The entrance of Line 3, known as the maze, is a wall. The two forked roads to the left and right extend for a distance and then turn forward in an "L" shape. Lin Nian chose the road on the left for no particular reason. If I have to say something, it is that he has always followed the saying of "men are on the left and women are on the right" when it comes to choosing between the left and the right.

After turning around the nearly right-angled bend, the tunnel in front of me suddenly extended infinitely. Every five meters or so, there was a fluorescent tube embedded in the wall. The light source was very bright, illuminating the tiles in the corridor. .

Lin Nian stood at the starting point of the corner and looked into the depths. Although there was sufficient light, he could not see the end of this straight tunnel with his eyesight. Under normal circumstances with a clear field of vision, after the number of cells in the central groove of the golden pupil adjusted by the violent blood increased several times, he could see things 8,000 meters away at the maximum limit, but he still couldn't see clearly the tunnel. Bottom, this means that the length of such a tunnel alone exceeds this number.

What's even more noteworthy is that there are forks at regular intervals on the left and right sides of this tunnel. There are countless intersections that don't know where they will eventually lead. Just like what Li Qing said, the scale of the entire maze is appalling. . The largest maze in the world is the Dole Pineapple Maze in Hawaii. It has a total area of ​​only 3.15 acres, consists of 11,400 species of tropical plants, and is approximately 3.11 miles long.

At the starting point of the maze where Lin Nian is standing, the first horizontal path is already twice as long as the previous one. Not to mention that Li Qing also pointed out that this maze is three-dimensional, which means that in addition to the straight line, it is more than Beyond 8,000 meters, the downward depth is still unknown. It is estimated that the top ten mazes in the world combined are not large enough to make a section of this maze in the Nibelungen.

Lin Nian walked on foot in this ridiculously long tunnel, paying attention to the layout of the tunnel as he walked. This is a typical passage opened underground at the Beigan subway transfer station. It is about three to four meters wide and about the same height. , not cramped, but once the space is stretched, it will appear closed.

There are advertisements hanging on the walls of the passage. They are all from movies or daily necessities more than ten years ago. There are a lot of repetitions, but no pattern can be found. They should be randomly generated, so you don’t need to pay too much attention. The tiles on the floor are all a dark red hot color, with a yellow blind path on the right side. The tiles on the walls are dark green, some of which are heavily dusty. The fluorescent lamps embedded in the gap between the wall and the ceiling are wrapped with dust-stained stains. Ruined spider web.

Entering the maze for the first time, Lin Nian was not prepared to rush in. He followed the map in the notebook that Li Qing showed him. After walking about 800 meters, he reached the twenty-third passage on the right. Stop when.

The scene in the twenty-third aisle is basically the same, with hot-colored floor tiles, dark green walls, five-meter fluorescent tubes, and randomly repeated billboards. However, this aisle is not that long, and you can see it all at a glance. But I can see that there is exactly the same aisle on the other side, with no difference in features at all.

No wonder it is very easy to get lost in a maze. A normal maze will have some landmarks specially set up for reference in finding the way, but the Nibelung maze is exactly the same sections of road put together infinitely. As long as you walk If you have to go far enough and get a little confused, then you don’t want to go back the same way. Things like a sense of direction are almost non-existent underground. There is no reference object. When the compass fails due to the magnetic field, once you get lost and want to leave, you Just try your luck.

This means that the violent demolition method loses its effect. If it is clear in advance which area the end point of the maze is - for example, many large mazes like to set the end point in the center, then the contestants can climb over the walls of the maze. Arrive in a straight line at an approximate end point.

Lin Nian was planning to do this at first, but after actually walking into the maze, he realized that violent demolition methods were basically useless. There was basically no possibility of demolition in a three-dimensional maze, and the movement of a maze of several kilometers or tens of kilometers was impossible. The diameter makes demolition a joke, not to mention the physical exertion of demolition.

So is this a kind of "targeting"? Lin Nian thought.

Following the route explored in Li Qing's notebook, it was winding and winding. I don't know how far I walked. The layout of the surrounding passages was exactly the same, except that some different passages extended downward or upward, and the paths were winding. , like the entrance and exit of a parking lot, giving people a clear feeling of going up and down.

The path that Li Qing had explored went all the way down, so Lin Nian was also going all the way down. At the same time, he was still counting the time it would take him to enter the maze and feeling the exhaustion on his body.

Indeed, just like the other party, the physical consumption in the maze doubled. Lin Nian, who was extremely sensitive to his own condition, noticed that the conversion rate of fat and glycogen in his body was now almost 10 times that of normal conditions, but this But it did not bring him any physical gain. This was not in line with the rules of human energy conversion and consumption, but it was in line with the "rules" described by Li Qing.

He has now walked about 2 kilometers in the maze, and the energy he can consume is almost equivalent to jogging a 20-kilometer marathon outside. This means that before entering the Nibelungen, he consumed a lot of fat, meat and More than half of the energy stored in sugar has been used up!

Li Qing claimed that he could not feel his specific consumption status in the maze, but Lin Nian could, because when a person consumes physical energy, the sugar and fat in the body will perform conversion functions at the same time. As the storage of sugar becomes lower, The proportion of sugar and fat consumption will also change accordingly. Lin Nian uses this method to detect his own fat consumption rate to determine changes in physical fitness.

For other ordinary people whose energy storage rate is much lower, the blood sugar and liver glycogen reserves in the body should be nearly exhausted by now, and they will begin to burn a large amount of fat to provide energy for exploration.

"It's a bit strange." Lin Nian walked in the endless passage, letting go of his senses and trying his best to feel the abnormalities in this space. Indeed, he got some slightly abnormal feedback, but he could not clearly capture the abnormalities. The source of this made him feel a little depressed, just a little bit.

If there is no way to curb it at this rate of physical energy consumption, it means that even Lin Nian can only look for anything edible to digest, as he said outside, such as Deadpool.

There shouldn't be much of a problem for him eating the alien Deadpool. For normal people, every inch of flesh and blood on Deadpool's body is highly poisonous, because it is a monster contaminated by dragon blood, but for Lin Nian, it is not. There is this problem - others will poop their pants when drinking Ganges River water, but he, a "Brahmin", can drink Ganges River water as pure water, but whether it tastes good or not is another matter.

Lin Nian has never eaten Deadpool, and he has no intention of eating Deadpool. Most Deadpools are in human form, which eliminates the possibility of including them in recipes. Although the mutant Deadpool looks weird and is easier to eat, in the end it is still the same thing. Can that thing really taste good?

Lin Nian's rumor that he ate Deadpool was really a pretense. Although it wouldn't poison him if he really ate it, he would definitely feel uncomfortable in his stomach. After all, he was still a human being. Although his internal organs had been through dragon Although the blood is strengthened, the rules of operation are still very different from those of normal people, which means that eating something particularly irritating (tens or even hundreds of times more irritating to ordinary people) will still cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

That is to say, you will have diarrhea (good digestion does not mean that you can really eat metal and dirt like a five-color dragon. That involves the differences in internal organs, the entire set of digestive organs, and the body structure).

Diarrhea before a battle is not a good sign. If you are really fighting in front of the King of the Earth and Mountains or the Emperor, and suddenly your stomach growls, can you still call a timeout and ask where the toilet in Nibelungen is?

I thought that such stylish opponents as the Emperor and the Dragon King would naturally show the way and wait patiently. But it still felt quite awkward.

At this time, Lin Nian suddenly heard a thiefful laugh, like he couldn't hold back the secret joy that some conspiracy had succeeded. He stopped and looked back at the long corridor behind him. No one was there.

Continue deeper underground.

Lin Nian walked out of a long corridor, and when he was about to turn left according to the map, he suddenly stopped.

Not far in front of him, standing on the road he must pass, was a clown performing a non-physical performance.

The clown's attire is very traditional, more like that of a circus mime, with a black and white striped shirt, overalls, and a red scarf wrapped around his neck. There is no red nose on the makeup, and the face is covered with white foundation. The two eye sockets and lips are contrasting black, with two tear stains on the corners of the eyes, and the dark lips form a formulaic smile.

He was facing Lin Nian, with his hands in the air, as if touching a non-existent wall, slowly moving left and right, until he felt clearly that the non-existent wall blocked the entire passage, and then he stepped back half angrily. He hit the wall of air during his run-up, and then fell to the ground comically.

Lin Nian stood there and watched the clown's immaterial performance. He did not leave because the other party blocked his path.

The clown got up, touched the back of his head, turned around, and was about to turn around and leave. After taking a few steps, his forehead suddenly hit a non-existent wall of air and fell to the ground. He stood up in disbelief, patted the air wall with both hands, and found that he was locked in a secret room. He tried to jump on the air wall with his hands, and pushed with all his strength, but it was of no use.

The clown stood there with some frustration, but suddenly he seemed to be hit by something on the back. He staggered forward two steps, with a look of horror on his face. He suddenly looked back behind him and put his hands over it. The invisible wall The wall was actually pressing against him, compressing his living space bit by bit.

The clown looked around eagerly, took a few steps forward, that is, toward Lin Nian, and then hit another wall. But suddenly his right hand seemed to hit something, and he grasped a similar bulge in the air. The handle, and then twisted it left and right - obviously, it was a door handle, and there was a door on this invisible wall.

The clown started to twist the doorknob crazily, and then knocked on the door. At the same time, a "dong dong" sound really sounded in the passage, but it was also the foley sound coming from the clown's mouth. His face was full of fear and despair, and he moved his left hand to With his back pressed against the wall that was constantly oppressing him, he turned the doorknob repeatedly with his right hand, as if he was about to cry.

Lin Nian watched the clown being squeezed into his living space bit by bit. He curled up hard, and the expression on his face became more and more painful. Until finally, Lin Nian reached out and touched the non-existent door handle that the clown was twisting. He made a movement to open the door.

Naturally, Lin Nian didn't touch the doorknob. This was a non-physical performance. But after he did this action, the clown fell forward and escaped from the confined space. He fell on the Lin Nian's side.

Lin Nian turned sideways and watched this clown, who was a first-class performer, panting heavily on the ground for a while before standing up. He kept bowing and expressing his gratitude. All the gratitude was not conveyed through words, and some of it was just quite vivid and exaggerated. facial expression.

Lin Nian didn't say anything more to him. He just regarded it as watching a wonderful non-physical performance. He stepped forward and was about to leave. When he reached the place where the clown was imprisoned, he couldn't help but pause for a moment. Then he stepped forward. .

Didn't hit any wall that didn't exist.

Just when Lin Nian was about to leave, the clown behind him suddenly ran up quickly and walked around in front of Lin Nian. He held his legs with one hand and panted, and at the same time stretched out his right hand to signal Lin Nian not to leave.

"Don't block the way. If you want to perform, find someone else." Lin Nian said.

The clown raised a finger and looked up at Lin Nian with a face full of expectations. This probably meant that he was going to perform another show.

Lin Nian stared at him without saying a word, and he assumed that this was his agreement. A proud smile suddenly broke out on his face. He jumped a little and stood upright, with his hands on his hips. Then he reached behind his back with his right hand and pulled it out at once. Quasi Lin year.

Lin Nian didn't make any move, he just looked at his index finger and thumb as if they were guns.

The clown twitched his eyebrows, blew on his index finger, then spread his legs. He held the "pistol" in his left hand and pointed it at Lin Nian's forehead. He puffed up his cheeks and moved the other three curled fingers lightly. !


The deafening sound of gunshots echoed in the corridor, as if tearing apart this confined space.

Lin Nian's head fell back. The clown's face was full of surprise, but the surprise soon turned into fear.

Lin Nian, who had fallen backward, raised his head back, holding a .50AE large-caliber pistol bullet in his mouth. Generally, the main use of this bullet is to shoot metal targets and hunt medium or large animals. Now this bullet The bullet's warhead had been dented by Lin Nian's teeth. It was obvious that it had not fulfilled its original intention when it was made.

The clown turned around and wanted to run away, but when he turned around, he found that his eyes were stuck on the spot. His body ran back two steps and then fell to the ground and twitched. His head stayed in mid-air, and his hair was caught by the forest in front of him. Year mention live.

The blood dripped from the severed head and fell to the ground, making the shape of a semi-automatic pistol. It was obvious that the pistol had been made invisible through special means. When the clown was drawing the shape of a gun with his fingers, he really was holding an invisible pistol in his hand. The large-caliber semi-automatic pistol aimed squarely at Lin Nian's forehead and pulled the trigger.

The clown's expression was distorted in pain, but what's interesting is that until he died, he didn't make a sound, which was quite professional.

Lin Nian looked indifferently at the painful clown in his hand who had always closed his eyes. He turned around and saw the familiar black barcode on the back of his neck. Not surprisingly, this guy should have been placed in the maze by the master of the Nibelungen. "NPCs", such "NPCs" are still abundant in mazes and other levels, and the way they attack is really hard to guard against.

The moment the opponent fired the gun, the bright flame at the muzzle was invisible. It should be some kind of spirit, but the opponent seemed unable to keep the things leaving his body invisible, so after the bullet came out of the chamber, Lin Nian saw the bullet flying towards him with his own eyes. "Time Zero" was turned on for less than 0.1 seconds, and he easily caught the dangerous bullet with his teeth.

Don't ask why you have to catch it with your teeth instead of avoiding it or grabbing it with your hands.

Lin Nian threw the head onto the twitching headless body on the ground, stepped over the pool of thick blood that was spreading, and continued to move forward.

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