In the silent night of the Forbidden City, the moonlight was obscured by black clouds. On the huge open space of about 30,000 square meters in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, clusters of red palace lanterns floated past like will-o'-the-wisps.

Five jet-black coffins were lined up side by side and were shouldered by five black shadows passing through the front of the Jinluan Hall. The uneven foundations in front of the hall did not cause any trouble for the shadows to walk. Every time their steps fell, it was as if they were not there. The weight, the shadow of the coffin cast by the red palace lantern on the earth-shaped Xumizuo fell together, making it look eerie and strange.

Stepping on fan-shaped white marble stones, 90 of which extend towards the pillars with dragon and phoenix cloud patterns, 1142 chi heads looked down at the five black figures carrying the coffin in the darkness, while the night wind blew the red light of the palace lanterns and swayed. , a standing figure appeared on the east side of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

He looked at the five pitch-black coffins, which disappeared with the blowing night wind. When they reappeared, they were already standing at the top of the steps of the Golden Palace, on the only way for the coffins to be carried.

Five coffins stopped at the bottom of the steps of the Golden Palace. The five black figures carrying the coffins stopped, and their blood-red eyes locked onto the person standing on a high place blocking their path.

The molten red golden eyes were scorching and boiling under the illumination of the palace lantern. The spiritual realm, which was close to the material state, was released from a high place. The night wind blowing from the open space was also blocked by the sticky space. A swirling air current is formed that picks up dust and dead leaves at the edge of the field.

The person blocking the road was Lin Nian. After Li Huoyue led the orthodox elite soldiers to leave, Lin Nian did not choose to go to the Nibelungen together. Instead, he followed Li Qiuluo and the five elders she dealt with. The body was followed all the way here before he had the opportunity to show up to verify some of his conjectures.

The five coffins were lowered, landing so lightly that the sound of the collision with the ground was almost inaudible.

Five pairs of blood-red pupils locked onto Lin Nian. The moment the spiritual realm unfolded, they had already judged Lin Nian as an enemy blocking the road.

"I think it's better to let those from Longfeng Garden do the trick." Lin Nian took off his windbreaker and threw it down. The exposed upper body was covered with pale scales, and blood-red steam puffed out as the scales expanded and contracted. Like fog.

The five dead warriors burst out in different directions at the same moment, and the domains of the five speaking spirits began to build. Guao's speaking spirits roared out from the dead-like cold roar, intertwining in the huge open space in front of the Jinluan Palace.

At the moment when they were chanting, jumping up and down, their feet shattering the ground and flying 1 centimeter into the air, unable to change direction anymore, a faster and stronger field took the lead and solidified them.

Never jump in front of a user with Time Zero, because you cannot change your direction while in the air with your feet off the ground.

Hybrids with zero fighting experience against time all understand this taboo. However, dead soldiers are just dead soldiers after all. They cannot be expected to do much if they rely on instinct to fight.

Yan Ling Time Zero.

The field expanded, lasting only 1 second, and then dispersed.

Five explosions sounded at the same time, like a solid wooden pile being penetrated by a hammer, dull and thorough.

The five shadows flew out at a speed exceeding 200 kilometers per hour, bounced against the uneven floor tiles, and continued to roll on the ground until five straight blood marks were drawn.

The humanoid object finally lay on the ground with its chest wide open. The internal organs and bones inside had already been hollowed out. The dirty flesh and blood were scattered all over the floor. The expensive and complicated alchemy system was violently destroyed in less than 1 second. It was dismantled into parts, and the structures mixed with the human body were splashed on this bloody road like water.

Standing at the foot of the steps, Lin Nian held five beating hearts with his left and right hands. He squeezed the alchemy organs with silver nails to burst with his hands and threw them away. He opened his hands and lowered his head to catch the ones that were thrown down from the steps a second ago. The windbreaker was draped over his body, covering his upper body that was slowly losing its scales.

Lin Nian walked towards the five coffins lined up in a row, and then he suddenly looked up and looked into the depths of the wide open space. The sound of two footsteps came from far to near.

He looked sideways for a while, and only when he saw two figures approaching in the darkness did he retract his gaze and focus on the five coffins.

Chu Zihang ran through most of the square of Jinluan Palace. When he ran to the middle, he stopped and was startled by the five dead soldiers lying on the ground in pieces.

He recognized at a glance that the five disemboweled objects were the corpse guards he had encountered while carrying the coffin. After Lin Nian asked clearly about the direction of the coffin and chased after him, he guessed that it would be like this. situation, but I never thought the battle would end so quickly.

"Brother, wait a minute, I twisted my foot a little when I landed on the ground." Xia Mi's voice came from behind Chu Zihang, shouting ouch as he ran.

After Chu Zihang left her behind and saw her off, she lived up to expectations and ran back the way she came from to observe secretly. After discovering that the two corpse guards had already received their lunch, she got up and got angry at Chu Zihang, saying Sure enough, the more handsome a man is, the better he is at lying. I will definitely not fall for you, senior brother, next time. Then he got angry and touched him left and right, calling it a check to see if his body was normal after forcibly activating his bloodline.

I don’t know why, but Chu Zihang felt extremely uncomfortable after the forced bloodshed to awaken his bloodline, as if a liquid bomb was lit in the blood vessels of his body, but after being so disturbed by Xia Mi, he felt so uncomfortable The discomfort was inexplicably reduced.

In the end, he could only attribute it to the fact that the bloodline had not been detonated for a long time, and the medicinal properties left by the orthodox tiger and wolf medicine were still working. As a conclusion, he ignored this matter.

"I'm going to be so cruel?" Xia Mi ran over behind Chu Zihang, and couldn't help but swallow when he saw the five dead men cleaning their abdominal cavities like plucked chickens.

"Lin Nian did it." Chu Zihang briefly explained the situation, waited for Xia Mi, and helped her walk over.

When Xia Mi and Chu Zihang approached the five coffins, Lin Nian, who was standing in front of the coffins, raised his head and glanced at them. He looked at Chu Zihang first and then at Xia Mi. He didn't quite know who these two people were. Whatever the situation is, it is all before his eyes now. Even if there is a problem, it will be considered gone from now on.

"The contents in the coffin are the bodies of the five orthodox clan heads?" Chu Zihang walked to the coffin and carefully observed the surface details of the coffin with the red light emitted by the palace lantern that fell on the ground.

Lin Nian bent down and picked up a broken palace lantern. After approaching the coffin, he bent his left hand and knocked it. What came out was a dull thumping sound. Under the illumination of the palace lantern, the surface of the coffin was shiny and shiny, with golden four-image patterns on the surface. There are many white tiger patterns, red bird patterns, basalt patterns, and green dragon patterns. The workmanship is complicated and luxurious. The rest of the area except the four elephants seems to be covered with dragon scales. These are the natural patterns of the coffin material itself. When it is made, The quality of the raw materials before the coffin must be of the highest quality, rarely seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

"Golden nanmu, these five coffins are not cheap, are they?" Xia Mi also raised a palace lantern and looked closer, and couldn't help but click his tongue, "The heads of the five major clans died like this? I had heard the orthodox boasting so mysteriously before. , why are you lying down now? Isn't this too sudden? Is it really the Dragon King? "

"Li Qiuluo and Li Huoyue did it. They conspired to rebel and used my hand to kill the heads of the five major clans. They wanted to take advantage of the chaos to seize power and then carry out internal purges." Lin Young's fluttering words made Chu Zihang and Xia Mi's expressions instantly change. It was as frightening as if the sky was falling. Anyone else would be paralyzed by the amount of information in this sentence.

When they were hiding in the bridge cave, they learned the shocking news of the sudden death of the heads of the five major clans, but now they couldn't help but be shocked again by Lin Nian's long story.

"Holy shit, did you kill the people here, senior brother?" Xia Mi suddenly lowered his voice and asked horribly, "Heads of the five major clans! The orthodox Presbyterian Church! You took the blame in one night? Senior brother, you He must be a spy sent by the academy!"

Even Chu Zihang also watched Lin Nian again. He knew many things about Lin Nian, including the history of doing some dirty things for the school board. It seemed possible that Lin Nian would make such a beheading plan that went deep into the enemy camp. .

"He didn't die directly by my hands, but it was considered indirect. It's a bit troublesome. To make a long story short, Li Huoyue took advantage of me and helped her get rid of the powerful guards around the five clan leaders without my knowledge. They took advantage of the opportunity. He killed five clan leaders and just wanted to put the blame on me." Lin Nian waved his hands to stop them from thinking.

"As soon as I saw that woman, I knew she was not a good person!" Xia Mi raised his eyebrows and complained for Lin Nian, "Put the blame on my senior brother Lin Nian's head again! This is the head! Not the stove!"

"It's just that we didn't succeed in the end." Lin Nian said before Chu Zihang frowned and wanted to speak, "Now the orthodoxy is targeting the Dragon King and is devoting all its troops to the Nibelungen. I will temporarily withdraw from this conspiracy. I took it out, and I was originally thinking about what to do with you two, but now I just happened to meet it."

"Uh, senior brother, you didn't come here specifically for us!" Xia Mi suddenly became frustrated, feeling that their status in Lin Nian's heart seemed to have quietly decreased by 1.

"You two are not idiots. If such a big thing happens, there will be gaps in the orthodoxy. As long as you are sharp enough, you will always seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. I don't need to worry too much. Compared with your affairs, these five coffins are more worrying. I'm a little concerned." Lin Nian raised a lantern to illuminate these five expensive coffins of the same shape, "Before going to Nibelungen, I want to confirm their bodies."

"Have you seen the bodies of those five clan heads with your own eyes?" Chu Zihang guessed what Lin Nian was concerned about.

"I've seen it, but I haven't inspected it at close range. The situation doesn't allow it, so now I'm here." Lin Nian took half a step back. Seeing his action, Chu Zihang immediately pulled Xia Mi to the side.

Lin Nian raised his foot and kicked the coffin board in the middle of the coffin. It was so heavy that it took two or three adults to push the thick coffin board through the gap. It flew straight out, hit the ground and stood up with a crash. Fall to the ground.

The palace lantern was lifted forward, and Lin Nian looked into the coffin. The reddish light illuminated the expressionless expression on his face. Chu Zihang and Xia Mi on the side leaned over and looked inside. Then they were stunned.

Chu Zihang felt Xia Mi tremble violently next to him.

Deep inside the coffin, between the silk and satin, a white-faced paper man looked at them with a smile in the light of the red palace lantern. The paper man with eyes lit up smiled happily, but this smile made the uncovered The person who opened the coffin couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Paper man?" Chu Zihang asked in a low voice.

Lin Nian opened the palace lantern and kicked open the other four coffins. The palace lantern illuminated them one by one. Lying inside were all paper figures wearing the clothes of the clan elders when they were alive. Each paper figure had its own unique look and smile. , either gloomy, ferocious, or playful, but they perfectly imitated the characteristics of the five clan heads, and served as substitutes for them in their coffins.

"Is there something wrong with the coffin?"

"For those who have followed us all the way, there is basically no possibility of changing the coffin. I won't make any mistake." Lin Nian swept the five coffins with a lantern and said calmly.

"Who killed the person? Who disposed of the body? Did you see the body put into the coffin with your own eyes?" Chu Zihang turned to look at Lin Nian.

"Li Qiuluo killed the person, but I didn't see the killing process. I only witnessed the crime scene. Li Qiuluo also restrained the body. Likewise, I didn't see the process of putting the body into the coffin." Lin Nian stared at the scene. Said the eerie smiling paper man under the red light.

"You've killed someone and covered it up. What's there to hide in the remaining bodies? Unless..." Xia Mi licked his lips and didn't say out the guess behind it.

"So in the end, why did Li Huoyue and Li Qiuluo, two people who were very successful in the Orthodox world, rebel? Are they tired of living?"

"The person who planned this revenge is Li Huoyue. She is the mastermind. She has a reason to kill the clan leader." Lin Nian said, "As for Li Qiuluo, I am not sure about her motives. She is nominally Li Huoyue's Auntie, but fundamentally not related by blood, if you ask me to give you a reason why she must rebel, I can’t give it.”

The bodies of the five orthodox clan heads have disappeared, and the purpose of returning the empty coffin to the Forbidden City is in doubt. Li Qiuluo's motives and purposes have gradually begun to show signs of something wrong, and things that were originally clear do not seem so clear.

"Everyone is really making their own calculations." Lin Nian lowered his eyes and stopped thinking after a moment. He threw the palace lantern in his hand into the coffin. After a while, the ignited paper man rose up in the coffin. flame.

"What are you going to do next?" Chu Zihang asked.

"When we go to the Nibelungen, Lu Mingfei has already entered first. Now this game of conspiracy has entered the endgame." Lin Nian said slowly.

"What about us?" Xia Mi pointed at himself.

"I'll send you away from here. As soon as you get out, contact Su Xiaoqiang and the others to meet up and inform them to stay in the hotel from now on. There are many uncertainties in the Nibelungs, and orthodox people are also leaving in droves. The Dragon King's They probably won't be able to help much in the battle, so it's better to stay on the ground and prepare to deal with the chaos that will occur when the dragon-slaying battlefield is completely intensified."

"Stay where you are, don't cause any trouble for Senior Brother when you rush into the Nibelung, you understand!" Xia Mi nodded solemnly while holding the palace lantern.

Lin Nian glanced at her and nodded slightly, acquiescing to what the other party understood. The situation was too chaotic now. Each side was making its own layout. Countless conspiracies and conspiracies were crisscrossing the chessboard. The final place where they gathered was the Ni Ni underground. Borungen, anyone who dares to get involved should be prepared to hang their head on their belt.

In short, if you go to the Nibelungen without two brushes, you will die. Lin Nian is already ready to go in and blow up the scene. If Su Xiaoqiang and the others were present, he would be restrained.

If Chu Zihang's bloodline is now stable, Lin Nian might take him with him, but now...

"Take good care of your senior brother. He likes to show off his strength. Don't let him seize the opportunity to throw you away." Lin Nian warned Xia Mi again.

"I've already suffered a loss." Xia Mi reached out and grabbed Chu Zihang's arm and refused to let go, "I guarantee that he will never leave more than ten meters from me in the future!"

Chu Zihang stood motionless, like the elm tree stake that the sloth was holding.

"Let's go." Lin Nian raised his head and glanced at the square on the east side of the Jinluan Palace, where the light of the flashlight was looming, and a group of shadows rushed towards this side from the other end, presumably aware of the situation here.

As soon as the night wind blew, the three people in front of His Highness Jinluan's stairs turned into thick ink and disappeared into the night, leaving more than five coffins burning with flames crackling in place.

When the figures from the east came one after another, they stood in front of five burning coffins, all of them had ugly faces, with anger and pain distorted in the firelight.

Li Qiuluo slowly walked out of the crowd. Under the firelight, she raised her hand to stop the subordinate who wanted to speak behind her. She looked at the five rising flames indifferently and pursed her lips slightly.

That's not bad. she thinks.

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