Xiao Yuexian has always heard that there is an ancient legend circulating in the small riverside town where he lives.

Legend has it that the watchmen in this small town never strike the fourth watch. If the fourth watch is struck, a disaster like a flood will usher in, and everyone who hears the fourth watch will be drowned in catastrophe.

Therefore, every night in her hazy sleep, she would listen carefully to the faint sound of the clock outside the window.


Two lanes.

Three ways.

Fall into a deep sleep.

"Congratulations on being discharged!"

The hand-held toy salute gun made a "bang" sound. Li Muyue and Xiao Yuexian stood on the left and right beside the glass door of the clinic, cheering and congratulating Li Xingchu who walked in.

The ribbon fluttered on Li Xingchu's hair. He scratched his head, looked at the archangel and the little angel and said, "It's just glucose that has been suspended for a few days. There is no need to be so grand, right?"

"Dad, you are so weak." After playing the toy salute, Xiao Yuexian ran towards the cake with candles on the table and lit it one by one with matches.

"Do you still want to blow out the candles?" Li Xingchu walked in and hugged Li Muyue. When the other party whispered "Welcome back", he kissed his wife's cheek gently, then turned around and saw Xiao Yuexian's disgusted expression. Eyes, "Daddy, lustful."

"I've only been in kindergarten for a few days! I've learned so many messy things! Why do you call me daddy! This is called loving each other as a family! Come over here and let me kiss you hard." Li Xingchu was happy, let go of Li Muyue, and lifted up He chased his daughter with his feet.

Xiao Yuexian screamed and circled around the table with cakes. Li Xingchu was also happy to play with his daughter. He was in the hospital every day for an IV drip. The doctor insisted that his hypoglycemia had reached the point where he might have neurological damage. The glucose was enough to replace all the blood in his body, and he was finally released after his indicators returned to normal.

"How have you been doing in kindergarten these days?" Li Xingchu grabbed the dishonestly twisting little Yuexian and asked her to face him, "Answer honestly! Have you been naughty in school?"

"Report, no." Xiao Yuexian raised her hand seriously to answer the question.

"She is fine in class. She has been taught arithmetic and pinyin for a long time, but she is very restless during break time. The teacher told me that she is now the little bully in the class. Both boys and girls have to listen to her. Several The boy was unconvinced and tried to tease her, but she made him cry and complain to the teacher." Li Muyue said with a smile.

"Really?" Li Xingchu looked at the daughter in his hand strangely, "Why didn't I see that you still have the potential to be the king of children?"

After thinking about it, he shrugged and decided to give up. As long as Little Moon was not bullied, it would be fine. If someone else took the initiative to bully her and she was beaten to tears, then he would only be happy that Little Moon had learned to protect herself in advance and let school bullies go to hell. Go ahead.


Li Xingchu suddenly heard his daughter calling him in a voice that could make his bones freeze. He immediately lowered his head and responded, "Hey!"

With a snap, the cake slapped him in the face.

Li Xingchu wiped off the cake and saw that Little Moon had hid behind Li Muyue, looking at him strangely, "Dad doesn't cherish his body. Mom asked me to do this to punish dad!"

"It was my instruction." Li Muyue admitted frankly, looking at Li Xingchu with a face full of ridicule, "What, you are not convinced?"

"Good boy, don't use your mother as a shield!" Li Xingchu stood up loudly, picked up the cake cut out from the table and rushed towards Li Muyue, "Our family status is different now! Your mother will never be the same again. I can’t protect you anymore! Eat the whipping that your father loves!”

There was a lot of excitement and laughter in the clinic. The neighbors who passed by looked at the glass door curiously and could only see a family of three with faces full of cakes and snowmen playing together, causing them to shake their heads and leave with a bitter smile. However, I thought to myself that young people are just not good parents.

The celebration for Li Xingchu's discharge from the hospital lasted until the evening. After the hour, Xiao Yue was reluctantly driven into the bedroom to sleep, leaving only Li Muyue and Li Xingchu outside to clean up the mess of the cake fight.

"Is your health okay?" Li Xingchu asked Li Muyue, who was mopping the floor, while wiping the table.

"There's no big problem. The operation was successful. Even now, I feel like it's still a dream." Li Muyue focused on dragging the remaining cream cake on the floor.

"Are there no sequelae? After all, I only took out the 'Holy Will', and the 'Moon' system itself still exists in your body. I didn't dare to touch them. I tried my best to avoid touching them during the operation. They are gone." Li Xingchu asked in a low voice.

"There will indeed be some burden, but only if I need to use them." Li Muyue said, "As long as I don't activate my bloodline and keep the dragon blood in my body in a state of silence, the burden of the 'Yue' system on me will be almost negligible. , but once the dragon blood is forcibly activated, the 'moon' system will be activated instinctively, and my body cannot bear it for long."

"That means 'Mu Yue' is completely dead."

"Yes, 'Mu Yue' is dead."

After getting this answer, Li Xingchu lay on the sofa and exhaled a long breath, raised his hand to cover his forehead gently, pondered for a long time and said, "When are you leaving?"

"Any time is fine, even tomorrow. Now the biggest problem has been solved. The 'Holy Will' has been transferred to Lingyun Temple. If orthodox wants to recover it, they can only go to Buddhism. The two of us are already irrelevant people." ." Li Muyue put down the mop and raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, "Our daughter is very smart. Kindergarten can't teach her anything. It's not a problem to delay some time before going to school. If you are afraid of long nights and dreams, we can go tomorrow Go through the withdrawal procedures.”

"Quiting out of school just after enrolling? Isn't this too strange?" Li Xingchu smiled, but still nodded, "But I think so too. I hope Little Moon won't blame us. She just met a group of children and was forced to leave. Well, this will probably be an unforgettable experience for her.”

"The past three years have been unforgettable experiences for us," Li Muyue said. "Now that the troubles we have been in are finally behind us, where are we going to start a new life again?"

"Look what this is." Li Xingchu suddenly pulled out three bills from his pocket like magic.

Li Muyue glanced at it and saw the stamp of the travel agency on the bill, and raised her eyebrows, "When did it happen?"

"It's not like I did nothing when I was hospitalized. I called the travel agency and booked a seven-day and seven-night trip to the Maldives for a family of three. We had already prepared our passports and so on. We just needed to inform the travel agency to set a departure time. , the three of us can just sit on a plane and land in the Maldives to see the sea!"

"Then let's do it tomorrow. Now call the travel agency to arrange for us to leave early tomorrow morning. There is no need to go through the procedures for Xiao Yue's withdrawal from school." Li Muyue said.

"So decisive?" Li Xingchu looked at Li Muyue in surprise.

"The nights are long and there are many dreams." Li Muyue looked at Li Xingchu and said, "If possible, we can leave now."

"I'm afraid the travel agency is off work now, and it won't be until tomorrow at the soonest." Li Xingchu looked at the night outside the glass door, "Since I have decided to leave tomorrow, there is one more thing I have to deal with."

"Are you going to Lingyun Temple?" Li Muyue asked, but her tone was firm.

"Well, Master Yuncheng has helped us a lot. Before leaving, he always comes to thank him." Li Xingchu said.

"I'll go with you." Li Muyue said.

"Someone has to be at home with the child." Li Xingchu waved his hand.

"Should we forget about it? Master Yuncheng will thank you for your visit. Just say thank you on the phone afterwards." Li Muyue looked at Li Xingchu and persuaded in a low voice.

"I actually thought so at first. But I don't know why, but I always feel that I have to go there." Li Xingchu pondered, with some confusion on his face, "Is this the sequelae I left after the last operation?"

"What are the sequelae?" Li Muyue looked solemn.

"When I went to Lingyun Mountain before, the young monk on the mountain kept telling me that I was destined to have a relationship with Buddha." Li Xingchu blinked, "Am I really destined to have a relationship with Buddha? This time has completely inspired my relationship with Buddha. Already?"

"Then you go and become a monk, abandon your common name, regain a new life, and change your name to Se Kong from now on." Li Muyue laughed angrily at Li Xingchu.

"Hmph, whatever you say, I think you are just envious of my predestined relationship with the Buddha! The day I was in the temple, the four masters gathered around me and praised me as a person with great merits and good fortune, saying that I was kind-hearted. , benevolent heart and skill, deserve to be blessed by Buddha!" ​​Li Xingchu stood up and grabbed the coat on the coat rack, "It's still early, it's not dark yet, I'll run back and come back, wait for me at home, call me if you need anything Just call. There is really no need to worry so much. Lingyun Temple is actually much safer than at home now. Your situation is not as good as before. If orthodoxy suddenly comes to your door at this point, we will have no choice but to catch you."

He understood what Li Muyue was worried about and explained the logic in a simple way.

"You are no better than before! You are no longer the orthodox 'Yue'. From now on, you will only have the identity of Li Xingchu's wife! If we quarrel again, you will not be able to carry the osmanthus tree to me like before. You have been rejected! From now on, you have to listen to me!" Li Xingchu looked at his beloved wife and raised his eyebrows and said, "So, don't worry about me, because this family will have to rely on me to protect you from now on. Humph, revive your husband's relationship. , starting today!”

Li Muyue couldn't help but burst into laughter as she listened to her man's awesome declaration. Even if she couldn't be the same as before, now she wanted to deal with an ordinary mixed-breed with just one hand, and five more. Li Xingchu is no match for her!

But she didn't interrupt her husband's show-off and husband's declaration, she just looked at him with a smile and let him go crazy.

She watched Li Xingchu turn around and walk towards the glass door of the clinic. Just before he was about to walk out, he suddenly shouted, "Xingchu."

"What's wrong?" Li Xingchu immediately turned around.

"It's nothing, come back soon." Li Muyue said.

Li Xingchu gave her a thumbs up, pushed the door open and disappeared into the night.

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