(Free chapter, 2K, 2K words from readers who subscribed to the wrong chapter in the previous chapter)

"How else could I come here? I just walked here." Su Xiaoqiang glanced at Lu Mingfei inexplicably.

"No, I know you came here. I mean, didn't you encounter any danger? How did you solve it? I was almost killed in front, especially the maze, which was like a monster's lair. You'll get lucky after taking two or three steps. I held the knife and chopped it all the way out. No matter who I met, I yelled to get out of the way, otherwise I would chop you to death. When I ran out, I almost starved to death. I felt like I walked out. Everyone has lost more than ten pounds." Lu Mingfei looked at Su Xiaoqiang curiously. He was able to get out of the maze because he opened the map and took some lost people with him when he came out.

"I was a little lighter when I came out, but not as serious as you. I wandered around for two times and somehow found my way."

Well, I found the way after wandering around for two times. Lu Mingfei was thinking, and he added, "How did you deal with the man guarding the door?"

He was reluctant to say Shao Nanyin's name. When he forced his way through the maze gate guarded by Shao Nanyin, he used a very heavy hand, but in the end he held back his strength.

Normally speaking, if Lu Mingfei and Shao Nanyin had another match with him after he had become proficient in the use of the second burst of blood, he could only say that he would beat Shao Nanyin! A must second!

But when he came out of the maze, he was really hungry. The few large pieces of sheep and scorpions he just ate had been almost digested, and his feet were weak when he walked. He might have to kneel down when he bumped into Shao Nanyin in his heyday - but Fortunately, Shao Nanyin was on a leash, so Lu Mingfei started running and fighting quite shamelessly. I jumped in, I jumped out, and I jumped in again.

It feels like Tom Cat is teasing a chained big dog.

But even if Shao Nanyin is tied up, it should not be something that just an idle person can pass. Pure-blood dragons still have the gold content. If they don’t eat or drink, they will be beaten all the time. As long as they are not beaten to death, they can last for more than ten years and decades on their own. The elements of earth, fire, wind, and water can all survive the transformation. Although they will inevitably weaken to the extreme, for ordinary hybrids, if they want to touch the dragon's butt, it is basically equivalent to a ration delivered to their door.

Lu Mingfei looked at Su Xiaoqiang as if he was a very high-end food, with fine skin, tender meat and good-looking food. All the evil dragons liked this. In Shao Nanyin's situation, she wouldn't care whether she was an old acquaintance or something, and it was even more impossible to let Su Xiaoqiang go there to save face. So how did she get here?

"The person guarding the door? What person guarding the door?" Su Xiaoqiang asked with a frown.

"That's the goalkeeper who walked all the way to the exit of the maze." Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment.

"No, after taking the elevator down from the maze, it's the transfer platform of Line 4. I didn't see any gatekeeper." Su Xiaoqiang was also stunned for a moment.

"Elevator?" Lu Mingfei stretched his head forward and looked at Su Xiaoqiang with a ghostly expression on his face, "You went through the same maze as me, right? The maze on Line 3? The one that's ridiculously big on the road. The labyrinth where the alien Deadpool and the dangerous hybrid escaped from Chernobyl? That place where every path looks no different from a transit passage, but you’re still very hungry in there.”

"I didn't meet Deadpool or the prisoner. I came from Line 2 and walked all the way in. When I got to the end, I saw an elevator. I tried to call the elevator up, but it actually came up. I checked and found that there was nothing wrong. Then I took the elevator all the way down and opened the door to the platform, but when I got out of the elevator I did find that I had lost a few pounds and was very hungry." Su Xiaoqiang recalled.

"Then what happened to you on Line 2?" Lu Mingfei still remembered the three dark passages he encountered on Line 2, and those snake-shaped deadliest guards almost killed him.

"I don't know about this. When I entered the Nibelungen, it was Line 3. I first chased people into the Nibelungen, and then I realized that something was wrong with the environment. When I was returning the same way, I walked into the maze. ”

"What about Line 4? You should have participated in that quiz show, right?" Lu Mingfei felt like he was holding his breath, and his neck felt a little cold.

"That one did participate. The questions were quite simple. General knowledge questions, which should not be difficult for those who have passed the college entrance examination (Lu Mingfei was wondering if he should take Pleasant Goat in the college entrance examination?). I left after answering the fifth question and gave up. Those rewards.”

Lu Mingfei said to himself that this Nibelungen is owned by your family, right? You can't be so blatant when you go through the back door. I was stabbed in the neck when I came in, and my weak mind was tortured, and my amazing wisdom was tested before I could barely pass. You just took the elevator and answered a few common sense questions and passed. Be careful. I'm complaining to you!

However, Lu Mingfei didn’t know where the Nibelungen complaint hotline was. Even if there was a complaint hotline, would the King of Earth and Mountain personally accept the complaint?

"By the way, why are there seven deadly sins in the reward? Isn't that thing in Lin Nian's hand?" Su Xiaoqiang's eyes fell on the lust in Lu Mingfei's hand again, "And why do you also have one? You put those six questions Have you finished answering the question? What’s the reward for the last question? I’m not greedy for more, I’ll leave as soon as I can.”

"Uh, I don't know. I only answered five questions." Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and avoided the topic with a guilty conscience, "It should be that Lin Nian lost the seven deadly sins. He is always careless. "What kind of weapon can't survive three episodes in his hands? I picked up this seven deadly sins in the maze."

"You said Lin Nian is also in the Nibelungs? Do you know where he is now?" Su Xiaoqiang's eyes lit up slightly.

"I don't know, I don't know. He should have entered the Nibelungen after me. He seemed to have to deal with something and was delayed." Lu Mingfei quickly lied.

"Then if he entered the Nibelungen behind you, how could the Seven Deadly Sins appear in your hands first?" Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Mingfei suspiciously, "You didn't steal the Seven Deadly Sins and then lost them all, right? "

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth to say something, but his expression suddenly changed. He stood up suddenly and looked in the direction of the train, his golden eyes flashing darkly.

"What's wrong?" Su Xiaoqiang immediately stood up and retreated behind Lu Mingfei, waiting for him.

Lu Mingfei looked at the white advertising lights flashing in the tunnel outside the window. The sharp whistling and the rumbling vibration of the train could not be heard without saying anything. He just had a stern expression and frowned as if he had noticed something abnormal.

Su Xiaoqiang looked around for a few times but didn't notice anything unusual. After a moment of silence, he looked at Lu Mingfei and said, "You don't want to use this to fool me, do you?"

"I had this idea at first, but not anymore." Lu Mingfei sniffed and said, his expression not relaxing at all.

He smelled an astonishingly pungent smell of blood, and the pores all over his body were opened. The black sword and shield hairs under his skin were constantly squirming. If they were stimulated, they would break through the skin to form a protective layer of combat readiness. This was his instinct telling him Danger is approaching.

He looked out the window and had a vision of a blood-like sea current surging. The train was heading straight into the turbulent sea of ​​blood.

ps: The previous chapter was published by mistake. The editor was not at work and could not delete the paid chapter. This chapter is a free chapter with 2,000 words, which does not affect the subscription price.

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