare alchemy materials, cutting-edge medical equipment, and a lot of money. "

The more he said this, the darker Li Xingchu's eyes became. He did have a way to solve the time bomb on Li Muyue, but all this must be based on someone taking over the logistics work completely. If it is orthodox, a large number of resources They can all be leveraged through his home, and countless precious equipment and alchemy materials can be obtained through just a few connections.

But since he left Orthodoxy and was alone, he suddenly realized that many things can only be obtained by yourself, and things that are usually easily available will be difficult to achieve.

By running an ordinary clinic, he may be able to gain the recognition, reputation, reputation, and even some surplus property and the favor of the powerful from all his neighbors, but for the things he wants to prepare, all this can only be considered a drop in the bucket. . Just talking about the equipment and instruments invested in cardiac surgery alone, the value of it exceeds 30 million yuan. Apart from major domestic hospitals, there are almost no places that can meet his needs, let alone those alchemy materials and items.

In fact, with Li Muyue's ability alone, even if the "Holy Will" is suppressed, he can choose to become a bounty hunter just by relying on the strength of the "Qian" hybrid to obtain a large amount of funds to supplement, but this decision has been made from the beginning. They were rejected by the two of them. In order to avoid the orthodox spy, they had to keep a low profile in all their actions.

"Maybe I have found a way to solve all the preparations you need." Li Muyue whispered, "I went to Lingyun Temple again during the day and came back. This time the results I got were different from usual."

"Lingyun Temple relented? How did you do it?" Li Xingchu suddenly perked up after hearing Li Muyue's words, and looked at Li Muyue in disbelief.

Their choice to live in seclusion in this border town was not a random choice. Lingyun Temple mentioned by Li Muyue was one of the biggest reasons why they settled here.

"Master Zhang is already vaguely interested in being persuaded by me. With the foundation of Lingyun Temple, they can provide us with everything we want, including alchemy materials, top-notch equipment, and abundant funds. As for Lingyun Temple itself, it is the most hidden The orthodox forces are far from being able to cover this place.”

"Master Zhang? I remember that the host of Lingyun Temple has always been Master Wuche?" Li Xingchu was stunned for a moment, thinking of the master who was always holding a mahogany cane and smiling like Maitreya Buddha. The other party returned it to Little Moon A fortune teller told her that if Kuigang is in her destiny, she will definitely take charge of the power in the future. Generally, if Kuigang is in the destiny, the gods will abdicate and evil will not come.

When Li Xingchu came home, he also checked the relevant commentaries to predict his fortune. Everyone seemed to think it was a good comment. Kuigang is also known as Kuigang Noble Man, one of the four gods in numerology. It is said that a woman's destiny is to be smart and capable, have the confidence of a strong woman, have a strong and resolute temperament, and be arrogant. The only problem is that both men and women are not conducive to marriage. Although they have a successful career, their marriage is not good. If their personality is too strong and impatient, they will be more arbitrary.

"Master Wuche has passed away. The new master's name is Yuncheng. His real name is Zhang Duozhong. He was transferred from Wuyou Temple. I heard that he and Master Wuche are brothers. Master Wuche could not leave the temple before he passed away. No matter how big or small, I entrusted all my posthumous matters to Master Yuncheng."

"What are the conditions?" Li Xingchu looked worried. "Although they are Buddhists and are charitable, they will never be willing to make such a big sacrifice to help us in vain."

"I didn't mention the conditions because I haven't convinced him yet. But compared to Master Wuche, Master Yuncheng is younger. He has been a warrior monk for a period of time. His thoughts are more radical and he hates evil. Buddhism has its own system. For them, many orthodox actions can be considered heresy, so I have been trying to start from this aspect."

"Did you tell him about the 'Moon' system?" Li Xingchu looked a little unhappy. "You are crazy. Those Buddhist people may directly regard you as a heretic and kill you!"

"I'm still sitting here." Li Muyue's hand gently covered the back of her husband's hand, "I decided to go to Lingyun Temple again in the near future. As long as they are willing to intervene in our affairs, all the troubles will be solved. It’s up to you to solve it when the time comes.”

"." Li Xingchu lowered his head and looked at the slender hand on the back of his hand that was stained with blood and had some cracks.

"Are you scared?" Li Muyue asked softly.

"No." Li Xingchu said, "I'm not afraid, and you're not even afraid of yourself. Who do I have the right to be afraid?"

"If everything goes well, what do you plan to do in the future?" Li Muyue asked.

"Can you please don't ask this now? It feels a little unlucky. Let's discuss this after the matter is completed?" Li Xingchu said with a wry smile.

"If you don't want to be too miserable, the safest way is not to expect to be happy." Li Muyue smiled, "I still remember what you said when you took me away, but it's different now, not for We, just for the sake of our daughter, we must succeed, so it doesn’t hurt to think about happy things in the future.”

"Little Moon has been clamoring to go see the sea. I found out before that she picked up a travel agency leaflet and hid it in her toy box. If everything goes well, we will close the clinic and find a travel agency. Sign up to go to the Maldives. If Little Moon likes it there, then we will settle there." Li Xingchu said softly.

"The Maldives? Since Little Moon likes it, then let's go to the Maldives."

"if everything goes well."

She leaned her shoulder on the shoulder of the man next to her and gently touched his head. "You are the only one in the world who can complete this operation. You are the person who knows the 'Yue' system best besides the orthodox. Coupled with the 'Truth Word' gifted to you by God, you must be the one to solve our biggest problem."

"I know." Li Xingchu stretched out his hand and gently touched Li Muyue's palm. His pupils were full of determination. He took a deep breath, swept away the haze, and said in an awesome voice, "It's just a surgery. As long as the equipment and materials are complete, It's just a piece of 'Holy Will', your husband and I can dig it out easily! When the time comes, it's all up to you to fry it dry or fry it in oil! I've never eaten the Dragon King's heart slices in my whole life. Woolen cloth."

"Just this weekend, I will go to Lingyun Temple again. I hope it will work out." Li Muyue nodded and said.

"I'll go with you, too, and take Little Moon with me." Li Xingchu said, "You have to be sincere when asking for help. I feel a little sorry for just letting you run around alone."

"But aren't you going to take Little Moon to the amusement park on weekends? She has been clamoring to play those exciting projects."

"It's quite exciting to climb up the Big Buddha at Lingyun Temple and walk around the Nine Roads, right? They're all of the same nature. Little Moon shouldn't be angry with me?"

"Then you'd better be mentally prepared to coax the child. I won't help you harm her this time." Li Muyue stood up from the bed and walked to the living room, "I'm going to take a bath and go downstairs to see our daughter. Are you asleep?"

She took off her pajamas, revealing her smooth back. The small wounds on her bare back were healed in the light white steam. Under the molten red of her side eyes, her whole body was filled with a fatal attraction. .

This scene made Li Xingchu behind her not happy but worried, because it meant that the "holy will" was indeed slowly reviving, and with it, the powerful bloodline began to boil and roar in Li Muyue's veins. That was The warning of disaster is also a problem he has to face in the near future.

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