"Win? We won?" Lu Mingfei finally breathed again and looked up at Mandy, who was meditating in front of the chessboard. For a time, the blood was in the heat engine mode, and the refined dragon's blood provided him with a steady stream like fuel. The motivation made him gradually recover from the initial collapse, and he could stand up without the help of Su Xiaoqiang.

The first thing he did was not to scold Mandy Gonzalez for cheating him, but to care about whether he won or not. Under Su Xiaoqiang's affirmative nod, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his original irritation disappeared.

If you win, you're a fucking buddy. If you sell me, that's not called selling, it's called tactics. But if you lose, don't blame my family tree for being more powerful. I will fall out if I say so.

"There is something, sisters!" Lu Mingfei shook the water on his body and walked to the chessboard and put his arm on Mandy's shoulders. He was overjoyed when he saw the black king knocked down by the opponent on the chessboard. Mandy had killed this nail-headed weirdo before. The blowing made him a little worried, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

Mandy, who had been deep in thought, felt the pressure on her shoulders before she came to her senses. She removed her soaked elbow without leaving any trace, "It's just a matter of winning the chess piece. It's a normal operation. It would be weird if you lose. After all, this is It’s just a chess board, and I can basically figure out all the moves.”

"It's okay, senior sister, according to your talent, you can kill even the more difficult Go games, right?" Lu Mingfei seemed to be in a good mood, and passed this level without any danger, without even scratching his skin. He selectively ignored Mandy's cheating points and called Mandy "senior sister" in a submissive manner.

"If I'm not good at Go, I can't win." Mandy rejected Lu Mingfei's compliment. Normally, she would have followed the words and boasted about herself, but after the game, she seemed to be in a bad mood. Not much of his iconic smile is left, "I will definitely lose in Go. The gap in computing power will be infinitely magnified in Go. We can win in chess because everyone can figure out the chess moves. The comparison is Whoever makes the mistake first, but I can’t calculate clearly in Go. Even if the opponent can’t calculate clearly, he can still calculate further than me. I am inherently disadvantaged, let alone make mistakes.”

"It's okay. Anyway, we are playing chess now. I still don't believe he can take out a Go board?" Lu Mingfei looked at this nail head fiercely. It was the opponent who just pushed him. Should he say no? Speaking of which, he still has some ghost-like movements. When he appears silently behind him, he can push him, wipe his throat or break his spine.

"The only game here is chess, nothing else. This has been proven a long time ago. So what are you going to do now?" Mandy crossed her arms and looked sideways at Su Xiaoqiang and Lu Mingfei, "Now we have one person Once you are qualified, you can go to the next line when the next train stops at the platform.”

"She can't act alone. I have to be with her to feel at ease." Lu Mingfei immediately rejected this option.

"Then you have to beat him." Mandy turned her head and looked at the nail-headed weirdo.

"Senior, look." Lu Mingfei pondered for a moment, and then his expression changed instantly. He rubbed his hands and looked at Mandy. The expression on his face was flattering, but the other was despicable and shameless. He was insulting Mandy's mother before being put into the water tank. , after being released, he became a senior.

Is it embarrassing? No shame! Lu Mingfei felt that it was right to fawn over his sister-in-law. They were all on their own. Who knew whether it was embarrassing or not when the door was closed?

"One question." Mandy raised a finger, "Who will be the sacrifice?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes moved twice on Mandy and Su Xiaoqiang.

"I can." Su Xiaoqiang raised his hand, but was immediately interrupted by Mandy, "Do you think you are still qualified to be a sacrifice?"

Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment. At first, she thought Mandy was saying that as Lin Nian's girlfriend, she was not qualified to be a sacrifice, because Lu Mingfei and Mandy present both cared about Lin Nian very much and would not let him. Su Xiaoqiang, her current girlfriend, took this risk, but she soon realized that Mandy didn't mean it that way, but that she was indeed not "qualified" to be a sacrifice.

"The only people who can be sacrificed are those who are prepared to challenge this chessboard. After you complete the level 7, you are no longer qualified to participate in this game. You cannot sit in front of the chessboard and play chess, nor can you be a sacrifice. This is the rule here. If you don’t believe me, you can try it." Mandy pointed to the water tank not far away and motioned for Su Xiaoqiang to go in.

Su Xiaoqiang was really not afraid. He walked over and picked up the shackles and put them on his hands, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fasten them. He looked back at Nail Head, who was sitting in front of the chessboard with his head lowered. He didn't move either. sign. Even the door of the water tank couldn't be closed when she stood inside. Just as Mandy said, the rules here refused her to be a sacrifice.

Lu Mingfei understood what Mandy meant. If Su Xiaoqiang could not become a sacrifice, then one of Mandy and Lu Mingfei would have to enter the water tank to play the chess game. Lu Mingfei would have to sit in front of the chessboard if he wanted to pass the game. But if Mandy entered the soundproof water tank, how could she observe the chess game and give Lu Mingfei advice?

"What should I do?" Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Mingfei, hesitated and said, "How about I do it first."

"Impossible." Lu Mingfei interrupted Su Xiaoqiang's suggestion and looked at the girl with a calm expression, "I can't let you go deep alone. I won't be able to explain to Lin Nian if something happens to you. "

"It's not necessarily that the injuries on Su Xiaoqiang's body were caused by meeting you and acting with you. If she were alone, there might be someone secretly willing to open the door for her? The main reason why she is injured now is because she was walking with you. Yes, some conveniences are not feasible, so we encountered so many dangers." Mandy stood beside the two people with her hands folded and gave a quite novel thinking angle.

"I don't care about this, it's just your speculation. As long as there is a one percent chance that she encounters an unsolvable danger, I can't let her go alone. If it were Lin Nian, he would let me do this. "Lu Mingfei maintained an absolute attitude on this matter, and the words "no need to talk" can be seen in his eyes and expression.

Although no one made him responsible for Su Xiaoqiang, and no one would blame him if something happened to Su Xiaoqiang, he felt that he was inherently responsible for this kind of thing.

"Then what should we do? Or try to see if you can beat him yourself?" Mandy tilted her head and looked at the nail-headed weirdo, "In addition to being very good at abandoning pieces to attack and kill, his chess playing level is at the level of a grand master. , most people may give up if they can’t make it through the middle of the game.”

Lu Mingfei lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then said softly, "Whether I can survive or not is not the biggest problem. The problem is the sacrifice."

Mandy paused, looked at Lu Mingfei, and found that the other party slowly raised his head to look at her, "I need a sacrifice."

Su Xiaoqiang suddenly turned to look at Lu Mingfei. Didn't this guy say he couldn't play chess but only Chinese chess? Why did you suddenly think about this? Without Mandy's help, wouldn't he be blind and unable to understand how the chess pieces move?

And regardless of Mandy's strategy or not, as long as Lu Mingfei wants to start this game of chess, no matter whether he wins or loses, he needs a sacrifice, and if Su Xiaoqiang cannot become a sacrifice, the only person who can get into the water tank is...

"." The familiar smile gradually appeared on Mandy's face again, and her golden eyes looked at the boy who was silent and did not take the initiative to make the excessive request.

Let Mandy Gonzalez be the sacrifice of your own chess game. Lu Mingfei couldn't say this. Even if he actually had a way to defeat this nail-headed weirdo, he wouldn't be able to say such unreasonable words.

He was willing to be a sacrifice because the person playing chess was Su Xiaoqiang, and he could take the risk in order for Su Xiaoqiang to pass the level. But it makes no sense to let Mandy take the risk for herself. People are so different from each other, and he and Mandy are really not close friends. To let the other party put his life in his own hands, for such a cunning and clever woman Is it really possible?

"Actually, I can be the sacrifice." Mandy said something unexpected. "If you want me to take this risk for you, you actually need to meet three criteria."

"The first criterion is that you have to make me believe that you have enough chess skills to pass the master, so that if I take the initiative to become a sacrifice, it will not be a stupid act to die in vain."

"The second criterion is that you have to convince me that you won't harm me. Having enough chess skills is one thing, but whether you will deliberately lose the chess and kill the sacrifice is the really important question. After all, you lose in chess. Those who die only have sacrifices, but those who play chess have nothing to lose.”

"The third rule is that there is no free lunch in the world. I lied to you to be a sacrifice, found out the master's background, and gave Su Xiaoqiang a quota to pass the test. This is an even deal. We don't owe each other, but this For once, you'll owe me a favor."

Lu Mingfei looked at the three raised fingers leaning on Mandy's hand, "It seems that these three principles are not my say. Except for the last one, I can agree to owe you a favor, but I Are the favors really valuable?”

"Don't worry about it." Mandy put down three fingers with a faint smile, "I assume you agree with the third criterion, so it's very simple to complete the first two criteria. If you play a game of chess with me, I'll probably figure it out. If you think you can do it according to your level, then you will naturally pass the first criterion.”

"The key is the second criterion, right? I'll take a step back and say that Lu Mingfei has the strength to beat that weirdo, and you don't seem to be the type to leave your life in the hands of others. You even lied to Lin Nian to save your life. "I don't know much about the inside story, but I still know a little bit about it. Would a person like you really be willing to put your life in the hands of others?" Su Xiaoqiang looked into Mandy's eyes seriously and asked.

"It is true that you only know me a little bit, but not much." Mandy glanced at the girl and smiled, "But you are right. For people in our industry, trust is simply poison. Whenever you trust someone and put him in your heart, it means you have drunk poison in your stomach, and death will only happen sooner or later."

"Then do you trust Lin Nian?" Su Xiaoqiang asked.

"Trust or distrust." Mandy gave a weird answer, "After all, he is not purely him, so I trust him and I don't trust him. This is a false proposition, so there is no accurate answer."

Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang paused for a moment, and they both understood Mandy's riddle. Their expressions were a little indescribable, and the looks they looked at Mandy were a little strange. Maybe they didn't expect this woman to know so many things!

"So?" Su Xiaoqiang decided to ask for an answer directly, "Let's not talk about the issue of chess skills. Do you believe that Lu Mingfei will not harm you?"

"Believe it or not." Mandy looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes and said calmly, "Your question is also a false proposition."

Su Xiaoqiang was stunned and turned to look at Lu Mingfei, but Lu Mingfei's expression was quite calm. It could even be said that he was expressionless. He looked at Mandy, as if he wanted to see some secret from this woman's golden eyes.

"Actually, this question should be asked by me." Mandy said, "Lu Mingfei, can I trust you?"

Su Xiaoqiang could feel that if Lu Mingfei nodded, then Mandy would agree to enter the water tank and become the sacrifice without hesitation, and Lu Mingfei should nod immediately now, but he was silent.

"Give me some time." Lu Mingfei suddenly turned and left, stepped out of the chandelier, and walked along the yellow line on the side of the tunnel to a place where they could not see, and the footsteps were getting farther and farther away.

"." Su Xiaoqiang stared at the direction where Lu Mingfei left, and had an incredible guess in his heart. Mandy just lowered her eyes and stood there silently waiting.

Not long after, the footsteps in the distance came back again. Lu Mingfei walked towards Mandy Gonzalez and stretched out his right hand, "You can trust me, I am responsible for what I said."

"Are you sure you can be responsible for this?" Mandy looked at the hand that Lu Mingfei stretched out.

Lu Mingfei nodded, his eyes firm, and gave a very affirmative answer.

"I hope so." Mandy patted his hand lightly, turned and walked to the depths of the platform, "Let's feel your foundation first and see if you are qualified to play this game of chess."

"Do you really know how to play chess? Why didn't you say it before?" Su Xiaoqiang followed Lu Mingfei and asked in a low voice.

"Just now was just now, now is now, have you forgotten what my words are?" Lu Mingfei stared at Mandy's back, and most importantly, at the position of her shoulders, and answered intently.

Su Xiaoqiang seemed to understand, but there was still some doubt, "Your words, aren't they imitating the words of mixed-bloods?"

"I never said that I can only imitate words." Lu Mingfei said slowly.

In his focused vision, at the bottom of the green data panel on Mandy's shoulder, the progress of the construction finally approached 100% and was completed.

At the same time, countless fragments that did not belong to him appeared in his mind. He quickly flipped through them, closed his eyes to recall and chew these things, just like he had done countless times before, experience them, accept them, and become them.

Mandy stood in the service desk, and the stone chessboard in front of her had returned to its position. "Play super fast chess, 40 seconds each, I play white, is it okay?"

"No problem." Lu Mingfei walked to the chessboard and opened his eyes. Light and fire had been ignited in his pupils, which meant that the word spirit "Lunar Eclipse" had been fully activated. All the skills and techniques that Mandy knew were attached to him in an indescribable way. The appearance of the pupils of the two golden pupils when they looked at each other, and the color of the irises were surprisingly similar.

Very good eyes. Mandy thought.

Those burning irises were like the burning lion's mane, which made people feel quite reliable.

"Keep count in your mind. Whoever runs out of time first loses." Mandy moved the chess pieces, and at the same time, Lu Mingfei also moved quickly.

The super-fast chess started. The two people had 40 seconds, a total of 80 seconds, less than one and a half minutes to decide the outcome of this game. This is the craziest and the lowest level of the contempt chain in chess. Although the most orthodox is slow chess, fast chess also has its unique highlights - the lightning-fast wit and the game pressure that is several times that of slow chess. All layouts and inferences are compressed dozens of times and completed in just a few seconds. The inspiration that burst out is as brilliant as fireworks.

The two people moved the chess pieces without thinking at all. They almost played chess purely by instinct. The speed was as fast as lightning. Both hands were used to constantly exchange pieces. Attack, defense, and attack and kill were completed in the rapid movement and sweeping of stones.

From the momentum, the posture of dropping pieces, and even the habit of taking pieces, it seemed to be copied. Su Xiaoqiang, who was standing next to him, had a hallucination of two Mandy Gonzalez playing against each other!

She barely saw the changes in the chessboard. At first, she tried to figure out the situation, but after more than fifteen seconds, she gave up and turned her back to wander for a minute before turning back when Mandy spoke.

"You lost." Mandy said lightly.

The chess piece in Lu Mingfei's hand had not yet fallen. Now the situation on the chessboard was also at a disadvantage for him. There was no doubt that he lost.

The 40-second chess time had been used up, and Mandy Gonzalez had less than 0.5 seconds left. This proved that even if Lu Mingfei copied Mandy's experience and skills, he spent more trivial time thinking and applying them when playing chess.

This was inevitable. Things copied, especially things based on skills and experience, were not as smooth as the original owner's.

"But it doesn't matter. You can still beat the master at this level. Just remember the routine of sacrificing a piece to attack and kill. He will eat it every time you use it. The panel you have built now should have the experience of the game I won against him. It shouldn't be difficult for you to replicate it again." Mandy clapped her hands and cleared the chess pieces on the table, which meant that she no longer needed these simulation tools.

"Remember one thing. I am willing to trust you because Lin Nian trusts you. You performed well at the hearing and lived up to his trust, so I also choose to trust you once. But you owe me a favor." Mandy flipped out of the service desk and glanced at Lu Mingfei as she walked past him. "It will be very difficult to repay my favor. Don't regret it when the time comes."

Lu Mingfei followed Mandy who walked out of the service desk. Mandy didn't say anything more. She walked all the way to the platform and walked into the open wet water tank. She picked up the shackles on the ground and hung them on her hands. Her golden eyes went out and she pulled the door of the water tank with her backhand. She looked up at the nail-headed weirdo in front of the chessboard and shouted, "I'll do it myself. You don't have to worry about it."

As she said that, she turned off the water tank and sat down bored, officially becoming the sacrifice for the next game of chess.

Lu Mingfei didn't waste time. He sat on the chessboard and looked at the nail-headed weirdo. After observing Lu Mingfei for a while, the other party let Lu Mingfei go first.

When he saw the other party's action, Lu Mingfei said silently in his heart.


ps: I won't go into details about Lu Mingfei's chess process in the next chapter. Mandy Gonzalez can win by following the formula after finding the loophole of the gatekeeper. After Lu Mingfei copied the chess power of Chess VI, winning is a sure thing.

And, level eight, the big one is coming.

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